Trigger warnings: Graphic depictions of torture and rape

A/N Please leave a review and give me your advice and thoughts. Constructive criticism is also very welcome.

He was still tied to his chair. Frayed ropes wrapped tightly around his mid section and ankles, the material bit roughly into his skin and he could barely move without his nerves screaming in pain. He remained as still as possible and his head lolled against his chest in exhaustion. His neck hurt an awful lot too where a thick, leather collar had been fixed around his throat. Like his restraints it was also way too tight and dug uncomfortably into his flesh. It wasn't the pain that bothered him though, it was what the collar represented. He was nothing other than Eldon's pet and the collar reminded him constantly of that.

Fairytail weren't going to save him, he was sure of that now. At first he had refused to believe Eldon's lies but he knew now that they were nothing other than the truth. He was stupid and useless and he deserved to be where he was. The only thing that made him strong was his magic, and without that he was absolutely nothing, he didn't deserve to be a dragon slayer in the first place anyway. Igneel should have taken in someone better, someone with brains and true strength. He still had yet to see his scarf but that didn't really matter to him anymore, he didn't deserve his father's gift and comfort. He wished he could just die but he didn't deserve that escape either.

Natsu never imagined he'd be faced with such torture. He never ever would've thought he could have been in the situation he was in. Old Natsu had held so much confidence, happiness and energy, now he felt like a shell of his former self. He didn't think he would ever be able to smile again. All positive emotions had been cut out of him. He was nothing other than a powerless, pathetic sack of meat. He was a disappointment to Igneel and his guild. He was so ashamed for being captured and not able to escape but he couldn't be bothered trying anymore. He may as well succumb to his fate and accept he would die at Eldon's hands when he eventually got sick of toying with him. Natsu knew atleast a month had passed, maybe two by now, it wouldn't be long until Eldon got bored.

Natsu's body involuntarily twitched and he clenched his teeth together as the ropes irrated the skinless patch on his shoulder. The wound had mostly scabbed over but was leaking pus and fluids. It hadn't been his first infection, if Eldon decided he was behaving well enough it would be treated. His stomach ached with the familiar feeling of starvation. He had only been fed once since his guild mark was removed, but apple skins were definitely not enough to satisfy his hunger for long. He hoped he would just die of starvation, it couldn't be much longer until he did could it?

Happy was surely missing him, he was probably the only one but he would probably go live with Lisanna and forget all about him. It hurt to think that but he just hoped the little exceed was being cared for.

He suddenly felt a familiar pressure in his bladder and he let out a small sigh. A bucket had been placed underneath him for when he needed to relieve himself. It hadn't been emptied in ages and it absolutely reeked. Atleast he hadn't been fed enough to produce much waste. Too tired to feel shame he just let it go. The urine burned due to his dehydration but pain was something he'd gotten used to. He'd been beaten, cut, insulted, raped, starved, stabbed, choked, slapped, humiliated.. the list went on and on but atleast he hadn't been sent crazy, he would hold onto his sanity for as long as he could. He would not be broken. He absolutely could not break.

Natsu hoped he'd atleast be let out of his cell before he died. He hadn't seen outside those dirty, bloody four walls the whole entire time. Katherine's smell still lingered, her corpse had been taken out a little while after she was brought in. Natsu shivered at the memory. Eldon had fun with her body before she was removed also. He'd severed more limbs and done even more revolting acts. When he could sleep, which was very rarely, her eyeless face haunted his nightmares. Natsu had killed an innocent girl and Eldon never failed to remind him of that.

The creaking sound of the door opening shook him from his thoughts, but he didn't look up. He didn't feel any fear or anxiety just curiousity to what was in store for him next. Eldon's scent assaulted his nostrils, it was a mixture of blood, sweat and lemons. Eldon's hand ran through his dirty hair, a motion he had become accustomed to but certainly didn't enjoy. He tried to imagine someone else petting his hair, he used to love that sort of physical contact, but Gray immediately popped into his mind. He imagined the ice mage comforting him but he didn't know why, he also didn't bother to fight his thoughts. Although sometimes thinking of Gray was painful, he still didn't know whether he had survived Chop or not. He really didn't like when Chop paid him an occasional visit, he was absolutely brutal and Eldon had to stop the little little maniac from killing him many times. Gray was much stronger than him though and he surely had managed to survive.

"How are you going, my dear?" Eldon cooed. Natsu didn't respond. Speaking hurt and he didn't see a point. Eldon seemingly had gotten use to his silence anyway. "I'm glad to hear you're going well," he hadn't even said anything? Whatever. "I just have to give you some more sedatives then we can get started with todays activities!"

Natsu didn't move a muscle as a needle was plunged into his neck, just above the collar. "There we go sweetie. You're such a good boy," Eldon's voice was soft and kind, Natsu didn't like it when he was angry because that meant he was going to suffer even worse. Hopefully it wouldn't be that bad this time round.

Eldon began to untie the ropes that bound his body and Natsu's heart thumped fiercely in his chest, that could not be a good sign. When he was finally free he slumped over himself, too weak to keep himself up without support. Eldon mercilessly gripped his hair and pulled him up.

"Are you hungry?" Eldon asked as he tried to get Natsu to make eye contact. He hated looking into Eldon's eyes, the dark orbs filled him with a sense of dread and anxiety. "I asked you a question!" He snapped.

"Yes Master," Natsu rasped. He didn't really feel like eating but whenever he said no he was punished even worse.

"Okay I shall feed you, open up nice and wide!" Eldon smiled. Natsu did as he said and opened his mouth as wide as he could. He was suddenly dragged to the floor and on to his knees. That's when he realised he wasn't actually getting food but something terrible. Eldon unzipped his pants and shoved his hard member into his mouth. He shivered and obediantly sucked it how he knew Eldon liked. The first time Eldon had forced him to give him a blow job he almost bit off his dick but was beaten into unconsciousness as punishment. "Good pet," Eldon moaned and stroked his hair lovingly.

Natsu escaped to his happy place as usual. He was back at the guild fighting with Gray, laughing and gobbling down a massive meal, he was curled up with Happy in his hammock at his cottage. Such good memories. He wished he could go back and live them again but that was impossible. He belonged to Eldon and Fairytail despised him. He had been a nuisance. He always caused trouble by wrecking things and making stupid decisions.

Gross, salty liquid filled his mouth and Eldon groaned from his release. Despite how disgusting it was Natsu swallowed knowing he'd be hurt if he didn't. A sharp slap was delivered across his cheek. Had he done something wrong?!

"You did a good job but I have some more plans for you," Eldon stated. He pulled out what looked to be a dog chain from his jacket and attached it to Natsu's collar. "Come along pet," he chimed, obviously pleased with Natsu's current state. He really was nothing but an animal now.

He half-crawled and was half-dragged out of his cell. He felt a combination of fear and relief to be out of that room finally, but where was Eldon taking him? To be slaughtered?

He was taken through a long corridor, barely lit by flickering yellow lights. There were many other iron doors lining the walls, and all were numbered. His was number 11. Natsu wondered fearfully how many others were locked up like him.

Once the corridor ended they took a sharp turn into yet another corridor, but this one was cleaner and more brightly lit. There were the same iron doors but there weren't as many and they lacked numbers.

They entered one of the doors. Natsu squinted and hissed as his eyes were met with a bright light. The room before him was completely white and the lighting was harsh. The walls were decorated with many instruments and vials full of different coloured liquids. In the centre of the room was a silver medical table adorned with thick, brown straps. He whimpered and curled into a ball in the rooms entrance. He didn't like where this was going.

Eldon's arms were soon around him and he easily hoisted up his malnourished body into his arms bridal style. "It's okay my sweet pet," he murmured. Natsu didn't fight as he was layed gingerly on the table. The metal greeted his skin coldly. Eldon was gentle as he unclasped the lead and began to put the straps in place around his waist, ankles, wrists and head. Atleast it was slightly more comfortable than being tied to a chair with worn ropes.

Someone new entered the room, "when would you like to get started?" The man asked. It was hard for Natsu to get a good look at them with his head strapped in place but all he could see was a tall, thin frame draped in a black robe.

"Tomorrow, Thedric. I want to get him settled before we begin the breeding process," said Eldon. Natsu just listened in confusion, what were they talking about?

"Very well Master. Do you require my assistance?" Thedric asked.

"Not just yet, you may leave," Eldon replied. Natsu watched as the man, Thedric, turned his back to leave. On the back of his robes was a large silver skull with the lower jaw missing, was that their guild mark?

He was distracted as Eldon placed a hand on his hollow stomach and began to carass him tenderly. He hated those touches.

"You're probably wondering what's going on. Firstly, we'd like to do a couple experiments on you. Secondly, we don't won't to waste the this opportunity of having a dragon slayer in our grasps, even if you are a useless one," he began to explain. "So I've left the task of finding an appropriate suitor to bare your children in attempts to breed more dragon slayers as that would definitely be beneficial to our guild," Natsu's eyes widened. He didn't want to have a child. Immense fear, disgust and hopelessness overwhelmed him, just when he thought things couldn't get any worse and they would kill him soon. He would rather be dead.

"No, no, please, no," he mewled and his body began to tremble. He forced himself to look into Eldon's eyes, his own threatened to spill with tears as he attempted to silently beg the man not to do that to him. Eldon's face softened but he could see the sadistic glee twinkling in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, kitten," he sighed but smirked afterwards. Natsu closed his eyes tight, he couldn't stand to look at him any longer.

"I'm going to let you rest. I will see you tomorrow," Eldon kissed his cheek and Natsu let out a sob.

He heard the door close and he was alone yet again. They were going to force him to knock up some girl so they could raise a dragon slayer as a weapon for their guild. He had to do something. He fought at the restraints and screamed and shouted as loudly as he could.

"Someone! Help me please!" He cried, but it was futile and he knew it. Once he was worn out from pathetically trying to break the straps he went limp and let himself cry and cry and cry. "Gray," he whimpered before the claws of sleep dragged him into unconsciousness.