(Normal speak)



Chris appeared in front of the camera "Season 3 of Total Drama is here folks, the world is gonna be mine from sea to shining sea! Sadly, I'm forced to share my world with a 3 ring teen freak show. They'll be competing all around the world for another one million dollars. So let's meet our contestants." he gestured to where they stepped out of the bus "First we've got Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Gwen and Leshawna."

Gwen ended up accidentally bumping into the back of Heather, well it was accidental on her end anyway "Are there reserved seats? As in can I have one that isn't behind Heather's pony hair ponytail?"

Heather scowled "Hey I'll have you know that my hair is human hair."

"Looks like you learn something new every day." Duncan commented dryly, earning him a fist bump from Gwen.

Chris went on with introducing the next contestants "Next we've got Lindsay, Owen, DJ and Harold!" nobody stepped out and he only received panicked grunts "Guys?"

Owen finally came off of the bus, being carried by DJ "Sweet strawberry reserves no!"

"He's afraid of flying remember?" DJ pointed out.

This was when Harold stepped out to give another boring monologue "Aerophobia, from the latin as opposed to aeronausiphobia, the fear of air sickness."

Then Noah came out, followed by Cody and Trent "Keep up the fascinating facts and I'm going to be aeronausious all over you."

"Also returning favorites, Noah, Cody, Trent and-"

"Yo yo yo!" this was when Ezekiel stepped out "This year's winner is in the house- I mean bus- I mean runway. Where's the plane eh?"

"I know right? Let's fly!" Izzy burst out and landed on his shoulders, sending them both crashing to the ground.

Chris tried to retain his composure "Yep, Izzy's back and also returning this season is Tyler and former co host of Total Drama Aftermath, Bridgette." this was followed by both of them tripping over Ezekiel and Izzy.

"Yo Chris you forgot to introduce me eh." Ezekiel pointed out.

"Oh for- and Ezekiel. And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding 3 all new contenders. Firstly, he's a semi jock who did all sorts of disgusting things to prove that he belongs on the show even though we didn't ask him to do any of them. Let's give it up for Adam." nothing happened so he poked his head inside "Uh…"

"Chris there's only 2 others in there." Bridgette pointed out.

"Then where's-" he was cut off when music started playing.

Suddenly, a hang glider appeared from beyond the horizon as a figure dropped down from it and skidded to a stop on the ground amongst the other contestants, revealing himself to be around the same height as Trent, wearing a pair of glasses, and clad in a navy blue t shirt with black pants, and he shot them all a smirk "Hey, how's it going?"

"Adam?" to the surprise of everyone, it was Cody who caught him in a hug "No way, it's been ages! What are you doing here?"

"What do you think? I'm making sure you go all the way to the top, I said you were gonna come home with the million and that's what I'm here to make sure of."

"You guys know each other?" asked Bridgette from where she was still on the ground.

"You could say that, I mean we are cousins so- Oh, allow me." he gently helped her to her feet.

"Uh, thanks…" her cheeks turned pink.

"Relax, I know you have a boyfriend."

"Oh, well… Actually no I don't."

"...Huh, well sorry either way."

"Enough with the mushy stuff." Chris finally cut in "Now then, Shoot to Thrill by AC DC?"


"Nice. Anyway, he's an honorable student with a diplomat for a dad and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species. Alejandro."

Thus, Alejandro stepped off of the bus and took off his shades "Perhaps I could be of some assistance." he helped Izzy, Tyler and Ezekiel to their feet.

"I like girls!" Tyler blurted out, earning a few odd looks.

"ANYWAY." Chris stressed the word "She is a super addicted super fan with 16 Total Drama blogs and could possibly have rabies, Sierra."

With a crazy shriek, Sierra burst out from the bus "Oh my gosh I love you guys and this is the greatest day of my life! Anybody got a paper bag I can breathe into?" then she saw Cody and all hell broke loose even further "Oh my gosh Cody, I've dreamt of this moment only you weren't wearing a shirt."

"Back it up senorita rabies." Adam stepped in between them and looked to see a crappy looking jumbo jet pull up "And I'm guessing that death trap is supposed to be our ride?"

"Relax, it's perfectly safe." Chris waved him off, only for a piece of it to fall off "Now boarding."

"No no way, I can't ride in that!" Owen started freaking out "Call the United Nations! Call a cab! Call my mom! No I'm not doing this, I'm out! This is unethical!"

Chris then proceeded to knock him out with a frying pan to the head "Anybody else got a problem with it?"

"None whatsoever." Adam shot Chris a smirk "Personally I find it exciting."

"The prospect of getting 1 million big ones?"

"Nope, the prospect of seeing your face when everything you throw at me fails to even faze me."

"Well we'll see about that." he turned to the other contestants "Now boarding on a voyage to one million big ones! We're saving you a first class seat for all the action right here on Total! Drama! World Tour!"

Duncan was not amused "Seriously?"

"All aboard!" he led them inside.


Once they were all inside, Gwen was the first one to complain "Singing, like for real? I thought that Chris was joking about that."

"Well I don't have a problem with it." Courtney admitted.

"Yeah because you like singing." Duncan pointed out "I on the other hand don't, girls sing and little birdies sing but Duncan's do not sing."

"You think I'll get to beatbox?" asked Harold.

"I'll beat you into a box if you try."

"Why the hell are you doing this to us?" Heather demanded.

"Probably because singing reality shows are huge." Adam pointed out.

Chris nodded "Firstly, never answer for me again. Secondly, he's right and the worse the singing is the higher the ratings are which is why there will be no vocal coaches or rehearsals or warnings on this show." he received various complaints from everyone present "Anywho this is the dining area where you'll enjoy inflight meals."

Ezekiel smirked "Not for long eh, prepare to lose to the Zeke man!"

"...Yeah I'm trying not to come off as an ass, but you were the first one to get voted off last time for being a sexist dick?" Adam pointed out.

"Word, and I've been spending every minute since then making sure that don't happen again. I'm stronger and faster and smarter-"

"Chatter and blab-ier and can't shut up-ier." Chris cut him off "Now zip it and let me finish the tour so we can get this bird in flight!"

"Is there a lady's room?" asked Leshawna.

"Just through there."

"Good, because I've gotta make a deposit."

"And let him get it on tape." Adam pointed out dryly "Chances are he stuck a camera in there already."


And yet despite this, Leshawna went into the bathroom and found the camera "There really is a camera in the potty? Again?! Can't a sister get a little privacy on this program?"

"No!" Adam's voice rang from outside the door.


Chris continued explaining everything to the contestants "Losing teams will enjoy luxurious economy class accommodations between each destination."

"Okay, but where are our beds?" asked Lindsay.

"Owen, care to demonstrate?" he pointed to where Owen was sleeping on a bench attached to the wall.

"That does not look comfortable." Trent pointed out.

"No comfort for losers, safety harnesses and an emergency exit sure but there's no comfort here or here or here."

Sierra let out an awkward laugh "OMG Chris, I am so LOL!"

"...Uh huh." Leo pulled Cody to the side "I've got a crap load of tranquilizer darts in my backpack, just say the world and we won't here from her for like a week."

Cody looked back and forth between him and the pack for a moment "Let's call that one a last resort."


Next, Chris showed them the first class quarters "This is the first class cabin, the domain of the winners of each week."

Alejandro smirked and took Lindsay's hand in his "Now this is the kind of accommodations that a lady deserves."

"They get ladies in first class two?" then Lindsay felt the dots connect "Oh you were talking about me."

"Wow." DJ muttered "That guy is as smooth as mama's gravy."

Adam sighed and pushed up his glasses "Yeah but she's supposed to like Tyler, they're one of the ultimate Total Drama power couples!"

"Maybe but nobody can compete with gravy."

"True that." they fist bumped "He's right about one thing though, this kind of stuff is what a lady truly deserves." he looked at Bridgette as they locked eyes and he shot her a small smile.

DJ looked on with a small smirk "So what's your story, you know Cody from somewhere?"

"Kind of yeah, he and I are cousins but we grew up together like brothers. My parents were killed in a fire that burned down my home when I was 8, after that I moved in with Cody and his parents and we've been looking out for each other ever since."

"Wow… You've had it pretty rough."

"Not really, I mean it was a long time ago. Cody's great but I can't really say that much about his parents, I mean they even forgot his birthday last year. That's something you just don't do to your kid." he looked and saw Tyler fail to do a handspring as Alejandro continued to flirt with Lindsay "Oh god."

"Oh boy." he watched Heather get up and walk out of first class "Oh god."


Heather made her way up to the confessional in the cockpit to vent about Alejandro "I can see right through that guy. You know, this extra confessional is a thousand times nicer than talking in the toilet."

"Maybe for you." Chef grumbled "I'm trying to prep for a flight here."

"Hello? I'm venting. Anyway, that new guy is so transparent and so fake and so-"

"Deliciously seductive?"

"That is exactly the opposite of what I was trying to say."

"Pretty good looking guy to boot, I'm just saying."

"Oh for- Anyway I know that he's trying to play the handsome charmer card, but that other new guy Adam is hard to read."

"He tells it like it is no matter how much people don't wanna hear it, I can get behind that. He's not that bad looking either."

"Oh for- You know what, forget this!"


Adam chose to use the bathroom confessional "Okay, gotta think this through. Since Beth didn't qualify for this season, my best strategic option would be to use the friendly approach and get some strong allies. Lucky for me I've already got my eye on some, Cody and his rabid new guard dog aside I can probably recruit Bridgette, DJ and maybe Trent and Leshawna. As for Alejandro, we'll be and I actually go back a few years but I haven't seen him in about a year or so, and frankly I'm getting this really bad vibe from him so I'm gonna have to keep an eye on him for the time being. Anyway, Heather and Leshawna both tried to make alliances to reach the final 3 and failed because they were too long term. My best bet is to make an alliance to at least last until the merge. That's one of the good things about being binging on every single episode of Total Drama, you know who to stick with and who to avoid. Avoid Heather, Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, Alejandro and probably Duncan. Bridgette on the other hand… Wait, did I say that last part out loud?" cut to him reaching for the camera "Give me the tape, give me the f*cking tape! How do you open this- You know what, forget that." he pulled out a mallet "First rule of showbiz McLean, always come prepared." he swung it at the camera.


Chris finished with the tour of the Total Drama Jumbo Jet "And that's pretty much everything you need to know, I mean sure I skipped the cargo hold and the galley but I'm sure you'll all find those exciting destinations later when I accidentally lock you in them." this was followed by some powerful shaking.

Adam caught Bridgette as she fell out of her seat "I've got you, are you alright?"

"Yeah, thanks…" her cheeks turned pink "Is the Earth moving?"

"Nope, the plane is taking off. You gonna be alright? I'm here for you if you need."

"Enough with the mushy stuff." an annoyed Chris cut in "And one more thing, I'm sure you remember a little something called the elimination ceremony. It takes place right in there my not really friends." he led them into the elimination area "If you don't receive a barf bag full of airline issue peanuts then you will be forced to take the drop of shame. Kind of like this." he reached to push Adam out of the plane.

"Try it and the hand comes off, or do I need to tell everyone about your checkered past in show biz?"

Chris froze in his tracks "How do you know about that?"

"I know Sierra from her blog, and I also know about everything she knows about you."

"...Go sit down."


Hours passed as the plane journeyed towards their first destination.

"Wow." DJ muttered "Every second we're getting closer to adventure and further and further away from mama."

Sierra was revealing the creepy number of facts she knows about Cody to everyone "Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson, I also happen to know that your birthday is April 1st so you're my very own April Fool."

A ding could be heard, and Chris suddenly appeared in a suit and ugly hat "Whenever you hear that friendly little bell it's time for the every episode musical number, so let's hear it."

"So then what the hell are we supposed to sing?" asked Adam.

"You're gonna have to make it up as you go along, it wouldn't be challenging otherwise now would it?"

So with this in mind, several of the contestants, those being Courtney, Izzy, Sierra, Lindsay, Harold, Cody, DJ and Tyler did a chorus to start it off "Up, up, up, up! Sing, sing, sing sing! We're flying, we're singing, we're flying and we're singing!"

Sierra was pushing Cody through first class on a cart, much to his horror "Come fly with us, come fly with us!"

Izzy poked her head out from an overhead compartment "We've got a lot of crazy tunes to bust!"

Bridgette got on a sofa in first class "Come fly with us!"

Lindsay joined in and got up on a seat "Come fly with us!"

Adam popped up from behind the sofa and took Bridgette's hand, causing her to blush "It's a pleasure-"

Alejandro popped up from behind a seat and took Lindsay's hand, causing her to blush "-and an honor-"

"-and a must." they finished simultaneously and exchanged fierce yet confident glares between each other.

Duncan let out a groan "Dudes this is messed, you're singing in a plane."

Trent sighed "What did you expect? Chris is f*cking insane."

"Yeah but guys, you're singing on TV." Gwen pointed out.

"Haven't you always wanted to? It can't just be me!" Courtney danced her way through the room.

DJ and Leshawna were doing a duet of sorts in first class "Come fly with us! Come fly with us!"

Heather was freaking out over the turbulence "Do you know how to steer this thing?"

Chef shrugged "I try."

Noah had his face pressed against the glass "Come fly with us! Come die with us!"

Owen came to and started freaking out "We're flying?! I hate flying! Stop the plane!" he was knocked out again.

By this point, Ezekiel, DJ, Heather, Cody and Sierra were trying to convince Duncan and Gwen to start singing with them "Come fly with us! Come sing with us!"

Duncan and Gwen remained defiant "No!"

This was when Chris showed up again "Anyone care for a free copy of the season 3 rules? It says here that in order to escape instant elimination-"

Adam and Bridgette cut him off with a one line duet "All contestants must sing in each show!"

"Duncan do it, let's go!" Courtney urged him somewhat forcefully.

"Gwen sing it, don't go!" Cody pleaded.

"Well I don't want to go home." so Gwen complied, albeit somewhat reluctantly "Come fly with us! Come fly with us! Come and fly with us!"

"Come on Duncan, please." Courtney pleaded.

Duncan let out a sigh and went with it "This sucks!"

This was when Chef came in on the intercom "Enough singing fruitcakes! Strap yourselves in, we are now beginning our descent into Egypt. Musical numbers, worst idea ever. Chris is such an idiot- Hey why is the PA light still on? Oops." then it shut off.

Chris scowled and chose to cut to a commercial break "We'll be right back."


Hours passed.

Chris led all of the contestants outside, now dressed like a pharaoh "So are all of you guys ready for a little fun? Wow it's a scorcher out here isn't it? I call today's challenge Pyramid Over Under."

"You can't be serious." Leshawna grumbled "An 11 hour flight, Chef's in flight cuisine and a forced musical number and NOW we've got a challenge?"

"Don't you love this game?" Chris lined them all up at a starting line.


"It's like we're being cooked in a giant oven." Harold moaned, now wearing an aluminum foil hat.

"It might help if you weren't dressed like a giant baked potato."

"Aluminum foil means that the aliens won't be able to reach your brain, it's a real problem in this area."

Chris shut them up by smashing two cymbals together "Man that is so much more satisfying than you know. Alright, Pyramid Over Under means that you'll have to choose how you get to the finish line on the other side of the pyramid as in either going over or going under it. Got it?" he received various nods "Okay ready… set… GO!" he slammed them together and everyone took off running.

Adam pulled Ezekiel back from the others for a moment "I need you to do something really important for me."

"What's in it for me?" asked Ezekiel.

"I'll make sure that we're on the same team and that you at least get to the merge."

"...What do I have to do?"

"Follow Sierra and Cody and make sure that she doesn't try to rape him or anything."

"Oh come on, even she wouldn't do that."

Adam just stared.

"Alright you got a deal." and he rushed inside.

'Okay now that Cody's virginity is secured, time to plan out my own move.'


A large majority of the group had chosen to go under the pyramid and found a nasty surprise waiting for them.

"Oh well that's just great." Noah grumbled "Our friendly neighborhood host dude conveniently forgot to mention that there were different paths.

Seizing her chance, Heather looked back at Sierra "Hey Sierra, which way do you think we should go?"

"Me? Well…" Sierra thought for a moment.

"Might as well go through the middle door, it's probably gonna be the most direct way out of here." Cody went through the middle door, with a crazy eyed Sierra, as well as a supposedly hidden Ezekiel, right behind him.


Tyler observed the top of the pyramid "Is it too late to go under instead?"

"Well it looks like Alejandro is doing okay." Lindsay pointed out "He's like the super cutest mountain goat in the world."

"Hey I can be a goat!"

"Looks like Adam is doing alright too." Bridgette noted.

Sure enough, like Alejandro, Adam was climbing the pyramid with ease while carrying a pack on his back, but once he reached the halfway point he leapt back down in front of Bridgette and offered her his hand "I can help you get over if you want."

"Sure, thanks…" with pink cheeks, Bridgette accepted his hand and got onto his back "Hey what's in this thing? It feels kind of heavy."

"Oh that's one of the packs I brought with me, this one is for hotter climates like this. If you feel dehydrated or anything then just reach in there and grab some water." and he began leaping back up the pyramid with Bridgette on his back.

Almost immediately after that, Alejandro leapt down and offered his hand to Lindsay "May I be of assistance to you senorita?" she accepted and he carried her back up the mountain.

"Lindsay wait, I'm a goat!" Tyler was left alone bleating outside of the desert.


Courtney tied a rope between her and Duncan "Rock climbing was a team building challenge when I was a CIT, and if Tiffany Prysell Brusky hadn't been such a lousy partner then I would've won no problem."

"I always told you that Tiffany was overrated." Duncan pointed out dryly.

"You can mock it all you like Duncan but my superior bole skills are going to assure our victory."

"Sure they are." Duncan looked up and noticed that Gwen was struggling to climb up the pyramid "Hey Gwen, are you going over to?"

Gwen finally gave up about ⅓ of the way up "Well I'm working on it."

"I think Gwen could use a hand."

Courtney let out a groan of frustration "Fine, but only because a 3 person bole is stronger."


The other teams made their way through.

Izzy stopped as she made her way through with Owen, Trent and Noah when she noticed a pile of old bandages "Hey check it out, we're in the nurse's office."

"We're in a pyramid, not a high school." Noah pointed out "Though I guess this is better than high school, though not by much."

"Costume party, mummy me up boys!" she threw them the bandages.

The three of them shared a look and shrugged.


Adam carried Bridgette on his back and reached the top of the pyramid, accidentally dealing a sharp kick to Tyler's face "Oops."


Cody uncomfortably made his way through the pyramid with Sierra when he noticed her accidentally step on a pressure plate on the ground "What the-"

"Look out!" Ezekiel dove and pulled the two of them to the ground, saving them from being hit by an oncoming barrage of arrows.

"Uh, thanks man."

"No worries, us in it to win it guys have to stick together eh."


Poor Duncan, that's all that needs to be said to describe this scene but I will anyway.

Duncan was climbing his way up the pyramid, his thoughts drifting 'How did I get stuck in this situation?'

Courtney was chewing out Gwen for trivial reasons "And your form is appalling."

"Oh gee Courtney, thanks for that." Gwen grumbled dryly "I was just wondering what else I was doing wrong."

"You know you're only here because I happen to be feeling nice today."

"Oh wow, this is you when you're being nice? You have my sympathy!"

"Duncan are you hearing this?"


"I am hearing it but I wish I wasn't." Duncan grumbled "I mean seriously, I wouldn't wish that on… well not even my worst enemy."


As he, Harold and Leshawna raced through the pyramid, DJ stopped when he noticed a small mummified dog "That's a real dog, the poor little guy."

"DJ we don't have time to cry over a stuffed dog!" Leshawna pointed out, but she went ignored.

"Hey there little buddy, I wish I had a biscuit to give you." he petted it gently, but ended up breaking it instead, much to his horror "What did I do? What did I do?" this was followed by the pyramid shaking "What the-?"

"Scarabs! Run!" Harold took off running, with DJ and Leshawna following right behind him at full speed.


Owen looked around "Izzy? Izzy!"

"Dude forget it, she's lost." Noah pointed out "And so is Trent for that matter now come on, we have to get going."

"Oh man, poor Izzy and Trent?"

"Poor Izz and Trent? Izzy kept insisting that we go in circles because she smelled something lucky, and Trent took off when he started hyperventilating."

"Oh I think that might be my fault." he farted "Airplane food."


"Guys? Anybody here? Hello?" Trent looked around "Great Trent, of all the times for you to get lost. At this rate I would've taken suffocating and going death by Owen's ass." that was when he noticed something "What the heck, an intercom?" he pressed it and got covered in bandages, along with a cane.


Adam looked down the other side of the pyramid "Looks like it's too steep for me to carry you down safely."

"But there has to be some other way." Bridgette pointed out.

"And I think there is." Adam pulled a sign out of the top of the pyramid, hitting Tyler in the face by accident again "Champion snowboarder 3 years in a row back home."

"Nice." she climbed on his back "Hey are you gonna be able to carry your bag too?"

"Doubtful but don't worry, I've got a better plan."

"Which is?"

"Aim for Chris's head." he threw it down the pyramid as hard as he could, resulting in a banging noise and an "OW!" in the distance "Yes, I got him!"

"Don't you think that's a little bit harsh?"

"It's Chris Mclean."

"...Fair enough, let's move!" they started surfing down the side of the pyramid until they reached the bottom.

Chris got back up rubbing his head, but surprisingly he wasn't mad "Nice work you too."

"RUN!" this was when DJ and his group came bursting out "We're out? We're out!"

"And you're second, behind Bridgette and Adam. Which reminds me Adam, hit me again and I'll make your time on this plane a living hell."

"It already is, you're not wearing a shirt." Adam pointed out.

"And another thing, stop destroying the confession cam!"


"RUN!" Ezekiel, Cody and Sierra were running through the pyramid full speed from something terrifying.

It was actually just Izzy dressed up like a mummy following them "Hey guys wait up, how about another musical number? A pyramid is just a triangle with room inside, I would be awesome as Frankenstein's bride!"


Noah looked at a mummified figure in front of him and shot an unamused look back in Owen's direction "Hey brick house, I found your girl."

"Izz, say you do make a cute mummy." Owen wrapped his arms around the figure "So you got a kiss for old Owen?" he leaned in as he received various muffled cries.

That was when it dawned on Noah "That's not Izzy! RUN!"


Adam looked up from his book "Do you guys hear screaming?"

"HELP!" that was when a terrified Owen and Noah came running out of the temple.

This was when Alejandro came down the other side of the pyramid with Lindsay "Please senorita, after you." he let her go first and followed after her.

However, Chris stopped him before he could "Not so fast, this season we have 3 teams. Lindsay will be on team 3, Alejandro you're the first member of team 2."

"Who else will be on this team if I may ask?"

"Well on the upside of this you do get him." he pointed to where Tyler was face planting his way down the mountain."

"Uh… Tyler is it?"

"Yep, and you do get those guys too." he pointed to where a terrified Owen and Noah were running for their lives "Congratulations."

"That's… wonderful." (cue confessional with him cursing his lungs out in spanish that said otherwise).

This was when Sierra came out carrying Cody, with Ezekiel right behind him "I'm so happy we found you, Heather aren't you so happy?"

"I'm so happy I could scream." Ezekiel grumbled "Fangirls, am I right eh?" he crossed the finish line after her.

"We did it!" Sierra caught Cody in an unwilling hug "Group hug! Come on Ezekiel, you're in here too!"

"...Alright, who am I to pass up." he joined in.

"And the hug is over." Chris announced "Sierra get behind the number 2 with Alejandro and the trio de idiots, Cody and Ezekiel you guys are on team 1 with Adam and DJ."

Cody looked around "Hey where's Gwen? Not that I care I mean, I'm just curious."


As it turns out, Gwen was still on top of the pyramid, arguing with Courtney "I'm telling you, we need to untie ourselves!"

Courtney wasn't gonna back down "And I'm telling you that it's unsafe, I am in charge and-"

"Oh kids!" Chris called, followed by a familiar dinging sound "You recognize that sound? It's time for whoever isn't finished yet to give us a little musical reprise!"

"You said ONE song per episode!" Duncan let out an outright snarl.

"Yeah and this is a reprise not a new song so if you don't start singing then you're out of this thing, now let's hear some music!"

"You know what? No. No no no no no no!" Duncan stormed down the pyramid, dragging Gwen and Courtney right behind him, and stormed up to Chris "I just spent three hours listening to these two squawking like f*cking roosters on this stupid pyramid in this stupid heat and you want me to sing?! Forget it!"

"Dude you know you have a contract."

"You can shove it Mclean, if you need me then I'll be in the plane waiting for you to give me a ride home! I'm out of this thing, I'm done with it, I QUIT!" and he cut his rope and stormed off furiously, leaving a shocked Gwen and Courtney behind.

"I wouldn't worry about him if I were you." Adam helped Courtney and Gwen to their feet "He's legally bound by a contract, Mclean is probably gonna shove him out of the plane at 10,000 feet and then spend the next half of the season trying to track him down."

This was when Izzy came out carrying the mummified figure "Hey guys."

"IZZY NO!" a terrified Noah hid behind Owen "You're carrying the undead!"

"Cool, hey bite me and then I can be your undead friend like frankenstein!"

The figure leapt out of her arms, revealing a pissed off Trent underneath "Thanks for coming back for me guys!"

"Izzy you go join team 2, Trent you're on team 1." Chris told them "Unfortunately one team is gonna be down a member since we're down a man thanks to Duncan McQuittypants." he turned to the other teams "Alright then teams, I want you guys to talk amongst yourselves and determine a team name." he pulled out an ice cream cone "You guys have 3 minutes while I enjoy this delicious ice cream cone."

Team 3 reached their name pretty quickly "Team Victory!"

Adam supplied the name for team 1 while he posed for them, his back turned to them and his arms cross as a pair of shades covered his eyes "Team Mystery."

Team 2 was struggling to come up with a name, until Sierra came up with it "Got it, Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot!"

"What?!" was the general reply.

Chris was cool with it, no surprise there "Alright, best team name ever! Anyway here are all of your rewards. Team Victory you guys win a camel, Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Really Hot-"

"I think there were only 4 really's." Alejandro pointed out.

"-you guys win a goat." a goat that promptly rammed Tyler full force "And Team Mystery, here you go." he chucked Adam a stick.

Gwen was less than enthusiastic about this "So the guys who come in last get a camel and we get a stick?"

"All will be explained if I feel like it, next time right here on Total! Drama! World Tour!"


I was watching Total Drama World Tour and I decided to write this to address a serious issue, that being that Cody deserved to win a lot more than Heather or Alejandro did. Also, expect the elimination order to be different.

I figured I would pair my OC with Bridgette because I think she's underappreciated as a player and, while I think she and Geoff are the best Total Drama couple out of all of them, I wanted to give my character a pairing too and I couldn't see it working out with anyone else.

I added in Trent because I think he was under appreciated and I wanted to clear up any bad blood between him and Gwen or Duncan, and to show that he's over Gwen now.

I took out the Ezekiel going feral story arc because that was honestly disturbing and it was dragged out way longer than it should've been. I have a plan to make that work though.

Here's the teams in case you couldn't keep track:

Team Mystery: Adam, Cody, Gwen, Trent, DJ, Ezekiel and Bridgette

Team Victory: Leshawna, Heather, Lindsay, Harold, Sierra, Courtney

Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot: Alejandro, Tyler, Noah, Owen and Izzy.