A/N: Hi, everybody! i just finished binging Gravity Falls. It was the first time I saw any of season 2 it caused me too many emotions and now I have no idea what to do with my life, so here's a fic for you! Hope you like it! I have no idea how long I'll end up making this. But I have at least a chaper or two worth of ideas at the moment. enjoy!! ~Amanda

That unmistakable cackle rang in Dipper's ears before the world around him went grey. A moment later, he was faced with the demon known as Bill Cipher.

"Hiya, Pine Tree! Did you miss me?" Asked the irritating triangle with an equally irritating voice. His evil laughter filled the air once more as he snapped his fingers, causing Dipper to be lifted off the grey ground. Dipper hopelessly floated upward and upside down until he was eye level with his adversary.

"Bill!" Dipper exclaimed. He tried to sound angry, but on the inside, he was terrified! It had been a year since the summer of Weirdmageddon, and he thankfully hadn't seen or heard from Bill since. "What are you doing here?! We erased you from reality!"

Bill's mocking laughter erupted once more. "Sure ya did, kid. But in case you haven't noticed, we're in your dreams, dummy!" With another snap of the triangle demon's fingers, Dipper plummeted back to the earth and landed with a thud.

Dipper stood up and dusted himself off. "Why now?" He shouted up to Bill "This whole time I was in California, you never haunted my dreams!"

Bill floated down and circled around Dipper. "You really don't get it, do ya, Pine Tree?" He mocked.

"No! I really don't!" Dipper admitted angrily. "You made me think I was rid of you for good, But then the first day I'm back in Gravity Falls!" Dipper paused. His eyes widened. "The day I'm back in Gravity Falls..."

"Now you're gettin it. Even though I'm no longer a part of reality at the moment, I'm still bound to this stupid town somehow." Explained Bill, still circling Dipper. "Thank goodness you're back, though. It was getting pretty dull to only have your uncle Ford to pick on. And even then, the old six-fingered spoilsport wouldn't let me in his conscious mind, so I could only do it at night." Bill explained. "That is, when he let himself go to sleep." He added with a small chuckle. He stopped circling to look Dipper in the eye. And if he had a mouth, Dipper was sure that it would've been curled upward in an evil smirk as he added the next part, "Now with you and your sister back in town, I can have loads of fun!"

"You stay away from my sister!" Dipper yelled, charging at the yellow menace, but right before Dipper would've made contact, Bill vanished, leaving Dipper diving into the ground.

Bill was nowhere to be seen, but his laugh echoed through the landscape. "Try and stop me, kid! See ya soon, Pine Tree!" And with that, the grey world around him faded to black.

Dipper jumped awaked with a startled shout. He looked across the room to see his twin fast asleep with her back to him. Her beloved pig, Waddles was snuggled against her back. He was relieved to see she was okay. But then the thought crossed his mind: Bill could be in her dreams terrorizing her right now! A wave of panic hit him at the thought. "Mabel, wake up!" He yelled. His sister yawned and stretched. "What's the matter?" She asked, sleepily, as she rubbed her eyes and rolled over. But when her eyes opened, Dipper was horrified to see that they were yellow with cat-like slits for pupils. An evil grin formed on her mouth, "Have a bad dream?"

Dipper screamed in horror.

He jumped awake screaming again. This time, Mabel was by his bed side, concern on her face. Dipper was still in a panic. Still screaming, he started flailing his arms at Mabel. She grabbed him by the wrists, "Hey! Whoa, Dipper! Dipper, calm down! It's me, Mabel!" Dipper stopped screaming, and looked at her eyes. They were normal. He was breathing heavily from his panicking. Mabel let go of his wrists. "There. See? You're fine." She said, holding her hands up in front of her as if taming a wild animal.

Dipper took a deep breath of relief. It was all a dream. "Sorry, Mabel. I thought you were Bill." He explained.

Mabel's eyes widened. "Bill Cipher?" She asked, her expression mirroring the terror he felt moments ago.

He realized he shouldn't have scare his sister just before she had to go back to sleep, but then on the other hand, maybe it was a good idea to warn her. "Yeah. But hey, don't worry. It was just a stupid dream." He said, attempting to comfort his twin. But she hugged her knees to her chest and looked at the floor.

Before he could say anything else, their great uncle Ford burst in the door. "Kids! Is everything alright? I heard shouting."

"We're fine, Gruncle Ford. I just had a stupid dream, and accidentally woke up Mabel." Dipper told his uncle. He decided not to tell him the while truth about his dream just yet. He looked at his uncle's face; a face of pure exhaustion. 'And even then, the old six-fingered spoilsport wouldn't let me in his conscious mind, so I could only do it at night.' Bill's mocking words from before echoed in Dipper's mind. 'That is, when he let himself go to sleep.' That must've been why Ford heard the commotion while Stan didn't. He was already awake. Because sleeping made him vulnerable to Bill. Dipper hadn't noticed it before, but the poor guy looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

"You're sure you're alright?" Ford asked again, his expression showing his concern for his niece and nephew.

Dipper decided that he needn't add cause any more worry for his uncle. Not tonight, anyway. He nodded. "We're fine." He answered. They both looked expectantly to Mabel, who was playing with her hair and avoiding eye contact. Dipper felt horrible for scaring her, but he hoped she would help him in sparing their Uncle any more worry. To his relief, she nodded wordlessly.

"Okay," said Ford, seemingly satisfied with their response. "You kids try to get some sleep." He said, walking out the door.

"Hey, you too, Gruncle Ford." Dipper said sincerely.

Ford paused and gave his best effort at a quick half smile at his nephew. "Of course, Dipper. I'll try." He lied. He Then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Still apparently no longer in the mood to talk, Mabel silently pushed herself off the floor and back into bed. She put her back once more toward her brother, but didn't close her eyes. Dipper sighed and sank back into his pillows. He didn't close his eyes either, instead he stated at the ceiling. He'll talk to Ford tomorrow, he decided. Bill's laughter rang distantly in his head. He doubted that Mabel or Ford were going to sleep, and neither was he. It seemed Stan and was the only one in the house getting any sleep that night.