The Hall of Origins, a glorious mansion-like vicinity that housed the goddess of all Pokemon, Arceus. You would expect such a place to be a place of calmness and tranquility, but alas, you would be mistaken. The hall was originally smaller and thinner, as it was constructed for only the Alpha Pokemon herself. However, she grew bored of being alone. So, she decided to have the hall expanded into a large mansion in order to allow her creations to live alongside her.

She soon came to regret her decision, as her fellow mythical and legendary Pokemon proved to be a handful. With over thirty of them all under the same roof, things became very difficult to control. The only one that didn't seem to be that much of a bother was, surprisingly, Giratina, whom she had banished to the Distortion World due to his malevolent nature.

Being her only solace in the mansion of legendaries, she soon found herself falling for him, and vice versa. It seemed that being banished for all of those years actually changed him for the better. With her new paramour, she was able to get everyone together and set ground rules for the hall.

After a few centuries, due to the constant damage to the various regions caused by humans and their greed, Arceus decided to do away with the entire human race. Her fellow legendaries initially felt that it was unfair to the humans that were actually good-natured, but their care for the situation dissipated with time.

During this time, normal Pokemon of all shapes and sizes, including ones originally trained by humans, began to pick up the mannerisms of their former masters, as well as evolve mentally in order to talk and interact with each other. Time continued to past, and eventually, a majority of the Pokemon in the world were behaving very much like humans once did; getting jobs, building new buildings and vehicles that suit them, getting married, and going to different bars and restaurants.

Despite those Pokemon making the advancements, some Pokemon decided to stay feral, as they had become so accustomed to the life and they did not want to have to work so hard or complain as often as the more developed Pokemon did.

As these Pokemon became more and more like humans, it eventually became the way that almost every Pokemon was expected to behave besides the ones that decided to stay in the wild. With this, came the rise of more movies, television series, and video games very similar to ones made by humans prior, including the ones that everyone knows and loves, Total Pokemon.


Arceus and Giratina, being a couple, slept in the same room and in the same massive bed. The Renegade Pokemon was in his Origin Forme, as Arceus allowed him to be able to shift formes despite not being in the Reverse World, also known as the Distortion World. In his Origin Forme, he was coiled around the llama god, keeping her warm and comfy as she snuggled against him.


The couple's eyes opened almost immediately at the sound of the explosion. Giratina let out a groan, "Fuck, you've gotta be kidding me."

Arceus sighed, "They had better not be wrecking the living room again."

Giratina responded gruffly as he coiled around her a bit more, "I wish they'd learn to just fall asleep."

"I know, love. But, for some reason they still have a ton of energy," the Alpha Pokemon groaned, cuddling into Giratina's chest once again with a yawn. "Hopefully they don't completely trash the place. We can deal with it in the morning."

The couple began drifting off to dreamland once again, only to be awoken once again by their door bursting open. A small, star shaped pixie floated toward the couple's bed, covered in a white and brown fluid. It was Jirachi, the Wish Pokemon, and she did not look pleased in the slightest.

She bellowed, "Arceus! Giratina! Mew and Victini just blew up the freezer and now there's ice cream everywhere."

With a yawn, Giratina offered a solution that he would be common sense, "Okay. And how many of you guys are psychic-types?"

"Can't you at least punish them or get them to stop doing their stupid bullshit around here? I think Mew's rubbing off on Victini a bit too much," she opined.

Arceus took a breath before lifting her head momentarily, "It is 3:43 in the morning; we'll handle it sometime tomorrow. For now, just clean the mess up, and go about your business."

Jirachi groaned, "Fine…"

She floated back out of their room, leaving their bedroom door wide open. Giratina's eyes flashed red, slamming the door shut before he and Arceus dozed back off.


The next day, the couple was lying in bed, watching their television while also brainstorming ways to get the other legendaries to calm down and be less energetic. They hadn't even gone to assess the damage caused by the explosion they heard.

The channel they were watching broadcast a Survivor-esque show hosted by a Mothim. It was apparently the finale, with a Jynx and an Alomomola being the final two. As the Mothim announced their final challenge, an idea popped up in Giratina's head.

Turning off the television, he turned to Arceus with a small smirk, "I think I have an idea on what the others can do to occupy their time."

Arceus gazed back at the television, thinking that she knew what he was going to suggest. "Reality shows?"

Giratina nodded, "Yeah. We can give them each a show to do, which will keep them busy and allow us to regain what's left of our sanity."

Arceus hummed in uncertainty, "It sounds reasonable, however it'll be hard to convince any of them to go through with it. A majority of them are stubborn."

The Renegade Pokemon gave her a look, "Uh, honey, we're practically the bosses of them. So, if we tell them that they have to do it, they'll have to do it and they'll have to just deal with it."

Arceus chortled, nuzzling him, "You make a good point."

Giratina chuckled, their faces mere centimeters away from each other, "Oh do I?"

The Alpha Pokemon planted a brief kiss on his lips. She let out a sigh before clearing her throat, regaining her composure, "So, how do you think we should handle this?"

Giratina stared at the television thoughtfully for a few moments before the process came into his head. "Okay. I feel like we should have them do trial shows before we ever decide to put them on television."

"Trial shows?" Arceus queried, "Doesn't that mean that it won't be aired?"

"No, it'll be aired," Giratina explained. "For trial shows, I mean that they host the shows on their own, and it gets seen by a worldwide audience as just a trial run. If they do well, then they move on to doing an actual show with better funding and go from there."

"So, essentially the equivalent to sports team tryouts," Arceus reasoned. "They do well, they continue, and if they don't, they stay."

Giratina nodded in affirmation. "And we'll make it mandatory for everyone. Minus us, Manaphy, and Phione, of course."

The goddess smiled at her paramour, "I like the sound of that. So, if they're gonna be doing their pre-shows, they'll have to find their own islands, their own equipment, come up with good challenges, and create their sign-up sheets. Speaking of, how many contestants should they be allowed to recruit?"

The ghostly drake thought momentarily, "I think between fourteen and twenty would be okay. If they're able to handle that, then they can have as many people as they want."

Arceus nodded in agreement, "Okay. Hopefully this keeps them busy for a while and keeps the hall from damaged further."

The Reverse World ruler nudged her, "Ready to go tell them their new assignments?"

Arceus nodded.


After being told of a meeting, all of the legendaries there at the time, which included the ones from Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova, met up in the outrageously large living room. There was noticeable dilapidation due to the chaos that usually ensued. There were holes and cracks in the walls and windows, stains on the carpet, as well as the walls and ceiling, rips and tears in the couches, and a simply atrocious carpet in the middle of that clashed with the colors of the walls.

"So, does anyone know what this is about?" Ho-Oh queried.

"Hopefully they decide to ban tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum here and make them stay out," Registeel stated, gesturing to Mew and Victini.

"Get over yourself, Registeel," Victini responded.

"Yeah, seriously, you act like what you think matters," Mew added.

Entei growled, "You guys blew up the damn freezer and covered us in ice cream and other junk! I honestly wouldn't mind you two being gone."

The other legendaries murmured in agreement, leaving the two friends to roll their eyes in indifference. Shortly after, the god and devil equivalents entered the living room, getting directly in front of them. The others remained dead silent.

Having all of their attention, Arceus started by clearing her throat, "Now, I'm sure that you're all wondering why you're here."

Kyurem snapped, "This had better not take long, because I really don't want to be around you fucks any longer than I need to be."

"Love you, too," Zapdos deadpanned, as he and the others narrowed their eyes at the icy dragon.

"Anyway," Arceus continued. "We've decided to give all of you your own reality shows!"

Immediately, few of the legendaries erupted in conversation and exclamations of excitement and lack of interest. While some of the legendaries were interested and excited, others like Landorus, Kyurem, and Darkrai were indifferent and questioned the reasoning behind the alpha couple's choice.

Landorus rose a brow, "I can understand that you guys are annoyed by the ruckus that goes on throughout the day, but I don't really see the point of giving us all reality shows. What purpose does it have?"

Giratina explained, "This is mainly to preoccupy you guys in order to keep more mischief from occuring around here."

"So, what are our shows gonna be about?" Lugia queried. "I want something dealing with fashion."

Arceus shook her head at her enthusiasm, "All of your shows will be survivor-like. You will pair up in twos, threes, or even fours in order to host the shows, and you must have at least fourteen to twenty participants."

Immediately, the excitement dissipated, with the exclamations of excitement turning into groans of disappointment.

Cresselia whined, "Why do we have do one of those idiotic shows instead of something smarter?"

"When the hell has reality television ever been smart?!" Mesprit countered. "It's mostly shitty acting and setups."

"And the best part about this is that we are not allowing that. Everything must be real," Arceus explained. "So, no telling people to fake their feelings or fight for drama. Anything of that sort will cause us to immediately pull your show and you'll be stuck doing chores around here."

"In addition," Giratina began. "These shows will act as precursors to larger scale shows that we will allow you all to do if you do well. So, if your show does well with audiences, and you're still interested in doing a series, you guys will be able to move onto larger things. They'll still be similar concepts, but you'll be free to change your locations, your rules, bring in interns if you'd like, and just much more as time goes on."

Keldeo groaned, "Too much work."

"Well too bad," Arceus replied. "It's mandatory for all of you to do a show like this before you ever decide that you want to just lounge around the hall again. Except for you, Manaphy. You have to take care of Phione."

The Prince of the Sea sighed in relief, but realized that he'd have to spend a lot more time with Phione, causing him to groan. There were groans and bellows of protest, which Giratina immediately silenced. "QUIEEET!"

"Thank you, Giry," Arceus responded, getting a nod in return from the Renegade Pokemon. "Now, there are posters detailing what you have to do hanging up on the walls. Follow those instructions, and then come to us once you're finished for an explanation. We'll be in our room, waiting."

The two of them began exiting the living room, leaving the remaining legendaries to converse and offer allegiance for the shows. Exchanging looks, Mew and Victini smirked before floating out of the living room. Victini, seeing one of the white and green posters hanging up on a wall outside of the living room, immediately yanked it off.


The pair of friends were inside of Mew's room, with the New Species Pokemon typing on his laptop while sitting on his bed, while Victini sat on a bean bag chair in the corner with the poster.

The fox cleared his throat, "Alright, so we need to find an abandoned island, come up with challenges beforehand, and create a sign up sheet."

"Dude, I still can't believe that Arceus and Giratina are letting everyone have their own shows," Mew responded giddily. "It's kinda weird that they'd make them all about the exact same thing, but I guess it'll depend on who we choose to compete."

"Speaking of that, how many players do you think we should allow?" Victini queried. "I'm thinking the maximum of twenty to prove that we're better than the others."

Mew shrugged, "I'm cool with that. Uh… What about challenges?"

Victini hummed, "Well, they said that this is a precursor, so I don't think we should be too bad when it comes to challenges. These are mortal Pokemon, we don't want to kill them or anything."

"True," Mew shrugged in agreement, looking back down at his computer. "Alright, I think I found some islands."

Victini threw down the poster and floated toward Mew's bed as the pink feline turned the laptop in the fennec's direction. Victini scrolled through the various island pictures, and eventually came upon one that he found interesting. "Jeje-Amawa Island."

"Jaja- What?" Mew queried, turning his laptop back toward himself. "Ooo… This looks like a cool island. It's got a cliff, a huge beach, a mountain…"

"And who knows what else?" Victini queried. "I think we should call it before someone else does."

Mew hummed, "Maybe we should plan out everything outside of their door, that way no one else can beat us."

"I like your thinking," Victini replied, nodding in agreement.


The two of them sat outside of Arceus and Giratina's room, with Mew creating the Sign Up sheet on Sliggoogle Docs.

"And… Done," he said, finishing up the form.

"Finally," Victini groaned as he floated up. "Let's get this show on the road."

The two of them entered the room immediately, surprising the couple inside. The two of them floated onto their bed, with Mew's laptop facing them.

"All done. We've got the island picked, the sign up sheet is done, and we're just go with the flow and improvise the challenges," Victini explained. "So, what do we do now?"

Arceus and Giratina exchanged looks of disbelief, not expecting the two of them to be finished in under an hour.

The Alpha Pokemon cleared her throat, "Well, now you just have to publish your sign up sheet and get it around. Read through all of the applications, email the ones that you choose, and let them know when to be ready."

"While you're doing that, go check out this island… Jeje-Amawa? And get everything settled. The contestants will need shelter and you need to make sure that the island is safe," Giratina explained. "In addition, you're gonna need a camera crew in order to capture everything properly."

Mew nodded in understanding, rubbing his hands together, while Victini had his arms folded. They were practically all set. All they had to do was check out the island and get their applications out there. The camera crew wasn't really a necessity, as Victini had bought a bunch of floating hidden cameras from a spy website a few months prior.

"Now, get going. Come back when the island inspection is done, your selections are made, and your camera crew is ready," Arceus explained.

"Actually, the camera situation is already handled. I have a whole bunch of small, invisible cameras that track movement, record audio, and record in general," Victini explained haughtily.

Mew had already known about the cameras and what he had been using them for, but the two legends before them were suspicious and unamused.

Chillingly, Giratina asked, "Do you mind telling us why you bought those devices and what you've been using them for?"

"I plead the fifth!" Victini replied quickly.

The couple rolled their eyes, not going to pry further since the fennec was going to likely ignore them anyway.

"Whatever, just go," the Renegade Pokemon replied, shaking his head.

The two psychic-types teleported away, with Arceus letting out a breath. "I have a feeling that their show is going to be full of contestants exactly like them… And I'm a bit worried."

Giratina nodded in agreement.


As soon as they left the room, Mew published the sheet online on a couple of forums. Once that was done, the two soon-to-be hosts teleported to their island location in order to scope it out.

They arrived at Jeje-Amawa Island around noon, with the sun beaming brightly over the entire body of land. The icy, blue water glimmered under the radiant sun, the smell of the sea filling the air.

"Man, this place is so cool," Mew opined, looking around as he and Victini floated on the beach.

Victini replied, "Hey, we haven't even fully scoped out the place yet. We've gotta make sure it's safe or whatever."

"Oh, right…" Mew responded. "We need to find a suitable place to set up the cabins and stuff."


Floating toward the mainland, they found an old staircase made of rocks leading up a remarkably flat area of land. There was grass covering different parts of the ground, with some sections left bare. There weren't many trees in that area, but there were just about enough to offer shade to the contestants if they required it.

"Hmm… You think this is a good enough spot?" Mew queried, looking around.

Victini pushed against one of the strong oak trees, with it not moving an inch. "Hmm, these things seem sturdy enough."

Mew gave him a look, "Uh… Trees are sturdy anyway."

"Oh… Right," Victini replied. He shrugged, "Well, I don't necessarily care too much. It looks spacious enough to me, so if you want the cabins here, be my guest. I'm gonna go explore and check out the rest of the place."

Mew nodded in affirmation as Victini flew into the forest. The New Species Pokemon sighed to himself as he looked over the wide space.


Victini whistled to himself as he surveyed the island. A cool breeze wafted through the air, filling his nostrils with the smell of nature, which to him, was very musty. He looked around as the sun beamed down, the leaves of the large trees only allowing certain parts of the ground to be illuminated.

Soon, the musty smell that he identified earlier grew stronger. He continued through the forest, eventually discovering a pond.

He was pleasantly surprised, a smile appearing on his face, "A pond, nice…"

He turned to the left, seeing a stream of water trailing away from the small body of water. Curious, he flew over to the creek and began to follow it.

As he followed the stream, he continued looking around his environment. He saw more trees, rocks, and a few logs. Pretty soon, though, he saw the large, towering mountain that the description of the island talked about. The looming landform's numerous edges, creases, and crevices really impressed the fennec as he gazed up at it.

An idea came to his head, "Hmm… We're definitely doing a challenge with this…"

He continued following the steam and noticed that it went through a crack at the base of the mountain. He smacked his lips in disappointment as he scratched at his left cheek, "Well, that adventure's over."

Turning back around, he saw a clearing between some of the trees. Raising a brow, he floated toward the scene. Entering the wide open glade, a smile appeared on his face, "Yet another interesting spot to do some challenges. This place is better than I thought."


Mew had teleported two decent-sized cabins into the vicinity, making sure that they were a good distance away from each other. After dusting off his hands, he floated toward the cabin to the left of him. Going inside, he saw that the cabins were of decent quality.

Completely constructed out of wood and concrete, both cabins were stable, but had a few issues that the competitors could very well fix on their own if they choose two. The problems weren't plentiful, only a few holes in the roof and creaking beds.

There were two rooms in each cabin, one for the guys and the other for the girls. The rooms each had six bunks each, meaning there would be four empty beds overall. He nodded before moving away from the cabins with a firm nod, "Alright, shelter's taken care of."

He took a deep breath before sighing and flying back toward the beach, "Now to wait for Victini to finish inspecting the island…"

As he floated in wait, a thought entered his head, "Wait, there's supposed to be a cliff here, too."

He began flying around the perimeter of the island, wanting to see what the cliff looked like and what it had to offer. Eventually, he saw what he supposed was the cliff. There was a large landform out in the water, with a path of rocks leading toward it from a part of the beach. He flew toward it with relative ease and, upon closer inspection, saw that it was indeed the cliff.

It was very peculiar to see a cliff not really connected to any other piece of land, but he simply shrugged it off. He saw that there were a couple of trees sitting on the top of the cliff, as well as a bit of foliage, which he felt was pretty unique.

"Hmm… Well, it's not directly connected to the island, but it'll do," he stated before flying back toward the main island.

On his way back, he decided to check his phone to see if they had gotten any emails from willing participants and, to his surprise, he had 102 emails.

"Jeez, what the hell?!" he exclaimed in surprise. "A lot of people really want to do this show, I guess."

He made it back to the beach, where he found Victini drawing in the sand with a stick. Seeing this, the New Species went over to see what he was doing, only to narrow his eyes at the Victory Pokemon. It was a crudely drawn picture of Mew making out with Celebi, which made him blush slightly.

"May I ask why?" Mew queried, startling Victini, who hadn't even noticed that he came back.

"Oh, because I got bored," Victini explained, tossing the stick away. "We've got some really choice spots that we can do challenges in. I even found a volcano nearby! The only thing that I didn't find was the cliff…"

"Oh, it's on the other side in the water," Mew explained before catching on to the other thing he had said. "And did you say a volcano?"

"Yep," Victini nodded. "It's out in the water for some reason, but it's close. Kinda weird, but whatever. Still cool."

Mew tapped on his phone, "Yeah, and get this… We've already got 102 people emailing us!" His phone vibrated numerous times before he looked back down at it. "Make that 151…"

"Damn!" Victini cursed in surprise. "I thought it'd take at least two or three months for us to even get one. Now we have to sort through these things and see who will be the best choices. I wonder how many of them are trolls or are completely boring."

"Well, there's no constraints, so, we can choose whoever we want," Mew said with a smile.


Two weeks went by, with Mew groaning as he lie sprawled out on his bed, a tablet and pen by his side, "FINALLY! After 32,543 applications…"

Just then, Victini entered the New Species Pokemon's room with a burger in hand. Seeing this, Mew gave him a look. "Really? You left to get a burger while I struggled choosing these last few people?!"

The fennec shrugged, "Hey, I needed a break. Plus, I helped choose the first twelve."

"You didn't even think to bring me one back?" Mew complained.

"Sorry," the fire- and psychic-type replied before taking another bite out of the food item. "But, on the bright side, I know why we all got so many applicants so fast…"

"You do?"

Victini nodded, "Yeah, apparently Arceus and Giratina sent out a live broadcast across the world that let people know what they were making us all do. When given the chance to win some cash and be on television, people will hop to it like Kangaskhan."

"Wait, cash? Who said anything about cash?" Mew queried.

"They did," Victini said, taking another bite. "It was on the broadcast. And apparently, they said that the minimum that we can give is 100,000 Poke, and the maximum is 300,000."


Victini gave him a look, "You realize that Arceus and Giratina are the ones that are gonna take care of the prize money, right?"

Mew sighed in relief. "Well, that's a good thing."

"But anyways, you got everyone's names and emails written down, right?" Victini queried.

Mew nodded, picking up the notebook next to him, "Now we just have to email them back and get someone to pick them all up and bring them to the island…"

"Well, that should be easy," Victini shrugged. "We can find a bunch of Lapras that'll happily do something for a few seconds of fame. "

Mew rose a brow. "Uh… Alright then. Well, we should probably start it by next week. I think a few of the others are already starting."

"And their rushing is what will make them fail," Victini shrugged. "Now, I'll call up some Lapras, and we can get the show on the road! WHOOO!"

Mew shook his head with a sigh.


A front view of Jeje-Amawa Island was seen before Mew and Victini popped up on either side of the screen.

"Hello all and welcome to our first episode of a show that we like to call…" Mew started before freezing momentarily. After all that time, they still hadn't even come up with a name for their show! "Uh…"

Victini, knowing their predicament thought on his toes, "Victini and Mew's Island Challenge!"

Mew gave him a look of annoyance due to the way their names were situated, so he chuckled, as if it was part of the introduction. "He means Mew and Victini's Island Challenge! Such a jokester."

Victini gave him the same look of annoyance, but decided to let it go.

Mew continued, "Anyways, we received over 30,000 applications from you all, and after half a month of weeding through them, we were finally able to choose the twenty that will be participating in our wonderful show!"

"That's right," Victini continued. "The twenty Pokemon that were chosen will be will be placed into two teams and battle it out in challenges that will test their strength and challenge their minds. After each challenge, one team will be declared the winners and will have invincibility. The other, losing, team will have to eliminate one of their fellow players. This process continues, until there is only one player remaining. That particular player will win 100,000 Pokedollars in cash and bragging rights as being one of the first ever winners of one of these shows!"

"Yep, so let's get down to the beach and welcome the willing participants to the island," Mew announced as he and Victini floated down toward the beach.

After about five minutes of waiting on the beach, a plesiosaur-like Pokemon with a shell on its back could be seen in the distance. It was the first Lapras, and it was holding their first contestant.

As the Lapras approached, the contestant in question came into clearer view. He was a red penguin with white feathers covering its head and part of its chest. He had a yellow beak and a white dot on his stomach. He was a Delibird.

"And here is our first contestant, Max," Mew announced.

The Delibird hopped off of the Lapras with a small smile. "Ho ho ho," he responded cheerily as he waved.

"Welcome to the show, Max," Victini greeted, only for the Delibird's eyes to widen as he approached the two.

"This is very exciting!" the Delibird beamed. "I would have never expected to be in the presence of actual Legendary Pokemon on live television!"

"I bet you wouldn't," Mew responded with a chuckle. "Now, go stand over to the side. The next Lapras is arriving."

Obliging, the Delivery Pokemon moved to the side, gripping his tail tightly. The next Lapras arrived with the next contestant. She resembled a goat, however she had a grassy neck and back. She had brown fur and a white face, with her shiny black horns curving back like handles. She was a Gogoat.

Hopping off of the Lapras, the Gogoat approached the two hosts with a mix of an excited and indifferent expression.

"And here is our next contestant, Lynn," Mew introduced as she approached. Once she was close, he continued, "How're you doing? How're you feeling?"

"Well, this is pretty exciting, but I feel like I can only expect that there will be a lot going on with nineteen other people here," Lynn explained. "Overall, I'm a bit anxious, but I think I'll get over it after a while."

"Well, you'll just have to wait and see now won't you?" Victini responded. "In the meantime, you can talk to Max over there for a while. We've got eighteen more of you to meet."

"And the third one is on its way, so Lynn, if you'd please stand over by Max," Mew instructed. The Gogoat nodded before walking over to the Delibird, who was still holding onto his tail, twisting it back and forth.

"Hello, I'm Lynn," she greeted, extending a hoof.

"Hiya," he responded, taking the outstretched hoof and shaking it, "Max. Short for Maximus."

"Nice to meet you," she responded peacefully before facing back toward their hosts, who were introducing the next contestant.

The third Lapras dropped off a sack-like Pokemon. He had pink ring cheeks and a blue bib and 'gloves'. He was a Makuhita.

"Welcome to the show, Zahku," Mew greeted as the Guts Pokemon approached.

"Zahku is grateful that mythical hosts chose him," the Makuhita responded with a rough accent.

Noticing how he spoke, Victini held back his laughter, "Oh, you speak in third person? Interesting..."

"Yes, Zahku does," he replied. "It not problem is it?"

Mew reassured him, "No, no. I think it'll be good to have some diversity on the show. You're fine. Go stand over by the others."

The Makuhita did as he was told, walking over to the other two contestants already there. "Hello, me Zahku. What your names?"

The two were a bit put off by his dialect, but were still friendly anyway. Lynn started, "Uh… I'm Lynn."

"And I'm Max," the Delibird followed, still twisting his tail.

Nodding, he took his stance next to the Delibird, who was a bit hesitant about him. The Guts Pokemon queried, "What you think gonna happen, here?"

Lynn shrugged her shoulders, "Not really sure, but hopefully it's fun."

The next contestant soon arrived on another Lapras. She resembled a cricket, but also a violin. Her arms were thin, she had a grey moustache, grey wings, and a couple of grey circles on her abdomen. She was a Kricketune.

Hopping off of the Transport Pokemon, the Kricketune carried a violin case on her back. Approaching the hosts, she gazed around, taking in the atmosphere.

"And here we have Christine," Mew introduced. "Good to see you here."

"It's amazing to be here," the Cricket Pokemon chirped excitedly. "I never even thought that I'd be chosen!"

"Well, you were," Victini chortled. "So, why don't you go meet the rest of your fellow competitors so far?"

Christine glanced over in the direction Victini gestured to. Seeing the other three players, she smiled to herself before walking over to them. Once she left, Victini smacked his lips, "Well, so far we've got just the nice or 'normal' people."

"There are still sixteen others," Mew replied. "And who cares if they're nice? Nice people have drama and issues, too."

Victini rolled his eyes, "Sure."

The four contestants already there were engaging in short conversation, with Max's curiosity being piqued due to the case Christine was carrying. "What's in the case?"

Christine smiled as she placed the case down, "It's my violin." She opened the case, revealing its velvet insides. A wooden, guitar-esque instrument was seen inside of it. The polished wood glistening under the light of the radiant sun.

Lynn was impressed, "Wow, you play violin? That's pretty cool."

"Thanks," Christine replied. "I've been playing for fifteen years now. I've had this baby since I was ten."

"Zahku impressed," the Makuhita opined, folding his arms.

Max rose a brow at her decision, "Why would you bring something this valuable to you here? This is a relatively new show idea, and we don't know what other kind of people are coming here."

Christine shrugged, "My husband told me not to bring it for the same reason, but I like to give people the benefit of the doubt."

"Well, hopefully that doesn't bite you in the butt," Lynn commented, watching as the Kricketune closed the case and locked it.

Mew and Victini welcomed their next contestant as he got off of the Lapras. He was a silver and grey pod with spikes jutting from his body. He had green vines that extended from his head with ovular ends that were also covered in spikes. He was a Ferrothorn.

"Welcome to our first ever show, Arthur," Mew greeted. "I hope you're ready for the game."

The Ferrothorn huffed, "You can just call me Art. And of course I'm ready; this show is practically a 'Legendary Edition' of the other survivor shows out there. Not really an original concept in the slightest."

A small smile grew on Victini's face, while Mew felt like rolling his eyes at his comments. He instead shrugged, "Sorry you feel that way."

Art rolled his eyes before glancing over at the others that arrived before him. "Well, I'll be over there with the other people. Just keep on doing whatever."

Once he left, Victini chortled, "I like him."

Mew gave him a look, "Of course you do…"

The Ferrothorn had stood next to Lynn in silence, confusing the others a bit. Christine was the one to speak up.

"Uh… Hi?"

Art gave her a look. "I'm not that much of a conversationalist. Just know that my name is Art" he replied dismissively.

Seeing this, the others exchanged looks, with Christine being annoyed by his rudeness and the others shrugging him off. The Kricketune didn't tolerate rudeness of any kind if there was no reason for it.

The next Lapras arrived holding a small, pink bear that resembled a stuffed animal. Once the Lapras made it to the beach, the Pokemon hopped off, with the Lapras swimming away with an agitated look on its face. This was very strange considering the Pokemon, a Stufful, was extremely adorable.

Mew had took note of the Lapras' annoyed expression as it swam away; the Stufful approached him and Victini. Because Mew was watching the Lapras, Victini introduced her instead, "And here we have Kay, our sixth contestant, and might I add, one of the most adorable Pokemon I've ever seen."

The Stufful huffed with a smile, "I suppose you legendaries do actually have good taste in contestants. After all, my fluffy adorable makes me desired by all. In fact, I feel like I should be a legendary, I'm far cuter than the other ones, I'm sure."

Mew narrowed his eyes at her, now realizing why the Lapras was quick to leave. "Alright Kay, go stand by the other contestants."

The Flailing Pokemon looked over to the others, and immediately gained a look of unamusement. She looked back at the hosts. "I take back what I said about you two having good taste in contestants."

She proceeded to walk toward her fellow competitors, their appearances alone making her think that she had this competition in the bag already.

"Greetings, peasants," the Stufful addressed as she approached the five others.

The contestants exchanged looks before staring down at her. Max was the one to point out the obvious, "Did she just say peasants?"

"Yes, she did, and she's an idiot for it," Art commented brashly. "Anyone who thinks that they're better than someone else for no real reason-"

Kay interrupted with a scoff, "No real reason? Have you seen me? I'm adorable! Meanwhile, you look like something you get when you cross an ugly ass Aggron with a Carnivine."

"And you look like a Teddiursa with Down syndrome," Art deadpanned in response.

Kay huffed, "Sorry, I don't listen to people lower than me…"

"Hey, hey, hey, what's with the sudden rudeness around here?" Christine interrupted. "We don't even know who you are and you're already being disrespect-"

"I'm just gonna stop you right there," Kay cut her off, holding out an arm. "You're all boring and ugly, so I'm not even gonna bother with you."

The Stufful moved away from the group, not even bothering to give her name. Christine glowered at her, while Art rolled his eyes. Lynn just sighed to herself, Max sweatdropped at the sudden tension, while Zahku just stared into space.

The Makuhita explained, "Zahku feels that things will be difficult with other people…"

Art, upon hearing that, rose a brow before shaking his head. "Morons."

The next Lapras arrived with a large, brown bear with a tan ring on its stomach. His piercing glare was enough to send shivers down the spine of even a Rhyperior. He was an Ursaring.

As soon as he reached the beach, he approached the two hosts in a rather aggressive manner.

"And our seventh contestant has arrived… Kane!" Mew introduced before being put in a headlock by the Ursaring, who now had a smile on his head.

"Dude, this is awesome! I can't believe you guys actually chose me! You have no idea how great this is!" Kane effused.

"Whoa, whoa, down boy," Victini choked out as the Ursaring also had him in a headlock. "You're gonna need to stop choking us!"

Hearing this, the Ursaring let them go. A sheepish smile appeared on his face, "S-Sorry about that."

Mew rubbed his throat, "It's fine. Just… Try to hold your excitement and energy for when the game actually starts."

The Hibernator Pokemon nodded before glancing over and noticing the other competitors. They looked a bit irked from a distance, making him a bit hesitant about approaching them. Despite this hesitance, he approached the group.

"Uh… Hey there," he greeted, waving a bit. "Name's Kane."

"'Sup Kane, I'm Lynn," the Gogoat replied.

"Max," the Delivery Pokemon said with a cheery wave, happy that someone else had a good mood.

"Me Zahku," Zahku responded.

"Christine," the Kricketune responded.

Kane nodded upon hearing their names. He looked at Art, who showed absolutely no interest in speaking. He knew this type of body language well, so he didn't bother asking about him.

He noticed a pink figure a good distance away from the group, and thought that it was someone antisocial. He decided to be respectful of their space and stood next to Zahku.

"Jeez, any tighter and he would have broken my neck," Mew complained, still rubbing his neck.

Victini rolled his eyes, "You big baby. It wasn't that bad. You don't see me complaining."

Mew grumbled to himself as the next Lapras approached the island. It carried a blue rhino-like Pokemon. She had armor that resembled cleavage and underwear, and spikes on her back. She was a Nidoqueen.

The Lapras dropped her off and she walked toward Mew and Victini with a smile. "I can't believe I was actually chosen for this show! You have no idea how much this means to me!"

She embraced Mew in a hug, which the New Species Pokemon gladly accepted. Victini got a hug as well, which felt very weird for him, as he was hardly ever hugged by anyone.

"Well, we're glad to have you here, Sasha," Mew smiled. "Now, go on and meet the others over there."

He gestured over to the other contestants. The Nidoqueen nodded and started walking over, her eyes widening upon seeing Kane. A small blush appeared on her face as she approached. Clearing her throat, she waved, "Hello. I'm Sasha, and I hope that we're all able to get along well together."

Art huffed, "Please. I'm sure you people have seen these types of shows before. This is literally no different. The only difference is that there are Legendary and Mythical Pokemon in charge of them. The rules of the game are more than likely going to be the same. Therefore, trying to get on people's good side will only work for so long."

Christine glared at him, "And you are already doing a good job of making sure that you have no allies."

Art rolled his eyes in response. "Hey, we're all here to win, not make friends. I mean, you're free to make friends regardless. They just may be your downfall, but at least you'll have someone worrying about you."

"And this has been 'Mood Killing', with Artie…" Lynn playfully joked, earning her a glare from the Ferrothorn. She looked back at Sasha, who was a bit confused and irritated by the Thorn Pod Pokemon's comments. "Anyways, hey Sasha. I'm Lynn and… You just met Art."

The Nidoqueen nodded as the others introduced themselves once again. However, she couldn't help but keep looking at Kane from the corner of her eye. Once the bear made himself known, she couldn't help but smile a bit larger.

The next Lapras approached with a gray worm-like Pokemon standing on it. He had six stubby legs, a curl on its head, and white cheeks. He was a Burmy, however, he didn't really have a cloak. The Burmy nervously looked around before jumping off of the Lapras' back.

Mew greeted the Bagworm Pokemon, "Hey there, Dade. How're you doing?"

The Burmy, Dade, jumped in fear, "Oh, uh… I'm okay. I think..."

"You think?" Victini queried.

"Yeah, I just need to uh…" Dade started before beginning to roll around in the sand. Eventually, he rose up straight, now in a Sandy Cloak. He sighed in relief, "Much better…"

"Uh… Doesn't that cloak restrict your movements now?" Mew asked, confused by his decision to cloak up despite being more mobile when he wasn't.

Dade began hopping in place, "I can still get around. And if my cloak falls off, I can just make another one."

"Uh… Alright then," Victini replied. "How do you feel about being here?"

Dade sighed, "I'll admit, I'm nervous. I was surprised that you guys even emailed me back. Never thought I was television material. My family even thought I was wasting my time."

"Well, you proved them wrong, now didn't you?" Mew responded with a smile. "Now, go ahead and stand by the others."

"The ot- Oh Arceus, why?" Dade turned to see all of the other competitors. He felt himself clench a bit as he saw what he was up against.

"Yep. You're going up against a few other interesting players," Victini nodded.

Dade sighed, "Well, looks like I'm done for…"

"Probably so," Victini shrugged.

The Burmy hopped over to the group of players. Dade swallowed as he eventually made it to the group. "Uh… Hey everyone… Um… I'm Dade and… Please don't hurt me?"

Everyone was surprised by that greeting, with Kane asking, "Uh… Little dude, why would we hurt you?"

"Yeah, everyone's chill so far," Lynn explained. "We wouldn't hurt you."

"Correction. Everyone's chill except for Artie down there and… Whoever she is," Christine followed, gesturing to Kay, who was resting on the sand.

The Ferrothorn growled, "Will you people stop calling me Artie? My name is Art. Art."

Dade let out a sigh, "Well, that's a relief. Maybe things won't be as bad as I thought…"

"Always try to think positive," Max chirped. "Or neutral at the very least."

Art rolled his eyes.

The next Lapras came moments later holding a reptile-like Pokemon encapsulated by rocks. She was a Golem. She hopped off of the Lapras with an energetic, determined expression. "Let's get this show on the road!" she exclaimed with a fist pump.

"Belladonna! Welcome!" Mew greeted with an identical tone. "Love the enthusiasm."

The Golem, Belladonna, chortled, "Are you kidding? I'm on national television and I'm on the same island as Legendary Pokemon. Plus, who knows what crazy stuff will happen here?! And let me say this now, these challenges had better be extreme or difficult in some way."

The hosts exchanged looks, with Victini responding, "Well, you'll just have to wait and see about that now won't you?"

"In the meantime, you're our tenth contestant, so why don't you head on over and talk to the others for a bit," Mew said.

Nodding, Belladonna withdrew into her rocky shell and rolled over to the others. She came back out to greet her fellow competitors. "Wow, it looks like the competition is gonna be interesting," she commented.

"As it should be," Sasha replied, "It'd be pretty boring if everyone was the same. Even if it meant a bit more respect and understanding."

Art groaned, "Seriously. I said that this is still a competition regardless of what you do and that we're here to win. How is that disrespectful? Tell me..."

Sasha huffed, now feeling like a fool due to how he explained it. She grumbled, "Well, you should have explained it that way in the first place…"

Kane sighed, "Okay, how about we don't bring up Artie…"


"Art… Into conversations anymore?" Kane suggested.

"You know, I'd really appreciate that…" Art replied.

Nobody said anything in response, leading to Kane taking a breath, "Alright, there."

Belladonna was astounded, "Wow, there's tension here already? The competition hasn't even started yet."

Lynn sighed, "Yeah, let's just not talk about it."

Zahku hummed, "Zahku wouldn't call it tension, more like disagreement or annoyance."

"Same difference," Belladonna shrugged. "Anyway, I'm Belladonna. Looking forward to going against you all."

"Likewise," Sasha responded with a nod.

Mew let out a sigh, "Ten down, and ten to go. These Lapras need to hurry up. The faster we do this, the faster we can start the show."

"Well, if this goes well, maybe we can move onto bigger Pokemon that can carry more than one Pokemon at a time when we do another season," Victini explained.

Mew nodded, "Yeah, that'll be better."

The next Lapras soon arrived holding a very humanoid looking Pokemon. He had a belt around his waist and what looked like a speedo. He had four arms and a very muscular stature. He had a whistle around his neck and a tribal tattoo on each of his lower arms. He was a Machamp.

Flipping off of the Lapras, he folded his arms with a smirk.

"And here's Chip with an impressive front flip!" Mew introduced. "Nice moves…"

Chip chuckled as he began doing squats, "Thanks. I was working on that entrance ever since I got the email back."

"What's with the whistle?" Victini queried, seeing the item tied around his neck.

Chip ceased his squatting, standing up and grabbing hold of the item in question. "Oh, this. I'm a gym teacher back in Vermillion City, so I have this baby on me at all times."

Mew, upon hearing that, smacked his lips, "Okay, I'm not gonna question that. So, what do you plan on doing in the competition?"

The Machamp scoffed, "Win, of course. And probably whip these limp noodles on my team into shape. I sincerely doubt that any of them match my musculature."

He flexed his muscles before kissing his left bicep. Seeing this, the two hosts exchanged looks of perturbation.

After a few seconds, Victini urged him, "Uh… Yeah. You can go on and go meet the others over there."

Chip nodded, walking over to his fellow competitors with a smirk on his face. Upon seeing who his competition was, he could only laugh. His laughter caused a bit of confusion to the others, leading to Belladonna questioning him.

"Uh… What's so funny?"

The Machamp continued chuckling, wiping a tear from his eye, "The fact that you all are my competition. Seriously, if you guys are the best they could choose, they might as well give me the money and title already."

Nearly everyone narrowed their eyes at him, with Zahku being the only one who didn't really mind.

Christine cleared her throat, "You know, running your mouth like that will only make people dislike you."

Chip had stopped his laughing, flatly responding, "And you realize that I don't care about anyone else's opinions, right? As long as I win challenges, I don't care."

"Well, you're gonna be a fun one aren't ya?" Art replied sarcastically.

Chip was prepared to retort, but something else got their attention.

"Ugh, wow… Just wow." Kay walked over to the group after seeing the number of people increase. Needless to say, she still wasn't impressed, "More of you posers are here and you're all still ugly as sin. What is wrong with these guys? Can't they choose a good player?"

"Excuse me?" Sasha queried, glowering at the Stufful. "I'm sorry, but you don't anything about any of us, so why don't you just be quiet?"

"Aww… Cute, a talking fleshlight thinks that she matters," Kay replied. "Seriously, all of you are completely irrelevant. It's obvious that I'll be the one to win this game. I'm too cute not to."

"Again, Teddiursa with Down syndrome," Art repeated.

Hearing this the ones who came after Kay were surprised, with Dade expressing, "Whoa, whoa, isn't that a bit much? I mean, she's mean, but that's too far. That's as bad as using gay or cancer as an insult."

Kay laughed at this, "Ha! The sandy poop emoji has more common sense and empathy than you, tentacle porn."

Dade gave her a look of annoyance, not appreciating the insult.

Kane sighed, folding his arms, "Well, I can see why she stayed over there by herself, now."

"Oh yeah, Winnie the Pooh? What of it?" the Stufful challenged. "Like I said, you all are pretty crappy player choices."

"And so are you!" Belladonna responded. "You seriously look like a Teddiursa fucked a Muppet, flushed the love child down the toilet, and bathed it in Pepto Bismol!"

"And you look like you've never had sex with a male in your life…" Kay countered.

Belladonna growled, ready to charge at the Flailing Pokemon, but Sasha held her arm out, holding her back. "She is not worth it. She'll be taken care of accordingly when the game starts…"

Hearing this, a smirk appeared on the Golem's face. The Stufful started walking away from the group once again, with Chip shaking his head.

"Wow, some people…"

Everyone immediately turned back to him in irritation. The hosts watched all of this go down with surprised expressions. Not surprised that there were already disagreements and feels of annoyance, surprised that it was happening before the game even started!

Victini commented, "Jeez, there's a lot going on over there already. They should at least let the competition start, first."

Mew shrugged, unfazed by the possible drama, "Eh, simple interactions can cause unexpected reactions. Not really bothered that much by it."

Getting this reaction, the Victory Pokemon shrugged as well. He usually followed Mew's lead back at the hall, so if he wasn't fazed by the drama, he wasn't either. Soon enough, the next Lapras arrived.

The next contestant was not on the Lapras's shell, instead riding on its head. She was a purple primate, having no fingers and only two toes on her feet. At the end of her tail was a three-fingered prehensile tail, which was currently wrapped around the Lapras' neck. She was an Aipom.

The Transport Pokemon approached the island's beach with the monkey on its face. It shook its head aggressively in order to get the primate off. The Long Tail Pokemon appeared to have on a small, black backpack. Giggling, she reached into her pack and pulled out a white orb.

She crammed it into the Lapras' mouth before hopping off, with the Transport Pokemon's mouth filling with foam. The Lapras spit out the orb immediately, coughing out foam as it swam away.

The hosts were a bit unnerved by what they just witnessed, but continued with the show nonetheless. They were prepared to introduce her, but the Aipom seemed to do it on her own.

The Aipom, Marley screeched while waving, "HELLO WORLD! GET READY FOR MARLEY MADNESS!"

"Ah yes… Marley," Mew introduced. "Welcome to the show."

"I'm glad that you chose me. Now I can fulfill my quota of pranking strangers and getting their reactions."

Victini rose a brow upon hearing that, "Interesting quota, there."

Marley bowed in appreciation before sticking her hand, "Why thank you…"

"Oh ha, ha," Victini responded. "I know that trick already…"

The Aipom rose a brow, "You sure? I don't think you know about this."

Her tail swung around, grabbing one of Victini's tail wings before electrocuting him. The fox yipped as the sudden jolt ran down his spine. Mew chuckled at this as Victini rubbed his tush.

Victini glared at him before grumbling, "Just go stand by the others."

The monkey giggled as she moved toward the others. Seeing the others, her eyes glimmered as she eyed her potential victims.

Marley tittered, "Hello, fresh meat!"

"Hey, this is your first day here too," Max replied.

The Aipom huffed, "So what? Still fresh meat ready to be pounded. Metaphorically speaking of course."

Chip snickered, "Uh huh… As if you hold any type of threat."

In response, Marley hopped on her tail, taking out a spray can from her pack. She shook it before spraying silly string it in the Machamp's face. Once finished, she let out a hearty laugh as Chip growled and removed the string from his face.

Everyone else was pretty quiet, until Christine clicked her tongue, "Don't know what to say to that…"

"Really?" Art deadpanned. "She sprays him with silly string and you have nothing to say to that? No whining? No 'rudeness' ramble?"

Sasha groaned, "Art, nobody was talking to you."

Art responded flatly, "And nobody asked you to respond."

Kane stepped in once again, "Alright, again, can we not?"

Marley laughed, "You guys are gonna be so much fun to mess with."

Dade twitched, "Mess with?"

The Long Tail Pokemon smirked, "Yep. You're looking at Marley, the Master of Pranks."

Chip huffed, "More like the Master of Disaster."

"Ooh… I like the sound of that," Marley responded with a smile, rubbing her hands together mischievously. "I can't wait for this game to start!"

"I can…" Dade muttered to himself.

The next Lapras approached the island with, oddly enough, nobody. The hosts were confused by this, as every Lapras contacted was supposed to have one player along with it. Victini floated toward it in confusion.

The fox queried, "Uh… Where's the next competitor?"

The Lapras sighed before explaining the situation, "He fell off a while back. I tried to go back and get him, but he told me that he'd be okay. But, since you said that we all had to make it to the island to get our camera time and payment, I came anyway."

Eventually, a the sound of rushing water was heard as Mew, Victini, and the Lapras looked toward the source of the sound. Gazing down the beach, a large, white crab emerged from the water. He had yellow sprigs of hair, a rather dopey face, long arms, and large, pincers. He was a Crabominable.

While he coughed up water, the hosts floated over to check on him. The Lapras decided to leave now that the Woolly Crab Pokemon was at his destination. Up close, it could be seen that the Crabominable's body was covered in scratches and bites. The fighting- and ice-type groaned in pain as he got to his feet, the swim exhausting a lot of his energy.

"Hey, you okay?" Mew queried, rubbing his still sobbing fur.

Victini was curious as to what transpired, "What the heck happened?"

The Crabominable sighed, "A lot. I fell of my Lapras, got hit by a cruise ship, was attacked by Sharpedo, and had to sweet quite the distance to even get here."

Mew hissed, "Jeez. That sucks, Lawrence."

The Crabominable sighed, "No, no, don't call me Lawrence. That's far too formal, just call me Lucky. That's what I'm called everywhere else."

Victini chortled, "Wow… Quite the contradicting nickname, Lucky."

Lucky sheepishly chuckled, knowing of the irony of his nickname, "I'm aware. My mom thought that it was a cool nickname, but… As it turns out, things always seem to go wrong for me."

Victini shook his head while clicking his tongue, "That's gotta suck, dude."

The Crabominable sighed in dismay, but his expression changed into a small smile, "Yeah, but hopefully being here causes my luck to turn! I was already chosen to be here out who knows how many applicants, so maybe things will start looking up."

Just then, a crate landed on the Woolly Crab Pokemon's head, knocking him out cold. The hosts were completely taken aback by the sudden occurrence. Looking up, they could make out the silhouette of a plane.

Mew let out a sigh, "Well, that was unfortunate."

Victini nodded, "Yeah… I'll just take him over to the others."

A pink aura surrounded the Crabominable as his body was lifted from the sand. Victini started floating over to the other competitors with Lucky's unconscious form.

Seeing him approach, the eleven players that stood together were dumbfounded as the Victory Pokemon brought an unconscious body toward them and lied it next to Art. As you would have guessed, the Ferrothorn wasn't pleased, "Uh… What the heck is this?"

Victini decided to introduce the incapacitated crab to the others since he currently couldn't do so on his own. "This is Lucky. He just got hit in the head with a falling crate after having a tough time getting here."

Chip stifled his laugh, "Wow. For a guy named Lucky he sure doesn't have any."

Belladonna scoffed, "The guy is unconscious and you're making jokes? What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Marley decided to come to Chip's defense, saying, "Nothing wrong with dark humor. Plus, Lucky isn't even dead. It's not a big deal."

Dade didn't think so, "It's still a bit grim, in my opinion."

Victini, unconcerned about their conversation, chimed in, "Well, just be cautious. More things may fall from the sky if he regains consciousness."

Everyone stared blankly at Victini before looking in Lucky's direction and taking a few steps away from him. Victini nodded in approval before floating back to Mew.

The next Lapras arrived a few moments later. On its back was a Pokemon that seemed to resemble a racecar driver. She had a pink shell covering her head with two green stripes on it, and she looked like she was wrapped in blue bandages. She was an Accelgor.

She quickly rushed toward the hosts, kicking up sand unintentionally. Mew and Victini both waved the sand away before Mew introduced her, "And here we have Tonya!"

The Accelgor spoke rather rapidly, but she made sure to make herself understandable, "Hi, hi, hi! Thanks for choosing me for this competition. It's truly an honor to be in the presence of legendaries such as yourself."

Victini sighed in appreciation, "Finally, someone else who recognizes us as actual legendaries."

Mew gave him a look, "Vic, plenty of the others have recognized us as Legendary Pokemon."

Victini responded, "Even so, they didn't act like we were anything special. But, I digress. Anyways Tonya, we're happy to have you."

The Accelgor nodded vigorously, "Thank you, thank you."

Looking over to the left, she saw that there were other Pokemon standing in the sand. Interested, she zoomed over to them, leaving a dust cloud in her wake, causing both Mew and Victini to cough.

Tonya made it to the others, skidding to a halt and unintentionally launching sand into their eyes. Belladonna, Dade, and Sasha weren't affected, Lynn closed her eyes and shook her head, Max started to rub his eyes, which only made it worse for him, Christine faced away and started blinking rapidly so that the sting dissipated, Marley and Zahku both accepted it, not really being fazed, Kane just waved the dust away from his face, Chip yelled out and, like Max, tried rubbing his eyes, and Art just closed his eyes and let the sand slide off of him.

Chip's eyes stung from the grains of sand that gathered into it, causing him to curse, "Damn you! What's the big idea?!"

Tonya promptly apologized as the others gave her teary looks of irritation, "Oops, sorry about that. I'm Tonya."

Sasha huffed, "Well Tonya, is there any reason why you decided to rush over her and kick sand in our faces?"

The Accelgor awkwardly explained, "That was accidental. I tend to move fast, so things like this tend to happen."

Lynn sighed, "Well, could you learn to slow down so this doesn't tend to happen a lot?"

Tonya sheepishly rubbed the back of her head, "I'm not entirely sure about that, but… I guess I can try?" She soon caught a glimpse of Lucky's still unconscious body and grew concerned. "Uh, is that guy okay?"

Belladonna responded, "Apparently so. He had some bad luck."

A familiar groan was heard, causing a few of the other contestants to roll their eyes and groan to themselves, "All of you guys' luck is bad, especially mine since I'm stuck with all of you ugly nobodies."

Kay walked back over once again to see who else was there. Seeing Marley, Lucky, and Tonya, she rolled her eyes. "Typical. Nothing but more losers who don't matter."

Chip groaned, "Okay, listen here you little retarded Sentret, you are nobody special. You can talk all you want, but we all know that you're pathetic. You give fighting-types a bad name."

Kay teased, "Oh boo-hoo, the roid monkey thinks that what he says affects me. Seriously, you just look like one of those egotistical bastards that mentally fuck themselves in mirrors."


Kane interrupted the Machamp, "Chip, don't even bother. Literally nothing you say will get to her."

Kay glowered at the Ursaring, "Oh look, Winnie the Pooh's talking up again. Seriously, you seem to talk a lot of smack for someone whose dick is probably the size of a pen cap."

Kane was confused. He hadn't even insulted her like the others, but she was coming after him? That made literally no sense.

Sasha immediately came to his defense, grabbing onto his arm, "Talking smack? He hasn't said a single word against you. He was actually getting him to not insult you!"

Kay huffed, "As if I need him to do that. He needs to learn to stay in his place."

Kane decided not to take anything the Stufful said seriously. She was only proving that she had a lot of insecurities of her own, in his mind anyway.

The Stufful continued to berate the Ursaring, as the hosts introduced the next competitor. He was a large, white bear Pokemon with a beard made of ice. He was a Beartic, and he held a rather unimpressed expression.

Mew began, "And here we have Richard-"

The Beartic interrupted, "R.J."

Mew hummed in confusion.

The Freezing Pokemon growled to himself, "I understand that you're legendary and all, but I'd appreciate it if you just called me R.J."

The two hosts exchanged looks, with Victini responding, "Uh… Okay? No need to be hostile."

R.J. gave him a look, folding his arms, "I'm not being hostile. It's a simple request."

Mew sighed in defeat, not interested in debating with a contestant about this. Instead, he decided to move on. "Okay R.J., just go on over to the others."

The Beartic rolled his eyes before walking toward the others, looking at who all he was going to be competing against, he couldn't help but twitch a bit. "You've got to be kidding me."

Finally making it to the group, he could hear Kay still laying into Kane. Hearing the insults coming from the pipsqueak, and seeing that Kane wasn't being fazed by it at all, he smirked a bit.

Chuckling, he said, "Hey, pipsqueak, I don't think you're really doing any emotional damage, so it may be a good time to stop."

Kay turned around and immediately had to stifle her laugh. "What are you supposed to be? His mother?"

R.J. glowered at the Stufful, "No, I'm not his mom, but I know that yours didn't raise you right if you're spouting off bullshit."

Kay ignored him, yawning, "You done?"

R.J. was very tempted to punt the Flailing Pokemon, but knew that he'd probably catch a case from it. Instead, he stood beside Belladonna, no longer wasting his breath on the Stufful.

Christine, growing tired of the Stufful's attitude, spoke up, "Hey, aggressor, you want to actually give us a name, now? Or are you too much of a coward?"

She countered haughtily, "He didn't give his name, so I don't have to give mine."

The Freezing Pokemon obliged, "R.J."

Kay huffed, "Well, you still get nothing. Just a bunch of worthless posers who aren't cute in the slightest."

Lynn sighed in annoyance, mumbling, "And the repetition continues…"

Belladonna was really growing tired of her attitude and chatter, "Okay, we get it you little bitch, you think you're cute, now shut the fuck up already."

Kay gave her a look, but decided to oblige. "You know what? You're right. I'll save it up for when the competition actually starts. There's just no way that any of you can beat this."

She made a cute, puppy-dog face, her eyes glimmering. The others weren't exactly impressed, not even Max or Dade.

Art deadpanned, "That's the face only a mother can love."

Kay growled, "Go fuck yourself!"

Mew and Victini waited for the next contestant to arrive. Apparently, Victini only called fifteen Lapras, as five of the contestants responded that they were going to have their own modes of transportation. They could have come to the island at any time.

Waiting for any one, or multiple, of them to show up, Mew let out a sigh as he watched their other competitors bicker and talk amongst themselves. He slowly started having doubts about how the show would go.

Victini, noticing this, rose a brow. This was a pretty exciting time for them, so seeing Mew's expression of uncertainty raised questions. "You okay, dude?"

Mew let out a sigh, "I guess. But, seeing how the others are acting over there makes me a bit worried about how the show's gonna turn out. I mean, not all of them are jerks, but some of them really need to get their acts together. I don't think audiences like watching people who are annoying unless they're relatable."

Victini nodded in understanding. This was their trial season, so they really needed to impress and entertain their audience, as well as Arceus and Giratina. Having a bunch of hate mongering or annoying people would likely bring the enjoyment down.

Victini reassured him, "Don't worry about that. This is before the game even starts and they're probably over there complaining because of everyone's first impressions. Who knows? Maybe some of them will become good friends down the line. Plus, it's not all of them, just two or three. So far, at least. We've still got five more to g-"

He cut himself off when he happened to glance out at the water and saw something that made him question his sanity. "Is that a Rhyperior riding a surfboard?"

Hearing this, Mew looked at the water as well as his eyes widened at the sight. A large, brown and orange rhinoceros-like Pokemon was riding a huge wave over to them. It was on a green surfboard with a couple of blue swirls decorating it.

As the wave began to crash onto the beach, the Rhyperior jumped off with a THUD! It picked up the surfboard, smiling brightly at the hosts.

The Drill Pokemon spoke, "Sorry I'm late, guys. Weren't that many gnarly waves."

Mew was still a bit shocked, but when he remembered that surfing was someone's hobby, "Uh… That's okay. Welcome to the show, Portia."

The Rhyperior, now identified as Portia, nodded in greeting, "Stoked to be here, brah."

Victini queried in interest, "How did you get into surfing, and how are you able to? I thought all rock-types hated water if it wasn't their other type."

Portia shook her head, "Nah. I got into surfing because of my uncle. I was scared at first, but eventually he started teaching me how to surf and I got better. I nearly drowned over ten times, but it was a learning experience."

Victini nodded, "Well, hopefully you don't drown here if you plan on surfing a lot."

Portia sheepishly giggled, "I hope that, too."

Mew sighed, "Well, you can head on over to the others. Maybe one of them will be interested in surfing, too."

Hearing this, Portia smiled a bit. A few moments later, the flapping of wings could be heard. Looking up, the hosts, as well as Portia, saw two Pokemon heading in their direction. One resembled a dinosaur. He was a tan color with parts of his body being green. He had large, leaf wings, and what looked like bananas under his neck. He was a Tropius.

The other resembled a female honey bee. She had a honeycomb bottom and a red gem on her forehead. She was a Vespiquen.

The two had arrived together, but one seemed to be far more annoyed by the other, signalling that they weren't related or even friends. Portia moved out of the way, walking toward the others, allowing for the two flyers to land. Well, the Tropius mainly, the Vespiquen remained in the air.

It would seem that the two were engaged in conversation prior, as the Vespiquen spoke, "All I'm saying is that you should have been courteous and let me ride on your back. A lady shouldn't have had to fly that long distance."

The Tropius, obviously annoyed by that point, groaned softly, "For the last time, that doesn't matter. You have wings yourself, why would I let you ride on my back if your method of getting here is the same as mine?"

The Vespiquen argued, "To be a gentleman! Just because I'm able to fly as well doesn't mean-"

Not wanting to hear more, Mew interrupted them, "And here are Tim and Honey, who seem to be have a bit of a lovers' quarrel."

Upon hearing that, Tim, the Tropius, immediately turned to the New Species Pokemon, "Lovers' quarrel? Oh no, no, no, no. There's no connection to us at all. She just wants me to cater to her every whim, which is not gonna happen."

Honey growled, "I am royalty, I'll have you know! I can buy and sell you!"

Mew and Victini exchanged knowing looks, with Victini sighing, "The two of you, go on over and meet the others. We've got two more players to introduce and then we can begin the explanations and such."

Tim nodded and proceeded to head over to the others. Seeing this, Honey interrupted, "Uh… Care to see a lady over?"

The Tropius just ignored her, continuing his way over. In a huff, Honey followed suit. Going over, Tim introduced himself, "Uh… Hey there, I'm Tim."

"Hey there Tim," Max greeted, waving at him.


Honey flew up, interrupting the conversation already happening. "Hello all. I'm pleased to be meet you and I hope that we're all able to get along."

Tim gave her a look, "Now you want to be nice? You were just telling me to do things for you as if I was some sort of servant."

Honey scoffed, "Oh please. You simply misinterpreted. I'm used to being served, so my requests might have come off as 'pushy'."

Tim narrowed his eyes at her, "Riiight."

The next contestant game by sky as well, only it did not have wings. It resembled a U.F.O., having three eyes, magnets, and screws. The center eye was red, with the other two being normal. He was a Magnezone.

Mew introduced, "Ah, Xavier, good to have you."

The Magnezone responded, "Firm handshakes and eccentric attitudes."

The hosts immediately exchanged looks before looking back at the Magnet Area Pokemon. Victini queried, "Uh… What?"

Xavier explained flatly, "In order to increase the popularity of your show, you need to be firm and eccentric. Dare to be yourselves. Being stale and generic doesn't make for a good show."

Seeing this as advice, Mew responded, "Uh… Thank you?"

Xavier didn't respond, instead going straight over to the other competitors. Victini and Mew exchanged looks of understanding, taking in what the Magnezone had said. They weren't planning on being generic anyway.

Eventually, the final contestant arrived by water. She was a fish; she was yellow, pink, purple, and blue in color. She had rather luscious lips, and jagged teeth. She also had an extension of sorts on her head. She was a Bruxish.

Despite being a fish, she was able to float out of the water via kinesis. She had a very seductive look on her face, which unnerved the two hosts.

The Bruxish licked her lips, greeting the hosts, "Hello you handsome hunks of meat~."

Victini shuddered in disgust, not appreciating the actions. "Welcome to the show, Jessica…"

The Gnash Teeth Pokemon responded, "Delighted to be here, sugar~. It's nice to see some sexy legendary males such as yourselves hosting such a fine show."

Mew twitched a bit, "Well, you're the last player to arrive, Jessica, so let's get you over with the others so we can start explaining how the competition is going to work."

Jessica smiled, "Sure thing cuties~."

She proceeded to float over to the others, with Mew and Victini following her.


Still on the beach, the duo stood in front of all of the contestants with smiles. With all of them now in attendance, they could start explaining the competition.

Mew cleared his throat, "Alright, once again, we'd like to welcome you all to the show. As you all may know by now, the twenty of you will be competing against each other for 100,000 Poke in cash, as well as bragging rights. Furthermore, you'll be participating in challenges that will either protect you from elimination, or have you send someone home."

The contestants exchanged looks, as Victini spoke up, "Now, we're sure that you all have gotten to know each other a bit and have made your final decisions on who you like and who you don't. But, remember that even though first impressions are everything, they aren't always accurate. You'll be learning that as you're placed into teams."

Mew interrupted him, "But, before we do that, we'll have to give you all a tour around the island. So, follow me and Victini"

The pink feline began floating toward the stone stairs, with all of the contestants following him. Victini decided to be the caboose, making sure all of the contestants stayed with the group.


The cameras followed them to their first stop, which was the cabins. The hosts floated in front of the contestants as they stood in the middle of the campgrounds. The only things there were the rather shabby, yet decently sized, cabins. Based on their expressions, the contestants weren't really impressed.

Mew explained, "As you can see, these are the cabins in which you'll be staying. They don't look like much, but I can assure that you all will be perfectly fine."

The contestants still weren't impressed, with R.J. staying, "Uh… No offense, but you guys are legendaries. Shouldn't you be able to afford something better than this?"

Art agreed with this sentiment, "My thoughts exactly."

Victini responded, offering them an explanation, "Well, this is our first season, and Arceus and Giratina have to permit us to get all of the fancy schmancy stuff. However, since this is essentially a trial season, our budget is a bit lower than we'd like."

Marley rose a brow, "Then how'd you afford the island?"

Mew sighed, "The island is abandoned. We don't have to pay for it. Now, are there any questions regarding the cabins themselves or your living arrangements?"

Jessica smirked, "Yes. Since I'm assuming most of us are adults here, are we allowed to sleep with whoever we like?"

Mew and Victini exchanged looks. As they recalled, some shows like this allowed that kind of interaction, and Arceus and Giratina didn't mention anything regarding that. So, they decided to allow it.

Mew shrugged, "I suppose so."

Kay scoffed, "Oh please. I don't see why anyone here would even bother with these hideous, inbred fucks you call men. None of them would even attract a Jynx."

The guys immediately glowered at the Stufful, as did some of the girls.

Lucky, who had been dragged by Chip, regained consciousness and got onto his feet. "Ugh… Where am I?"

Tim, noticing this, smiled, "Hey! The unconscious guy's up."

Lucky looked around and saw that he was among the other contestants. Looking, he saw the cabins and grew interested. "Ooo, are those our cabins? Interesting…"

Mew decided to get back on topic, "Anyways yes, you guys are able to sleep with whoever you want, but it must be consensual. We don't any of you girls in the guys' beds if they don't want you there and vice versa."

Sasha immediately smiled to herself as she once again grabbed onto Kane's right arm. The Ursaring noticed this and blushed a bit. Nearby, R.J., who had his arms folded, saw this and his eyes widened.

Victini continued, "Alright, let's move onto the next destination, the plains."

Victini, having been the one to investigate the rest of the island, took the lead. The fox led the contestants into the forest on the left side, with Mew taking the role of the caboose this time.


They all made it to the glade, where the sun shined bright. A light breeze blew through the air, causing a soothing aura to waft around.

Victini explained, "Alright, these are the plains. This will be a site for a fair amount of your challenges. And it will also act as a place for you all to relax and do whatever you want."

Chip groaned, "Do what? Stare at trees?"

Lynn gave him a look, "Hey, sometimes just sitting in silence and resting your mind does your body good."

Chip laughed, "Please. That's just what hippies like you want us to think. Everyone knows that exercise does the body good."

Jessica tittered. "Actually, both of you are wrong. I believe that it's milk that does the body good…" she expressed, licking her lips.

Seeing and hearing this, majority of the guys shuddered. As soon as they saw her and heard her, they knew that they wanted no part of her anywhere near them.

Belladonna urged them to move on, as she herself was growing a bit uncomfortable because of Jessica, "Okay, so these are the plains. Where to next?"


Victini led the contestants to the mountains next. The looming landform causing a bit of fear to go down some of the players' spines. From a distance, it had the normal effect. However, up close, the contestants had a much better idea of what they were going to be dealing with.

Victini chuckled, "This is the mountain, and I can tell by you guys' surprised expressions that this is a bit terrifying for you. But don't worry, you guys will be ascending it for one or two challenges, so be prepared."

Dade twitched, "Uh… I-Is it even stable?"

Victini floated up to the mountain and knocked on it. A faint rumbling was heard as a rock began tumbling down, picking up speed.

Christine was the only one to shout out, "Look out!"

The rock bounced off of a ledge, heading toward the group of contestants. Or well, one in particular. The rock struck Lucky in the head, knocking him back out, causing him to topple onto Max and Dade.

The Delibird and Burmy groaned in pain from under the Woolly Crab Pokemon.

Kane hissed, "Jeez, that guy really is unlucky."

Mew sighed, shaking his head, "Does anyone mind helping the three of them up?"

Portia, being the one closest to them, got the Crabominable back up onto his feet. Max and Dade were knocked out by the weight of the fighting- and ice-type. Due to this, Kane decided to pick them up and carry them.

Victini got things back on track, saying, "Alright, we're not going over there, but know that there is a volcano out in the water nearby. When the time comes for a challenge, we'll tell you where to go. Now, onto the next part of the tour."


The next part of the tour took the competitors to the pond, where the glistening water reflected clearly. The musty smell hit everyone's nostrils like a truck.

Honey scoffed, waving her claw in front of her face, "Jeez, the odor here is reprehensible."

Sasha agreed, covering her nose, "It smells like complete shit around here."

Soon enough, an actual smell of fecal matter spread around the scene, making everyone curl their noses. It was like someone left a fresh pile of diapers there and covered them in garbage.

R.J. cursed, "Fucking shit, what the hell is with that smell?!"

Marley chortled maniacally, "You all just got Liquid Assed!" She took out a small spray bottle with a picture of a pair of buttcheeks printed onto it. 'Liquid Ass' was printed as the title.

Lynn coughed, "Why… Would you spray that?"

Marley continued laughing, "It's hilarious!"

Art growled, "Hilarious my ass. You're just making us all sick to our stomachs!"

Marley smirked at his response, "Which is what makes it hilarious, my humorless comrade."

Mew and Victini were holding their noses, already irritated by Marley's actions. The feline stated, "Alright, let's just move on to the next location since Marley's decided to artificially fart in this scene."

The contestants began to move away from the pond, as the odor began to mix with the already musty scent, creating an completely repugnant smell.


Mew led the contestants to the side of the beach, where the cliff was located. Gesturing to it, Mew explained, "This will be another site of your challenges."

Seeing the cliff, a few of the contestants grew concerned and worried.

Christine cleared her throat, "Uh… That doesn't look safe."

Victini chuckled, "Don't worry. You'll be fine… Mostly."

There were immediate exclamations of unsurety once he said mostly. The slight panic alarmed Mew a bit, while Victini laughed.

Victini wiped a tear from his eye, "Calm down. We'll have appropriate safety precautions to make sure that no one is gravely injured."

Mew sighed to himself, "Anyways, let's get you guys back to the campgrounds so we can get you into teams."

Tonya queried, "Wait, you're putting us into teams already? I thought that-that-that involved choosing team captains and letting them do the rest?"

Victini shrugged, "Sure, that's the traditional way that things would be handled."

Mew huffed, "In middle and high school, maybe."

Victini continued, "But, you guys are adults and you're competing for a lot of cash. Plus, it's our show, so… Our rules."


Mew and Victini escorted the twenty competitors back to the campgrounds.

Mew rubbed his hands together before spreading them, "And that ends our tour. So, if you have any comments, questions, or concerns, feel free to ask them now. If not, we can get on with the teams."

Zahku raised a glove, "Zahku wants to know about food."

Upon hearing that, Tim also grew concerned, as there wasn't any mention about how they'll be fed. "Yeah, that's one of the main things we need to be worried about besides possible grievous bodily harm."

Kay interjected, "Obviously. Especially since you don't need to be worried about any girl here trying to have sex with you."

Mew and Victini exchanged looks of unsurety. They hadn't discussed a meal plan at all. Mew began stammering, "Uh, we, uh… "

Victini replied, "We will provide small platters for you in the morning times."

Mew cleared his throat awkwardly, "And in addition-"

A decently sized building appeared in the campgrounds, a good distance away from them. "You'll have this mess hall here to talk. It will also be where you get your platters."

Art chortled sarcastically, "Lovely, we get a newly found, shitty mess hall to eat it.

Mew gave him a look, "Like we said, low budget. You can't expect a five star, fancy cafe from first time hosts."

Art rolled his eyes.

Victini chimed in, "Now, if there are no other-"

Portia interrupted him this time, "Wait, dudes. How are we gonna do those one-on-one things where we just give our thoughts and stuff? Don't these kinds of shows have them?"

Mew growled to himself, "Right…"

An outhouse appeared next to the group. Glued to the inside of the door was a camera. Victini stifled a laugh, "Well, here you guys go. Now you can confess to your heart's content while also relieving yourselves."

Honey scoffed at this, "This is repulsive! There is no way that this is the way we'll be relinquishing our private thoughts."

Belladonna laughed, "You heard them. Low budget, so you're gonna have to deal with it like the rest of us."

Honey grumbled to herself, folding her arms.

Mew felt completely embarrassed by this, but explained its usage nevertheless, "Now, the outhouse confessional will be located near the plains. And, as Victini said, you can use this to confess to your heart's content."

R.J. huffed, "Great, can we get on with this team stuff now?"

The New Species Pokemon nodded, "Yes, yes." A piece of paper appeared in his hands as he cleared his throat once more. "Now, the cabins are marked with a red square and a blue square. On the Red Team, we have-"

The camera began panning to each contestant as their names were called for the teams. Mew continued, "Tim, Honey, Chip, Kay, Kane, Jessica, Xavier, Sasha, Max, and Tonya."

Respectively, the Tropius, Vespiquen, Machamp, Stufful, Ursaring, Bruxish, Magnezone, Nidoqueen, Delibird, and Accelgor moved to the left, where their cabin was located. There were mixed reactions to the team.

Tim, seeing who he was stuck with, could only twitch in annoyance. Honey wasn't impressed, Chip was annoyed, as was Kay, Jessica only licked her lips as he eyes went to Chip's crotch, Xavier remained emotionless, Tonya shrugged, and Max, Kane, and Sasha just exchanged looks of unsurety.

The pink feline continued, "And that leaves the rest of you on the Blue Team. Dade, Lynn, Art, Belladonna, R.J., Christine, Zahku, Portia, Lucky, and Marley."

Unlike the Red Team, the Blue Team seemed rather content with their choices, well, besides Christine, who was miffed that she was on the same team as Art. The ten of them moved to the right.

Victini, clapped his hands together, "Now, why don't you all get settled into your cabins, get to know each other better than you already have, and try to conduct some strategy. Or, if you don't want to, you can explore the island and just do whatever until we call you for dinner."

Kay scoffed, "You can't expect me to stay with these low level ingrates!"

In response to this, Sasha growled, "You act like we want to be stuck with you on this fucking team!"

Chip chimed in, "I mean, all of you are fucking weak anyway. I honestly don't even want to be on this team with any of you out of shape ninnies, either!"

Max tried to lighten the mood and calm the others down, "Come on guys, the competition hasn't even started yet. Shouldn't we just try to get along so we don't get our butts kicked?"

Chip gave the Delibird a look of annoyance, "I repeat, all of you are weak, anyway."

Kane, growing annoyed, placed his hand out, "Hey, lay off. You don't know any of us, you're just going by our appearances, which is completely dumb on your part."

Sasha backed him up, saying, "Yeah. You may have all of those muscles, but in the intelligence department, you're probably as weak as you think we are."

"Compassion and understanding are what you must have," Xavier explained, facing Chip.

Chip glared at him, "Oh, shut up sheet metal…"

Seeing their annoyance with each other already, R.J. laughed. "I have to say, I really feel bad for you guys," the Beartic said with his arms folded. "So many piss-poor attitudes has to weigh a team down. Before the competition even starts, too? For shame…"

Tim decided to speak up, despite his own negative thoughts about the team, "Hey, at least we don't have the cynic, the prankster, and the accident prone ones on our team!"

Art, being mentioned, easily retaliated, "Yeah, meanwhile you have a wannabe princess, an egotistical coach, an annoying, ugly… Whatever you want to call her, and a possible sexaholic. Shouldn't be so high and mighty when your team's worse than ours, character wise."

Tonya shouted back in her same quick manner, "We'll see whose team is worse when we start-start these challenges!"

Both teams returned to their own cabins, where they were going to attempt to know and understand each other.


"First thoughts? This show is gonna fail," Art opined. "These 'legendary hosts' didn't even have how we're going to eat prepared. How the heck do you forget that you're supposed to feed us!?"

"As for the other players… Can't really get a good read on them just yet. But, so far, I think the biggest threat has to be either R.J., Chip, or Belladonna. R.J. seems to have some spunk and a bit of anger in him, Chip boasts about being so strong, and I'm inclined to believe him, and Belladonna's attitude in general just oozes confidence and strength. I'm gonna have to keep a watchful eye."


"I'm here and ready for the danger!" Belladonna cheered. "I just can't wait for the challenges to start. My team seems okay, other than Art's attitude. But, he could turn out to be a decent person, so I'll give him the benefit of the doubt. The others, though… Ugh, I'd love to just drown Kay in a pit of mud."


"I just can't believe that I'm on a team with a bunch of soft weaklings!" Chip groaned. "I'm seriously gonna have to carry this damn team until I can whip them into shape!"


Christine sighed, "Out of everyone here, I have to say that so far… Art is the main one bugging me. His demeanor and apathetic attitude just make me want to melt him into a puddle."

"But, I have to keep myself calm. I'm gonna rely on my music to keep me calm while I deal with everyone here."


Dade smacked his lips, "Well, I can say that I'm glad that I'm not on the other team. Our team has so many big guys that we could easily dominate these challenges! And if we're dominating, there's a lower chance that I'll be sent home!"


Honey grumbled to herself. "I can't believe I'm stuck using this shit shack to tell my opinions! I should be in an actual powder room, not this!"


Jessica hummed suggestively, "Everyone hear is so gorgeous~. I can imagine taking on four of the guys at one time already. Just feeling everything on my face and body would be-"


Kane sighed, "Well, first day and people already practically hate each other. But, at least some of the people seem nice. Sasha's been holding my arm since she got here, but I don't know. We literally just met. Plus, I'm already taken."

"But, other than her. I guess Max and Tim are okay. Max seems like he just wants people to have a good time and Tim just has that kind of vibe to him that's hard to explain."

"I just hope things end up okay."


"ALL OF THESE LOSERS NEED TO KILL THEMSELVES!" Kay exclaimed. "I'm serious! These ugly-ass, no talent, unreliable, unlovable, fat, loose lipped, morons need to go back to wherever the fuck they came from. I am the only one who matters on this show, and you all know it!"


Lucky groaned, rubbing his head. "Yeah, I tend to have a lot of crappy luck, but I'm not gonna let that set me back. I'm gonna keep on trying unt-"

He suddenly felt a rumbling underneath where he was sitting before raising up, causing a geyser of dirty water to enter the confessional. "OH COME ON!"


Lynn looked around and was cautious to even be in the confessional, "Whew, what the heck happened!?"

"Sorry!" she heard Lucky shout from outside.

Lynn sighed, "I don't really have much to say other than I hope this experience does me well."


Marley giggled as she rifled through her bag, completely ignoring the wet and smelly confessional. "I have so many things that I'm gonna do. I've got some twine, some whoopie cushions, shaving cream, more fart spray, some homemade foam bombs…"



Max sighed, "I work as a Santa at a mall, and my job is to make children happy and promise them they'll get what they want. Well, right now, I just want these people to act their age and stop being so selfish and irritable."

"I'm generally a jolly guy outside of my job, but being surrounded by these kinds of people is only gonna irk me, I know it."


Portia chortled, "Well this is gonna be pretty interesting. There's a bunch of people with conflicting personalities. It'll be interesting to see where it all goes."


R.J. grumbled, "That fucking bitch better stay-"

"I swear, I really hate this show a bit already. We're essentially just a trial run, I'm surrounded by people who have fucking issues, and my team is… Ugh. We may have the stronger minded players, but we don't have the players I was hoping four.


Sasha moaned to herself, "Kane is just so hot and firm. He's probably the only guy here that I can see myself having a shot with. The other ones either have issues or remind me of my husband, which is just… A huge turn off."


Tim was banging his head against the wall. "Why… Why… Why… Why… Why…"


Tonya explained, "Hopefully the others don't mind my speed, my speed often times gets on peoples nerves because they tell me I'm going too fast and I try to slow down, but they still get mad at me. I love to go fast, because life is short and you never know when your own life will end, so you gotta get through it."


Xavier stared at the camera, "There is no real guide to being popular."


Zahku looked around the confessional, "I feel awkward."


Red Team - Tim, Honey, Chip, Kay, Kane, Jessica, Xavier, Sasha, Max, Tonya

Blue Team - Dade, Lynn, Art, Belladonna, R.J., Christine, Zahku, Portia, Lucky, Marley


And there we go. The beginning of an era. It makes you think… "Wow, these were the original contestants they had to deal with before the ones we all know, love, and completely hate?" Jeez. But, at least Mew and Victini are decent here, compared to what happens later on down the line. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time on Total… Pokemon… Zero! See ya guys, BYE!