Chapter 15

Thought / Dream / Memories





The Meitantei Duo:

The Naito Shin and the Violet Angel

It happened during their flight to L.A. - in the middle of the night, and Ran woke up due to a scream from the back of the plane. She reached out to wake Shinichi up, but she found that he was already out of his seat - possibly already at the crime scene even, knowing him.

At the corner of her eye, she saw Megure-keibu asked what was going on, and heard that there was a dead man at the bathroom. Shinichi must be investigating it already, and he would do it in uniform, so they would let him approach the body and listen to his order. She thought as she rubbed her eyes free of the remain of sleepiness. She would better go as well, and see if there was something that she could do to help.

She was in the middle of standing up when she remembered that Mouri Ran wasn't supposed to know Naito Shin that well, since they only met once before, and that was 7 years ago already. Disguise. I need a disguise. She thought decisively as she rummaged her handbag, and she soon found a round hat along with a sunglasses. This will do for now. She decided. I will have to ask Agasa-hakase to invent something for me too, like Shin's Night Vision Monocle and Collapsible Stun Cane.

Putting the hat and sunglasses on her seat, she reached up to her travel bag and pulled out a long coat. That was done, she picked up her hat and sunglasses - along with the long coat, she then walked in a fast pace to the toilet at the front side of the plane. She quickly wore the long coat, hat, and sunglasses, before hurrying out of the tilet and over to the back of the plane.

She saw that Shinichi - in his Naito Shin Regalia indeed - was standing aside in thought, while Megure-keibu and another Officer were investigating the crime scene."So, how is the investigation going, Shin?" She whispered once she was close enough to him.

Naito Shin blinked out of his thought and stared at her. "Ran?" He whispered back, "Is that you?".

"Yeah, it's me." Ran whispered in confirmation, "I figured that since I'm going to help you as your Partner, I need to be in disguise too".

"What should I call you then?" Shinichi asked as he saw Megure-keibu walked over to them, "Megure-keibu would ask for sure".

"I haven't thought of it." Ran whispered with a sweat drop, "Just make up something then".

"Oh? Who is your friend, Naito Shin-kun?" Megure-keibu asked then, as if on cue.

"Megure-keibu, this is my Partner. She's only recently passed my test for being a Detective, so she's still a newbie." Shinichi began to say, while thinking of what to call Ran's disguise, before ended up blurting, "You can call her Angel".

"Angel?" Megure-keibu repeated with a blink of his eyes, "Is it a Pseudonym like yours too?".

"Yes, Keibu." Ran answered this time, "Like Shin over here, I'm not a fan of being in public's attention. So while I can handle being known while in Uniform, I don't want my civilian identity to be out".

"I see." Megure-keibu nodded in understanding, "Is it just Angel? Or is there an addition to your name?".

"Let's go with Violet Angel then." Ran said decisively, "Since my eye color is violet".

"Alright. Nice to meet you, Violet Angel-san." Megure-keibu held out his hand for a handshake, "I'm Megure, an Inspector from Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department".

"Nice to meet you, Megure-keibu." Ran shook his hand as she said that.

"So, do you find the murder weapon, Keibu?" Shinichi asked seriously.

"No, we don't find it in any of their belongings." Megure shook his head in disappointment.

"What kind of weapon is it?" Ran asked them, since she had just arrived and therefore knew nothing of the case.

"Something like an ice picker." Shinichi informed her as he gestured for her to follow him, before he led her to the crime scene, "See? It's just a puncture wound, but the scratch on the side of his neck bothers me." He explained as he showed it to her, his black gloved hands were careful to not disturb the scene further.

Seeing Shinichi's gloved hands, Ran gestured to Shin for his spare one, and then wearing them after Shin gave them to her. Ensured that she wouldn't leave a fingerprint and disturb the scene, she then proceeded to look at the wound carefully. "Hmm …" She hummed as she pulled back, "Do you have any idea of what caused the graze?".

Shinichi shook his head silently. "Do you?" He asked after awhile of them observing the graze.

"Vaguely, but I don't know if it's possible to be done or not." Ran admitted hesitantly, afraid of what would happen if she was wrong.

"Oh? What is it, Angel?" Megure-keibu - who was with them - asked curiously, "Don't hesitate to say it. However little the possibility, a vague idea is better than nothing".

Ran nodded in understanding. "I think that it's something that only a woman and cross dresser would have." She told them quietly, a light blush was visible on her cheeks, "The wire inside a … Bra".

Both Shinichi and Megure-keibu blinked at that, a light blush also lightly coloring their cheeks. "So, we can have a body check as well as inspect their belongings again, then we can find our culprit." Megure-keibu said after clearing his throat.

"There's no need for that." Shinichi told him, "Now that I know the real weapon, I know who our culprit is, as well as what had actually happened".

"I see. Lead the way then, Shin." Megure-keibu said in agreement.

With Ran's help in pointing out the murder weapon, Shinichi cracked the case and named the murderer, so right in point that he got an admission from the murderer as usual. Megure-keibu then praised Naito Shin and Violet Angel for their good work, and then the two High School Students returned to their seats after removing their Uniforms in secret.

Unfortunately for them, Megure-keibu noticed their presence as he returned to his own seat. "Oh!" The Inspector exclaimed in surprise, "Aren't you two Kudou Shinichi and Mouri Ran? Long time no see!".

"Long time no see, Megure-keibu." Although they had just seen the man, both Shinichi and Ran returned the greeting to keep their alter ego a secret.

"You two have grown up, the last time I saw you was when you're 12, Kudou-kun." Megure-keibu then smiled at Ran, "And it's been a year, Ran-kun".

"Yeah, my parents took me out on a world tour." Shinichi answered honestly, since he had just recently returned from said tour, but was now heading for L.A. to visit his Kaa-san - his Tou-san was hiding from his Editors somewhere else in the world.

"Yes, and I joined him in the last year of his tour." Ran added with a bright smile of her own.

"I see." Megure-keibu then looked at them curiously, "Strange though, I didn't see the two of you here when Naito Shin and I fetched our suspects." The look of curiosity then transformed into a wide eyed surprise, "Wait, don't tell me … are you two actually the Naito Shin and the Violet Angel?".

"Eh?" The two teens voiced out in surprise.

"Now that I think about it, Naito Shin hadn't made any appearance in Japan for the last 3 years, but he made his appearance elsewhere in the world instead." Megure-keibu stated as he looked at the two teens pointedly.

Ran and Shinichi exchanged helpless glances - knowing that they were caught red-handed this time, before looking up at Megure-keibu again. "Alright, Keibu, we admit that they're us." Shinichi said at last, speaking quietly so that only the Inspector would hear.

"But as we said, we don't want to attract attention to our civilian selves." Ran continued for him, "So please, keep this information to yourself, Keibu".

Megure-keibu agreed to keep it a secret, and thanks to that, the man's trust in Naito Shin and Violet Angel solidified. On the upsides, it would be easier for them to work together with the man from now on, despite their young age. On the downsides though, they were sure that they would get called onto the scenes even more often from now on, despite Naito Shin's warning years ago.

Well, at least Ran finally could help Shinichi with his cases now, as part of the Detective Duo, Naito Shin and Violet Angel.



So, this is the end of this story. There would be sequel though, so don't worry.

Also, I want to thank everyone who Favorite and Follow, as well as Review this story. You guys makes me really happy.

Now, I'm looking forward for your review

Fragments of Imagination