Hey guys, so this is the sequel to Feeling Ill. I hope you all like this as much as you all liked the first one. Please review and let me know what you think guys x
Ben and Mal's wedding was the talk of the entire kingdom. Between Mal, Ben, Belle, Evie and Bree it hadn't taken long to plan and they had decided after all that had happened they wanted to be married as soon as possible. Everyone was excited for the royal wedding in a weeks time, Ben and Mal were no exceptions to this. Ben was currently in a fitting for his wedding suit with Evie. Of course the couple had asked Evie to design and make their suit and dress as well as the ones for the bridesmaids and ushers/groomsmen. Belle and Adam had even asked Evie to make their outfits.
Mal was currently sat in the library thinking about how different her life is now. She had her brother in Auradon, friends around her and a fiancee who treat her like she hung the moon. She had everything she could ever want. But the thought of becoming Queen of Auradon was scaring her half to death. She almost wanted to run away from it all but she couldn't bare the thought of living her life without her family.
After a while Belle walked into the library, smiling at the sight of her soon to be daughter-in-law lost in thought. "Worried about being Queen?" She asked as she sat down, startling the purple haired half fairy from her thoughts. Mal immediately nodded to the brunette. If anyone could help with how she was feeling it would be Belle. "I remember feeling like that when we took over Auradon." She admitted to the purplette.
"How did you get past it?" Mal questioned. While she was shocked to find out Belle had felt almost the exact same way somehow Belle had gotten past it and that interested Mal more.
With a smile Belle gently took Mal's hand in her own. "As cliché as this will sound Adam helped me through it." She stated, earning a confused look from Mal. She couldn't help but chuckle at the purple haired fairy next to her. "He kept reminding me that I wasn't alone, that he was there for me. Just like Ben will be for you." She explained. Belle took Mal's other hand in her own and kept her gaze on the purplette's face. "Talk to Ben, trust him. He'll help you through this. You don't have to do this alone Mal." She stated.
The purplette smiled at her soon to be mother in law. "Thanks Belle." She responded. It was then the clock on the wall chimed, bursting the bubble they seemed to be in. Turning to look at the time Mal couldn't help but be shocked. "I'm really sorry I have to go. I'm meeting Jane, Lonnie, Bree and Ellie at school before we go to do some shopping. I should have already left." She rushed out her explanation.
Belle simply nodded to the purple haired half fairy who rushed from the room as fast as she could without going dizzy. She hadn't told anyone she was still having dizzy spells and her magic wasn't 100% reliable since she had been poisoned by Queen Leah, she didn't want to worry them. But as she headed to meet the girls she realized just how terrible she felt and realized if it carried on she would have to go back to the doctors and get herself seen to. But for now she was looking forward to an afternoon in town with the girls, but she knew it would be better once Evie met up with them. She loved Bree, Lonnie, Jane and Ellie but she had known Evie almost her entire life and shopping wasn't as much fun without the blunette.
Author's Note: I know it's not long guys but I hope you like it. Please review and let me know what you think x