Heyya Guys! The Next Chapter has finally Arrived! Several months...if not a year if I'm not mistaken, but I think I have gathered all the things I need to get the ball rolling.

So, Basically, I re-read a lot of Reviews from my previous story, and while many were supportive, many were rather opposite. I, however, focused on the negative, constructive reviews, and came across the following, repeating points.

1. Naruto's Character is inconsistent
2. He's a Clueless Idiot beyond acceptable Levels.
3. He has no real "goal"

I came to consider what exactly went wrong with him, and the answer was me. I was writing several different stories with different MC's, and his character started to...blend. This is good, and bad. Good, as it synthesized development, and bad, because it was not a constant, or concrete change. While you could argue that it was the multiple personalities within him, even I, the writer, had a hard time swallowing some of it.

TO SUMMARIZE, I will be tweaking Naruto's character to allow for a greater foundation so he isn't swinging from badass madladd to Beta-Cuck69 14 year old virgin idiot to Simpstar123 to Feminazi 2.0. I want to find a more stable ground for him, and so I'll be gravitating him to a...darker place for the time being to allow for a clear path of growth.

Anyways! Chapter 2! Its a bit of a shortie, but its Here! Give me your feedback if you care to share, be it tips, pointers, comments or complaints, I want to try and take them all with a grain of salt to really make this into a solid story.



Ah, Camp Half-Blood…it hasn't been long enough.

Sure, this place was cool…but this place was quite the chore to survive in.

Naruto fought the sudden urge to just go back up to Peleus and just doze off the rest of the day, and refocused on the goal of traversing the camp for the sake of his memory. This place evolved with time, he should learn what changes.

He smiled in spite of the feeling however, enjoying the shear presence of Nature Energy available. He knew it was being essentially amplified by the Golden Fleece, but that didn't change its euphoric bubble in his belly at the progress this place has made in regards to it. Nature was something he loved, and seeing it in so frugal supply in this world made these small places all the more enjoyable.

His sightseeing was interrupted frequently, though they were incredibly short as each person that recognized him stopped him with a frantic wave and chased him down regardless of distance. They were kids after all, it's not like he could ignore them.

Well he could, and is now currently doing so, as he sent shadow clones out and about the more popular areas to alert the camp of his presence.

"You should have done that at the start."

'You know, Kurama, when one is taking in the sights, it's important not to spoil them.'

"Don't try and sound cool, you just forgot, idiot."


"This place hasn't changed Naruto, or at least to a degree where re-exploration is currently required." Kukuo said with a palpable eyeroll, "Please find something more productive to do than wander around."

Kukuo didn't like doing nothing. If she wasn't busy, she was angry, and if she was busy…she was angry? Less angry?

Maybe she is just angry.

Naruto nodded with a sigh, before leaping up onto a rooftop and taking large leaps towards the forest, or more specifically the training arena next to it. He wanted to have a chat with Percy about his powers, and take a more close inspection of what makes them work.

Since his last run in with Zues, something had become abundantly clear. He had no resistance to this "Godly" power. It wasn't chakra, it was as if it simply existed to be controlled by them. It was a frustrating system to try and counter. Chakra could be countered with affinity matchups, combat could be countered by alternating styles. The more knowledgeable held the most victories based on their freedom to move in between power types and levels.

This world seemed to have the simply hierarchy of "who is bigger, badder, and unhappier."

Zues being obviously at the top currently. Angry git.

Naruto took another leap, and he spotted the sword arena. He noticed Percy wasn't alone like he predicted, but he was with a new face…a collection of new faces.


With practiced ease, his legs drew themselves, closer, and he flipped, the chakra in his feet blooming as he decelerated, stomping on the air like as they echoed like the snaps of freshly cleaned bed sheets. It garnered the attention of all present, and Naruto landed with a small plume of air. He walked forward casually, his descent practiced enough to not land him in a crouch, and he nodded to the group casually.

"I see some new faces Percy, introduce me?"

Percy stared at me stonily, probably still stewing what happened in the court, but he nodded and turned. "Naruto, this is Tyson, my half-brother, and this is Quintus…he's the new Swords Master at Camp."

Naruto nodded, giving a polite inclination of his head to both, before following it up with a big smile. "Nice to meet you. Mind if I borrow Percy for a bit? I need to test something."

"A test? Interesting. I have heard quite a lot about you myself, might I come along?" the swordsman asked. He was on the tall side, and definitely an adult, even going a little gray.

The oldest demigod he'd seen to date.

And…something rather intriguing…he didn't have a tether.

It was as if this world didn't recognize him as alive.

Perhaps a "magic", or a seal of some kind to prevent monsters from sensing him?

"It'll be at the bottom of a lake, so I don't really think it will be available for spectators." Naruto said simply, and Percy blinked in surprise, "Really? You're not going to try and drown me are you?"

Naruto just looked at him, "Why would I kill the person I need to help me?"

"I dunno, maybe you wanna take my lungs or something…" Percy said vacantly.

"Take his lungs? Would that allows us to breathe under water?" Son Goku asked thoroughly miffed at the statement, and Matatabi snapped at him, "We are NOT putting some FISH GILLS in this body!"

"Well…don't worry? I don't want your lungs. I like my own if I'm being honest." Naruto said somewhat haltingly, when did Percy start to resent him?

"…ok." Percy said with a nod, before turning and nodding to Quintus. Naruto accepted this, and turned to lead the way.

Only to see a dog the size of a literal truck staring at him with large black eyes.

This was not a situation he was planning on having.

In its mouth, was a straw dummy commonly used for target practice, covered in slobber and clearly quite roughed up.

Naruto noticed the glimmer of metal, a collar, hanging around this animals neck.

"Before that." Naruto said curiously, "I'm new here and all, but how the hell did you get a dog to get that big?"

"Mrs. Oleary is a hellhound." Quintus replied dryly, "Although she is quite large for her size, perhaps its because she's lived so long as my pet?"

That was clearly not an honest answer, but Naruto chose not to pry. He simply tilted his head, the dog mimicking his actions.

He offered a palm, as if to shake.

Mrs. Oleary accepted it, meeting his gaze with surprising calmness.

"Huh, ok." Naruto said with a nod, dismissing this event as if it never happened, "Percy, shall we go?"

"Yeah." He said with a nod, staring at the two of them as if something was supposed to happen.

"Alright, blink." Naruto said, appearing in front of Percy fast enough to startle him into blinking. Percy tensed, before he felt as though gravity yanked him away…into nothingness, as if he had fallen into tartarus itself. He flailed reflexively, trying to regain his balance and reach anything.

He felt an explosion around him, before a familiar power flared through his body as he felt bubbles drag race up his skin. His eyes snapped open, widening in surprise, to see Naruto in front of him, his cloak resting without a single wrinkle at the bottom of the lake.

Naruto's eyes glowed, staring at him piercingly, and Percy froze…was he perhaps analyzing him? For what?

Naruto seemed to flick his eyes around to specific points in his body, his head, torso, legs and arms, it was like he was looking for something…like a tattoo or a weapon.

Naruto frowned suddenly, before he held his hand out, palm facing up, and Percy stared in confusion.

Naruto stared at him, before looking at his hand, and back at him.

More staring.

Naruto rolled his eyes, before he pointed to Percy's hand, and waved for him to hold his.

Percy moved jerkily, clearly finding this undesirable, but Naruto just smiled at the teen. Naruto closed his eyes, and Percy felt confusion run through his system as Naruto started to radiate slightly, a thin silver outline coursed over his form like an eclipse.

The water suddenly twitched, shivered almost, and Percy felt…strange.

Something changed.

Naruto held up his other hand, and the water above his palm spun into a small sphere, spinning like a mini planet.

Naruto opened his eyes, and dispelled his creation, gesturing for Percy to do the same.

Percy complied, moving his own hand forward and concentrating. A familiar pull in his gut anchored him, and the water responded. The lake itself spun for a moment, before his influence shrank to just what was above his palm. it wasn't as spherical or "clean" as Naruto's, but it was a vague sphere nonetheless.

Naruto's eyes seemed to stared relentlessly at the sphere, suddenly darting along Percy's arm to look for clues, even surveying the water around for some kind of answer.

Naruto leaned his head forward, blowing a bubble in clear disappointment, and released Percy's hand. Percy stared at Naruto in question, and Naruto just pointed up.

Percy kicked off, heading for the surface as Naruto rose. They breached the surface, and Percy coughed, a reflex as he swapped from breathing underwater to on land. Naruto treaded water for a second, he almost grabbed the water's surface, and pushed himself on top, sitting cross-legged on its surface as he breathed in deeply.

"It's amazing really…I'll admit I'm almost jealous." Naruto said conversationally, smiling at Percy.

"What do you mean?"

"Your connection. DO you know why I brought you out here?"

"Not for my lungs." Percy replied stonily, and Naruto just smirked, "I brought you out here to see you use your power…I want to know how it works, as its different from mine."

"What is yours?"

Naruto stood up, blowing water off of his clothing with a burst of wind, before reaching down for Percy to take it. Percy did without comment, remembering what had happened on the train on their last quest. Naruto hauled him up, and they walked to the edge together.

"Mine is more like a battery, in the sense I have energy, and I…consume? Trade? I exchange some of that energy for a response." Naruto said thoughtfully.

"But for you demigods…it's a literal part of you." he said wistfully.

Percy felt their feet dig into muddied soil as they trekked onto land, and he responded, "What do you mean? that's not really all that clear."

"It's like a muscle for you." Naruto said simply, "Like moving an arm, it responds to will or desire. It's like a fifth limb grafted perfectly into your body."

Percy shivered at that imagery, and Naruto just chuckled at the shivering demigod. "In theory, your control over the elements will be infinitely better than mine, as you physically share a connection beyond "control" or "energy". Its…quite beautiful to see."

"Have you checked with other demigods?"

"No, I didn't see the need. You have the…greatest affect in the outside world. It's difficult to examine skills divinely blessed, such as archery or combat, as its more of an influence rather than a conscious movement."

Percy looked off to the side, trying to wrap his head around that as Naruto walked forward a few steps, before turning and smiling slightly, "Anyway, sorry to bother, if you refused I would have had to take Thalia into the sky and made her shock me. This was the much better alternative."

The image of Thalia being kidnapped into the sky and striking herself and her companion with a massive bolt of lightning was almost comical. Percy snorted at the idea, stifling a laugh.

"Anywhere you want to go? My treat." Naruto said simply.

"What do you mean?"

"Anywhere, even outside the camp, 'though you'll have to be back before dinner or some event starts."

Percy stared at Naruto in surprise, before looking at him accusingly, "This isn't another test is it?"

"Nope, just my thanks for helpin me out."

"…instead of that."

Naruto tilted his head slightly, "hmm?"

"Can you…show me how you walk on water?...if its the same action like you said…I should be able to do it too right?"

Naruto blinked a few times, before he smiled widely, interesting! Maybe he was staring to open up a bit more…it was strange, but he felt that if he was to forge any connections…Percy should be one. He had the strongest potential of becoming a hero.

"Sure, how do you want to start?"


And there you have it guys! Another story chapter, the long awaited, is out...I wont upload the next chapter until I get some good feedback, so Review and Make a Point! I can drive this bus but if there is a better route there is a better route!

Thanks all for waiting for those of you still here, and as always, Take care.
