College bound Aubrey Posen was a stuck up bitch. Until she met the Bellas. She became a little less strict and more open and careless because of the friends she had made

Fresh out of college Aubrey had her shit together. She graduated at the top of her class. She had bought a retreat and turned it into a successful business.

End twenty Aubrey had enjoyed a reunion with her beloved Bellas in Europe. The USO tour had been their last performance. And it had been a success.

Mid thirty Aubrey was miserable. A widowed mother of two who had lost contact with her beloved friends. The girls who were once the most important persons in her life.

And now she was thirty-five with a four year old daughter and a two year old son. Her husband, the father of her children had died while on a mission. General Posen and his wife had died two years prior when the plane they were on crashed. Ironically the general was on his way to Aubrey to be there when his grandson would be born.

The once proud Bellas captain was a shadow of the woman she once was. She was currently sitting on a bench outside the hospital. The same hospital who had given her a death sentence just twenty minutes had started as a simple flu turned into a deadly disease.

Suddenly realisation hits her. She was going to die. She needed to arrange something for her kids. She was an only child with no family left. Her husband had been an orphan.

Who was going to look after little Emma Sophie and Christopher Jacob? She didn't want them to grow up in foster care. Ten names popped to her mind. Ten women she hadn't spoken to in five years. Her beloved Bellas. She didn't care which one of them would look after her kids. She just hoped that one of them would look after them. She knew it was a lot to ask for but she didn't have a choice.

Joseph Walsh her lawyer was visibly shocked when he saw her. She had called him two days before to make this appointment.

She explained him she was sick and that she would die. She needed someone who would look after her kids. He had asked her if she had someone in mind. Wordlessly she gave him an folded piece of paper. He took it and unfolded it.

Chloe Beale

Beca Mitchell

Stacie Conrad

Ashley Jones

Jessica Smith

Emily Junk

Cynthia Rose Adams

Florencia Fuentes

Patricia Hobart

Lilly Onakuramara

I want you to contact them all. Explain them the situation and ask who of them would be willing to take care of my kids. After she told him her wishes she left.

Unbeknownst to each other, all the Bellas had a meeting with Joseph Walsh at the same time. Surprised at the unexpected reunion they greeted each other. They were all curious and confused why some lawyer they never heard of wanted to see them. Nervously they all waited to find out what's going on.

"Thank you all for coming ladies" the lawyer said as they had entered his office.

"You all probably wonder why you are here" he continued.

They all nodded in agreement to his previous statement.

"I invited you on behalf of my client Mrs. Field" he said.

They all looked at each other. None of them knew a Mrs. Field.

"Excuse me, but I think you have the wrong people. None of us know a Mrs. Field" Chloe said on behalf of them.

"Mrs. Field formally known as Aubrey Posen ask me to contact you" the lawyer said.

They all gasped when they heard Aubrey's name. They haven't heard from her in years. They didn't even know she was married.

"What does the aca bitch want from us after all those years?" Fat Amy asked.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but Aubrey is seriously ill. In fact she is terminal. The reason you are asked to be here is that she has two small children. Her husband and the father of her two children died while on a mission. Aubrey's parents died two years ago. She asked me to contact you and ask if one of you are willing to look after her children. A four year old girl and a two year old boy" he said.

Nobody knew how to respond to that. None of them had spoken to their former captain in five years. They hadn't even known she had been married. Or that her parents had died.

They didn't know what to feel about this information. Aubrey was sick and at the end of her life she reached out to her fellow Bellas. Of course they would do what needed to be done. They were sisters and they would always be there for each other.

"Can we visit her?" Beca asked.

"I don't know. I'll have to ask her that. But to come back to the question I asked you. Is there someone willing to take care of her children?" Joseph asked them again.

"Of course, that's not even a question. We're sisters. Her kids are our kids" Stacie said and they all agreed with her.

They still had a lot of questions, but apparently the meeting was over. Mr. Walsh couldn't or didn't want to give any more information. He wanted to talk to Aubrey first.

Two days later the Bellas were asked to come back to the lawyers office.

"I talked to Aubrey. And she gave me permission to give you the information of the hospital she's at. But I must warn you her condition is very bad. You might not recognise her" he warned them.

With that information they left the office. Stacie who was a doctor immediately contacted the hospital Aubrey was in. After talking for forty minutes her face fell.

"Guys, it's bad. If we want to see her alive we have to leave today" she said.

They started to plan right away. They all called their bosses and in some cases their business partners to explain why they wouldn't be there for an unknown time. Chloe reserved plane tickets for all of them. They arranged that their children would be taken care of.

With two hours before they had to board, they had a lot to do. Flo and Emily needed to get their passports from home.

They went on their way as the rest of them went to the store to buy toiletries. With forty-five minutes left they met at the airport. Just in time they reached their terminal.

For the first time in six years they would be all together. At the same time they knew it would be the last time.

They went straight to the hospital. Stacie used her profession to convince the hospital staff to let them in. On their way to Aubrey's room the doctor filled them in.

When they reached Aubrey's room they stopped. The doctor opened the door and they walked in. They were shocked when they saw their former captain. She looked nothing like the proud woman she once was.