Holes in the Heart


===Author's Notes: Here's the epilogue. I wanted to write a sorta Sorato fanfic, but since this is a Kenmi (only one of its kind), I combined the two. It'll be short, but hopefully sweet. Ja ne!===


"Sora, thanks for coming."

"No problem. So what's this with you and Ken?"





"Okay. We've been talking about what happened in the Digital world-the whole Apocalymon and kissing fiasco."

"I see you've left your hair normal. Why exactly?"

"Um…Ken likes it."

"Geez, Mimi, he's what? Three years younger than you! What do you think your parents are going to do?"

"Why do they need to know?"


"How do you feel around Yamato?"

"What does that have to do with you and Ichijouji?"


"Perfect. Like a candy-cane dream that'll never end. Sometimes it feels like floating on cotton candy…the most wonderful ice cream…"

"Sora, you're making me hungryyyyyyyy!!!!"

"Oh, sorry."

"Now would you feel the same way if Yamato was twelve right now?"

"Of course I woul-oh. Oh, geez, Meems…"

"My point exactly. I love him like you love Yamato. So please keep everyone from stepping on our backs."

"…I'll try."

"Thanks. I need to call Aunt Natsumi and tell her I'm staying with my parents."


"I've missed my parents and you guys."

"What about Michael?"

"He'll understand."

"Okay. What time is it?"

"Five to three. Why?"

"I told Yamato I'd meet him for lunch at three!"

"Ja ne!"

"Y tu."


"Never mind, Mimi."

The afternoon sparkled down on a young teenage woman, a gold bracelet around one wrist, a pink tank-top on. The sunlight sparkled off her brown hair and she laughed for her love, and she was drunk with the giddiness of life.
