Note: I decided to skip forward some to pick up the pace for my story guys! Mihawk has allied himself with the strawhats so he can protect Lucia better. They have just gotten Chopper to join the crew as their doctor as well and are on the way to Alabasta.

Lucia's P.O.V.

We have arrived in Nanohana, and man is it hot! Thankfully I was able to get some new clothing, it is pretty comfy and freeing for my tail too. I was with Zoro, Nami, and Chopper when we overheard someone asking for Luffy and myself. Zoro had pushed me behind him and I nestled against his back. His scent drowning me and making my fox side feel elated. Though I was curious on why this person was searching for us, he seemed oddly familiar to me.

Zoro asked the all important question though, "Where the hell is Luffy anyways?"

No One's P.O.V.

At the Spice Bean restaurant, patrons are gathered around the young man seen earlier, who is face-first in a plate of food. They believe he has dropped dead mid-eating, and suspect he was bitten by a venomous insect. Suddenly, he wakes up, wipes his face off, and resumes eating. Everyone freaks out and he tells everyone he just fell asleep. Shortly after, he falls asleep again. The man asks the restaurant owner if he's seen Luffy and Lucia.

They are interrupted by Smoker, who noticed the earlier commotion. He identifies the young man as the second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, Portgas D. Ace, startling those present. When asked why he's here, Ace says he's looking for his brother and sister. Luffy is running through Nanohana, tracing the scent of food. Smoker says he's not here for Ace, but will go ahead and try to capture him. Suddenly, Luffy uses Gomu Gomu no Rocket to launch himself toward Spice Bean. He rams Smoker and Ace through the restaurant's rear wall and the walls of several adjacent buildings, then demands the restaurant owner make him food.

While Luffy is chowing down, Ace and Smoker return to the restaurant. Ace apologizes to a family for disturbing their meal. Smoker identifies Luffy, though it takes a second for Luffy to remember him from their encounter at Loguetown. He swallows all the food, and runs, with Smoker and Ace chasing. The owner notes that neither Ace nor Luffy paid for their meals. Luffy knows he can't beat Smoker, so he goes looking for his crew. Smoker orders Tashigi to look for them as he pursues Luffy. She knows with Luffy in town, it's likely Zoro is there as well.

Smoker asks Luffy why he's in Alabasta. He only says he came to beat up Crocodile. Smoker wonders how they're connected. On the other side of town, Nami, Zoro, Chopper, Lucia, and Usopp catch back up with Sanji, Vivi and Carue, and tell them the Marines are present. They hear a commotion, and Luffy soon runs to them, with Smoker on his trail. Smoker is intercepted by Ace, who uses Heat Haze to halt his attack, White Blow.

Luffy recognizes Ace, and is surprised he's a Devil Fruit user now. Ace identifies his power as the Mera Mera no Mi. He tells Luffy to run, and says he'll hold Smoker off. Smoker demands to know why Ace is helping the Straw Hats. He says a big brother has to help his little brother and sister as he sets a firewall to block the Marines. Luffy tells the crew that Ace is their brother, to their shock, as they make their getaway.

Lucia's P.O.V.

Man it is so great to see our big bro again! To everyone's shock he has a big brother disease and hates the fact that I am dressed in a beautiful belly dancer attire. It consisted of a bra stilled top that was ornately decorated. It was halter style and pure white with gold embellishments. The bottoms consists of a skirt that was split and short, white shorts (they are more like undies let's be honest.), and the skirt was sheer colored white. It too had golden embellishments adorning it. I thought it was gorgeous! I got me a few other ones as well.

I was happily barefoot as well with some gold anklets and armbands as well. Ace hated that I was around boys dressed the way I am and all I did was laugh as he blushed. "Ace, you can't say anything as you are walking around shirtless!" He sighed in defeat, knowing it was a losing battle. Sanji chose that moment to come out with refreshments and snacks as we sailed up the river. I jumped up excitedly for snacks and Ace sighed shaking his head with a fond smile. Luffy and I sat by Ace after we got our snacks, Sanji giving me extra since I am a lady. I sipped on a delicious espresso smoothie as I nibbled on chicken cordon blue cups and shishkabob sticks that had strawberries, marshmallows, and brownie on them drizzled with chocolate. It was amazing to eat and I never wanted them to disappear.

We arrived to our next stop,what Vivi called the Green City. As we anchored I saw some funny looking dugongs. Vivi gasped as she saw them telling us that they were called Kung Fu Dugongs and that it is bad to lose to them but worse to win. We finished up there and are now on our way to Yuba.