3rd Person's POV
The sea is calm. The breeze gentle and warm as a few members of the passenger ship here a thump against the side. They look over to see it is a large wine barrel. When they reeled the heavy barrel in another crew member spotted a pirate ship; a pink one that went by the name of the ' Miss Love Duck'. The pirate ship fires a few cannon balls at the passenger ship and panic ensues. The pink ship pulls up beside the cruise ship, allowing Alvida and her crew to board.
While they attack, a young pink-haired boy by the name of Coby sneaks into the kitchen and takes notice of the large wine barrel. As he starts to roll it, a few of Alvida's crew members barge in and start to question him on why isn't helping. They talk about how they are feeling parched and go to the large barrel to open it. As the larger guy in the middle raises his fist to open it the barrel bursts open and two people come out. One is a young teen boy with black hair, a red vest, straw hat, and blue shorts; this is Monkey D. Luffy. The other is a female with short back hair, black fox ears, a swishing black tail, wearing a red corset crop top and black shorts, also having a straw hat; she is Monkey D. Lucia. " Ah man, that was an AWESOME nap!"
Lucia's POV
I giggled beside Luffy, my twin. I looked around and saw a guy lying on the ground unconscious while his buddies stared at us wide eyed. The two guys quickly snapped out of it, charging at us with harmful intent. We both easily defeated them and laughed as they ran off. I turned around to see a young pink haired boy, " who're you?" He blushed and Luffy giggled wrapping an arm around me and smiling at the boy. " I'm Coby. Who're you guys and what were ya doing in the barrel?"
I sniggered, " I'm Monkey D. Lucia and this goofball is my twin, Monkey D. Luffy. We left on a dinghy but it got sucked onto a whirlpool." I giggled( yes I know they are giggly but they are quite childish lol. What'd ya expect?) after my explanation as Coby gawked at us. We hopped out of the barrel and headed to the cellar, both feeling hungry. Coby told us that we were on a cruise ship that's being raided by someone named Alvida, whoever that is.
As we chatted and munched on delicious red apples a VERY fat woman burst through the wall and said that we weren't Roronoa Zoro. We both point and ask, " Who's the fat lady?/ Who's the warthog?" Everyone stared at us horrified before the warthog launched herself at us. As we fought, I separated my fluffy tail into 8 different ones and wrapped them around some of her crew members throats and flung them overboard. Luffy used his Gomu Gomu no Rocket to send a bunch of them flying. The fatty, who I learned is Alvida, asked us what we were. Luffy spoke up first, with a grin, " I'm a rubber man!" Then I spoke, " I'm a kitsune hybrid!" I grinned, all 8 tails swishing languidly. " i see, so you both at Devil Fruits then." we both nodded before punching her and sending her quite far away. We had the others that were left give us a boat to go on our way.
" I'm going to get him to join our crew, Lu!" I turned to him, " get who?" Luffy grinned widely, " Zoro of course." I nodded, " he sounds strong, lets do it bro!" I burst into laughter as Coby started freaking out again, trying to talk us out of it; we bouth tuned him out, set on getting this Zoro guy to join us.
We were almost to the next island, according to Coby. " You can't be serious! Zoro is a demon, a monster!" We both grinned at that, " then he's perfect!" Coby sweatdropped as we arrived at the island. Mine and Luffy's jaws dropped at the size of the Marine Base. " WOAH! IT'S HUGE!!" We got out and started to look through the town. Luffy giggled when townspeople freaked out when Coby said Captain Morgan's name and Zoro's name. " Huh, that's weird. Why would they freak out about the Captain's name?" Luffy and I shrugged.
As we neared the base I caught a whiff of a very appealing scent. It was a combo of metal, male musk, sweat, and sake.' Wonder what's up with this scent.' We peaked over the edge of the large cement gate and saw a man with a black bandana tied around his hair, some of the green hair still showing- he was wearing a white shirt with black pants and black boots as well. ' This scent is coming from him!' My tail wagged at the nice scent coming from him. As we studied his ragged form more a little girl showed up, climbing a ladder- jumped over and went over to him. She then offered him some rice balls. He told her to go away and that he didn't want them. ' Man his voice is so freaking husky! I could listen to him all day.' I glanced over, hearing a metal gate screeching open. We saw the ugliest blonde guy I've ever seen!
He started bragging about how he captured the infamous Pirate Hunter and grabbed a rice ball, spitting it out and insulting the little girl as he stomped it into the ground. He then had a solider toss her over the gate(wall whatever it is). Luffy stretched his arm and caught her with ease, and Coby and I ran over to them. I kneeled down by her, " Are you okay?" She seemed to stare at me; little twinkles shimmering in her eyes as my ear twitched. " Woah! You have animal ears and a tail!!" I grinned at her- my pointy canines revealed- as i giggled, " Yup!" She smiled widely before Coby repeated my question.
She then told us of how Helmeppo- the Captain's son- was walking a rabid dog which tried to attack her. Zoro had killed it to defend her and made a bargain with him to save her. We walked to a restaurant her mom works at and we saw him, Helmeppo- whom I've dubbed Hippo- talking about how he plans on executing Zoro tomorrow. I could feel my fox rage at the concept of Zoro dying. Luffy punched him so hard he fell out of his chair. I sniggered at his face- he was mortified of Luffy and looked like he was gonna piss himself from one little punch.
We got back to the courtyard Zoro was displayed at. " they plan to execute you tomorrow, ya know." He blinked at us both n shock. " How would you know this?!" " Hippo said it. Then Luffy punched him." Luffy stared at Zoro, " join our crew." Zoro scowled at him. " if you get my swords back, I'll join your crew." He smirked, thinking we wouldn't do it. " Okay."We both said. He blinked shocked at our willingness. He told us where they were placed and Luffy went to get them. Coby and I worked on untying him when the metal gate screeched open as Captain Morgan and a lot of other soldiers. I turned to face the marines as Luffy showed up with three swords. Zoro then stated that they were all his and I told Luffy to help Coby. I crouched down, ears folding back, tail swishing and bared my fangs at them. My nails sharpened to claws as I growled warningly. " She's pissed." Zoro had stopped shouting at them to hurry up to stare at me in shock and awe. I ran at the marines- appearing as nothing more than a black blue due to my hair and ears. I took down half of the men with just my claws.
Luffy and Zoro joined in. Luffy and I tagged up on the large Marine Captain and we easily brought him down. Zoro smirked, " well then captain; where to next?" Luffy and I grinned. " onto the next adventure!" I blinked, " wait! Let's get food first!!" Coby laughed as Luffy cheered. We made our way to the restaurant and ate to our fill. Marines arrived; requesting that we leave the island and we did- leaving Coby behind to follow his own dream.