and there you have it! 5 chapters in 5 (sort of) days
this i my personal favourite, let me know what you think! it includes Snape's Worst Memory from the HP books
as always, you can message me on tumblr 'abrokefangirl' with any questions you have
They had kidnapped Remus that night. James and Mila had snuck him outside by the whomping willow, where Sirius and Peter were waiting to meet them.
Remus had tried to argue against being pulled out of bed late at night, but Mila knew the end result would be worth it.
"Just get a move on, Moony," she hushed him. Three people under an invisibility cloak was no small feat. They were fifteen now, and it was getting a lot tighter under there. When they finally, finally made it outside, Mila closed her eyes rather dramatically and took a deep breath of fresh air.
"Oh, come on," James said, "It's not that bad."
"Says you! You share a room with three boys, you're used to the smell. I hope I never have to be in close proximity to any number of you again."
"You will be," James pointed out, "When we have to sneak back in."
"Ugh, don't remind me."
They were getting closer to the willow tree, Sirius waved and called out to them.
They all stood in a circle, and Sirius and Mila grinned at Remus expectantly.
"So… is anyone going to tell me why we're here?" Remus asked.
"Oh, Moony, I'm delighted you brought it up!" Mila exclaimed, "We have just the little treat to show you tonight."
"Precisely, Mila," Sirius piped up, "Now, Moony, if you would please sit in the designated area we have prepared for you, we can now commence the show!"
Sirius gestured to a picnic blanket, and candles that Peter had helped him decorate it with. Half of them were blown out in the night wind, but the effort was clear.
James hadn't been made aware of that part of the plan. "Really, guys?"
Sirius and Mila laughed. "We thought it was fitting," Mila said, "Go on, Remus, sit down."
He obliged, and eyed his friends warily.
"Sirius, the spotlight?" Mila asked.
Sirius cast lumos and his wand lit up, shining directly where Mila was standing.
"Welcome to the show folks, and boy is it going to be one to remember." She gestured widely as she spoke. "First up we have the crafty Peter Pettigrew. Peter, if you would join me at the podium."
Peter waved to an imaginary audience and joined Mila.
"Peter, please show what you have for us today."
Peter gave Mila a small smile, and began his transformation. Getting the small boy to become rat had been no easy feat, but Mila often joked there was no real difference.
Remus sputtered. "W-what the-"
"And next up we have the charming James Potter," Mila continued. "Potter please join me at the podium."
James was eager to have his turn, and wasted no time transforming into the stag Mila had seen many times before. It was always just as impressive as the first time he managed it.
Remus began rubbing his eyes, as if he was dreaming.
"And now for the very devilishly handsome Sirius, who paid me two galleons to say that, join me at the podium."
Sirius grinned, and forced his wand into Remus' hand so he could hold the 'spotlight'. Remus looked like he barely knew what to do with himself.
Sirius made the boy-to-dog look easy and, in his shaggy form, let out happy bark.
"Last, but not least, the absolutely dazzling, and I mean stunning, the hilarious, most intelligent-"
James had transformed back into himself. "Get on with it, Lovett."
"Right. Behold!"
She began doing what she had been working so hard for the past three years to manage. She felt her limbs shrink, and hair grow in places where it normally didn't, thank you very much. When she opened her eyes, she was much lower to the ground.
"Mila you're a- a-" Remus looked to James for some guidance.
"She's a fox," he grinned. "Go on, Remus, you can say it!"
Remus eyes were wide. "A fox. A-and Sirius is a dog!"
Peter became his human self again. "Don't forget about me!"
"Peter, you're a rat!" Remus exclaimed.
Mila and Sirius joined the others once more.
"How did you guys do this?! I mean- this is very advanced magic- how on earth-" Remus blurted.
"Because," James patted his friend on the back, "We love you, Moony!"
"And this way we can be with you when you transform," Mila explained.
Remus' eye began to glisten.
"Oh no." Mila wagged her finger at him, "None of that. I won't have it."
"I can't believe you would…" Remus sniffed.
"Dear Godric, make it stop," Sirius only half joked.
Mila tackled Remus into a hug, the rest of their friends joining in. With all five of them wrapped together, Mila could hardly notice the cool night.
"Thank you," Remus was whispering, "Thank you. Thank you."
Mila felt Sirius squeeze her arm lightly; they were both so grateful to have made their friend happy.
"You're welcome, Remus."
Mila didn't know what made her do it, but she decided to pay a visit to the library before classes that day. Well, actually there was a specific reason, but she wasn't sure she was ready to admit it to herself. It definitely wasn't because she saw a melancholy looking Evans walk in that direction. Not at all. Mila just felt like studying, yeah, that was it, studying!
She dragged her feet, a little annoyed at herself for caring. She just knew she couldn't leave it be.
She'd watched a sniffling Lily get out of bed that morning, and Mila knew the first place that Lily would seek solace was the library.
And so she found herself surrounded by musty old books, not really where she wanted to be so early on a Wednesday morning. In fact, she had been planning on sleeping in late enough to miss her first class, regardless of the detention it would guarantee her. No chance of that anymore; now that she was going to go meet Lily, they would be annoyingly early for class.
She found Lily in one of the more isolated corners, her back to her. Mila tiptoed carefully, not interested in another one of Madam Pince's detentions; those were often the most boring. She would make you shelve books for hours.
Mila leaned towards Lily's ear playfully. "Why so glum, sugar plum?"
She felt Lily stiffen up. "Ugh. Don't call me that. That sounds like something James would say."
Mila swung into the chair next to her. "You're up awfully early, Lilykins," she said, purposefully using another one of James' pet names.
Lily didn't take the bait. "It's a wonder you are."
Mila noticed Lily's nose was a little red; she had definitely been crying.
Mila twisted her chair so her legs sat of either side of it, using the back of it as an armrest.
"The way I see it," she said, cutting straight to the point, "Is you can either suck it up, and tell me what's wrong. Or, I call James in here and tell him you're upset until he annoys it out of you."
Lily scoffed.
"And it will work eventually," Mila added, "He's very annoying."
"You're telling me." Lily stalled for time.
"Come on. Out with it."
Lily rubbed her eyes, calming herself. "Its' Severus."
"Snape?" Mila tried not to act too disapproving, knowing it would only discourage Lily from continuing.
Lily bit her lip. "He's been hanging out with some… well to put it nicely, Slytherins."
Mila rocked on her chair. "Uhhh, well he lives with them, Lily, of course he hangs out with them."
"No," Lily said, "I mean he's gotten very friendly with a few in particular."
"In our year?" Mila asked.
"Yes. Avery, Mulciber and Rosier."
Mila resisted the urge to throw up at the mention of her worst enemy. "Yuck. I'm beginning to see the problem."
"It's changing him." Lily's voice became more wobbly. Mila really hoped she wouldn't cry. She wouldn't know what to do.
Mila narrowed her eyes. "How so?"
She didn't have a particularly high regard for him to begin with, but she knew he cared deeply about Lily. Whenever James and Sirius gave him a hard time, Mila always tried to stay out of it for Lily's sake. It must be hard being friend's with someone a lot of people didn't approve of.
"When I ask him what they're doing, he says it's none of my business, so I know it's something bad. And he's been colder, less friendly, I've noticed him bullying some younger students when he's with them." Her explanation came out all rushed, like she was trying not to get upset again.
"Have you told him you're worried about him?" Mila asked.
"I've tried, I swear I have, but he starts looking at me like I've upset him and I can't bring myself to let it all out."
"Well, you know, nine problems out of ten are solved by communication," Mila said matter-of-factly.
Lily rolled her eyes. "Oh, and where did you pick up that statistic?"
"A very reliable source. My brain."
Lily was shaking her head, but Mila could detect a hint of a smile on her face. Maybe she could help after all.
"Tell you what. You. Me. Girls day. We skip classes, and drown our sorrows in a bottle of fire whiskey."
"Not happening," Lily said.
"Oh, come on, Evans. Live a little. I'm even forgiving you for telling James about my mum in third year, all in an effort to make you feel better."
"I already said I was sorry. I was only trying to-" Lily began to argue.
"Regardless," Mila interrupted, "Technically you owe me, and I feel you should pay your debt by sneaking out to Rosmerta's with me and getting blindly drunk."
"How exactly is that going to help?" Lily couldn't help but ask.
"Because maybe you've been going about this the wrong way. Maybe instead of constantly asking him about who he's hanging out with, you should avoid him. Make him notice you're gone. Make him…miss you."
"You sound ridiculous," Lily disagreed, but she felt a small flutter of excitement in her chest.
From the sidelines, it was hard not to notice how much fun Mila had with the Marauders. Lily wouldn't exactly say she was jealous, but she often wondered what it was like to be wild and break the rules like Mila. Mila was the girl everyone wanted to hang out with, and she was asking Lily to spend the day with her. Something about that pleased Lily; it meant Mila Lovett thought she could be fun.
"This is a once in a lifetime offer, Evans. Take it or leave it."
Lily began slowly packing the stuff she had scattered around the table in her bag. She didn't say anything, and Mila sighed, taking it as her sign that Lily was turning her down.
Lily slung her bag over her shoulder and only took a few steps before turning back around.
"So? Are we going or not?"
James and Sirius sat together in potions, both trying to pretend that they didn't notice a certain couple of girls were missing.
James kept glancing at Snape, who was alone for the first time ever in Slughorn's class. And when James wasn't glancing over there, he was looking behind him at the empty spot next to Remus, which Mila usually occupied.
Remus waved cheekily back at him, knowing exactly who he was looking for.
James inclined his head toward Sirius. "Why do I have a feeling something really weird is happening right now?"
Sirius shrugged. "It's not that weird for Mila to skip class."
"Yes, but it is weird for a certain Miss Evans not to attend her favourite subject."
Sirius ignored the attention from some Ravenclaw girls at the table next to them. "So do you care that Evans isn't here to reject you? Or do you care that Mila isn't here to cheer on your antics?"
James frowned at his friend. "Can't I care about both?"
James became distracted by the glare Snape was sending his way. The git was acting like he was somehow responsible for his missing partner.
Sirius altered the route of the conversation. "Maybe they're hanging out?"
Even as he said it he laughed. No way would Mila ever go out of her way to hang out with Evans. She was always complaining about what a stickler for the rules Lily was. It was possible something terrible had happened. Maybe he should be a little worried.
James answered. "Hanging out? No chance." He picked at his nails. "That would be bad. Very bad. The two of them together… They could kill each other. Or worse. They could get along."
Remus, who had been listening intently, leaned forward so the other boys could hear him from his seat. "Would that be such a bad thing?"
Both Sirius and James shuddered.
When the two girls arrived at Rosmerta's, Lily looked a little unsure of herself.
"Don't worry," Mila said, "She'll serve us, no problem."
"What if someone recognises we're from Hogwarts?" Lily asked.
"Then we run." Mila walked briskly to the bar.
Lily chased after her. "We ru- wait, Mila."
Mila hopped up on the bar stool, and spoke to the blonde behind the counter.
"A bottle of your finest whiskey, Rosmerta. And two glasses."
Rosmerta did not look amused. "A whole bottle? At 9am?"
Mila grinned. "Come on, Ros. If you serve me, I'll put in a good word to Sirius for you."
Rosmerta shook her head disapprovingly. "And on a school day too." She turned to get the alcohol anyway.
Mila whispered to Lily. "You'd be surprised how often saying that works. I've even gotten Marlene to do my homework by making that promise."
Lily sat hesitantly on the bar stool. "I'm pretty sure we're getting served because there's nobody else here this early."
Mila laughed. "Fair call."
Rosmerta placed the bottle and glasses in front of them. "And how will you be paying for this?" she asked sternly.
Mila winked. "Put it on Sirius' tab." Rosmerta rolled her eyes.
"Fine, but the second someone else comes in, you have to go to the back room. I won't have anybody see me serving minors." Rosmerta started tidying the around the bar, preparing for the day.
"Won't Sirius care that you're using his money?" Lily asked Mila.
"He probably won't even notice. Those two have deep pockets."
Lily didn't have to ask to whom she was referring too.
Mila began to pour them both a drink.
"It makes you uncomfortable, doesn't it?" Lily asked.
The bottle hung mid-air as Mila paused her movements. She sighed and continued pouring.
"Don't you live with James now? Aren't you used to it yet?"
She placed Lily's drink in front of her. "I thought we were here to talk about you."
Lily narrowed her eyes. "You're avoiding the question."
"And you're avoiding your drink, take a sip," Mila said, drinking from her own glass.
Lily placed her hand unsurely on the glass. "I've never drunk alcohol before."
Mila gave her a small smile. "First sip's the worst," she admitted.
When she'd first gotten drunk, she'd been with Sirius and James the summer before fourth year. They'd all taken turns to swig from a bottle that they'd stolen from James' father's liquor cabinet. And they'd all been sick the next day.
Lily lifted the glass up to her lips and tried the whiskey. She scrunched up her whole face.
"Bleugh, this is bad."
"It gets better the more you have," Mila laughed.
"I doubt it," Lily answered, but she took a few more sips just the same.
"You're corrupting me. This feels like corruption," Lily said.
"Oh, Evans. The day is just beginning."
The Marauders ate their lunch outside. It was an unseasonably warm day. Remus, Peter and Sirius sat under a tree, watching James pace back and forth.
"Where do you think they are?" he asked, biting his thumb.
"Don't let is worry you, Prongs," Remus said.
Sirius was sitting down, leaning against the tree with his eyes closed and pretending not to listen.
"Do you think one of them is gravely injured and they went to the hospital wing? Or maybe their bedroom door is locked and they can't get out; that would explain it."
"If that was true, then wouldn't their roommates be missing too?" Remus reasoned, laughing at how ridiculous James was being.
"Maybe they're friends now?" Peter piped up.
James paused his footsteps, then abruptly shook his head. "No." He continued pacing.
He was stopped suddenly when someone used their shoulder to ram into him from behind.
James eyed the culprit. "Can I help you, Snivellus?"
"You could try not being an imbecile?" Snape suggested.
James bit back sarcastically. "Wow, good one."
It was then Sirius decided to open his eyes, jumping up to join his friend.
"What will it take to make you go away?" he said.
"Tell me where she is," Snape said, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
James and Sirius exchanged looks. "Even if we knew, why would we tell you?" Sirius answered.
Snape's lips were pinched. "I can see you're no help to me."
Snape began stalking away, but growled over his shoulder. "If Lovett has done something to her, you'll pay for it."
"Sod off," James yelled back, but then turned back to Sirius worriedly, "Why would Mila do something to Lily?"
Remus was the one to answer. "Maybe because they have a history of not getting along."
"If anything, Evans would be the one to do something to Mila," Sirius said. "She's way better at holding grudges."
James keeled over rather dramatically, his hands on his knees. "Oh my god they're dead. They killed each other and they're dead."
Sirius patted him on the back sympathetically, though he was glad James couldn't see his expression. If James looked, all he would see is the annoyance on Sirius' face at the fact James assumed their absence had anything to do with him.
"Drink! Drink! Drink!" Mila chanted, as Lily downed her third glass.
When Lily finished she whooped. Mila gave her a high five.
"Ok, my turn," Lily said. "Have you ever kissed a boy?"
"That's the most personal question you could come up with? Easy, yes."
"So who was it? Sirius? James?"
Mila snickered. "No, and no. Swear to me you won't tell them what I'm about to tell you."
Lily held her pinky out, and Mila hooked it it with her own.
"In second year, Remus and I were doing some reconnaissance on a prank James was planning. All week Sirius had been bragging about kissing Emily Gage in the year above us, behind Professor Sprouts greenhouse, saying how it was so different to how he expected. I asked Remus what he thought kissing would be like. He shrugged and turned red in that very Remus way of his, so before he could stop me, I laid one on him."
Lily burst out laughing. "Remus was your first kiss?!"
"Yeah," Mila chuckled, "He never forgave me for it."
"Has there been anyone else?"
"Oh sure, plenty. I made out with Benny Talbot from Ravenclaw a few weeks ago. Don't tell the boys though, they seem to get unbelievably uncomfortable when reminded that I am in fact a human girl. The idea of me dating seems to be ludicrous to them. Especially Sirius."
Lily shook her head. "I don't think it's that. They're just protective of you."
Mila huffed. "Too protective. Talbot told me he'd never dreamed of approaching me when they were around."
"So, are you seeing Benny now?"
Mila choked over the sip of fire whisky she'd been drinking. "Godric, no! I just wanted to see if he was a half-decent snog like other girls say he is."
"You're so blasé about it," Lily said.
Mila shrugged. "When you have Sirius as a friend, you kind of realise the physical stuff doesn't have to mean very much."
"I think it does," Lily said in a quiet voice.
"Well," Mila said, "Have you kissed anyone?"
Lily took a gulp of her drink. "Nope."
"Really?" Mila was surprised. "Not even Snape?"
Lily grimaced. "I'm not sure that would be a good idea."
Mila really didn't want to be that girl. She'd made a point over the years to consciously avoid being that girl. But she wanted to know, and so she had to ask.
"Would you kiss James?"
Lily's face screwed up immediately. "I would rather kiss a toad, than ever kiss that scruffy-haired git!"
"Woah," Mila said sarcastically, "Tell me how you really feel."
Lily seemed to sober up momentarily, though the drink was clearly the only reason she had the confidence to ask her next question.
"Is that why you don't like me, Mila? Because you think I would want to kiss Potter?"
Mila's eyebrows flew up. "I don't not like you, Evans."
Lily stared at her blatantly. "You don't like me either."
Mila fiddled with the glass in her hands. "Truthfully?"
She shot Lily a look to ask if she truly wanted to know. Lily nodded.
"Sure, we don't get along, but I like you just fine. It's just- whenever you're around…James doesn't really pay attention to me," Mila babbled, "And before you ask, it's not like I'm secretly in love with him or anything, it's just I don't like being ignored. Blame it on a messed up childhood. It could totally be attributed to the fact that there is something severely wrong with me-"
"-And I know it's petty and ridiculous. I promise I'm really not the jealous type. I should never have taken it out on you, or made you feel like I didn't like you- Because you're perfectly alright, Evans, perhaps you could even be fun. Being jealous of you is disgusting, I literally feel physically ill."
Mila couldn't stop herself, she knew she was sounding like a complete idiot. She'd definitely had too much to drink.
"Mila!" Lily interrupted, "I get it. I'm jealous of you too."
Mila frowned. "You are?"
Lily let out an uncharacteristic bark of laughter. "Of course I am! You're adventurous, and you're funny, and boys hang on to your every word! You make everything look so easy, you fit right in without even trying. Do you know how long it took me to make friends in first year? Nobody wants to be friends with the girl who reads a textbook at lunch."
"Oh, come on, Evans, of course they do. That's right up Remus' alley. And obviously James doesn't seem to have a problem with it at all."
"Regardless, I always thought you didn't like me because you don't really take the time to hang out with the girls in our dorm. You're so open, but you're really closed off at the same time too. Mary, Marlene and Alice all say they're intimidated of you."
"Oh." That made Mila pause to think. "I guess I didn't notice I was doing that. The only reason I don't hang out with Marlene and Mary is because they always harp on about Sirius. It's weird when so many girls are into your best friend."
"I'll admit they get carried away, but there is a lot more to them than that. Mary campaigns in the summer for house elf rights. And Marlene is really great at charms, she's constantly helping younger students with their homework."
Mila bit back a smile. "And you said you had trouble making friends."
"I guess so," Lily beamed, "But they'd love to be your friend too."
Mila let out a breath of air. "You're right. I probably have been closed up. The boys were the first people in my life who ever really cared about me. They're my family. I guess I thought I never needed anyone else, and I let them get in the way of having a life outside of them. I mean, I had to bribe Talbot to not go around boasting that he managed to kiss the Lovely Lovett, just so they wouldn't find out. Which is a nickname I hate by the way!"
"Noted." Lily's nose crinkled.
"I was wrong about you, Evans. I'm sorry."
Lily jumped up and hugged Mila from behind. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mila."
Mila laughed. "We are way too drunk to have ever had this conversation, and that was the lamest thing you have ever done! Get off me!"
"I think we did pretty well. It was long overdue," Lily replied, getting back into her seat.
Just as Mila was about to say something, the first patron of the day finally entered the bar.
With wide eyes, the girls exchanged looks, and then glanced at Rosmerta, who was staring at them expectantly.
Mila grabbed Lily's hand, and leaned over the bar to reach for another bottle of firewhiskey.
"Come on, run!"
"You better tell Sirius to pay up soon!" Rosmerta called out to them, but they were too far gone to have heard.
Afternoon classes had gone by and the girls still were nowhere to be seen. It's not like Sirius was worried or anything, no, it was totally because James wouldn't shut up about it and it was getting on his nerves. That's why he was so agitated.
In herbology, Sirius had also noticed Snape's mood turning darker and darker throughout the day too. It was only going to end in disaster. A sour-looking Snape and Sirius, plus a babbling James, that equalled chaos. All because Mila and Lily hadn't deigned to show up to class. Maybe Mila kept them more in line than he originally thought.
He'd paired with Remus for the lesson, trying to at least get some distance from the whole fiasco. Level-headed Remus was simply getting on with his work, and Sirius, for once, tried to do the same.
When they were finally let out, Sirius planned on bolting straight to the common room, to check if Mila and Evans were there and finally put an end to this. But the Marauder's didn't get too far because Snape, and the rest of his goonies, stepped directly in their path.
Sirius didn't know if it was the bright sun boring directly down on him, or the inevitable confrontation he was about to have, but he was struck with a harsh headache, only making matters worse.
"Hey, Sirius, look," James said, "Greasy Snivellus is trying to stop us from leaving. Still caught up on the whereabouts of Evans, Snape? Maybe she finally realised how pathetic you are."
Sirius kept his mouth shut about the fact that how Evans being missing had bothered James just as much. Instead, he stepped in line with his friend, ready to back him up.
Snape looked at the pair with pure-loathing. "When are you going to stop chasing after her, Potter? You should hear all the names she calls you when we're alone."
James simply smirked. "You two talk about me when you're together? How sweet."
"As arguments go, that was pretty poor, Snivellus," Sirius piped up.
"Guys, maybe we should just leave," Remus said, but nobody paid him much attention.
There was a faint echo of laughter coming from far away, none of the boys heard it, they were too wrapped up in insults.
"You just wait, Potter," Snape seethed, "You- you-" Snape reached for his wand.
James was quicker. "Expelliarmus!"
Snape never had a hope, the wand flew out of his hand. Avery and Mulciber pulled theirs out, but made no moves to help him.
Before Snape could run after his wand, Sirius cast his own spell.
"Impedimenta!" Sirius cast, and all of Snape's joints locked up.
Meanwhile, the trickling laughter was getting louder. Remus was the only one who noticed, "Uh, guys-"
"When are you going to learn, Snivellus? You're never going to outmatch us, stop trying," James jibed.
Snape's face grew read with exertion, he was trying so desperately to move. "If I find out that little slut has hurt her, I'll make her pay."
Sirius stepped forward, getting right in Snape's face. "What did you say?"
Snape smirked, knowing he had hit a nerve. "If that cock-tease Lovett has done anything to Lily, I'll-"
Sirius wished he had been the one to hex him, but James got there first.
A flash of light hit the air, and Snape was in the sky hanging upside down.
A crowd had formed, they murmured in amusement. Sirius didn't find it funny at all.
Neither did the two girls, whose laughter had immediately died down upon arrival.
Sirius eyes grew wide at the sight of the two redheads. And they did not look happy.
Mila crossed her arms, and narrowed her eyes. "Just what the hell is going on here?"
Mila and Lily had been taking a lovely walk back to the castle. Swigging the remains of their liquor, they had a sway in their walk and not a care in the world.
"Thanks for today, Mila, I really needed it." There was a slight slur to Lily's words.
Mila swung an arm around her. "Not at all. I think I needed it too."
Mila was more surprised than anyone about how much fun today had been. After their big talk, they'd played silly drinking games by the Shrieking Shack, before calling it quits and heading back. Both girls had exchanged secrets, telling each other things they'd never told anybody.
Lily thought Sirius was good looking, though she would never ever tell him that. Mila had to leave the shower curtain open when she showered because she thought someone was going to creep in and violently murder her She said she needed her eyes on the door at all times.
They'd laughed, they'd drunk, and they'd laughed some more. A very productive day in Mila's book.
The jokes continued as they got closer to home. Mila's eyesight was hazy, but ahead of her she could see a crowd near the Herbology greenhouses. She pointed it out so that Lily noticed.
"I wonder what that's all about?"
Lily shrugged, too tipsy to care. Her alcohol tolerance was a touch lower than Mila's, who was more experienced in drinking. Plus, Mila was convinced that Rosmerta had watered the fire whiskey down for the two of them, she felt more sober than she usually did. Either Rosmerta was cheap, or she had known the two girls would drink more than they should. Clever witch.
"Let's get closer and see!" Mila exclaimed.
"But I don't want to go back yet, I'm having so much fun with you!" Lily complained.
Mila chuckled and poked Lily's cheek with her finger. "You are such a sappy drunk!"
Mila continued on, determined to find out what was going on. She saw someone abruptly fly up into the air, and had to blink twice to make sure she wasn't hallucinating.
"Oh no, is that-?"
Lily had seen it too. "It's Severus."
"Shit." Mila whispered, and they both broke into a run.
Mila caught Remus' eye first, he had seemed to be the only one to notice them.
She pushed her way through the crowd, Lily close behind her.
Mila saw James had his wand out, the reason Snape was in the air. She also noticed Sirius looked unseasonably angry. She didn't always agree with the way they treated Snape, and now that she had spent the day with Evans, she was downright pissed on Lily's behalf.
She made herself known. "Just what the hell is going on here?"
"Mila! Lily!" James sputtered, "You're alive!"
"Very astute, James. Now may I ask why you have Severus dangling from the air?" she demanded.
Lily didn't give him a chance to answer. "Put him down right now, Potter!"
"Relax, Evans, you should have heard what he just sai-"
"I don't give a damn! What has he ever done to you?" Lily raged. Mila was shocked at how loud her voice could be.
"Well, it's more the fact that he exists, if you know what I mean… Anyway, who wants to see Snivellus with his pants off?"
The crowd laughed.
Mila had been watching carefully, but for Lily's sake she had to put an end to this. "James, enough."
"Tell you what," James laughed. "I'll put him down if Evan's goes out with me."
Cleary James didn't understand the gravity of the situation, he thought he was simply being entertaining. He clearly didn't realise how angry the two girls were.
"I would never go out with you, you arrogant toe rag! I would rather kiss the giant squid."
"Bad luck, Prongs," Sirius said, though his eyes darted towards Mila.
Mila could see how distressed Lily was. "James, I swear to Godric, if you don't put him down right now, I will hex you!"
James frowned at her, but finally relented. "Fine."
He released the spell, and Snape was slowly lowered to the ground.
"You're lucky they were here, Snivellus," James started.
He scrambled to stand up. "I don't need help from filthy little mudbloods."
Lily gaped, and Mila rolled her eyes. Mila didn't care about being called a mudblood, she brushed it right off, but she could hardly believe Severus had said that about Lily.
Lily's voice was full of hurt. "Fine. I won't bother again, Snivellus."
Mila wanted to reach out to the redhead, but she refrained, knowing James wouldn't take Snape's insult lightly and would most likely do something stupid.
"Apologise!" James roared.
"You stupid little prick," Sirius said, pointing his wand at Snape. Mila stood in front of him before he could cast a spell.
"Don't Sirius, you'll only make it worse."
"But he just called you-"
"I don't care, just don't."
He lowered his wand hesitantly.
Meanwhile, Lily was rounding on James. "Don't make him apologise. You're just as bad as he is!"
"How?" James looked offended. "I would never call you that!"
"You're always showing off. Always ruffling you hair because you think it makes you look cool! You hex younger students just because you feel like it. You're a bully, James Potter! And I hate your guts!"
Usually Mila would have defended James, but she had to admit, Lily had a point. Mila wondered how she had never noticed before. Maybe she'd purposefully turned a blind eye because she hadn't wanted to believe it.
Lily didn't stick around, she stormed away from them all. Mila wanted to go after her, but she had to say her piece first.
She noticed Snape was reaching for his wand, and she cast an expelliarmus on him before storming towards him.
"You're an idiot, Snape!"
He blinked at her confused.
"She was so upset this morning, because of you! She's been crying all day over you, because she felt like you were slipping away, and this is how you repay her! You messed up. Big time."
She could see the vulnerability in his face, before he covered it to scour at her. "What do you know, Lovett? You think because you spent one day with her you know everything!"
"Look, I've done you a huge favour by not cursing you into oblivion. Walk away, before I change my mind."
She stared him down, and he seemed to relent, but James decided to pipe up.
"That's right, run along now, Snivellus."
"And you!" Mila rounded on him, and James looked utterly bewildered. "Why are you such a prick? You think acting like a complete arse if going to get her attention? You think hurting her best friend is going to get you a date?"
James took a step back. "Mila, I-"
"Shut it! I can't believe I never noticed it before. This isn't us. We don't hurt people just because we can. I thought better of you, James."
He blinked, his face showing only a hint of what he was feeling.
Sirius didn't know what to do. If Mila had been here from the beginning, if she had heard what Snape had called her, maybe she would understand.
"Look, Mila, he was mouthing you off. We were only trying to defend you," Sirius argued, and James felt a flair of hope and nodded earnestly.
Mila looked at both of them, and all she could think of was the upset Lily who had just run off.
"I am so disappointed in you," she said.
She turned and followed the route Lily had taken back to the dorms.
Both James and Sirius looked angry. Remus shook his head at both of them.
"So I guess they were hanging out together after all," he joked lightly.
Back in the dorms, Mila walked in on a crying Lily being consoled by Marlene and Alice.
"I can't believe Severus called you that, Lily," Alice said, "I know he's a hateful git but I always thought you were the exception."
"So did I," Lily sobbed.
Mila spoke up. "I'm sorry about what happened."
Lily looked surprised to see her. "I thought you would be off high fiving your mates for what a good job they did."
"What? No way. They're a bunch of arses, and I told them so myself."
Lily looked at her curiously through teary eyes. "You did?"
Mila almost laughed. "Of course I did. You think I condone that kind of behaviour?"
She was suddenly attacked by the five-foot Gryffindor, and pulled into a tight hug.
Marlene and Alice watched in horror as Mila hugged her back.
"Uh, what is happening right now?" Alice asked.
"Have they gone insane?" Marlene agreed.
Mila smiled warmly and gently pulled away. "You know what we have to do now, Evans?"
"What?" Lily sniffed.
"Give them hell."
Over the next week, Mila sat with Lily in every class, ate with her at every meal, and finally started hanging out with her dorm mates more.
She found out that Alice was wickedly funny, that Marlene had a soft-side to her when she wasn't pining after Sirius, and that Mary knew everything about every political agenda, and could fascinate you endlessly with her opinions.
Mila also studiously avoided James Potter, and the whole school was buzzing.
She'd already talked to Remus and Peter behind the scenes, acknowledging they'd had no part in what happened to Snape. But she was still mad at Sirius. Sirius, who could have had the power to stop James at any moment, and who didn't. She avoided him too.
Never in a million years, had Lily Evans thought Mila would ever stick up for her so fiercely. Mila had put a stop to every time Severus or James tried to speak to Lily and apologise, she had sniped at anyone who had made a passing remark about them when they walked through the school, and she had been by her side so devotedly that Lily hadn't even had the chance to feel sorrow about the friend she had lost. Because she had gained another one.
Mila was loyal to a fault, Lily realised. She had never thought Mila would be that loyal to her. But she understood why the boys loved her so much; because when Mila Lovett was loyal to you, you felt invincible.
"Friday night!" Mila danced around her at lunch. "Fri-day niii-ght! What are we doing? I say we gather up the girls and party. Because Friday night, is Mila Lovett's night. And who am I? Mila Lovett. Which means, my dear Evans, that this is my night. And on this night, I say we drink!"
Lily laughed. "I'm never drinking again, thank you very much."
Mila threw herself beside her on the bench. "Oh, come on, Lil. It'll be fun this time. We'll lock ourselves in our dorm. No boys allowed."
"No, thank you."
"Fine, the others and I can drink. You can just watch."
"How kind of you," Lily remarked.
"Yeah I was just thinking that," Mila said, before she her eye caught something behind Lily and her face twitched.
"What do you want, Snape?" Mila asked cooly, and Lily turned around to see Severus standing behind her.
He didn't acknowledge Mila. "Lily, I'm so sorry about what I said. You know that's not how I feel-"
"Save it," Mila sniped. "Go away."
"But, I-"
Lily spoke before Mila did. "You didn't just call me a m-mudblood, Severus," Lily said, her voice stuttering on the word, "You called Mila one too. You're just like all the bloody Slytherins who told me I didn't belong here."
He looked distraught. "You do belong here. I should never have-"
"But you did. Bye, now," Mila said.
Snape let out a deep sigh and left the Great Hall. Mila nudged Lily with her arm.
"How do you feel about that drink now?"
Lily cracked a small smile, trying to ignore how talking to Severus made her feel. "Still not happening."
Mila groaned beside her, and Lily noticed how Sirius and James kept looking intently her way.
"They miss you, you know," Lily said.
Mila's jaw clenched. "They're also world-class pricks. These are the facts of life."
"Just because I'm never speaking to them again, doesn't mean you can't," Lily reasoned.
"That's awfully big of you," Mila admitted, "But they have to realise the error of their ways."
"I think they have," Lily said, "Remus told me they won't shut up about how to make it up to you."
"It's not me they should make it up to, you're the one who got the bad end of the stick."
"I'm starting to think that's not true. Sure, Sev and I aren't friends anymore, but I got to be friends with you."
Mila beamed. "Aw, Evans, who knew you were so pathetically sweet."
"Oh, shut up. Just think about it."
"No comment."
Meanwhile, further up the table, James wouldn't stop complaining.
"This is mental, Mila's never gone this long without talking to me."
Sirius scoffed. "Yeah, we know."
"I don't get it, sure I was a little harsh, but Snape's was being such a git, I couldn't let it slide."
"Yeah, we know," Remus chimed in.
The boys were miserable without her. James had already begun making three separate operations to get Mila and Lily to forgive him.
"What more can I do? I've apologised, but she just won't listen."
It was Peter's turn. "Yeah, we know."
Sirius wasn't even sure which girl James was talking about now.
Sirius had been ignored by Mila in the past. Back in first and second year, they'd barely exchanged two words to each other that weren't barbed with insults.
As bummed as he was that Mila was ignoring him, he couldn't help but be glad that for the first time in her life she wasn't giving into James so easily. And it was driving James crazy.
"Will you try again, Sirius? Please. I'm a desperate man."
Truthfully, Sirius had planned on talking to Mila again, but he didn't mind if James thought it was as a favour to him.
He patted his woeful friend on the back. "Sure thing, bud."
Later that night, Sirius cornered her as she made her way back to the dorms. She'd picked up yet another bottle of firewhiskey from Rosmerta, and was bringing it up to the girls to share.
"Sirius, to what do I owe the pleasure?" She hid the bottle behind her back.
"What's this? You're actually acknowledging my presence."
"Hard not to, when you insist on stepping directly in my way."
"You having a party tonight?" he asked, gesturing to what she was holding behind her back.
"Ugh, I swear you can sniff this stuff out like a hound. Oh wait, you are one."
Sirius eye's twinkled. "I take your little joke to mean… you've forgiven me?" he asked hopefully.
She scoffed. "Keep dreaming."
He closed his eyes, speaking in quiet voice. "I don't like it when you ignore me," he admitted.
Her brow furrowed. "I'm confused. Haven't you been shacking up with Emily Gage this week? I didn't think you would even have time to notice. Besides, James is the culprit, you're just the associate."
He huffed. "You just love to make things difficult."
"I made things difficult? You were the ones who started this!"
"And we've apologised. Or at least we've tried to. I don't get why you're being so stubborn about this. It's not like you've never hexed anyone."
"Ok, fair. But humiliating him like that, Sirius? That wasn't cool, it wasn't… nice."
"Nice?" he asked bewilderedly.
"Yes, not nice. It happened to me once." She really shouldn't be talking about that.
"What? When?"
"Last year, Rosier caught me after practice. He used the same spell on me." She definitely wouldn't mention the part where Regulus came to her rescue.
Sirius face contorted. "I'll kill that prick."
"No, you won't. We don't have to sink down to their level. The best thing us mudbloods and blood traitors can do is live our lives like they don't matter."
He swallowed down his anger. "When did you get so wise?"
She shrugged. "I guess hanging out with Evans has its perks."
"You two are so chummy now. It's driving Prongs crazy."
"Anything Lily does drives Prongs crazy."
"It's not just that," Sirius said, "He misses you. It's not the same when you're not there."
"What's not the same?"
"Us." He cleared his throat. "I mean, all of us."
He could see she was about to break. He laid on the charm thick.
"We'll do anything, Mila. You name it."
Damn, he could be charming. Mila was a little miffed that James couldn't have said all this himself, but he must of known that it would have been easier coming from Sirius. Somehow, he always made everything seem easy.
"Alright," she relented. "On one condition."
"Gather round ladies, and gentlemen, for what you are about to see will truly shock you. And possibly cause you to become seriously ill. In fact, you might die of disgust."
That morning, every Gryffindor in the common room was there to watch, curious at what they were about to see.
Mila had already talked to Lily about it, and she had given her blessing, agreeing that it was a fitting punishment.
James and Sirius stood in the centre of the room, waiting for Mila to strike.
"How're you feeling, boys?" she asked them, smirking.
"If this is what it takes to win you back, Mila, then I'm ready," James said.
"Are you sorry?"
"So sorry." He nudged Sirius, "Right?"
"Yes, very sorry," Sirius nodded.
Mila grinned. "Then let the humiliation commence!"
Both boys exchanged looks, and reluctantly did as they were told. Onlookers watched curiously as they proceeded to be pantsed by Peter and Remus, who were both doubling over laughing.
Sirius, and James heard the laughter heighten around them, and were a little more embarrassed than they cared to admit. Each boy had a pair of little red women's panties on, that Mila had picked up from Hogsmeade.
Mila noticed Lily laughing from the corner of her eye, and looked her handiwork up and down.
"Are you happy now?" Sirius asked.
"Hmm." She pretended to think. "No. Shirts off too!"
"That wasn't the agreement," James protested, but one look from Mila and he knew she would make him do it.
They both took their shirts off, and Mila nodded to Remus and Peter, who were both in on the plan. They picked up all the clothes Sirius and James had taken off, and quietly handed them over to Lily.
Meanwhile the crowd was in uproar. All James and Sirius had on were the tiny pairs of underwear. To be honest, Mila didn't see what they were so embarrassed about, if anything she was doing them a favour. All the girls in Gryffindor were sure to pass along to the rest of the school how good they looked half naked. But, then again, everyone would see for themselves.
Lily walked over to Mila and handed her their clothes. Both the boys faces paled.
"Mila, what are you doing?" James asked worriedly.
"What? You thought it was going to be that easy?"
"Don't you dare!" Sirius yelled, catching on.
"What shouldn't she dare?" James freaked out, "Sirius, what shouldn't she dare?"
Mila smiled warmly at the pair of them. She dropped their clothes out the tower's window. "Oops."
James just laughed. "Yeah, haha. We can just get new clothes from our dorm."
Mila eye's glinted. "Go on then, why don't you try?"
James and Sirius guffawed at each other and ran towards their dorm. As soon as they reached the top of the stairs they were thrown down by a charm that was blocking them. It was like Lily had said, Marlene was very good at charms.
"Mila, let us up there," Sirius said.
"What do you think, Lily?" Mila asked.
"I think they can stew a little longer," Lily said.
"Agreed. Oh and look at that, it's time for class. See you later, boys."
The crowd started to disperse once they were reminded of the time. The room grew emptier, and emptier.
Sirius and James seemed resigned to their fate.
"Well, we wouldn't want to be late to class, would we, Padfoot?"
"You're right, Prongs. McGonagall would never forgive us."
James looked at Mila. "You see the things we do for you?"
"Well, you haven't done it yet."
"It's good to have you back, Mila," James said.
"Yeah, yeah. Less talking, more walking."
Sirius, and James sighed deeply and began their descent to Transfiguration. Mila skipped behind them the whole way.