June 2015

Simon Masrani and Claire Dearing are sitting in her office discussing the latest figures and the budget cuts she needed his approval for.

"Ms. Dearing, it has been almost two hours since this meeting began, and you have yet to comment on the emotional and physical wellbeing of the animals much less the human staff." Masrani placed his clasped hands in front of his face.

Claire is clearly flustered and shuffles the papers in front of her. "There haven't been any complaints on the human side so I'd assume everything is just fine."

"There have been several complaints sent directly to me because they were all about you," Masrani sighs. "I hired you to be the parks operational manager Ms. Dearing and it is a job where you have to make tough choices and you've done a wonderful job."

"Are you firing me?" Claire asks.

"No, no! I'm assigning a co-manager that will handle the 'face' if you will. He handles the day to day care of the animals and staff while you handle the numbers and figures behind the scenes. Over all you'll be two sides making sure this park runs smoothly."

"It sounds like you already have someone in mind," Claire glares at Masrani but is trying to remain professional. He is still her boss no matter how infuriating.

"Yes, he was working with IGN on Island Sorna studying the wild dinosaurs we still have roaming there and running the various field expeditions IGN hosts." He stands and opens the door for the new male to enter.

The man is shorter than Masrani maybe the same height as Claire without heels and has shoulder length hair in a half up half down hairstyle. The only reason Claire doesn't mistake Harry for a woman is because Masrani used masculine pronouns. Nothing else about him screams male. His thin, lightly muscular frame, his effeminate face, absolutely nothing.

"Nice to meet you Hadrian, I'm sure our partnership will be enlightening." Claire tries not to let her frustration show as she shakes his hand.

"I'll let you two hash out the finer details while I set our next appointment with your assistant outside." Masrani smiles at the two of them and backs out of the room shutting the door behind him. Harry chuckles and takes a seat at Claire's desk.

"I swear that man gets weirder every time I see him and please call me Harry, Ms. Dearing, or Hadrian if you prefer, I hate titles."

Claire sits behind her desk again and nods. "Hadrian then, if you don't mind me asking, how old are you? You look pretty young to be the head of anything."

"Ha, yes I do look a bit young don't I. I'll be turning 24 next month" Harry laughs and slouches in the chair. "Don't let my age fool you, I take my job seriously and from what I hear, so do you."

Claire flushes from embarrassment. "Right, I'm sorry. Let's get back to the job. What do you expect me to change? Do you want a bulletin board to post positive messages on or something?" she finishes with a huff.

"Not a bulletin board or kitten posters, I just need you to pretend like I don't exist for a week." Harry starts to make a chain out of the paper clips on Claire's desk.

"What?" Claire asks stupefied.

"I need you to pretend like I don't exist. How can I make relations better if I don't know how they are now? I'll observe everyone for a week and then tell you a few things to fix. Then I'll interact. Become part of the work force here to see how my suggestions are working out before making more or changing my initial ideas. I'll continue this process for a total of two months before leaving again." Harry continues to talk as he adds a paper clip rind to the necklace and bracelet he created.

"Why are you leaving after two months?" Claire asks

"One, I still have another job on Island Sorna. Experiments to finish, dinosaurs to watch you know. Two my ideas wouldn't be worth anything if they fall apart as soon as I'm gone." Harry finally looks up from his arts and crafts project and winks at Claire.

"Okay what do you want me to tell everyone? Should I call a meeting or something?"

"Nah, just tell them I'm there for observation and willing to take all complaints." Harry stretches out his arms and his shoulders pop. "Well it was lovely meeting you Ms. Dearing, Simon set me up in the hotel in the park for my stay, so I'll be heading over now. I've got an early start tomorrow after all. Please make sure everyone is aware that I've got complete access. Oh, and it'll be great working with you partner." Harry smiles and ducks out of her office.

"Oh boy" Claire groans and covers her eyes.

Next week

Harry was on every staff members mind this week. They were all hyper aware of him because of the email Claire had sent. 'Don't engage. He is here for observations; just continue like he isn't there.' Plus, that picture of him smirking at the camera.

How could they ignore him after that? Observations? Observing what? Does that mean people are getting fired?

He started in the control room sitting in the swivel chair he pulled over into a corner. Everyone in the room including Claire were unsettled. He just sat and watched no note taking, no change in expression, just watching.

Then the next day he was visiting all the restaurants. Never getting in the way while in the kitchen. Third he was with the scientists developing and hatching the new dinosaurs to display. By the fourth day everyone was gossiping about him.

"I hear he's the son of an investor who got sent here to stay out of trouble."

"I heard he's supposed to pick new recruits for openings on Island Sorna."

"He's Claire's replacement if he doesn't like the way she's running things."

The end of the week came, and Harry and Claire are once again in her office.

"So how was this week?" Claire folds her hands on her desk.

"Everyone has been on their best behavior and I expect it has something to do with that email you sent out." Harry looked at her as he pulled out a lollipop from his pocket.

Claire tried to hide her grimace behind a smile. "Well do you know what you plan on implementing."

"Yeah" Harry smiled purposely not answering the question the way Claire wanted. He like to make her frustrated.

"Well are you going to tell me?" Claire huffed.

"I'll start with." Harry began but was interrupted by loud noises outside Claire's office.

"You can't go in there!" was shouted before Owen Grady bursts through the door.

"I've had enough! You need to stop assigning those entitled snot nosed brats you call interns to my paddock. They don't respect me or my girls and its going to get them killed and it won't be the raptors who do it." Owen shouts.

"Mr. Grady I am in a meeting right now, we will have to address your problems some other time." Claire glared.

Owen looked down at Harry not realizing he was there to begin with. "I'll wait." He then dropped down into the seat next to Harry's.

"Mr. Grady you may see yourself out while I finish my meeting with Hadrian."

"Oh, I don't mind Ms. Dearing, his complaint is just the reason I'm here right." Harry smiles charmingly at both.

Claire sighs. "Very well Mr. Grady you may stay. I'll also reassign your interns if Hadrian here will be their replacement." She then turns to Harry. "I noticed you haven't spent anytime at the research projects we keep on site and thought you might like to see how they compare to those on Isle Sorna."

"How thoughtful of you. Lollipop Mr. Grady?" Harry looked at Owen with a smile.

"Wait just a damn minute. Who are you?" Owen demands.

"Mr. Grady didn't you get the email I sent to every employee?" Claire asks.

"Probably, but I tend to delete most emails I get without reading them." Owen shrugs.

Harry laughs and stands. "I'll enjoy working with you Mr. Grady." He then walks off.

"Who was that?" Owen asks Claire with a confused look on his face.

"That was Hadrian Evans. Masrani hired to watch over us, now get out and read your emails!" Claire sighed and ran her hands through her hair as Owen left her office.