Hello all Storm here with a new chapter! Here we'll be seeing some of the reactions to Naruto saving Gaara and dealing with the Konoha Ninja. So, without further ado.

I own nothing

"So, not only did you encounter Naruto and two of his allies, you failed to convince him to at least visit the village, and also tried forcing him, after my idiot student tried killing his ally. Not only that, but you also worsened our already strained our relationship with Sunagakure by almost attacking the Kazekage's friend, after they were the ones to save him." Tsunade recapped as she glared at Team Gai and Kakashi.

"No, that about sums it up Tsunade-sama." Said Hinata, the only one being spared Tsunade's glare.

After they had arrived, Kakashi had tried giving Tsunade his own biased report of what happened. Thankfully, Hinata then told Tsunade what really happened, much to Kakashi's anger.

"Well, it's a good thing I at least sent one person with a brain in their head. Tell me, what exactly made you think it was a good idea to attack Naruto, when you were surrounded by Suna Ninja?" Tsunade questioned as Team Gai, minus Neji, at least looked ashamed for going along with Kakashi's attempt to attack.

"Well I hope you're happy Kakashi! Because of you and Sakura, Naruto now hates Konoha even more than he already did! And also, thank you for showing me that you're clearly aren't mature enough to be a Jōnin, because as of this moment, you're now demoted to Chūnin and put on gate duty, until I say otherwise. Also don't even think of adding Sakura's name to the Memorial Stone." Tsunade ordered, while now glaring solely at the newly demoted Chūnin.

While Sakura might still be "alive", after seeing the damage to her mind, Tsunade knew even she wouldn't be able to fix it. And from her analysis, her mind and mental state was already starting to fall apart, the Genjutsu that Kin used just simply sped up the process.

"Now all of you are dismissed, and if I hear anything else about any of you, I'll send you all back to the Academy." Tsunade threatened, while returning her glare back to both Kakashi and Team Gai.

Nodding, the two teams left the tower, though Kakashi was angry at Tsunade's refusal to deal with Naruto in a more permanent manner.

'I'll have to inform Danzō, he'll be able to take care of the brat and those two girls, along with bringing that Uchiha girl back to Konoha to start restoring the Uchiha clan.' Kakashi thought, though he had some doubts about the latter, as Danzō never liked nor trusted the Uchiha clan.

Watching Kakashi vanish in a Shunshin, Hinata and Team Gai narrowed their eyes, feeling that Kakashi was up to something. And whatever it was, they knew it wouldn't end well for anyone; especially if it'd ends up angering Naruto even more than he already was.

"You're all are dismissed for the day." Gai said to his team, figuring they could use the rest.

Nodding, Tenten and Lee went off to their respective homes, while Neji looked to Hinata, while barely suppressing his glare.

"Shall I escort you back to the compound Hinata-sama, or do you wish for me to inform Hiashi-sama that you won't be returning?" Neji asked snidely.

It made Hinata shake her head at her cousin's now childish behavior. After she had started getting stronger, he became threatened by her success, as it defied what he believed her destiny was; to remain a failure and a weakling. Even after proving her strength to her clan, Neji still held onto his belief of destiny, only now she knew he just used it as an excuse to take his pain and hatred out on others.

"I don't really care Neji, tell my father whatever you want." Hinata said, ignoring his tone, since while she wasn't a push over anymore, she's also not cruel nor will she get angry over petty insults.

Taking her leave, Hinata decided to take a walk through the village. There weren't that many people out, which the Hyūga Heiress was thankful for as it allowed her some peace and quiet. Though it didn't last long when Hinata suddenly felt herself be glomped, making her stumble back into a wall.

"You're back, finally!" Said the person, making Hinata relaxing after realizing who it was, before smiling and returning the embrace.

"Yeah, sorry for leaving suddenly like that Yakumo-chan, but it was an urgent mission." Hinata said as the person pulled back, revealing Yakumo Kurama, Hinata's girlfriend with an adorable pout.

"I know, but I really missed you, and we right in the middle of our anniversary." Yakumo said, with Hinata smiling at her, while trailing a hand down her side.

"I'm sorry, but I'm here now and can more than make up for me leaving so suddenly." Hinata said, before pulling Yakumo into a heated kiss, one which Yakumo was more than happy to return as their tongues pushed against each other.

Hinata and Yakumo had originally met she and her team along with a few others had stopped Yakumo's uncle and what remained of the Kurama Clan from using Yakumo as a weapon against the village. Given in recent years, the Kurama Clan's status had declined, with most of the clan members dying either from war or missions, while the few that remained didn't inherit the full power of their clans Kekkei Genkai. That is, until Yakumo was born.

They planned to use Yakumo's powerful life-like Genjutsu against the village, with plans to kill her once they had her deal with any and all threats against them. Thankfully, they were stopped and Yakumo was saved.

Unfortunately, given all the remaining Kurama clan members had taken part in the attempted Coup, they had all been killed, rendering the Kurama Clan extinct, with only Yakumo remaining. Though it did lead Hinata and Yakumo to becoming good friends, given they were both Clan Heiress who were either disliked or used by their clans, despite Yakumo's grudge against Kurenai; whom she still didn't like. It eventually lead to Yakumo asking Hinata out, with the Hyūga deciding to give it a chance and was glad that she did, as it lead to them becoming official girlfriends.

Though there were a few complaints from the Hyūga elders at the Heiress dating a girl, all those complaints were silenced after Hinata sent a few of them to the hospital.

Plus it helped that Jiraiya was able to alter Yakumo's seal, allowing her to use the full power of her Kekkei Genkai, without worry of the Ido taking control. Along with Tsunade managing to heal her weak body, letting Yakumo fulfill her dream of becoming a Kunoichi.

They also didn't have to worry about Yakumo being turned into breeding stock to revive the Kurama Clan, as she planned to marry into the Hyūga Clan through Hinata. With both girls having learned a Jutsu developed by Tsunade that allowed a female to impregnate another woman. It was originally created for Ninja clans reduced to only females, as a way to prevent them from being used as breeding stocks and restore their clans without interference.

But both girls decided to wait to take that step, given neither were ready to be parents yet.

"Mmm, I've missed you Hime~" Yakumo purred, while slowly and seductively caressing Hinata's body, while slipping a hand under her fishnet and up to her large breasts, getting a moan from the Hyūga Heiress.

"Ya-Yakumo-chan we-we're st-still i-in p-public." Hinata stuttered, feeling Yakumo flick her nipples under her bra, while Yakumo smiled sexily at her.

"I already put a Genjutsu around us, so nobody will see or hear a thing. Besides, it's your fault for leaving our anniversary like you did, it left me in anguish at not getting a release for so long. And from what I feel, you're just as horny as I am." Yakumo said, while slipping hand into Hinata's pants and feeling how wet she was.

"And wanna know something else?" Asked Yakumo, while smiling in a naughty manner.

"Wh-what?" Hinata moaned out, as she panted with a flushed, half-lidded face.

"I bought a special outfit I planned to show you before you left, and I'm wearing it right now." Yakumo revealed, opening her kimono a little and showing a rather risqué lace corset, one that increase Hinata's desire.

"Would you like to see the rest Hi. Na. Hi. Me~" Yakumo said seductively, while licking Hinata's lips.

"Fuck yeah." Hinata said, slamming her lips against Yakumo's and Shunshining them to a Love Hotel.

She had a lot of missed time to make up for.


Meanwhile, in Amegakure, "Madara" and Pein weren't pleased in slightest. Not only did they not seal all of the Ichibi, but now Sasori and Deidara were dead as well. This was a hard blow, Especially Sasori's death, since with Zetsu now being confirmed to be dead, along with the puppet master, their Spy Network was now non-existent. "Madara" knew that Zetsu was dead, after learning all his Zetsu "Clones" had been slaughtered and burned to ash, showing that whoever has been hunting and killing Akatsuki members had most likely located them, while they were sealing the Ichibi.

Really, the only thing that has been going their way was that they've already captured and sealed away the Gobi and the Nanabi. They also were able to extract and seal away a good portion of Shukaku's Chakra, before the sealing was interrupted. Not all of it, but enough for the Eye of the Moon Plan, or the "weapon" that he convinced Nagato and Konan that they were making.

'Idiots, both of them.' Thought "Madara".

Even if the plan was to create a super weapon with the Tailed Beasts, those two truly believed creating a weapon to use against the villages would bring peace. It wouldn't, at best it would only be a short-term solution, with it only creating more bloodshed and death.

"Should we make another attempt to capture and seal the rest of the Ichibi?" Pein asked, with "Madara" shaking his head.

"No, we've already sealed enough of its Chakra in the statue. And after the previous attack, Suna's defenses will be increased, with them on high alert, and we can't risk losing any more members. For now, the Akatsuki must go underground so we can rebuild our numbers, as now the only members left are the three of us, Itachi and Kisame." "Madara" said, knowing they needed to get more recruits.

Easier said than done, given there weren't many S-Rank Missing-Nin, at least the ones that he knew of. There could be more that are just better at hiding their tracks, even more so without Zetsu and Sasori there to give updates.

"Then we should go after the Kyuubi Jinchūriki, before he can become an even bigger threat." Pein suggested, as they were still under the impression the Kyuubi was sealed inside Naruto.

"Absolutely not. The Kyuubi Jinchūriki and his allies have remained hidden for three years, and there's no telling what they know or how strong they are. It's likely they only had trouble against Konan's Clone because they got rusty in terms of skill and experience that can only be gained in real life-or-death combat during their time in isolation. And they're likely making plans to shake that rust off, and with no way to keep track of them, by the time we do locate the Kyuubi Jinchūriki, they'll most likely be able to use their newly found strength and abilities to their full potential." "Madara" said, knowing that Naruto has to have a couple tricks up his sleeves to kill Deidara, who usually is able to elude attacks by switching with Clay Clones, or faking his own death with suicide techniques.

"Very well, I will inform Itachi and Kisame to go into hiding for now." Pein said, relenting to "Madara's" points and knowing he was right.

Once Pein left, "Madara" looked out over Amegakure, narrowing his eyes behind his mask.

'I believe it's time that I took back what belongs to me.' "Madara" thought, before vanishing in a swirl of distorted air.

*Land of Grass*

"What do you want now?" Satsuki demanded, having once again been summoned by Orochimaru, this time interrupting her training.

"Temper, temper, Satsuki." Orochimaru chastised, annoying Satsuki even further.

"As for why I summoned you, it appears my old partner Sasori and his new partner, Deidara, are dead. They were killed by Naruto and his new allies after they rescued the Kazekage. It also turns out, Naruto's new allies are in relationship with him, how cute. Not only that, but it appears one of them also rendered your other former teammate, Sakura, braindead after using Naruto's other teammate for a substitution." Orochimaru said, surprising Satsuki to learn that Naruto was able to kill two Akatsuki members.

Orochimaru had just gotten word from his spies in Suna of the recent events. It turns out that Rasa wasn't that popular as Kazekage, with many of his allies in Suna remaining loyal to the Sanin, despite having killed their Kage. Unfortunately, after Gaara took office and proved to be a better far leader, many returned to being loyal to their Kazekage. But thankfully, he still had some spies in the village.

Orochimaru also lamented on how he missed out on Kin and Tayuya, as from what his spies said, they were the ones to kill Sasori. Even more disappointing, it turns out Kin is descended from the Uchiha Clan and Tayuya from the Uzumaki Clan. Though Orochimaru had his suspicions of Tayuya having Uzumaki blood in her, given that red hair was a rarity outside of that clan. But she never showed the Uzumaki's affinity for Fuinjutsu, nor did she awaken the Adamantine Sealing Chains or Attacking Chains, like Karin did. So, he simply brushed it off as her just having the same hair color. But then again, it was probably own his fault for not pushing her to study Fūinjutsu, outside of what he had the Sound Five learn for combination attacks. So, he never really got the opportunity to truly see if she had said affinity.

While he never would have suspected that Kin was an Uchiha.

A mistake that Orochimaru won't be making again, since he now made sure to check if he had any hidden gems among those he considers expendable.

He also didn't reveal that information, as he couldn't risk Satsuki running off to meet her recently discovered relative. Since if his spies were correct, he didn't fancy his chances against the new Black Flash.

Satsuki, meanwhile, was relieved and happy to know that Naruto was safe and alive, after not knowing where he's been for three years. But she's also annoyed at learning he had two girlfriends.

'At least he was able to find happiness, even if it's not with me.' Satsuki thought sadly, knowing she lost her chance to be with Naruto after what she did.

Satsuki was also beyond thankful that Sakura dead. Sure, her body might be alive, but her mind was dead. While before Satsuki originally believed Sakura was just a deadbeat fangirl, she revealed just how demented and dangerous she was in the Forest of Death. While Satsuki would admit she had attempted to leave Sai to face Orochimaru alone, as she got the feeling he was stronger than he looked, and there was a good chance that he might be able to escape as well. But she certainly hadn't stabbed him in the back.

That was Sakura.

It had horrified Satsuki when she saw Sakura holding the bloody kunai and a twisted smile on her face, even asking "Her Sasuke-kun" if "she did good". That showed Satsuki just how obsessed Sakura was with Sasuke. Which also helped with Satsuki's decision to go to Orochimaru, given the Uchiha really didn't want to see what Sakura would do if she ever found out that Sasuke didn't exist.

Satsuki had also understood why they were disqualified from the Chūnin Exams, but she still had to raise a fuss about it to keep up with her act. It at least got her the Chidori in the process, as well.

"Well, is that's all, I'm getting back to my training." Satsuki said, believing that's everything Orochimaru wanted to tell her.

"Actually, I have a mission for you. Several scientists that work for me have since gone rogue, and I want you to dispose of them for me." Orochimaru said, stopping Satsuki in her tracks.

The scientists in question went rogue, either because the experiments they performed made them believe they can overthrow Orochimaru, or they did it out of spite, because he no longer had a use for their work or simply lost interest in whatever experiment they were performing.

"You have a week to prepare, Kabuto will provide with their last known locations." Orochimaru said, with Satsuki giving a reluctant nod at having to clean up another of the Snake Sannin's messes.

*Timeskip-Two Days*

*With Naruto*

Naruto, Tayuya, Kin, and Katsumi all stood outside the gates of Suna, finally deciding it was time to leave. With Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Chiyo, Ebizo, Chiyo's brother and fellow elder, as well as Shukaku seeing them off.

Naruto and Gaara stood in front of each other, having not said a thing. Though after a few minutes, they both gained small smiles and shook hands.

"Thank you once again for helping me, Naruto Uzumaki." Gaara said with a nod, which Naruto returned.

"That's what friends are for. And here, just in case the Akatsuki try anything else." Naruto said, while handing Gaara a Hiraishin kunai, with the Kazekage taking it with a grateful nod, while still being amazed at his friend knowing such a Jutsu.

He doubted even his sand would be fast enough to stop it.

"Naruto, thank you again for everything you've done for my family and Suna." Temari said, stepping forward and then kissing his cheek, much to the annoyance of Tayuya and Katsumi, while Kin had a grin on her face.

"And if you're ever in Suna again, I can really thank you then~. And you may want to remember to put up some Silencing Seals." Temari whispered in his ear, having heard his nightly activities with Katsumi, Tayuya, and Kin.

At first, she had been embarrassed to hear such things. But she then started getting turned on by it, and was tempted to join in, but figured it'd be better to wait for the right opportunity.

Seeing this, Kankuro immediately moved in front of Temari and puffed out his chest to look bigger.

"Thank you for saving my brother." Kankuro said, making his voice deeper in an attempt to intimidate Naruto, refusing to let him "corrupt" his sister.

Though not a moment later, he was smacked on the head by Temari's fan, who was annoyed at her brother's attempt to act tough.

Meanwhile, Katsumi growled, having heard what Temari said, and didn't like the idea of her mate taking other women. She was only fine with Tayuya and Kin, because she showed them who was in charge. But if Naruto does claim other women, Katsumi will just have to make sure that they know who the alpha girl is.

She then glared down at her brother, when she heard him chuckle.

"Be quiet you annoying rat!" Katsumi growled, while Shukaku looked at her with a shit-eating grin.

"I didn't say anything. But I wonder, what will the others think when I tell them that the great Kyuubi takes it like a bitch in heat! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Shukaku said, before rolling on the ground laughing.

Growling in anger and embarrassment, Katsumi picked up Shukaku, with the Tanuki's laughter slowly fading as he met his sister's angry crimson eyes.

"I don't know, let's see what they say, when they learn you can fly!" Katsumi growled, before throwing Shukaku into the air and pulling her leg back.

Despite seeing the danger he was in, Shukaku also couldn't resist throwing one more barb at her.

"I WAS ALWAYS THE OLD MAN'S FAVORITE, YOU BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…" Shukaku screamed, before Katsumi kicked him straight into the air.

Everyone's eyes followed Shukaku as he flew higher and higher into the air, before vanishing in a twinkle, getting a few sweatdrops.

"We're just…gonna go now." Naruto said, before handing a Hiraishin kunai to Temari, as well.

Naruto and his mates departed Suna, waving to the group as they did.

Once they were out of sight, Kankuro sat up, while rubbing his head with a groan.

"Damn it Temari, did you really have to use the fan and…what's that sound?" Kankuro asked, hearing what sounded like screaming.

"…IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!" Shukaku screamed as he fell back to the ground, more precisely, right onto Kankuro's groin.

Katsumi chuckled evilly as they heard the high-pitched squeal.

Nobody fucks with the Kyuubi.


Kakashi stood in front of the Memorial Stone, looking at all the names of all the friends he had lost.

He had finally been able to meet with Danzō, not wanting to do so immediately and get caught, and inform him about Naruto and his group. The Warhawk telling him he'll handle it, which gave Kakashi the hope that soon the brat wearing his sensei's face will disappear for good.

"So, this is where you were, Friend-Killer Kakashi."

Kakashi tensed, both at someone sneaking up on him and hearing his more hated nickname.

Spinning around and pulling out a kunai, Kakashi mentally cursed when he saw a masked man, wearing an Akatsuki cloak.

"Akatsuki, why are you here?" Kakashi demanded.

"Simple, I'm here for something that belongs to me, that eye under your headband. I'll be taking it back." "Madara" said, with Kakashi glaring at him in anger.

"This eyes was given to me by my friend, it never belonged to you!" Said Kakashi, angry that this guy dared to claim that he was taking back the Sharingan that Obito gave him.

"Madara" chuckled darkly, before reaching up and grabbing his mask, moving it to reveal the heavily scarred left side of his face and Sharingan eye.

"Of course it belongs to me, Friend-Killer Kakashi!" Said "Madara" as his Sharingan evolved into the Mangekyō the design, being three stretched triangles that were evenly spaced around the pupil, with each one being curved at the top, around the eye to form a circle, making it similar to a pinwheel.

This made Kakashi gasp in horror at seeing the Mangekyō design, simply for the reason that it was the same design as his own Mangekyō Sharingan! And since the Sharingan originally belonged to Obito, then that would mean…

"N-no, th-that's…that's not possible!" Kakashi shouted in denial, refusing to believe what he was seeing.

Kakashi then heard the sound of thousands of bird chirping, before screaming in pain as a lightning covered hand was stabbed through the back of his chest.

"Oh, it's very possible, Friend-Killer." "Madara" said from behind Kakashi, while the one in front dispersed in a puff of smoke.

"Wh-why?" Kakashi choked out, with tears of anguish and pain in his eyes, as "Madara" removed his headband and pulled the Sharingan eye out of his socket.

"For Rin murderer!" "Madara" hissed in anger, before ripping his hand out of Kakashi's chest, letting the now dead Copy Ninja's body fall to the ground.

'Rot in hell, traitor.' Thought "Madara", while vanishing in a swirl of distorted air to return the eye where it belongs.

With Obito Uchiha, the true leader of the Akatsuki.

So, what did you think, good. Yep Kakashi tried giving his own biased version of events with Hinata giving the true version, with Tsunade being happy at them further antagonizing Naruto. We also learn that Hinata's girlfriend is nonother than Yakumo Kurama and it looks like Naruto isn't the only one getting lucky. Next we see "Madara" has ordered the Akatsuki to go into hiding in order to recruit more members along going to take back what was his. Then we see Naruto and co departing Suna, with Katsumi reminding Shukaku not to mess with the big sister who can punt him into space. Finally we see Kakashi attack and killed by "Madara" who revealed his own identity of Obito Uchiha to Kakashi along with taking back his Sharingan and killed Kakashi in revenge for Rin. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.

Storm out