Alright I'm back for the second chapter, but first things first… the reviews… and then the disclaimer!
Fraxures: I am glad you liked it, also I had thought about why Kushina was never taught the rasengan and if she had the chakra control or if it was even possible to make one at the edn of one of her chains.
Spark681: It will not be a mystery for long. I have a tendency to figure out the pairings before I post a story.
Madmasters22: yes Naruto was born with red hair. I never liked how Naruto only got Kushina's face and personality… so I gave him her hair and chains.
Thatoneguy1109: believe me it is not that it is rushed. I personally don't like to read from a perspective other than Naruto's and I reflect that in my writing. For the chunin exam arc in general people cover everything and everybody's perspective so that for example a 2 minute fight with six from one perspective is a 12 minute fight from all Points of view.
Guest: Shino is a good pairing for fu… but I prefer her with Naruto. I am not against shino/fu fics… I just prefer Naru/fu
ConqueredSelf: "Terrible Grammar. Inconsistent plot. There is no flow. Lazy writing, you didn't proof read this chapter once after you wrote it"… dude, just what the fuck? I am one man, I spell check and try to catch what I can… I am mortal, not the god of grammar Nazi's! I am just a mortal man with dyslexia, adhd, and a whole bunch of other disorders. I did proof read the chapter, there was a whole shit ton of errors before I posted it, more so than there is when it was posted. And lazy writing? Everybody and their mother knows how the beginning and wave arcs go down by now. I thought I was just saving both of us time.
Naes151: tayuya is not in the harem, sorry. Also I will fix the Mistake with Samui. Thank you for bringing it to my attention unlike the man above you who just ranted and didn't provide any examples.
ShadowKingUmbra111: yea, it is a bit cliché, but what isn't a bit cliché in this fandom at this point? Either way, I am glad you enjoyed it.
Maxbreven: yes you are correct so far the Harem is Anko, Kurenai, Hana, Temari, Fuu and Yugito. The last few members are out of the village at the moment. One will be making an appearance soon while the other two will not appear until after the time skip.
JUST A SIDE NOTE: PLEASE READ!: if you all would like me to switch POV's I will oblige and write them. I don't like reading them but maybe you all do. I will put a poll up on my profile. Go vote there for yes or no. it the poll will last until march 20th.
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto… otherwise he wouldn't be denser than stone and he would have gotten with Hanabi instead of Hinata…
The Chakra Chains wrapped around Gaara and drained him of any biju chakra he was channeling. Temari and Kankuro appeared beside Gaara.
"I am sorry, but this is for the best!" Naruto said and then quickly went through Handseals and slammed his hand on the ground.
"Uzumaki style: Sealing Jutsu!" Naruto said as a sealing formula appeared from his hand and traveled to under the sand siblings and sealed them into that formula which receeded back into his hand.
The sand genin's Sensei appeared along with the Proctor who appeared across from him. A sound ninja dropped in front of Naruto and prepared to attack but Naruto brought his Hand into a half Ram seal and inhaled forming a vortex in front of him which sucked all the air out of the sand ninja's lungs as well as a whole lot of blood.
Naruto then brought both his hands into a full Ram seal and a huge mandala with nine circles appeared above him in which nine beasts flew out of a circle. They needed no direction and headed off to attack all sand and sound ninja they could find.
Naruto took note of Fuu who had grown two bug wings from her tailbone and winked at him before attacking the sand and sound ninja in her way.
Naruto mused that it was nice to see Leaf Ninja, Cloud ninja and Waterfall ninja working together to repel and invasion.
Yugito landed next to Naruto with her Claws out and Fu, flew down and hovered in the air on the other side of Naruto. The three of them then sped off through the village with Yugito slicing through shinobi with her razor sharp claws, Fuu went on to extent a long green tail from her tailbone which she proceeded to use as a whip in conjunction with her strong taijutsu and all of the different types of bugs that began to swarm around her and attack ninja as well.
Naruto and the two other Biju hosts appeared at the academy where ten Sound Jounin level ninja surrounded the Academy students and the Chunin instructors.
Naruto quickly appeared between two of the ninja with a chakra scalpel to each of their hearts.
Yugito ran forwards and impaled one ninja's neck with her claws and implaed another ninja through his groin to his stomach.
Fu, who had amazing flexibility and maneuverability while in the air skewered twi sound ninja with her tail and kicked another one of the sound Jounin in the neck, breaking it and killing him.
Naruto then formed a bunch of Chakra Chains which drug into the ground and came up from under the last four Sound Jounin and impaled them before being ripped apart by the Wind Chakra that Naruto began channeling into the Chakra Chains. With the hostiles eliminated Naruto looked at the Chunin and yelled,
"What are you waiting for, get them to Safety!" and then the three disappeared from sight to go take out more of the enemies.
This continued on for about two hours before Orochimaru who had been masquerading as the Fourth Kazekage called for a full retreat. After losing both of his arms… though he did kill the third Hokage, he needed out as he was not originally planning on the Raikage.
The Sand and Sound sustained heavy loses, more so the sound than the Sand. But after this day, they would need to renegotiate their treaty with the leaf village… or face an attack from other nations.
Late that night however Naruto had met up with Jiraiya in the wake of the attack to speak with him about something important.
"What is it that you needed to talk to me about kid? I am kind of busy right now." He asked Naruto.
"Sensei, I understand that you are the only seal master in the whole village. And while I am able to seal and unseal thing on a certain level, your skill far surpasses mine in the art of sealing. Within the seal on my hand here I have captured the three children of the Kazekage… whom Orochimaru had Murdered and impersonated. The boy with red hair is the sand Villages Biju Host of the one tailed beast. While the only daughter is to be my fiancé in a political marriage when I turn 18… the redhead, Gaara, the seal keeping his demon at bay is faulty. Please, fix it." Naruto pleaded.
Jiraiya was a bit stunned, the strong, charismatic kid he was helping to train, was begging him to help a member of one of the two villages that had just attacked them. Though a faulty seal on a Biju Host is dangerous no matter where it is.
"I'll do it, quickly, come with me." Jiraiya said and led him to an underground bunker where he asked Naruto to unseal the three Genin and to wrap Gaara in his chakra chains to keep the biju inside suppressed while he fixed the seal.
At first Temari asked him what he was planning on doing.
"I plan on having my Sensei fix Gaara's seal. He may be a demon host, but he is still human… and all humans need sleep. A lot of his insanity comes from the fact that with how little sleep he has had throughout his life, the Biju found it easier to influence him as time went on. We may not know as much as I would like about each other, Temari, due to being villages apart. But he will be my own brother in the future. So his well being is of my concern as well as yours." Naruto told her.
She stayed silent and knocked Kankuro out when he tried to punch Naruto.
After another two hours Gaara's seal was fixed and he was resting peacefully. Temari gazed at her now sleeping brother and then turned to Naruto and gave him a hug and a quick kiss of the cheek as thanks for what he had done for them.
Naruto then bid them goodnight and retreated out of the bunker and towards his apartment.
On the way though he had run into both Fu and Yugito who had both given him a kiss before heading to their hotels for the night.
"Well now kid. I didn't think you would have it in you to go after more ladies when you already have that fine sandy blond! I APPROVE!" Jiraiya said with a perverted face and two thumbs up.
Naruto scowled and punched him in the shoulder which sent him flying halfway across the village.
"I REGRET NOTHING!" Jiraiya yelled as he soared.
A few days later:
Naruto sat on a roof looking at the Funeral going on in the distance for the third Hokage of the Leaf.
"Yes sensei, what can I do for you?" Naruto asked Jiraiya as he appeared behind him an hour after the Funeral hand ended along with the rain.
"I am going to track down Tsunade. I am taking you along with me." He replied.
Naruto stood up and turned towards his sensei with the wind blowing his red hair a bit,
"When do we leave?" Naruto asked.
"as soon as you pack." Jiraiya replied as Naruto held out a scroll with the kanji for "pack"
"Then let's move out." Jiraiya said as the two then made their way out of the village."
Alright, so that is all for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed it. Yes it is a bit on the short side, but I need the results from the poll before I do too much more with this story.
Have a nice day everyone!