First off, I never intended to ship this before I watched the movie. Heck, I'm not sure if I even thought about it until Erik called her princess. Now my mind is in head-banging mode screaming "Why you like this?"

But here I am, writing a fanfic. And not just any kind of fanfic, but a cousin romance one. I know my previous fanfiction was supposed to be that way, but I had no idea Lincoln Burrows was adopted, so therefore, Mckayla and Kaden aren't really cousins. And neither characters were canon, so they didn't count as much as Erik and Shuri do.

So, here then, is my very first, cousincest fic, even if I don't consider cousincest to be incest.

But before we begin, I want to clarify on a couple of things, 1 being that in this story, Erik and Shuri are only 5 years apart, instead of, like, 15. Let's close that age gap, shall we?

2: this is kind of how I envision Erik if he wasn't evil. I'm not sure how many people reading this, know much about the Myer-Briggs personality types, but I believe Erik to be an ESTP (Look 'em up! They're on of the fun ones! And most dangerous). So, I'm going to portray him as such.

Another thing: Erik has grown up mostly in Wakanda and will eventually become a warrior by T'Challa's side and work tech with Shuri as well.


Erik shut his eyes tight as the sound of his 10 year-old cousin rang through the air, cutting through the roaring market crowd and straight into he and T'Challa's ears. They thought they had evaded her.

They thought they had been sure to not tell anyone where they were going. How then did Shuri figure out where they went?

Beside him, T'Challa sighed and ran his hand over his face.

"Well," Erik said, "Don't just stand there." He yanked him behind a hanging rug.

"How did she know?" T'Challa bent down on his knees to keep a look out.

"Beats me. She must have overheard us." Erik leaned back on the pole holding the tent up.


Both teenagers leaped in the air to see Shuri standing beside them.

It was all Erik could do not to swear in front of his 10-year-old cousin.

"How did you-" he sputtered.

"Going to the waterfalls without me, hey?" Shuri's mouth was pulled up into a smug little grin.

"You weren't supposed to know." T'Challa crossed his arms, his way of looking indignant.

"Well, I did, by way of the vents."

"You were crawling through the freakin' vents?" Erik shouldn't have been surprised, but the thought of the princess sneaking through the walls listening on every little secret she could get her ears on was a little disturbing. He could almost envision her eyes glowing in the dark, watching him while he slept.

"Now, listen." Shuri pulled a piece of paper from her dress pocket.

"What is that?"

"This," Shuri stood up straighter, "is a list of reasons why you guys shouldn't keep excluding me from your games and outings."

"Is that writing on both sides?"

"No interruptions, Mr." Shuri looked up at him in way that transcended her age. She cleared her throat.

"1: In case of an emergency, one of you can stay with the injured individual while the other one, namely I, can go get help."

"Shuri," T'Challa droned a little humorously, "I don't think that it's necessary."

"2:" Shuri chirped a little louder, "I'm small and can reach into places that you can't if you should find something you can't get to because of your sizes."

"Why the heck would we need to—" Erik was stopped short.

"3: I can mediate between you to with wisdom and reason should you two get into a fight."

"What do you think I'll do, throw T'Challa off a cliff?"

"FOUR: It is my observation that when teenage boys take their little sister or cousin along, it endears the opposite gender into infatuation."

T'Challa shrugged.

"She's not wrong."

"I don't believe this."

"And 5: you two always have someone to play with and I don't." Shuri lowered the piece of paper suddenly looking dejected. "I don't have any friends. Mother won't let me play with people not of royalty and there aren't any royals my age. I get lonely." Her brown eyes widen.

Erik snorted.

"Nice try, but it ain't gonna work, princess." He leaned back up against the pole and turned to T'Challa then felt his confidence deflate. "You've got to be kidding me."

T'Challa shrugged.

"She's got a point, Erik." He looked sympathetically at his sister.

"Oh, come on! You see that?" He pointed to Shuri's quivering lip and watery brown eyes, "It's an act! She knows what she's doing, she's trying to make you feel sorry for her! What princess doesn't know how to do that?"

The prince tapped his foot, obviously thinking things through and then sighed.

"Fine. You can come with us, Shuri."

Her tears were replaced with a smile and a sequel.

Erik groaned.

"But only for every other outing." He spoke up before Shuri got the wrong idea.

Shuri nodded and danced in place and laughed as she threw herself at her brother.

"I promise! I promise! I love you, T'Challa!" She squeezed his waist tight as her brother affectionately smoothed her tight braids down.

"Yes, she loves you, T'Challa," Erik quipped, "But only if you do what she tells you to do."

"Come on," T'Challa smiled, "Don't you want to grab Shaela's attention?"

Erik opened his mouth then closed it. He just had to bring the jewelry maker's daughter into this.

"Well, if that's the case." Shuri smiled impishly, "Then I'm riding Erik's back!" She lunged at him.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, princess." Erik leaped back a few steps, "Who's says your riding anybody's back?"

"I got a rock lodged into my foot on the way over here." She lifted her foot then lowered it before Erik could verify. "So it hurts, but I'll be fine once we get to the waterfalls. Besides, if Shaela were to see me on your back, she'd notice you before she notices T'Challa."

She always knew how to play into what he wanted the most. Which is why he wasn't going to give in.

"Nice try, Shuri." He leaned against the pole, "Prey upon some other guy's desperation to grab a girl's attention."

"Alright." Shuri walked over to her brother, "I guess she'll notice how good T'Challa is with children."

Shuri turned around with an angelic looking gracing her face.

"Fine. But just this once." He hunched down to let her up.

"Thank-you, Erik." She chirped sweetly.

"You're welcome, your highness." Shuri settled onto his back while he glared daggers at his other cousin.

I'm gonna kill you, he mouthed. T'Challa laughed it off. Did anything bother that guy?

"Well," Erik said, "now that we're finally ready to go-ow!" He felt Shuri's hand slap across his head, "What was that for?"

"Shaela's a brat who only cares how she looks." She wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, "Wait for a better girl; one with a brain."

"I'll take her over the brat on my shoulders." He stopped as T'Challa raised an eyebrow, amused. "Wait, that came out completely wrong."

Shuri's laugh filled the tent.

"Are you sure? Because in the future, you and I could—"

"We are never having this conversation again."

T'Challa laughed as he pulled back the rug to let them pass.

"Duck, Shuri."

He felt her chin rest on his head as he stepped back into the market place.

"Can we please pick up a honeycomb on the way to the falls?"

Erik sighed.

This kid was going to be the death of him.

So…like it? Hate it? Please let me know! I accept constructive criticism, but please no character bashing and/or language. Ps. The amount of feedback will probably dictate on if I'll continue the story or not.