There was so much more I wanted to do with this fic, so many other characters to focus on, so many more parallels to draw between the musical and the characters, but it was already so long. So I hope you can enjoy this for what it is.

You ain't seen nothing yet
It's gonna be a night we'll never forget.

Archie probably would have auditioned for the school musical regardless of whether or not Kevin threatened to cut ties with them all if they didn't support him, but Kevin makes the threat none the less.

"Auditions for Carrie are after school today, and I want to see all of you there, or I'll never speak to any of you again," Kevin says, addressing the group of four congregated in the common room. He's been carrying around a clipboard all week, taking the proactive approach at getting people to sign up.

"Chill, Kevin," Veronica tells him, looking up at him from her favourite chair in the common room. "Most of us were going to audition anyway. Right Archiekins?"

"Wouldn't miss it," Archie agrees, giving his girlfriend's knee a squeeze. His name is already on Kevin's clipboard.

"You two are not the ones I'm worried about," Kevin turns to Betty and Jughead. "It's those two."

"Of course, Kev," Betty says. "I already promised I'd be the stage manager."

"No," Kevin says. "You're auditioning. I already wrote your name down." He shoves the clipboard in Betty's face. Her name is the first one.

Betty sighs, accepting her fate. She looks over at Archie, giving him a despairing look, and he grins in return. Betty isn't usually one to give in so easily, but she knows when to pick her battles, and going up against Kevin when it comes to the performing arts really isn't worth the fight.

"Kevin, you can't really expect me to sing," Jughead snorts.

"I can and do," Kevin says seriously. "Even Reggie is auditioning, so you two better be there."

"Reggie?" Veronica repeats incredulously. "I'll believe it when I see it."

"If you want to keep me as a friend, you'll be at auditions tomorrow, got it?" Kevin warns, mostly aimed at Betty. She grimaces but nods her head, and Kevin flounces out of the common room, satisfied, presumably to round up some other auditionees.

"Can either of you sing?" Veronica asks, once Kevin is gone.

"Not even slightly," Jughead groans. Betty, on the other hand, shrugs.

"I'm okay," she says. "I don't really sing in front of people like you and Archie do, but I can carry a tune."

"She's being modest," Archie says. "She has a beautiful voice."

Betty rolls her eyes and Archie tilts his head knowingly.

"Oh my god," Veronica says excitedly. "What if you get cast as Sue and I get cast as Chris?" she says, a dream scenario obviously forming in her mind, as her eyes light up and she gets that cheeky smile on her face. "We could play best friends on stage. And Archie can be my Billy and Jughead can be your Tommy."

Archie doesn't really know the plot of Carrie himself, but that sounds pretty good to him.

"Yeah, except for the part where I can't sing," Jughead reminds Veronica. Betty looks equally as dubious.

"Oh, and we think Reggie can sing, do we?" Veronica scoffs. "Please."

Archie laughs, and Betty and Jughead smile. The thought of Reggie singing is a little ridiculous.

"I guess I'd better practice an audition song," Betty bemoans.

"I'm singing Seventeen from Heathers," Veronica says. "I do share a name with the main character after all."

"What are you singing, Arch?" Betty asks him.

"Your Song, from Moulin Rouge," Archie says. "I was going to just sing one of my originals, but Ronnie told me you have sing something from a musical to audition for a musical."

"I don't think that's true," Jughead says.

"And you're such a big musical theatre fan?" Veronica points out sarcastically. Jughead looks sullen. "Anyway, Your Song was a compromise, since technically it's from a musical even though it was just an Elton John song first."

"I really wish I'd thought of something sooner," Betty groans. "I didn't think Kevin was actually going to make me audition. What are you going to sing, Jug?" she asks her boyfriend.

"Well, since apparently it has to be from a musical, and the only decent musical I know is Chicago, I guess I'll do something from that," Jughead shrugs.

"So, Betty, what's it going to be?" Ronnie asks. Betty makes a face.

"I'll think of something," she finally says.

I might take a chance
I've always wondered how
Maybe I'll dance
And try hard to laugh more than I do now.

Kevin makes them audition onstage in front of everyone, much to Betty's dismay. Cheryl goes first and gives a flawless rendition of Maybe This Time, making everyone else in the auditorium feel more nervous.

Jughead volunteers to go second, to get it over and done with.

"Plus, it will make everyone else feel better about themselves," he whispers to Betty. She pats his shoulder encouragingly. Surely he can't be that bad?

Except, he really is, and Betty is sure she's never heard a song murdered so badly as when Jughead sings Mr Cellophane. Somehow, he manages to sound sharp and flat at the same time, and not only is he out of key, he's out of time. Even though there is no backing track to be in time with. There is no way in hell Kevin is going to give him the lead role. Which is a shame because after thinking about Veronica's words earlier, she thinks she actually would make a pretty good Sue. Not that she's likely to get it with Cheryl and Veronica and Josie around. But to be honest, there aren't that many other people auditioning, so maybe she still has a shot?

Archie gets up on stage as Jughead returns to his seat next to Betty.

"See? Now no one will feel bad about singing, because no one can sing worse than I just did," Jughead whispers.

"So you were singing that bad on purpose?" Betty asks, almost relieved.

"Oh no," Jughead shakes his head. "I'm just naturally that bad."

Betty goes last, hoping everyone will have left after their own auditions. No such luck, as her classmates are too curious for their own good and stick around to see their competition audition.

She'd eventually decided to go with On My Own from Les Miserables, and she'd practiced it all lunch in the empty Blue and Gold office, until she was sure it was perfect.

She doesn't feel so confident now, however, as she ascends the steps to the stage and makes her way to the spotlight Kevin insists they need. (I need to know how people are going to look under stage lighting, he'd said).

The auditions are acapella, so she doesn't even have a pianist or a backing track to put her at ease, and her hands won't stop shaking. Her voice shakes too, as she begins to sing the opening lines of the song.

It's hard to see into the auditorium with the spotlight shining into her face, but she catches a glimpse of Archie's red hair and manages to focus on him, pretending it's just the two of them, that she's just singing for him and not being judged by Kevin, (and Fangs, of all people).

She throws herself into the song then, thinking of Archie, closing her eyes when she gets to the really emotional parts.

"I love him, but when the night is over, he is gone, the river's just a river. Without him the world around me changes, the streets are bare and everywhere the streets are full of strangers," she sings.

She has no idea if she sounds good or not, she's focused more on giving the song emotion than hitting all the right notes.

"I love him. I love him. I love him. But only on my own."

And finally, the song is over, and she opens her eyes. The room is mostly silent, except for Archie and Veronica cheering for her, while Jughead applauds beside them. She quickly scuttles off stage, and Kevin stands up to address the room of potential cast members.

"Alright, people! Thanks again for coming. The cast list will be posted in the next couple of days, so don't come bothering me about what part you're getting. You can all go home now!"

Betty grabs her bag and follows along behind the group of dawdling people leaving the auditorium, Jughead beside her, Archie and Veronica just behind.

"Well, colour me shocked," Veronica says. "Reggie actually can sing," she says, incredulously. "As can one Betty Cooper! You've been holding out on me!"

"Told you," Archie grins.

"Please, I'm not that great," Betty rolls her eyes. But part of her hopes they're telling the truth. It's dumb, but now that she's auditioned she really wants a good part.

"Come on," Jughead nudges her. "Your audition was amazing."

"Thanks," she smiles, glad he liked it.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow," Veronica says as they head outside, her hand in Archie's.

"Betty, I'll walk you home?" Archie says. Betty feels Jughead stiffen beside her. Ever since he found out about the kiss she and Archie had shared, he's been a little insecure when it comes to Archie.

"I think Jughead and I are going to head to Pop's," Betty says, and Archie nods, heading off with Veronica instead. Jughead relaxes, and Betty thinks she's managed to calm his insecurities once again.

And then I will feel the magic
I'm told anyone can feel
When the stars align and life is filled with possibilities.

"Betty, great news," Alice says, when Betty gets home from school. Betty eyes her mom suspiciously. She can never be sure if something really is great news when it comes to her mother.

"Mom…" Betty says. "What is it?"

"Your friend, Kevin, called me and asked me if I would be in the school play," Alice says. She's positively beaming.

"What?" Betty says, aghast. "Why?"

"Well I put my name down on the list of parents interested in helping out," Alice starts. "I was thinking I'd be an usher or in charge of make up or something like that. But I guess he found out about my previous acting credits, and now he wants me to play Mrs White," she finishes.

"Your previous acting credits?" Betty repeats, incredulous.

"I was in a few musicals in my day," Alice says, defensively. Betty rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, Mom," she sighs. If her mother wants to make a fool of herself on stage, who is Betty to stop her? Besides, this is the happiest Alice has looked since Chic practically vanished. Betty still thinks that may have been for the best in the end though.

"Wouldn't it be great if you were playing Carrie?" Alice says, smiling, and Betty can't help but smile too.

"Sure, Mom," she says. "Anyway, I've got homework to do."

"Go, go," Alice waves her away. "I'll call you when dinner's ready."

Look where I am. Damn.
My whole life feels wrong.
What if I do snap? Holy crap.
I'd crawl out of my skin
And so would you
'Cause life just doesn't begin
Until you're in.

When the cast list is posted, Cheryl has already taken a photo of it and sent it around the school before anyone else can even look at it.

Veronica shoves her phone in Archie's face gleefully. He can't actually read it as it's so close to his face, but Veronica is happy to fill him in.

"Look," she says. "I'm playing Chris."

"That's great! That's what you wanted, right?" Archie says.

"I also wanted you to be playing my boyfriend, but if I'm being objective, Tommy is a much better part for you anyway," she shrugs.

"So, who's boyfriend am I playing then?" Archie asks. Please don't say Cheryl, he thinks. Veronica pauses.

"Betty's, actually," she says. Archie does his best to keep his expression impassive. He knows Veronica is gauging his reaction.

"Oh, cool," he says. "I was worried it was going to be Cheryl."

Veronica smiles, satisfied with his response. It seems he's passed this particular test.

"Anyway, rehearsals start first thing Monday, but we have to go and pick up our librettos before then," Veronica tells him.

"Our what now?" Archie asks.

"The script, Archie!" Veronica shakes her head. "Do you know anything about musical theatre?"

Archie gets the feeling he doesn't.

And though the clouds may block the sun
Don't mean that it's left the sky
Just when you think you've seen it all
There's more than meets the eye.

Archie's not sure what to expect when he shows up to rehearsal on Monday morning. He's one of the last ones there, other than Reggie and Mrs Cooper, and everyone else is seated in a circle that Kevin has arranged on the stage.

"Am I late?" Archie asks, as he ascends the stairs to the stage.

"Just on time," Kevin says. There are two empty seats, one between Betty and Cheryl, and one between Veronica and Jughead. He heads towards the vacant spot next to Veronica until he notices a piece of paper with Reggie's name on it.

"Your seat is over there," Fangs tells him, and Archie sees his name printed on a piece of paper on the other empty chair. He quickly takes his place beside Betty just as Kevin claps his hands together, signalling the start of the rehearsal, despite Reggie still not being there.

"Alright, cast, welcome to your first rehearsal of Carrie the Musical, and congratulations to you all on making the cut. Today we're going to do a simple readthrough, because I know most of you haven't read the script yet and I won't have unprepared actors," Kevin says, addressing the group.

"Kevin, may I just say that I am honoured to be playing the role of Carrie," Cheryl interjects. "And if anyone in the cast needs any guidance on how to act, I'd be happy to show them."

"Thanks, Cheryl," Kevin says dryly. "Alright, Betty, shall we begin?"

Archie reads along as Kevin and Betty begin the play with an interrogation of Betty's character, Sue, until they reach the first song.

"Since we haven't learnt the songs yet, I'll play them to you so you can get an idea. Fangs, will you do the honours?" Kevin says. Fangs hits play on the iPod he's holding and an Off Broadway recording of the song In starts playing through the auditorium speakers. Archie reads the lyrics as the song plays, trying to work out which bits he will have to sing.

Fangs pauses the music as some dialogue approaches in the middle of the song. Kevin gestures for Josie to say her line.

"Don't you all have somewhere to be?" Josie says in her best teacher voice, which is actually pretty convincing.

"Seriously, where is Reggie?" Kevin huffs. As if on cue, the doors to the auditorium swing open and Reggie saunters in.

"Sorry I'm late," he grins, not looking sorry at all. "Did you miss me?"

"It's your line, you complete imbecile," Cheryl says snootily.

"I don't have a script," Reggie says, climbing the steps and planting himself on the last empty chair.

"You were supposed to come and pick it up last week," Kevin tells him, handing him his libretto. Reggie shrugs. Kevin rolls his eyes. "Someone read his line, please."

Veronica does the honours. "Well, there's somewhere I'd like to be, Miss G," she reads. She probably does a better job than what Reggie could anyway.

Josie continues. "What are you, Mr. Nolan? Twelve?"

The whole cast titters in amusement. Seems like Kevin's casting is all too spot on. Archie grins and drops his eyes back to the script. His stomach lurches as he reads the next line.

"Alright, I've got the page," Reggie says. "Ohh, who's Tommy and Sue?" he laughs. "They get to make out on stage!"

"It's not making out," Veronica tells him haughtily. "It's just a stage kiss. Right, Kevin?" Archie lifts his gaze to look at Kevin. He definitely can't look at Betty.

"No, it's definitely making out," Kevin tells her. "Otherwise the next line doesn't make any sense. Now can you all stop interrupting and just read the script please?"

"But who is it though?" Reggie asks. "I legit want to know so I can swap with whoever it is."

"It's Archie and Betty," Cheryl says. Archie side-eyes her. "But I'm sure they won't enjoy it at all," she smiles sweetly. Archie swallows. He risks a glance at Betty. She's looking steadfastly at her script, but her face is flaming red.

"Tommy Ross, watch those hands," Josie continues reading her lines. "And definitely no tongue!"

"Yes, ma'am," Archie reads. Veronica goes on to read her next line, and to Archie's relief, everyone seems to forget about the whole kissing scene. Except for him, of course.

He stays back after rehearsal to talk to Kevin.

"Hey, Kev," he says, a little hesitantly. Everyone else has dwindled out of the auditorium, leaving only Kevin, Fangs and Archie himself.

"Yes, you have to kiss Betty," Kevin says, before Archie can even say anything else. "And no, you can't swap parts with Reggie or anyone else."

"How did you—"

"Betty already asked me as soon as she got the part," Kevin tells him. For some reason the knowledge feels like a blow. It shouldn't matter that Betty doesn't want to kiss him. After all, isn't he here right now, trying to get out of kissing her?

"Right," he swallows.

"Look, Archie, I know it's awkward, but it's just acting. You'll get over it," Kevin shrugs. "Either that or you drop out of the musical entirely. I can't stop you. But I will hate you forever." He shoulders his bag and looks to Fangs. "Ready?" he says. Fangs nods and Kevin leads the way out of the auditorium, leaving Archie to stew over his predicament, and what he's going to do.

I'm begging, I'm pleading, I'm down on my knees
If you really love me, well then, baby, baby, please
Do me a favour.

Betty hadn't meant to sound ungrateful when she's asked Kevin if she could switch parts. She's honestly thrilled to be playing Sue. And Kevin's casting seems so perfect, she can see now how it's an insult to him to want to switch. It's just… playing opposite Archie, having to sing a romantic duet with him, and kiss him onstage, well, it's just that she'd rather not do those things.

And more to the point, Jughead would rather her not do those things. He doesn't say as much, but what he does say is much worse.

"Guess you'll be making a habit of kissing Archie, then," he says. Maybe he's trying to play it off as a joke, but Betty can see right through his façade.

"It's not like I want to," she replies.

"Good to know," Jughead says. "Just try not to enjoy it too much, okay?"

Betty gets it, she really does. She understands why he's jealous. But she wishes he would just trust her. It's not liked she cheated on him. And she's not going around acting all paranoid every time he speaks to Toni. She hasn't even told him she asked Kevin if she could switch parts. She's worried if Jughead thinks she thinks it's something to worry about, he'll be even more paranoid, when in fact there isn't anything to worry about. She doesn't have any feelings for Archie.

After the first rehearsal, Kevin gets started on blocking. As it turns out, he's kind of a mean director, and he gets frustrated easily if people don't follow his direction properly. Betty, being one of the leads, is required at most rehearsals, though mercifully she doesn't have to spend any time at rehearsals with her mother, since Alice's scenes are all with Cheryl. She's happy her mom is enjoying herself, of course, and happy she gets to showcase her incredible singing voice. But her mom is still in her high school production, and it's still a little embarrassing.

They're about a month into rehearsals when Kevin grabs Betty by the arm while she's on the way to her last class of the day.

"Betty, are you free after school? The only scene left to block is You Shine, and if we get it done tonight we can start running over everything next week," he says.

"Sure," Betty agrees. Not that she feels that she could say no. Kevin would just guilt trip her until she gave in. This is just saving time.

"Great," Kevin says. "You've learnt all the lyrics, right?"

"Yes, Kevin," Betty rolls her eyes. Kevin has harped on at them to learn the lyrics to the songs as soon as possible.

"I'll see you after school then," Kevin says and strides off importantly. He really is letting this directing gig get to his head.

Betty lets Jughead know she'll be rehearsing with Archie after school.

"Just you and Archie?" Jughead asks. Betty can hear the suspicion in his voice.

"Well, Kevin and Fangs will be there too," she points out. Jughead's mouth forms a tight line. Betty wants to scream. Is she not able to even say Archie's name without Jughead tensing up and getting all moody? Is she not supposed to ever spend time with her best friend? She wants to tell Jughead to grow up and get over it. Instead she digs her fingernails into her palm and smiles at him tightly.

"It's just one rehearsal, Jug," she tells him. "We're just blocking this one scene and we'll be done."

Jughead nods, but Betty can tell he's still not entirely happy about it. She kisses him and he softens a little. It's fine, it's fine¸ she tells herself. He'll get over it eventually.

And now I know that once you see
You can't unsee.

Betty puts her headphones in and listens to You Shine on her way to the auditorium after school, making sure she remembers the lyrics and her spoken lines in between the singing. For some reason she feels more worried about this song than any of the others she has to sing, including the one she has to sing by herself.

Kevin and Fangs are flirting shamelessly when Betty walks into the auditorium. She clears her throat and pulls out her headphones as she approaches, alerting them to her presence. They look up, but they don't seem too concerned that she's interrupted them. She makes her way to the front row of seats and sits beside Kevin, shoving her backpack under the seat.

"Archie not here yet?" she says.

"Clearly, Betty," Kevin rolls his eyes. "Are you okay? You look a little pale."

"I'm fine," Betty says.

"I think she's nervous," Fangs grins.

"I'm not nervous," Betty denies. Fangs raises his eyebrows knowingly. Though what he could possibly know Betty has no idea.

Archie walks in a second later, his thumbs hooked into the straps of his backpack. Betty turns to smile at him and he gives a smile in return. Archie places himself next to Betty, his shoulder brushing hers.

"Good, you're both here," Kevin says, standing up. Betty and Archie follow his lead. "Let's just run through the song once before we get you up on stage."

Fangs starts the backing track without bothering to give the two of them a chance to warm up. Archie clears his throat before he starts to sing. Betty watches him as he sings the first verse, but he doesn't look at her.

Betty finds herself looking down at her script when it's her turn to sing, though she knows the words perfectly. She wonders if he's watching her now.

This is the first time they've rehearsed the song together, and from the look on Kevin's face, he is underwhelmed. Betty finishes off the song and Kevin gives her an unimpressed look.

"Lucky that was just a warm up," he sighs. "Alright, both of you get up onstage. No scripts."

Betty places her script on her seat reluctantly and she and Archie make their way up on stage.

"So, you're in the gymnasium, which is being set up for prom," Kevin tells them. "Tommy has agreed to take Carrie to the prom, so he brings Sue to the gym so they can have their own prom moment, since Sue isn't going to be there. Are you following me?"

"We've both read the script, Kev," Betty reminds him.

"Fine. Go and stand in the wings. Stage right."

Betty and Archie do as he bids, wandering into the dark wings.

"Would it have killed him to turn on some lights back here?" Archie whispers. Betty just smiles, before realising he can't see her face.

"Can you hear me?" Kevin yells.

"Yes!" Betty and Archie chorus back.

"So you'll say your first couple of lines off stage, then Archie, grab Betty's hand and pull her on stage. When you go to turn on the lights, the light switch will be upstage in the centre. Betty, keep your eyes closed until Archie says to open them. And action!"


"Shh – go with me on this," Archie says. He slips his hand into Betty's. She closes her eyes and he pulls her onto the stage, stopping in the middle. "Keep your eyes shut one more sec. Wait here." He let's go of her hand. "Okay, you can open them now."

"Oh my god," says Betty, and the words sound forced, even to her own ears. Has she forgotten how to act all of a sudden?

"We may not have tomorrow night, but we've got right now, and that's all that counts," Archie says.

Kevin calls from the front row, "Walk over to her when you say that. Don't you have any actor intuition?" he huffs. Archie walks back over to Betty.

The two of them recite the rest of the dialogue mechanically, and then Fangs starts the backing track again. Betty and Archie sing the song, nicely enough. Neither of them are bad singers, after all. Kevin periodically shouts a direction at them.

"Walk over there!" "Put your hand on his heart!" "Look at each other lovingly!" "There's a kiss there but I won't make you rehearse it yet!"

He only makes them do it three times before he gives up, sighing dramatically.

"That's enough for tonight," he says. "At least the scene is blocked now."

Fangs seems relieved it's over. Are they really that bad?

"I don't know what's wrong with you two," Kevin shakes his head. "You're both stiffer than corpses. I swear Cheryl and Archie have more chemistry than the two of you."

"Sorry, Kevin," Betty says, eyes downcast. So this is her fault. Of course it is. Archie is brilliant.

"Just practise it a bit, will you? I'm sure you guys will get better," Kevin says kindly. He starts packing up his things to leave. "You guys can go now, we'll see you Monday."

"Uh, actually Kevin," Archie says. "If you guys are going, maybe Betty and I can try running through it a couple more times, just the two of us. If you don't mind, Betty?" he turns to her.

"Sure," Betty agrees. She certainly could use the practise. Jughead doesn't need to know.

"Fine," Kevin says. "Hopefully you can improve a bit," he says, returning to his bitchy director persona.

"Good luck," Fangs winks before following Kevin down the aisle towards the exit.

"Hey, do you think I should get a megaphone?" Betty hears Kevin ask as the two of them leave the auditorium. The heavy door swings shut, echoing through the hall, leaving Betty and Archie alone.

"We don't have to do the lead up dialogue," Archie says. "Just the song. And we'll have to do it acapella since Fangs is the one with the backing track."

Betty nods and takes her place for the beginning of the song, centre stage, looking at Archie while he sings to her. She's not sure this rehearsal is going to help. After Kevin's comments, she feels even more tense than before. Her heart pounds as she gazes at Archie. Honestly, they barely spend any time alone together anymore. She tells herself they're both busy, but deep down she knows it's more than that. But she really has missed him. She takes a deep breath.

"Hey," Archie says softly. "Relax," he smiles. "And don't hold back."

"You too," Betty says, and Archie nods, taking a deep breath of his own. He starts to sing.

"If you could see the way that you look to me. I bet that you'd be amazed at the sight."

This time when he's looking at her, it feels like he's really looking at her. His eyes draw her in and she can't help but smile. Archie smiles too, and she can hear it in his voice.

"You'd see a heart that's fearless and true. From my point of view, oh you shine."

Betty pulls away from him slightly, as per Kevin's direction.

"What about you?" she says. "Why is everything so easy for you?" God, isn't that the truth? Everything seems to come so naturally to Archie.

"Man, if you only knew. Half the time I'm just faking it, hoping that no one will discover I'm a complete fraud," Archie says, and this time Betty hears the vulnerability in his voice. Somehow it seems less like acting than the first few times they rehearsed it. Betty continues to look at him as she sings her part.

"I think you hide so much you feel inside. But I know deep down there's a fire burning bright," she sings. Archie's words echo in her mind. Relax. Don't hold back. It's easier now, without Kevin and Fangs staring at them, judging them. It's just her and Archie, and honestly the lyrics relate to him so perfectly, how could she not be genuine?

She continues, "From where you stand it might not be clear," she steps forward, placing her hand on his chest, over his heart. She looks up at him. "But you shine from here."

They stay like that as they sing the chorus together. "No doubts, no more fears. I see you shine and the dark disappears."

"Then I know everything is gonna be fine," Archie smiles. "Because you shine. Oh, how you shine. You shine."

He pulls her into a closed hold, her head against his chest and they slow dance, as if they're at the prom, despite the lack of music. Another of Kevin's directions. Betty sings the next verse as they dance.

Going against Kevin's directions, Archie grabs Betty's hands when they reach the next chorus and spins her around the stage, both grinning from ear to ear until they land centre stage, coming together, their hands clasped. They sing the chorus in harmony.

"No doubts, no more fears. I see you shine and the dark disappears. I'll be your mirror and you can be mine. Look to me and you'll see just how you shine."

Betty smiles. Archie only hesitates a moment before he leans in to kiss her, just a soft peck. Betty does her best not to seem surprised. It's scripted after all. But Kevin hasn't been making them rehearse any of the kisses yet. She forgets she's supposed to tickle him, and he misses a line because of it. Instead he skips straight to the next one.

"Damn, I gotta pick up my tux before they close," Archie says, pulling away. Perhaps Betty is a little too in character, because the reluctance she feels to let go of him is unwarranted.

"Tommy?" she calls after him. Archie pauses stage right, just before going into the wings. "Thank you."

"I love you," Archie says, before disappearing into the wings. Betty feels her heart lurch. That hadn't happened the first three times. She's about to say her next line, when a voice echoes up from the audience.

"Wow, guys," Veronica says. "That was beautiful."

Archie reappears on stage, and Betty squints into the audience. Sure enough, Veronica is sitting in the back row. Guilt immediately pools in Betty's stomach. She tries to tell herself she has nothing to feel guilty about. They're only rehearsing.

"Ronnie?" Archie says.

"I thought I'd come and see how your rehearsal was going," Veronica says as she approaches the stage. "Kevin told me you two were awful, that you had no chemistry. He must be blind."

Betty can't tell if Veronica is mad or not.

"Just needed some more practise, I guess," Archie shrugs. Betty nods in agreement, pretending the real reason has nothing to do with the fact that they thought they were alone, that they could just be themselves in the moment, without anyone speculating or getting irrationally jealous.

"Well, since you're perfect now, are you ready to go, Archiekins?" Veronica asks.

"Sure," Archie nods. "I'll see you later, Betty."

"Ciao," Veronica says. She grabs Archie's hand when he meets her off the stage, and the two of them walk out together. Betty finishes the scene alone.

"I love you," she says. "He'd never said that before. That's what I remember most about that day." She touches her fingers to her lips, still feeling his soft kiss. She wrenches her hand away, and sings the last part of the song, melancholic.

No doubts, no more fears.
I see you shine and the dark disappears.
Then I know everything is gonna be fine,
Because you're mine.
You shine.