Chapter 8: Journey to Albion

As dawn was breaking, Krystoff is packing up for the trip, he straps daggers onto his leg to use or rather, make them as side weapons while he is in his rider form, and a quiver of arrows in case he wants to make Derf into a bow. Speaking of Derf, Krystoff straps him on his back as usual. He looks over to see Louise and Guiche packing up as well.

"So..." Krys asks Louise. "How far is here to Albion? Do we have to take a carriage to there?"

"Well," She replies. "If carriages can fly, we can. Otherwise we go to the Port City of La Rochelle."

Krys narrow his eyes in confusion.

"Oh yeah, right. I forgot that you don't know much about this world." Louise comes to realization. "Let me explain, Albion is a floating continent. So, we have to take an airship to get there, and the only airship port in Tristian is La Rochelle."

"A... Floating... Continent?" Krystoff is dumbfounded. "How?"

"Windstones." Guiche flatly replies. "They are a type of elemental stone that, as the name implies, has the affinity of wind. In which, caused Albion to float many thousand meters in the sky over the ocean."

Krystoff asks concerningly. "Is anyone there... bothered about the fact they are living on a possible death trap that can fall from the air!? Or the fact if the continent were to, tip over? Or the fact that it can possibly be moved by being blown away by some kind of storm, because you know, IT'S FLOATING IN THE SKY!?"

"The Albion royal crown has taken several precautions in case of a catastrophic event." Explains Louise. "Besides, I highly doubt anything like what you have just said will happen."

"Not to worry about anything like that, Ser Krystoff." Said Guiche. "Anyway, may I give a request of something? There's a long way from here to Albion."

"What is it?" Asks Louise. "Want to bring Montmorency's perfume?"

Guiche, cringes from Louise has just said, "N-no. Actually, I want to bring my familiar."

"Alright, fine." Sighs Louise. "Where is he?"

Guiche points to the ground, "She, is right here."

"What, is your familiar underground?" Asks Krystoff.

Guiche nods as he taps the ground and then a large brown creature pops out from it. The creature is a mole that is a size of a bear, even Lemin's Dire Wolf, White, is slightly smaller than that.

"Ah! Verdandi!" He greets his familiar with affection. "My adorable Verdandi!"

"So this mole is your familiar?" Asks Krystoff as he points at Verdandi.

"Yes." Nods Guiche as he turns to the giant mole and pets her. "Have you eaten your meal of earthworms before your arrived here?"

The mole hemmed happily in response. "Really? That's wonderful!" He said as he rubs cheek to cheek with his familiar.

"Now that you think of it..." Said Krystoff as he gazes at the mole. "She is kind of endearing."

"I know, right?" Replies Guiche.

"But..." Said Louise. "You do know that your mole can only move underground, right? And Albion is a floating continent. So you can't take your familiar along with you."

"Ah." Guiche sighs in defeat. "That is understandable. But I can't bear to be separated from my precious Verdandi."

"Sorry bud." Krystoff places his hand on Guiche's shoulder. "Maybe next time."

Verdandi suddenly starts to pick up a scent that draws her to Louise.

"Um..." Louise starts to step away. "I said you can't come!"

The mole sniffs at her to a point she knocks into Louise as she falls over with Verdandi continuing to sniff at her while rolling her around.

"H-hey!" Shouts Louise. "Stop it! What are you sniffing at!?"

Krystoff stares at the scene and then turns his head towards the blonde. "Guiche, call off your mole."

"I can if I could." Guiche replies. "I can't completely control my dear Verdandi! Look at her, she's just so adorable!"

"Fine." Sighs Krystoff as he walks over. "Doing it myself."

The giant mole notices a ring in Louise's finger and starts to peck at it. "Ah, I see now." Guiche comes to a realization. "It's the ring! Verdandi likes jewels, convenient for Earth Mages such as I, don't you think?"

"I don't care! Get your damn mole off of me!" Shouts Louise on the ground while trying to keep the ring away from the mole. "This is the ring that her highness gave to me! Tell your mole to leave it, and me alone!"

Krystoff cracks his fingers and wraps his arms around the mole. "Come on, big girl." He grunts as he tries to push the mole off of Louise. "That ring is not yours, can you get off Louise?" He turns to her while she is still on the ground. "Ok, you can get up now."

"Thank you." Louise sighs in relief as she picks herself up from the ground. As she dusts off the dirt from her clothes with her hands, a strong gust of wind blew away the mole as well as Krystoff.

"WHAT THE FUUUU-" Krystoff curses as he lands on the ground and then have Verdandi fall on him. "Ow."

"Who is that!?" Guiche shouts in response of his familiar being attacked.

A young, breathtakingly sharp-looking noble, sporting a feather-hat and has long sliver hair and beard walks over, putting away his wand-rapier.

"Who are you!?" Shouts Guiche at the noble. "What have you done to my Verdandi!?"

"Calm down." The noble replies. "I am not your enemy, let me explain myself." He clears his throat. "I am the Captain of the Griffon Knights, Viscount Wardes. Her highness has sent me to aid you on your journey." He turns his head to the mole. "Forgive me for attacking your familiar, but it was harassing my fiancée."

"Your what?" Asks Guiche.

"YOUR WHAT!?" Exclaims Krystoff as he pushes the mole off of him and turns to Louise. "Is this true?"

Louise blushes. "Yes." She looks up to Wardes. "Hello again, Ser Wardes." She blushes even more when the viscount picks he up.

"Still as light as ever." He chuckles. "It really has been a long time, my dear Louise."

"Wait..." Asks Krystoff. "He's your fiancée? He's looks like an old man!"

"I am in my twenties, thank you very much." Responds Wardes as he puts Louise down.

"Unless you are born with that hair color," Replies Krystoff, "You could be fooling me."

"It is his natural hair color, Krystoff." Answers Louise. "And Wardes is only about six years older than me!"

"So that basically makes him about two years older than me!" Replies Krystoff. "And I'm nowhere close from looking like him!"

"I suppose that's understandable." Said Wardes as he strokes his beard. "Maybe I should take a trim." He looks at Louise, "Could you care introduce your companions to me?"

Louise gestures her hand to the blonde mole-lover, "This is Guiche de Gramont." And then moves her hand to her summoned rider. "And this is my friend, Krystoff Danjr. I summoned him to be my familiar, but... we came to a discussion that I shouldn't refer him nor treat him as such. He is human after all." She said the last part with a smile as well as Krystoff upon hearing that.

Wardes looks at Krystoff with a surprised look on his face. "Really? I've never seen a human familiar before." He starts to ask him. "How was your time with my fiancée after she summoned you?"

"To be perfectly honest," Krystoff replies. "At first, it was … awkward. At first, she didn't regonize ma as a human being, and when I told her off about it, she said that I acted... inappropriately towards her. Basically, I acted like a huge asshole to her. From seeing her and back at myself, it turns out we both need help. So we stuck to together"

"Ah." Nods Wardes. "In that case, thank you for sticking with Louise despite your grievances." He starts to ask again. "Suppose you will continue protecting her as well? After all, you tackled against the Mage-Hunter himself as well as capturing Fouquet. Not to mention you have bested Count Mott in combat. And you did all that despite being a commoner. No doubt you are fairly capable."

"Yes, yes, of course-" Krystoff replies before coming to a realization. "Wait... how did you know that?"

"Word travels fast." Wardes replies. "And besides, I am a Captain of the Griffon Knights, the most prestigious force in Tristain. I heard a lot of things about you, Krystoff Danjr."

"Yes..." Krystoff narrow his eyes. "I guess I'm pretty well known, huh?"

"Indeed. Hohohoho..." Wardes chuckles in amusement.

'I have a bad feeling about this guy...' Krystoff thinks to himself.

"How so?"

'He knows about my accomplishments.' Krystoff replies mentally. 'Which I am wondering where he got this information. After all, I doubt everything at first. Unless Wardes has proven himself trustworthy, I'm staying on my toes.'

"That, or it is jealousy for him being Louise's fiancée."

'It's not jealousy, Sasha. I'm not even into Louise.' He responds. 'Wardes just gives me a bad vibe.'

"Krystoff?" Louise stares at him concerned. "Are you alright?"

"Ah." Krys shakes his head. "I'm fine." He turns his head at Wardes' direction. "Looks like the carriage will be bit more packed."

"Oh, I won't be needing to use carriage." Wardes raises his hand and whistles for a griffon to appear from the clouds. It's almost similar to Logan's Hippogriff, but the lower half is a lion instead of a horse. The viscount climbed over on its back and reach his hand out to Louise. "Come over, my dear Louise."

Krystoff sighs and turns towards Guiche. "Well, looks like we're taking the carriage."

"You really don't mind him taking Louise to ride with him?" Asks Guiche.

"It's just more convenient this way." Shrugs Krystoff. "You do know how to drive a carriage, right?"

"Yes." He replies sarcastically. "A noble who never have done any work that servants do. I definitely know how to drive a carriage."

Krystoff chuckles. "Smartass." He starts to walk off. "I've driven one before. So, just watch what I do."

"You had driven a 'car' not a carriage."

'Same thing, right?' Krystoff replies mentally.

"Ok." Said Krystoff in the driver's seat, having a bit of trouble. "NOT the same thing." He attempts to get the horse moving, but he made the horse swerve on the road. "Come on, come on, come on. Go straight!"

"Better keep up!" Shouts Wardes riding the griffon in the sky. "Best not to leave you behind!"

"Hmph." Grunts Krystoff with a hint of anger. "Asshole. And this coming from me."

As the group depart, Henrietta watches them from the Headmaster's Office window. "Louise, Ser Krystoff, I will pray for your safety on your journey to Albion."

"I'm sure they can handle themselves." Said Osmond sitting behind his desk smoking a pipe. "After all, he is fairly capable."

"Who?" Asks Henrietta. "Guiche? Or Viscount Wardes?"

"It is Valliere's companion." He replies.

"Ah," She continues to stare out the window. "He has made several accomplishments despite being a commoner."

"Your Highness." Said Osmond. "Have you heard the story of the Founder, Brimir?"

"Yes. I have." She replies as she turns to him. "How does that got to do with anything?"

"Valliere's companion is Gandalfr." Continues Osmond. "Brimir's strongest familiar." Although he would rather keep the information to himself, but he has trusted Henrietta for a while. "And he seems to be already aware of it before I told him."

"And that artifact he carries," Asks Henrietta. "And that armor he has adorned with it, is it related to him being this Gandalfr?"

Osmond nods. "That artifact was literally made for him, as for all Void Familiars." He starts to explain. "There are four of them in total, one for each familiar, and three of them are currently in the hands of the three original countries. However, one of them wasn't found until now."

"How?" She asks again.

"Krystoff Danjr found it in his world prior to his summoning." Osmond continues. "And yes. He is from another world that is not like ours. And, your highness?"


"Don't speak of this to the rest of your family." Said Osmond. "They must not learn of this, especially not of the Church."

"I understand." Nods Henrietta. "Thank you for sharing, Old Osmond."

"Of course." Osmond nods as well.

"So another world other than Halkeginia exists..." Henrietta turns towards the window again she placed her hand on the glass and smiles. "Interesting."

Suddenly Colbert bursts into the room, "Headmaster!"

"Ah, Colbert." Osmond greets him. "What brings you to my office?"

"Fouquet has escaped from prison!" Exclaims Colbert. "What I heard from the city guards that the Mage-Hunter has aided her escape!"

"Why would he break her out?" Asks Osmond.

"You know mercenaries." He replies. "He was probably paid to!"

"Who?" Osmond asks again in a grim tone. "Who paid the Mage-Hunter?"

"The Albion Nobles." Henrietta comes into a realization. "He was paid to work with them. That's why he has killed a member of the court!" She turns around. "The group of nobles who wants to overthrow the monarchies of Halkeginia, starting with Albion."

"Your highness." Said Colbert. "Surely that-"

"No." The princess interrupts while shaking her head. "It is highly plausible. The Mage-Hunter, Sideon, and possibly Fouquet, are hired by the Reconquista."

The port city of La Rochelle, from Tristain to there, it will take two days on horseback, however it doesn't station ships that travels by sea. It stations airships to the floating continent, Albion. The port was situated on a deep and narrow gorge with the population of about three hundred while the travelers that go through there to Albion is ten times as much.

Despite the safety hazards on living in a gorge, people are fine settling there, as they bore holes into the boulders in the cliffsides, turning them into taverns and shops. Even though of the ordinary appearance of these buildings, they are carved out from the stone, which is a feat that only Square Earth Mages can do.

In a dark street where the sun literally doesn't shine unless it is noon, there is a bar named the "Golden Wine Barrel Bar", although it looks like a rundown house with a pile of broken chairs piled up at the side. For the reason for several broken chairs, is because of the patrons being thugs and mercenaries, and whenever they have a fight, they bring out their weapons. Due to several injuries and deaths in the bar, the owner put up a sign in which states, "Only use chairs as weapons." The patron went along with it and decide to follow the rule then on.

Today was going on as usual, with usual customers of mercenaries that this time are returning from Albion.

"Ah, the Albion Crown is finished."

"Hey, so that means that there will be a republic soon?"

"Aye, if so, let's have a toast to a new republic!"

The mercenaries are formally hired by royalist to fight alongside them, but they retreated to avoid their inevitable defeats. This was not dishonor, they are mercenaries after all, they only care about self-preservation and the payment.

As they were drinking, a hooded woman in her teens opens a door and went in to sit at the bar counter. Her body is obscured by her cloak, but her lower face is exposed, for her age she looks quite stunning. All eyes are on her as the girl asks the owner.

"Have any vacant rooms? I would want to stay for the night."

Her voice is soft yet in a sharp tone. The owner nodded, "It is about 20 silvers for one room."

The girl took out an ecu and set it on the counter. "I would want three. Will this do?"

The owner raised an eyebrow. "You're bringing friends?"

The girl nodded. "They are outside."

"Alright then." The owner took the coin. "Anything else?"

The hooded girl notices several male patrons approaching her. "Water." The owner went into the back as one of the patrons came up to her. "Hey, little miss. It is a bit dangerous for someone like you being all alone."

"I am not alone." She replies. "As I said, they are outside."

"Come on, little miss!" Said another one of the patrons with a vile grin. "Surely they won't provide you company like we can." As he placed his hand her head and pulled down the cloak to reveal her face.

"Well, don't you look at that beauty!" Another one of the patrons licked his lips at the sight of the blue-haired girl. The patron lifted her chin to take a close look, but then notices the murderous glint in her eyes.

The owner placed a glass of water on the counter before she growls out, "Don't you dare... touch me!" Her right hand with full rings on her index and middle finger came out of her cloak as she uses the water from the glass to send in it into the patron's mouth as she uses the water give him brain hemorrhage as he falls down dead.

"She's-She's a noble!" Exclaims a patron.

"No-!" Said another. "The way she killed him with a water spell! She's- she must be Lazuli the Sea Witch!"

"Shit!" Shouts a patron as the men back away. "Is she's here, then that means-!"

"Well now..." Said a voice as the patrons turns their heads to the door. "Looks like you made Lazuli angry." It was Sideon the Mage-Hunter, he was feared even among other mercenaries. A group of them can kill a noble, but the feats of him single-handedly killing several nobles at once is considered impossible to them. But that doesn't mean they didn't believe it.

"W-why the hell are you here Mage-Hunter?" Glares one of the patrons, but there was fear in his voice.

"For lodging." Sideon replies. "I would've done it myself, but she insisted." He shrugged. "And I'm guessing she killed one of you for being too friendly with her." He tapped the dead mercenary's head with his foot. "Heh. Poor bastard."

Another stepped into the tavern, Sideon looked back. "Oh, Kahl, you should be waiting outside."

"I'm getting concerned for what is taking so long." Kahl replies.

"H-hey." Said a patron. "That's a Beast Man, right?"

"I am one, yes." Said Kahl as he looks around to notice Lazuli without her hood on. "What happened here?"

Lazuli made a scowl as she gazes that the patrons. "They annoyed me."

"Anyways." Shrugs Sideon. "We are supposed to be waiting for someone. Could you all not bother us for our time here? If you try to," He narrowed his eyes. "All of you will end up like that guy down there."

"We won't." Their leader raised his hands, sweating. "In fact, we're just leaving." He looks around to his men. "Ain't that right boys?" The rest nods hesitantly as they move out the door.

"So." Sideon turns to Lazuli. "Has any of them touched you?"

"Tried." Her eyes gestured to the dead man on the floor.

Fouquet walked into the tavern as well. "Why did over a dozen mercenaries walk out like they defecated their pants?"

"They did when they saw me." Joked Sideon.

Fouquet groans in annoyance. "We're supposed to be waiting for a contact from Albion. And we have to discreet about it. We can't afford to attract attention."

"Three of Halkeginia's worst criminals are together all at one place." Said a new cloaked figure. His head is not completely covered due to his grey blue hair with white tips are showing, as well a horizontal yellow streak across his face that is his facial marking right below his golden eyes. "What's not suspicious about you three?"

"And you are?" Asks Sideon.

"I am that contact from Albion you're waiting for." Replied the figure. "The name is Garrett."

Sideon noticed a large bulge sticking out of Garrett's back under the cloak. "Are you a hunchback, or..."

"Hmph." Garrett huffed unamused as pulled off his cloak to reveal himself. His hairstyle is a spiked back short cut with a ruffled front bang and a single streak of hair wrap beads at the left side to fit the tribal look on him. He was wearing a dark-grey sleeveless shirt with a steel plated archery glove on his left hand with padded cotton pants and leather boots. The strangest thing about him is that he has a pair of closed wings on his back. "Does that answer your question?"

"You." Said Kahl pointing at him. "You are of the Aquila Tribe."

"My mother is." Replied Garrett. "And you must be from the Mjusi Tribe, correct?"

Kahl nods in response.

"Never knew that a Beast Man is a member of the Recon-na-tonza." Said Sideon.

"It's-" Garrett was about to correct him before Fouquet shushed him.

"It's best not to say it in front of someone." Said Fouquet while turning her head towards the owner taking cover behind the counter.

"Should I kill him?" Asked Lazuli as she was about to raise her hand.

"Nah." Sideon replied. "After all, he won't tell anyone. In fact, he can't tell anyone, he doesn't want to be involved with notorious criminals if he wants to live the rest of his live quietly, right?"

The owner shuddered in response.

"Anyway..." Said Garrett. "I was sent to aid you in dealing with some people. So, when are they coming?"

"About a day or two." Replied Fouquet. "But I have some doubts. How can you deal with an entire group of mages?"

"Well." Said Garrett as he reached for his bow that is hanging on his hip. "I am a Shaman and a skilled archer. I can pick them off one by one a thousand meters away."

Sideon saw the quiver that are hanging at his side. "Are these stone-tipped arrows?"

"Yes?" Garret raised an eyebrow. "What's the problem?"

"Nothing." Shrugged Sideon. "It's just that why would you use stone-tipped instead of steel-tipped?"

"They are cheaper." Replied Garrett with a smirk. "And I can do a lot of things with stone more than steel..."

Even after a day, Wardes' griffon is still taken no stops since the departure while the other group have to change the horses twice. After several hours, Krystoff has switched with Guiche after watching him the whole time. Although Krystoff had a rough start on trying to work on driving the horse, which to him, it is a lot different than riding it.

Krystoff laid back in the cart while looking up at the griffon with Wardes, who is on his "To Watch Very Closely List", and Louise, his summoner. He takes the silence to eavesdrop on their conversation as he was relaxing, what he picked up from it, was very troubling words.

"Wardes, aren't we going too fast?" Asked Louise, she looks down at Guiche driving the carriage as Krystoff taking a break. "Even with Guiche and Krystoff exchanging seats. They probably won't catch up."

"But I already planned that we journey for La Rochelle nonstop." Replied Wardes.

"Wouldn't take two days?" Protested Louise. "We are going by horse, after all."

"If that were the case, shouldn't we leave these two behind?" Said Wardes bluntly.

'So he's trying to get rid of us for him to be alone with Louise.' Thought Krystoff with an angered expression. 'Just what is he planning?'

"Well, they are engaged, maybe he wants to catch up with the times with her."

'Then how long he's been away from Louise?' Krystoff wondered, 'And the fact that Louise hasn't told me about him from the get-go, it's probably many years. However, I still can't trust him. If I do and let my guard down when he shows his true colors...'

"You must be very paranoid."

'You've looked through my memories, right?' He asked mentally. 'You know about the source of my paranoia.'

"Wardes!" Louise exclaimed at the idea. "We can't do that!"

"Why not?" Said Wardes.

"Because the princess as sent all of us." She explained. "It would be considered going back on her order if we do that!"

"Hmm." Wardes stared at her for a moment. "You seem to be protective with both of them. Which one among them is your sweetheart?"

"What!?" Louise blushed. "N-no! Neither of them is! Guiche is a shallow skirt chaser, and Krystoff... and... Krystoff..." She was stammering on her words. "He's foul-mouthed and rude, and... very aggressive! Although... it was coming from me. But..."

"So, this Krystoff..." Replied Wardes. "You grew to like him."

"N-no! That's not it!" Shouts Louise. "Even with his personality... he means well. He had helped me realize my own flaws and made attempts to help me improve... And in turn, I helped him realize his."

"I'll say." Chuckled Wardes. "You've grown a bit humbler since the last time I saw you. Before, you would throw a tantrum, but now, you've become a grown woman."

"Yeah." Said Louise blushing. "Maybe I should thank him."

"Although..." Continued Wardes. "I'm feeling that I might some competition with him. You two have gotten quite close."

"We have no intention on getting together." Replied Louise. "We're not interested to each other in any way, so have no worries."

"Ah." Wardes gave a sigh of relief. "That sets my heart at ease. I would feel brokenhearted if my fiancée were to have a sweetheart while I was away."

"I... I haven't changed my feelings." Louise blushed again. "Not at all during those years."

"That's good to hear." Smiled Wardes as he hugged Louise gently.

"I don't get it." Said Krystoff quietly from below. "Maybe I should calm down. He's not showing any suspicion and he seems fine, but why I feel so uneasy?"

"Maybe you are jealous about Louise having a fiancée." Responded Guiche as he drives the horse. "I know the feeling of finding out that your girl of interest has someone of her own."

"I don't even like her!" Replied Krystoff annoyed as he sat up. "I had a girlfriend more tolerable than her!"

"And why did you two broke up again?" Asked Guiche.

"She wanted to join the military." Said Krystoff looking to the side. "But I didn't want her to go."

"Because you believe she's a fragile flower?"

"Fragile?" Krystoff replied with a smirk. "She makes a bear look like a harmless rabbit!" Then he looks down. "No, it's because I worried for her. That she might get herself killed."

"How so?" Guiche asked.

"She is a reckless bruiser, and headstrong. Imagine if Lemin were to be a woman, but stronger and a lot less friendly." Replied Krystoff as Guiche shuddered at that thought. "She would try to run out and take her enemy head-on."

"Now I see why." Guiche shook his head. "You have my condolences." He looked up. "Ah. There it is. The port city of La Rochelle."

Krystoff looked up as well to see the port on top of a mountain in the distance. "Holy shit, you guys weren't kidding about this being an airship port."

"No. We're not."

Then suddenly out of nowhere an arrow zipped by and nearly hit Krystoff, "Shit! What the hell is that!?"

"Must be a bandit attack!" Shouted Guiche.

But suddenly the arrow that was lodged in the ground behind the carriage exploded and made the carriage flew forward, with Krystoff and Guiche tumbling on the ground.

"It exploded!?"Shouted Krystoff. "Is there a bomb on that arrow!?"

"I don't know!" Replied Guiche in kind as he brought out his wand. "But this seems familiar..."

From far way, Garrett sat in a tall tree, hidden from sight as he his sights locked on at the group with his bow. "They got lucky." He said as he took out a stone tipped arrow and drew it back to line up the shot. "But their luck will soon run out." He chanted a spell as the stone tip of the arrow glowed slightly. "Explosive charge."

He let go of the arrow to fire and was shot into the ground in front of his targets, "Detonate."

The arrow in the ground exploded in front of Krystoff and Guiche.

"Shit!" Cursed Krystoff as he pulled out his Driver. "Where are these arrows coming from!?"

He equipped the Driver as the belt formed around his waist.


"Henshin!" Krystoff pulled on the handle.


Vertis drew Derf from his sheathe. "It's Time to Get Dangerous!"

More arrows are shot but Vertis deflect them while Guiche summoned his Valkyries to take the hit and ran far enough for the two to be out of the explosions' range.

"Krystoff! Watch out!" Shouted Guiche as Vertis looked above as a shadowy figure jumped from the top of the cliff and dropped straight down with a sword at hand. Vertis raised Deft as the sword hits his blade as the figure lands. From the dust cloud, the figure is a tall, bald, dark-skinned man with scaly patches on his body with a lizard tail, and in his hands are cleaver-like blades.

"Who the hell are you!?" Yelled Vertis.

"My name is Kahl, and you will not pass." Said Kahl as he raised his blades. "Prepare yourself."

Wardes floated down with his magic beside Vertis. "Are you two alright?"

"Where were you?" Asked Vertis.

"I was bringing Louise to safety for this fight." He replied. "Be careful. It is rare for a beastman such as him to be in these parts, don't let your guard down."

"Shut it, old man." Said Krystoff, and he ran towards Kahl with a dagger in hand which he morphed it into a longsword. Kahl reacted by swinging his blades downwards, having Vertis block the attack as a small crater formed under him. "Shit, how strong is this guy!?"

Kahl and Vertis swung their blades at each other, clashing steel against steel. From the sides, the bronze Valkyries rushed at him before Kahl used his blades to slash them apart. However, Kahl looked and jumped back as a burst of flame was shot at the ground as Vertis jumped back as well. "Fire!? No... wait..." He looked up. "Are you serious!?"

A dragon that is Slyphid landed down with the red-haired annoyance of Krystoff's existence flicked her hair. "Hello! Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Goddammit, of COURSE you of all people would follow us." Facepalmed Vertis. "Let me guess, you goaded Tabitha to have her dragon bring you here."

"Yep." Said Tabitha from Slyphid.

"Hey, I went all though that trouble for you." Cooed Kirche. "Can I at least get something out of it?"

"Nope, sorry. Get lost." Vertis tried to shoo her away.

"'Sup Krys!" Said the white-haired ice mage as he jumped down the dragon. "I'm here too!"

"Ok, Kirche, I get." Said Krystoff. "But why are you here too?"

"It's a long story." Lemin replied and then he looked at Kahl, "You were fighting that guy?"

Vertis looked at Kahl. "You are very patient for not attacking us while we're talking."

"I'm just waiting." He replied as he raised his blades. "Shall we resume?"

"Fine. Fine!" Said Vertis. "You guys fight that lizard man, and I'll find that sniper." He ran off, leaving the group behind."

"Alright." Wardes turned towards Kahl. "How many are you?"

"Just one." Replied Kahl. "And another person besides me."

"That sniper?" Asked Guiche. "And that's it?"

"I'm good enough." Said Kahl as he rushed at the group.

Vertis rushed forward and looked around to find where the arrows are coming from, but the hidden sniper kept shooting at him as his surroundings are exploding.

"Where is he!?"

"No idea!" Shouted Derf. "But we better not get hit, or else it will hurt. I mean, really hurt."

"Maybe wait for an arrow to be shot and head towards it's direction."

Vertis kept on looking around and then an arrow hit him at the shoulder and exploded on him. Leaving him rolling on the ground, he got up and turned towards the direction from where the arrow was shot.

"Gotcha!" He grunted.

Vertis then turned Derf into a bow then threw the longsword to the ground and pulled out an arrow. He drew it back and fired at that direction. Before the arrow hits into the trees, a figure flew out into another tree.

"Oh, come on!" Shouted Vertis as the sniper flew from tree to tree shooting arrows at him with Vertis kept dodging.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" Vertis attempted to evade the arrows as the exploded on the ground. "Since that sniper is shooting arrows, I think I know just the thing." He gripped the handle and pulled on it.


The green lines on Vertis' bodysuit became yellow, much to his displeasure.

"Wait no!" Exclaimed Vertis. "I meant it to be Air!"

"Beggars can't be choosers." Said Sasha. "You have to use what you got."

"Goddammit. Looks like I have no choice." Cured Vertis as he made a dome out of stone to protect himself from the arrows as they exploded upon it. From the dust cloud Vertis attempted to take a page out of Guiche's book and made miniature golems out of stone as they run around taking hits for him and Vertis morphed Derf into an axe and charged forward to slash through the trunk, bringing the tree down.

As the tree falls, the figure has no choice but to land to the ground. Before Vertis, there is a young man with a pair of blue grey wings.

"So that's how you get up there." Said Vertis. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that? Tell me, why are you here, and why are you attacking us?"

"I was ordered to kill all of you." Replied Garrett. "My employers doesn't want anyone to interfere with their plans."

"Who then?" Shouted Vertis. "Who sent you!?"

"It is none of your business." Replied Garrett as he put away his bow and pulled out a kukri knife and held it in reverse. The beastman and the rider ran towards each other clashed with their blades.

Despite being one man, Kahl is capable of stand his ground against an experienced mage and four apprentices. As he charged at Wardes, he swung his blades repeatedly as the Captain of the Griffon Knights deflected every attack with his own.

Kahl jumped back then threw one of his blade in his hands upward as he ran forward and threw a spear at Wardes. But he reacted by casting a lightning spell to disintegrate it, then looked up to see the blade Kahl thrown as the lizard beastman leapt up in the air to grab it to use gravity to slash downward.

However, Wardes jumped back to evade it as Lemin in his ice armor took his place and took the attack by blocking it with his axe then have ice creep up onto his blade. Kahl quickly pulled away before being hit by a burst of flames dealt by Kirche.

"Did that get him?" Thought out Kirche.

"No." Replied Tabitha. "It didn't."

As she said that, Kahl stepped out of the flames as if it was nothing. "Not hot enough."

"It's no good." Said Wardes, "Due to his lizard beastman heritage, he has tough skin. So just burning him won't affect him much."

"Then about this!?" Shouted Lemin as he chanted a spell and swept his axe on the ground. "Icy Wave!"

A burst of ice shot forth from the ground like a literal wave of as Kahl was engulfed in it as he was stuck in place with ice up to his knees.

"Clever move, Ross." Said Guiche, begrudgingly complementing him.

Wardes raised his rapier wand at Kahl.

"Everyone all together!"

Tabitha readied her ice spears as Kirche prepares to send a fireball. Guiche constructed more Valkyries as Lemin constructs a second axe out of ice in his left hand. And they unleashed their attacks upon the lizard beastman.

Wardes started by sending a bright lightning bolt followed by Kirche's fireballs and Tabitha's ice spears, hitting Kahl as the attacks formed cloud of steam. Taking no hesitation, Lemin rushed in as the Valkyries move alongside him as they raised their weapons. Before they can swing them down, Kahl's blades horizontally cut the Valkyries in two and blocked Lemin's axes.

As they had each other in a blade-lock, they both failed to notice an attack from above.

"Fire Lance!"

A rod of fire was shot down and hit both Kahl and Lemin as the Ice Wolf breaking the ice, however due to his ice armor, Lemin is mostly unharmed while Kahl tumbled on the ground. Lemin looked up and recognizes his inquisitive friend on his hippogriff. "Logan?"

"Sorry, I'm the one who will be killing this idiot." Said Logan, who seemed clearly pissed off towards Lemin.

"Hmm." Said Kahl as he gets up. "Another challenge. Very well." He grabbed his cleaver blades as held them up to face the group of mages.


Vertis swung Derf in his original form as Garrett leaned back to evade it, and then Garrett swung his knife upwards as Vertis turns to the side to dodge. Vetris ran for the longsword lodged in the ground as Garrett follows, parring their blades. Garrett then twirled his kukri upwards and swung it diagonally, but Vertis leapt and rolled on his side and grabbed the longsword and transformed it into a khopesh sword and used the back end of the blade to block the knife. Vertis then swept Garret's knife away for him to kick the hawk man in the stomach as he reeled back.

"Tell me who you're working for!" The rider pointed his sword at him.

"Like hell I will!" Garrett growled as he pulled out his bow and an arrow. As he fired, Vertis reacted by using Derf to deflect it, but before the arrow hits the blade, Garrett detonated the charge, causing an explosion the threw Vertis back, rolling on the ground as his weapons are knocked out of his hands.

"Partner!" Shouted Derf.

"Guh!" Vertis gasped as he tried to get up from the shockwave. "What the hell? Is he like Louise?"

Garrett stood over him, "You are strong." He aiming his bow at the downed rider. "But not strong enough."

"There's one thing you forgot." Said Vertis chuckling. "That I can do this!"

He slammed his hand on the ground and a fist out of stone shot out from the ground and uppercut the beastman. Then Vertis quickly gets up and charged at him, striking his fist into his torso which made Garrett drop his bow.

As Vertis pulled back to give another punch, Garrett recovers and grabs his fist while attempting to send a right hook as well. However, Vertis grabs his fist and had each other in a hold.

"Krystoff!" Shouted a voice nearby.

"Louise!" Vertis turned his head to the pinkette. "What are you doing here!?"

"You ran off by yourself!" Replied Louise. "Did you think you can fight on your own!? You need help!"

"I'm fine, I don't need it!" He grunted as he tried to push Garrett back. "Just get back to the others! I'll handle him!"

Garrett looked to the side then shoved Vertis away and ran towards Louise. Grabbing his kukri knife on the ground and pulled his hand back for a swing at her. Vertis, quickly getting up and grabbing Derf and chased after the hawk sniper while shouted out, "Louise!"

Louise then noticed the arrows in his quiver are stone tipped. Reacting to it, she pulled out her wand and chanted a spell, aimed at his quiver.


Garrett noticed that his arrows are glowing and immediately realizes what's she's trying to do. He quickly cut off the strap and threw the quiver away. But it then it made a large enough explosion to send everyone in the area outwards.

As Louise was on the ground in a cloud of dust, she saw Vertis walking towards her and picked her up. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." She coughed. As the dust clears, the hawk beastman is nowhere to be found. "Where's did he go?"

"He must have run off." Replied Vertis as he changes back. "Or flew off. Maybe because you blew up his arrows."

"Will he come for us again?" Asked Louise.

"Maybe." Replied Krystoff as he went over to pick up Derf. "But means we will be prepared when that time comes." He unsheathes Derf asnd gestures her to follow him, "Come on, the others may be still fighting that other beastman."

Even if can survive against a group of mages on his own, Kahl grew tired from the fight. Then he noticed that the one who is supposedly assisting him, Garrett, has not made a single attack on the group. Meaning that the green armored warrior defeated him. Kahl decided it is best to retreat and return to the others. "Hmm." Said Kahl. "Perhaps we resume this fight another day."

"You're not getting away!" Shouted Guiche as he sent more of his golems before Kahl dove his fist into the ground, creating a dust cloud as the Valkyries rushed in. But as soon as it clears, only the Valkyries.

"And he got away." Kirche commented and then sees Krystoff along with Louise running towards the group.

"Hey!" Said Krystoff panting. "Did you get him?"

"Ran away." Tabitha shook her head.

"So did that archer." Added Louise. "At least we managed to drive him away."

"Louise," Said Wardes. "Why did you run off like that? After I brought you to safety."

"I can handle myself now." She replied. "So don't worry about me so much."

Krystoff looked around to see the inquisitor. "Logan? Why are you here?"

"I'm here, to bring this IDIOT," Logan glared at Lemin, "Back to the academy."

"Come on!" Shouted Lemin. "I heard Korves went to Albion for some reason and looked worried about something!"

"It's because of his family over there, calling him back for an emergency!" Retorted Logan. "It's not necessary for you to act rashly like this!"

"Wait," Krystoff can't help but overheard that. "What's this about Korves?"

"Korves is from the Koras Family whom has close ties with the Albion Crown." Explained Logan. "And due to the fact that the royal family will inevitably be in danger, the Korases have to bring all of their family members to protect them."

"So that's why Lemin's here." Sighed Louise. "Well as least it's better reason than Kirche's."

"Wait what?" Kirche looked her way.

"You heard me!" Shouted Louise. "You're not supposed to be here!"

'Please don't say it.' Krystoff mentally pleaded Louise not to spill the beans.

"We are on a secret mission from Princess Henrietta!"

"OH MY GOD WHY, LOUISE!?" Krystoff suddenly shouted. "Now Kirche won't leave at all!"

"Secret mission?" Kirche said surprised, "Well, guess I can't have a Valliere have to glory all to herself!"

"Wait. So that's why you're going to Albion?" Asked Lemin. "I would to go on this secret mission too!"

"Wait! No!" Exclaimed Louise, "I meant you're supposed to leave!"

"What did you expect, Louise?" Replied Krystoff. "Having your arch-nemesis pass off of an opportunity like that? You've could've kept it to yourself!"

"Oh Brimir." Louise's eyes widened from her mistake. "What was I thinking?"

"And now everyone here knows about this secret mission!" Krystoff dramatically waved his arms. "Got any more headache would you like to give to me, world!?"

"SURPRISE ATTACK!" Shouted a feminine voice out of nowhere as she leapt out of the bushes. "Hahah you fools! Now you face the Great and Powerful Le-"

Tired from what happened earlier, and having none of this nonsense, Krystoff cut her off with an upwards punch into the chin of the sudden assailant, making her fly several feet into the air twirling before landing hard on the ground.

"Holy crap, Krystoff, what the hell!?" Exclaimed Guiche. "Sure, she came out of nowhere, but is really neccisary!?"

"Oh shit." Krystoff realized his mistake. "Sorry, it's just that... " He tried to call down, "It's just the pent-up stress from today." He looked at the down woman. "Guess I should get her back up."

He walked up to her and on closer inspection, her attire consists of a midriff and a skirt out of dried grass with a wooden staff with a stone that was glowing orange tied to it, and her hair is in a peach color as well as her... cat ears and tail? She was seeing stars from the hit as Krystoff crouched down on her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey. Are you alright?"

"Mmm..." The cat girl got up on all fours and started to shake her head. "Hey, why did you do that for?"

"To be fair, our group was attacked earlier and I'm a bit on edge since this morning." Replied Krystoff. "And you literally popped out of nowhere."

"And you are also a Beastman." Commented Louise. "We've been kept running into those lately. And why a Beastman like you doing here?"

"Oh, I was sent here by my tribe to find the mage school they've heard about." Replied the cat girl. "And seeing you are mages from the fight that I may or may not spied on you earlier... maybe you would know?"

"You mean, the Tristain Academy of Magic?" Clarified Kirche.

"Yeah, that!"

"Well, you kinda came to the right people," Replied Lemin. "We are from that magic academy."

"Great!" The beastman smiled. "How do I attend there?"

The group paused to stare at her for a moment.

"You are a Shaman, yes?" Asked Tabitha.

"Yep! I am!"

"But Tristian Academy does not do Shaman magic." Continued Logan. "Why would you want to attend there?"

"Because the Chieftain of the tribe wanted to know about human elemental magic." Replied the beastman. "And what better place is at the academy that teaches it!"

"Hmm..." Wardes rubbed his chin. "It is rare for a beastman, much less a shaman to be interested in our magic."

"Maybe we let her tag along." Said Guiche. "Then after the mission is over, we can ask the headmaster about letting her attend."

"Yey!" The cat girl raised her hands in the air and then put them down. "My name is Lena! Nice to meet you!"

-Next Time: On A Familiar Rider!-

Krystoff: La Rochelle. Huh. Never in my life I've seen a port for airships.

Wardes: The ship for Albion leaves the day after tomorrow.

Lena: Yey! Roommates!

Wardes: I've heard about your magical armor; will you show it to me in a duel?

Sideon: Hello again, Vertis.

Krystoff: Give me a name! Who hired you!?

-Chapter 9: No Time For Rest-