Chapter 1: I Am No Slave!

"Who are you?"

Krystoff looked at the petite girl with bubblegum-colored hair and reddish-brown eyes. To him, she looks about 13, as well the people around her, wore some kind of uniform, and over it, a black cloak.

'Where the fuck am I?' He thought as he looks around. Some sort of castle with stone walls like one of those European buildings. He seems to be in foreign country, which is impossible, that he was working in a museum, dusting some artifacts a moment ago until some dark mass engulfed him. He felt an object in his hand, a piece of stone that a fossilized mysterious object was stuck into. 'Oh crap, it went with me.'

Krystoff made a scowl upon realizing that he accidentally took a museum piece. But he was angrier about the fact that where the hell he is right now.

"Hey!" The girl suddenly shouted. "I asked for your name, commoner!"

And what the hell is she saying? He thought. French? He forgot the lessons in class from high school, so he can barely make out her words. Either way, he found that her voice was aggravating.

"What the hell are you saying?" Krystoff asked.

Louise was not happy.

She wanted to summon a familiar, a dragon, a manticore, anything! But instead she got this... this... commoner! He is tan-skinned, as least a bit lighter than that Zebrst, and has medium length messy hair, yet sharp green eyes akin to emeralds. She found his clothing peculiar however; he wore loose black denim pants, with a sleeveless shirt for the top in the same color, and over it, what she can make out is that it is a jacket, covered in many shades of green, lined with fur. Is it cold where he come from?

"What the hell are you saying?" The summoner asked.

She looked at him perplexed. Is it Albionese? She tried to repeat her words in that language.

"What is your name?" She asked. His reaction was relief that he could understand her.

"I am Krystoff Danjr." He gave a cold reply.

His name sounds Germanian. Great, she summoned a Germanian commoner. But is he speaking Albionese?

"Where are you from?" She asked him.

"First, tell me where am I?" He gave a glare.

Such disrespect! She thought, he shouldn't make a demand to a noble like that! She should berate him, but his glare gave a chilling feeling.

"Hah!" Said a student. "Look at Louise! She summoned a commoner!"

"She's Louise the Zero after all!" Another student mockingly added as the crowd burst into laughter.

Louise turned to them with a scowl. Zero. That damnable nickname that everyone is calling her nowadays, she hated that name, oh so much. She thought that if she summoned a familiar, they would shut up! But all she got is this Germanian commoner!

"Professor Colbert!" She shouted.

As the pink-haired munchkin shouted, much to the pain to Krystoff's ears, the crowd parted, revealing a balding middle-aged man in black robes. Poor guy, he thought, growing bald in such an age.

"What do you wish of me, Ms. Vallière?"

"Please let me summon just one more time!"

The balding man shook his head. "I cannot. Once you summon a familiar, no matter what it is, it is bound to you."

"I have to be bound to a commoner!?" She yelled in a tone of dismay as the crowd laughs.

"It is a tradition that during the Springtime Familiar Summoning, you must take him as your familiar." Replied the balding man. "You can't do the ritual again, it is sacred. Now, proceed with the ceremony."

The girl sighed and turned to Krystoff. "You're lucky you get to do this with a noble." She closed her eyes and waved a wooden stick in her hand.

"My name is Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière. Pentagon of the Five Elemental Powers; bless this humble being and make him my familiar." She tapped the stick on Krystoff's forehead and lean closer to his face with hers.

"The hell are you-!?" He winced.

"Stay still!" She said in irritation as she grabs the side of his head with her left hand and drew it closer.

'Is she-!?' His face twisted into panic, in retaliation to this action he raised his hand up to the level of his mouth as the girl pecked his palm. Upon realizing this, the girl backed away in anger.

"What is with you!? Did you just refuse a kiss from a noble!?"

"Look, kid!" He yelled in response. "I don't kiss children! I'm not a lolicon damn it! -Wait, I can understand you now?"

"I am not a child!" The girl yelled. "I'm sixteen!"

"You're that old-" He backed off shock as he felt a burning sensation. "Argh!" He clutched his left hand in pain, as it subsides, he lifted his right hand off his left and saw markings on it. "What the f- What the fuck is this!?"

In anger he grabbed the girl by the collar, "What the fuck you just do!?"

Louise felt suddenly afraid. Being in that Germanian brute's hands, she can only stammer. "I-I just only made a contract with you, that's all!"

"A contract?" He growled. "It's a brand isn't it?! You're branding me as if I was a slave!"

"Not as a slave!" She defended. "As a familiar!"

"The hell is a familiar!?" He asked in a crude manner.

"I'll answer you if you put me down!" Louise shouted and with a grumble he slowly lets go of her collar.

"Well, it may be a rough start, but at least you manage to calm him down." Sighed Colbert as glances upon Krystoff's hand. "What strange runes he has however."

"Just what hell are you people anyway?" Krystoff asks.

Colbert ignores him and went along as usual, "Alright everyone, back to class." With a turn he slowly floats up into the air as the crowd of students follow.

"Hey Zero! Looks like you better walk back!" A student laughed.

Louise grits her teeth upon hearing that as her familiar next to her stood agape as he yells out.


"Shut up!" Yelled Louise. "If you're wondering where you are, you are at the Tristain Academy of Magic." He turns at her, with a confused look on his face, she added on. "On the country of Tristain, on the continent of Halkeginia?"

Her familiar's face turned into its neutral state but gave an angry look. "Explain. Now."

As the two walked back to the Academy, Krystoff can only rub his temples to process Louise's explanation. "So. I was summoned here, away from my job, my friends, my family, to be your pet in this world where not only magic exists, but magical creatures as well. I mean, fuck."

"You got most of it correct." Replied Louise. "First off, I summoned you to be my servant. Not a pet. And magic does exist, what backwater world you came from?"

"Oh pleaseee..." Kristoff rolled his eyes. "To me this place looks like it is in the Dark Ages. If you take one look in my world, you will piss yourself seeing how insignificant your society is."

"And another thing!" She shouted. "I am a noble and your master! You will not dare talk to me with such crude language!"

"I am no one's servant!" He growls. "I will not acknowledge you as my 'master', and I can say whatever the hell I please!"

"How dare you!" Louise replied in anger. "I am your master! And you will do as I say!"

"Fuck. You." Krystoff glares at her. "I will not be your slave!"

Louise groans in frustration. "Why can't have an obedient familiar! All I got this... Germanian plebian!"

"I'm half Native American!" He shouts in response much to her confusion.

"Ok, this is my room." Louise stood in front of a door, she takes one look at Kristoff and gestures her hand to the door. "Well? Open the door!" Krystoff just glares at her, Louise groans and opens it herself.

She points to a straw pile. "There, this is your bed for the night."

"Are you joking?" Said Kristoff. "Am I some sort of animal to you?"

"I wasn't expecting to summon a human!" Defended Louise. "I'll get you a proper bed for you tomorrow!" She turns around and starts undressing herself.

"What are you doing?" The not-familiar looks away.

"I'm going to get changed!" She replies. "Got a problem?"

"Are you some sort of exhibitionist?" He flatly asks. "Do you want another guy to see you get undressed?"

"What you mean?" She said casually. "It's fine if I do so in front of my familiar."

She doesn't even recognize me as a human being. He growls at that thought. "So I am some sort of animal to you."

"You are my familiar." Louise flatly said. "That is all."

"No, I am a human being." Krystoff's rage is slowly rising.

"No, you are not." She argued. "You are my familiar!"

" I AM. HUMAN." He growls loudly.

"Watch your tone, commoner!" Louise hissed as she tosses her clothes to him. "Go wash it! I want it cleaned by tomorrow, familiar!"

"I have a name!" He yelled.

"I don't care!"

"Say my name! Say it!"

"Shut up! You DOG!"

Krystoff slams his fist into the wall behind him as the wood cracks. They stood silent as he slowly said his words. "I. Have. A. Name." He growls out his teeth. "My name, is Krystoff! Not 'familiar', not 'commoner', not 'dog'. Krystoff! I am not an animal. I am a human being! And." He heads for the door. "I don't have to take this! I'm out of here!"

"Hey!" Louise reached out for him. "Come back!"

He went out the door and slams it.

"Fucking bitch!" Krystoff marches down the hall. "She thinks she's hot shit because she has magic and can control me as she wants to! I don't have to take her shit. I'm leaving this place."

Stop. A female voice echoes in his head.

"Who's there?" He looks around to find no one.

Don't do that. Turn around and come back.

"Yeah... no." He continues forward. "Why do I want to be treated as her pet? I bet she has a whip around to beat me with. This really is the Dark Ages."

You can't leave. You can't go back home.

"I know I'm not in my world anymore." Krystoff grumbles as he continues walking. "But that's not going to fucking stop me."

Turn back, it is your duty as a familiar.

"Guess I really am hearing voices." He chucked with contempt. "Ok, voice, give me one good reason to come back to that pink-haired gremlin."

Because she is your master.

"Wrong answer." He continues to move forward until he bumps into a girl in a maid outfit, she is a normal looking girl with light skin and black bobbed hair. As they collided she drops a basket of laundry on the ground and the clothes was strewn across the floor.

The girl bows her head quickly "I'm sorry my lord! Forgive this clumsy maid! I'll pick this up!" She reached over to pick up the clothes to put them in the basket.

"No, no, It's my fault." Krystoff apologizes. "I wasn't paying attention. Let me help." He picks up the clothes with her. "And the name's Kristoff Danjr, or Krys for short, just don't call me Krissy. Plus, I'm not a noble."

"Oh." The girls stood up to look at him, then tilts her head. "Aren't you the familiar Ms. Vallière summoned?"

He turns to the side and scowls as he continues to pick up the clothes on the floor, "She did not summon me. She abducted me from my home and attempt to force me to be her servant, she even wants me to sleep on a pile of straw, imagine that. That's why I'm leaving." He places the rest of the clothes in the basket. "And you are."

"M-my name is Siesta." She replies.

"Huh." Krystoff gets up and looks at her. "Nice name." He starts to walk away. "See you around Siesta."

"Wait!" The maid stops him as he turns around. "You dropped this." She hands him the fossilized artifact to him.

"Oh. Uh. Thanks." He puts it in his camouflage parka.

"By the way, can you at least stay for a night?" Siesta asks. "You probably had a long day."

"Guess so." Krys replies. "But I'll be damned if I sleep that that straw pile."

"There's an extra bed in the servant quarters," She suggested. "But they not like a noble's bed however..."

"Is it a pile of straw?" He asks.

"It's stuffed with it though..." Siesta replies.

"It's good enough." Krys smiles.

"Damn that familiar!" Louise stomps down the hall, "He can't run off like that! Where is he!?" She looks around for Krystoff as she notices a maid and went up to her. "You! Maid! Have you seen a boy with a green jacket?"

"You mean Krys?" The maid answers, she points down the hall. "He went to the servant's quarters. He said it's better than to sleep on a straw pile."

"Thank you very much." Louise grumbles as continues to stomp down the halls.

"Is it really true?" Asked one of the servants.

"Yeah," Replied Krys as he was lying down on a bed. "I was at a job and them was somehow went here, and then suddenly, poof! I'm someone's slave for life! I plan on leaving tomorrow so I don't have to deal with that pink-haired banshee."

A door was slammed open, revealing the said pink-haired banshee. "THERE YOU ARE!"

"Oh, hello," Krys waved.

"Don't 'hello' me, familiar!" Yelled Louise. "I'm taking you back!"

"Excuse me?" He sticks his pinky in his ear to clean it out. "What was that?"

"I said, I'm taking you back to my room, familiar!" She yelled.

"I'm sorry." He lazily rolls to the side. "Can you repeat that again? I didn't hear my name."

"Fine!" Groaned Louise. "Return to my room, Krystoff!"

He thought for a while and then said flatly. "...No."

"Why!?" The pink she-bitch screamed.

"I want to sleep here." He replies. "On a proper bed. Not on that shit pile in your room."

"I don't pile excrement in my room!" Her face twisted with disgust.

"I mean I'm not sleeping on the straw pile!" Krystoff repeats his words. "And I plan on leaving!"

"You can't leave me!" She shouted.

"Oh?" He sat up. "How are you going to stop me?"

"I-I-" Louise stammers. "I'll have the professors get you back here!"

"And I'll run away again." He replies. "Because that other than be your human pet, oh sorry, 'familiar'. There's no reason for me to stay here."

"You probably don't know about the land here!" She argues.

"I'll learn." Krys says. "I'll find my way around, without your ball and chain."

Louise stood silent and then gave up. "Fine. What do you want?"

"What?" Krys asks for clarification.

"What. Do you want, to have you stay here?" She requests.

Krystoff thinks for a moment. "...I'll will need a bed. Not a straw pile. And I would like a proper meal tomorrow. Because other than that taco I had this morning, I have not eaten a single thing today. And lastly, and I want to listen to this one." He leans closer to Louise. "Treat me, as if I were a normal human, because I am, also refer me to my name, and ONLY my name. Got it?"

"Fine. I will give my word." Sighed Louise. "Can you please come back to my room?"

"Can at least sleep here for tonight?" Krystoff asks.

"If you stay by tomorrow, yes." Nodded Louise.

"Then ok." Krys lays back onto the bed. "Goodnight."

Louise exhales and left the room, a servant turns to him, "You must have balls of brass to talk to a noble "like that."

"Treat others like they treat you." Krystoff pulls his hood over his head and closes his eyes. "If they treat you as 'they were assholes, then treat them back in kind."

Krystoff Danjr, half Norwegian, half Native, grew up in the northern-most town in the United State named Madawaska. Which he could summarized it as, "fucking cold". At the age of 19 he became a college student at the University of Maine. He has quite a rough break-up with his girlfriend, reason is which that she wanted to attend a military academy, but he doesn't want her to since they have been together for three years in high school. After that, he decided to do his own thing, to become an archeologist, he has quite the fondness for history.

Has a strange belief in compassion, for it usually it being, "Treat the others like you want to be treated." But he turns it around to make himself, "reflective" towards others, making him, in everyone else's eyes, an asshole. Then again, he does show kindness towards those who are kind to him initially.

Unlike the first person he met when he appeared in Halkeginia.


"Um, Krys?" Siesta shakes him in his bed. "Wake up, it's morning"

"Ugh," Krystoff opens his eyes. "Siesta? Oh god, it is not a dream."

"Ms. Valliere called me earlier, she would like to see you." Said Siesta.

"Alright." He gets off the bed. "Where does she want me to meet her?"


"Did you get enough rest?" Louise asked Krys.

"Feel a lot less angry than yesterday." He replies.

"Good," The pinkette heads off. "Come with me to the dining hall. You wanted a proper breakfast, right?"

As they walked down the hall a voice came from behind, "Morning, Zero."

Louise groans and turns around. "Morning... Zerbst." She, "greets" the red-haired, tan skinned young woman.

Holy shit. Krystoff thought as he takes a glance at her breasts. "She must have a lot of painkillers for that backpain. If painkiller exist in this world of course." He muttered to himself.

"Oh?" The redhead takes a look at Krystoff. "So, you did summon a human. Quite the man too." She said in a sultry tone and the turned back to Louise. "Although, unlike you, I make proper summon on the first try! After all, what do you expect from Louise the Zero?"

Louise clenched her fists and her cheeks turned scarlet from embarrassment. "S-shut up."

"In fact, why don't I introduce you to him?" She gestures her hand to her giant red lizard of a familiar. "This is my familiar, Flame."

"Huh, so that's a salamander up close." Krystoff said flatly. 'Creative name for it though." He thought sarcastically.

"Oh? You know what this is?" Smiled the redhead.

"Read it in a book from a friend." Replied Krystoff with a nod. 'Huge fantasy nut, he is.'

"Yeah, rather nice." Louise said bitterly.

"It is, isn't it?" Smiled the boob-lady. "It matches my affinity quite perfectly."

"Let me guess." Krystoff rolled his eyes, "Fire."

"Indeed." Nodded the busty chili pepper. "My runic name is Kirche The Ardent. The ardent of a gently soldering passion. You better listen to your familiar, Louise. You might learn a thing or two."

"You must have been with a lot of men, haven't you?" Krys raised an eyebrow.

"I cannot lie." Kirche nods dramatically sorrowfully. "My passion burns those who come near it, it's just so uncontrollable. Not many can resist it, you know." She puffs her chest proudly. "So, what do you think? Are these better than your master's"

Krystoff stares at them for a moment, "I don't really care. They're just large lumps of fat, right?"

Kirche's reaction was priceless in Louise's eyes, not many can resist Zerbst's charms, except him. She snickered as Kirche looked shocked towards Krys' indifference, and his insult.

"Well." Kirche picks herself up after a moment of silence. "I best be off now. By the way, what is your name?"

"Krystoff." He replies.

"Well, Krystoff." She slowly smiles. "You'll give in sooner or later. See you around! ~"

As the Ardent walks off with her lizard, Louise looks up to Krys. "So, did you do this for me?"

"No." Krys flatly replies. "She just gets on my nerves. I mean, based on her description, what's the difference between her, and a prostitute?"

"Huh." Louise smirks at his response. "I think I'll use that." She continues forward. "Come on, Krystoff. You said you wanted a proper breakfast, so I'll give it to you."

Krystoff stares down at bowl of stew filled with various vegetables and meat, then he looks up to see a grand array for food on the tables in the large dining hall.

"I originally have them serve you the standard meal for familiars," Louise spoke up. "But as part of our agreement, I requested them to give you something special. So be grateful."

"What was the standard?" Krystoff asks.

"Usually scraps of meat in a thin soup with a loaf of bread." She replies casually.

"At least this," He lifted his bowl slightly. "Is better than what you just described." Krys looks at his 'master' with slight irritation.

"Good." Louise huffed. "At least it will keep you quiet during meal time." Kyrstoff's irritation grew slightly more at that remark. "Anyway," She continues. "You're lucky you get to eat here, familiars usually eat outside."

His irritation grew slightly more again. "Oh, greaaat... I am so happy." He lifted the spoon and into his mouth. "Not bad though."

Krystoff's irritation went back down to zero.

The class rooms are similar to the lecture halls back at the university. Only the walls are made out of stone. The students are in their seats, but as they turned their heads towards Louise and Krystoff as the went through the door, they started laughing. Much to Louise's anger.

"Did you do something embarrassing to make you the laughingstock?" Asked Krys.

"Just be quiet." Louise growls. 'Rule of Steel.' She thought.

"Is it something to do with your nickname, 'Zero'?" He asks again.

"Shut. Up." She hissed.

"Is it really so bad?" He replies, Louise only gave silence as a response. "So, that bad, huh?"

Krys takes a look around to see several creatures that seems like they from those Dungeons and Dragons sessions he had with his nerd friends. He plays a wolfman warrior by the way, because wolves are awesome. Taking his mind off of nostalgia, he recognizes some of those creatures, a six-legged lizard that is a basilisk. A floating eyeball that is a-

"Is that bugbear bothering you?" Louise spoke up.

"The floating eyeball?" Krystoff points at the creature as Louise nods. "That's not a bugbear. Bugbears resemble huge hobgoblins. That. Is called a beholder."

"No," Lousie argued. "Beholders are the huge hobgoblins. Bugbears, are the huge floating eyeballs."

"No, Beholder."

"No, Bugbear."





"Can you two shut up!?" Yelled the Beholder/Bugbear's master. "You're bothering my bugbear here!"

"That is a behold-!" Yelled Krys as he cuts himself off. "Know what? Never mind. Looks like our terminologies differ here. Have fun with your eyeball." He follows Louise to her seat.

"Alright. You," Louise points at the floor. "Sit there."

Krystoff glares at her.

She sighs in frustration. "Look, I don't have an extra chair for you. Just sit there."

"I'll just stand." Krystoff grumbles as he stood behind her, leaning on the table behind him.

As the door opens, a plump middle-aged woman in a purple robe walked through and stepped down to the front. "Morning, class." She looks around to her students. "It appears that the Springtime Familiar Summoning was a success. I, Chevreuse, am always glad to seeing new familiars that are summoned each spring." As she gazes across the room, she notices Krystoff with Louise. "Oh, my. Ms. Valliere. You've summoned quite a... peculiar, familiar."

Krystoff can only grumble as the rest of the class laughs at Louise again.

"Hey, Louise the Zero! Don't go around picking commoners off the street just because you can't summon anything!"

"Oh, my god, SHUT UP." Krystoff suddenly yells.

"Quite the mouth on him too!" Said another student as the crowd continues laughing.

"THAT'S QUITE ENOUGH." Shouted Chevreuse. "You are here to learn, not mock your peers! If I hear even a giggle, I swear I will stuff your mouths with clay!" She raised her wand. "Am I making myself clear?"

The class shuts up and stood up straight.

Finally. Krystoff thought.

"Now. Let's begin the lesson." The professor waved her wand over her desk, and then pebbles suddenly materialized on it. "My runic name is the 'Red Clay'. As in, Chevreuse, the Red Clay." She gave a cough. "I'll be your teacher for the Earth Element of magic. Does anyone knows the Four Great Elements of Magic?" She gazes at a plump blonde student. "Mr. Malicorne?"

He stood up. "Y-yes. They are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind."

'What is this, Avatar?' Thought Krystoff.

"Correct." Nodded the Earth Mage Professor. "Combined with the lost Element of the Void, that will make it Five. As you know, every mage has their preference of their Affinity, as for mine, I prefer Earth for its versatility. Raise buildings from stone, tilling the soil, producing and refining metals and such." She gazes at the class with a cough. "Which brings me to this lesson. Transmutation is the basic spell for the Earth Element. Which some of you already learned this the first year, we'll review it once more."

She chants the spell and with a wave of her wand, the pebbles became engulfed with light, then it dissipates, revealing sparking stones.

"Is that-" Kirche leans forward on her desk. "Gold?"

"No, it's just brass." Chevreuse coughs. "Only Square-Class mages are able to while I'm only a Triangle-Class."

Square? Triangle? Krystoff raised an eyebrow in confusion. As he was about to raise his hand, Chevreuse spoke up again with another cough.

"As you already know, it determines the level of a mage. A Dot for one element. A Line for two. A triangle for three. And Square for four. Those elements can be stacked, thus increasing the initial Element greatly. For example, I combined my elements with Earth, Earth, and Fire, making me a Triangle Class mage. As you noticed, adding another Element onto itself reinforces it."

"I see." Krystoff said to himself quietly, and then leans closer to Louise. "So, what's your element?"

"Ms. Valliere." Chevreuse notices him talking. "Quiet your familiar for moment please."

"Ah. Sorry." Krys apologizes to the professor. "I'm just curious."

"Well, I've never found another familiar that is interested in this lesson..." Pondered the earth mage. "Ms. Valliere, why don't you give a demonstration to the class? So your familiar can see what you can do."

Krystoff notices Louise acting fidgety. "Are you alright?"

"Um, Professor?" Kirche raises her hand.


"It's best for her not to." The redhead said nervously.

"Why not?" Chevreuse asks.

"It would be dangerous." She expresses her concern as the rest of the class nodded with agreement.

"How dangerous?" Krys looks up to Kirche with and eyebrow raised.

"Let's just say, her spells ended pretty badly." Replied the Ardent.

"Like what, an explosion?" Said Krystoff, only to be met with silence from her.

"I'll do it." Louise stood up.

"Please don't." Said Kirche with her growing pale.

Colbert was looking though books in the Fenrir Library, to find out about Krystoff's mysterious runes. "I swear I recognize them from somewhere." He flipped through the pages.

And then he heard a large explosion nearby.

"Ah." He turns his head to the direction of the noise. "Looks like another professor let Louise cast a spell again." He closes the book and went out. "I hope there's too much damage..."

Krystoff was surprised. Despite the fact he his own intuition was correct, Louise indeed make a huge explosion. Standing in an aftermath of what seems to a bomb attack, and at the center, Louise was standing, face full of soot.

"What did I tell you!" Shouted a student. "Once a Zero, always a Zero!"

"Save us the grief and just leave already!"

Krystoff now understood why she has that nickname. Her magic affinity, her success rate,

Is Zero.

"Huh." Krystoff was helping cleaning up the mess that Louise has made. "So that's why you hated the nickname so."

"Shut up." Louise grumbled in response as she swept up the debris.

"Although..." Krys gave a thought. "I understand why they call you Zero, but it would make more sense if they call you Louise the Volatile."

"How so?" Louise glares at him.

"Well, for starters," Replied Krys. "You have the tendency to emotionally, and literally, explode."

Louise slaps him in response.

"At least the damage is repairable..." Colbert sighed as he flipped through a book. "That boy's runes are peculiar, as well as that piece of stone he carries." He flips through until he notices a certain page. "Ah!" He looked at surprised, closes the book and headed to the Headmaster's office.

Colbert opens the door into the office, facing Osmond, the current Headmaster of Tristian Academy, behind his desk. "Ah, Professor Colbert, would like to see me?"

"Good morning, Headmaster Osmond." Said Colbert as sets the book onto the table, "Take a look at this."

"Hmm." The long white bearded headmaster gazes upon the book the he was handed to. "'The Familiars of the Founder Brimir'? What's this now?"

"I found something of interest of the runes that were on the hand of Valliere's familiar." Colbert also handed a piece of paper that markings on Krystoff's left hand to the headmaster, along with a sketch of fossilized object.

Osmond's expression changes, then looks at his secretary beside him, "Ms. Longueville. Would you please excuse us?"

The secretary stood up and left the room. "I'll be back in if you're ready." She went for the door and closes it behind her. A mouse came up and perched on Osmond's shoulder. "Ah, Motsoginr, what did you find?"

The mouse squeaked.

"Plain white again? I see." Osmond replies as the mouse squeaked again. "I wished she'd go for black today, with lace, don't you agree?"

The mouse squeaks in response.

"So, do you think the nickname Volatile is better than Zero?" Krystoff asks Louise as they headed for the dining hall.

"Both are awful." Louise growls at him.

"Yeah, well," Krys shrugged his shoulders. "People used to call me Krissy a long time ago."

"Oh?" Louise looks at him. "Why is that?"

"I went through a phase one time when I kept my hair long and put it in a ponytail," He explained. "Then some assholes mistook me for a girl and constantly called me Krissy. I cut my hair short after that, but they still kept on going..." He growls at the last part. "Then I punched those assholes in the face for that."

Louise can only sigh. "At least yours you can overcome. For me, I'm stuck with it. Maybe for life."

They continue to walk forward, staying silent for a moment until Krys spoke up. "If you're so frustrated, why take it out on me?"


"Did I mistreat you for your mistakes?" Asked Krys. "I did I mock you constantly? What did I do that makes you mistreat me yesterday?"

"…Because." Louise explains herself. "Seeing you, keeps reminding me I can't do anything right!" She shouted. "I wanted to at least summon a grand creature, so I can make them shut up! But I got you instead!"

"Does it look like I want to be here?" Krystoff raises an eyebrow.

"I know but-!" Louise trembled. "If you leave, I'll be laughed at again, for not being able to keep a familiar, for not being a good mage! And- I'll be expelled!"

"So you kept me around to save face." Krystoff replied in a grim tone. "You don't want to be a mage. You just want to be popular."

"But, that's not-!" She turns back shocked.

"You just want me to make you look good." Glared Krystoff. "You're not even considerate of me, in fact, you still don't recognize me a human, even now, don't you?"

Louise bit her lip. "I... I just don't want to be called a Zero anymore."

"Have you made a single amount of effort to change your situation!?" He asked bitterly. "Or did you just sit here and whine!?"

"You think I haven't done that!?" Yelled Louise. "I tried everything! My family, has tried everything! Every Element, every spell! I have private tutors, and they see me as a lost cause!"

"Then try a different tactic!" Replied Krystoff. "Make observations! Try to find out what have you been doing wrong! But you just gave up!"

"What can I do!?" Louise continued yelling. "I'm hopeless!"

"Then you are a Zero after all." Growled Krystoff. "Not because of zero affinity, not because of zero success rate." He starts to walk off. "But you made Zero effort to change your situation."

"Hey!" Shouted Louise. "Come back here!"

"Let me give you some advice. From my mother, to me, and to you." He continues to walk away. "'Either you cry about it, or do something about it, and don't stop trying.' And you? You stopped trying. Because you haven't tried everything, not yet."

"Krystoff!" She called out for him, but he didn't listen.

'So I am a pet to her after all.' Krystoff stomps down the hall. 'I am nothing but an object that makes her look good.'

"Oh, Mr. Krystoff?" He looks up to see Siesta. "Where are you going? Are you planning to leave again?"

"Heh." Smiled Krys. "Not today, Siesta. Not that angry yet, I just want to take my mind off about want happened today."

"Another argument?" She asks.

"Yeah." Krys looks at the silver tray in her hands. "You need help?"

"Oh no!" Replied Siesta. "I'm fine! There's no need-"

"I insist." Interrupted Krys. "I want to repay the kindness you given me last night."

"Oh, well..." Siesta looked down. "Do you want help me serve these deserts?"

"That would be nice." Krys smiled softly.

Krystoff carried the tray as Siesta passed out the cakes to the students with tongs, although, them without the mocking remarks would be nice. But he kept on going along with it because of Siesta, she's a nice girl, perhaps the only nice people since he got here.

"So, Guiche, who you're going out with now?" A student joked at the curly-haired blonde guy.

"My god, he even looks like an asshole..." Krys mumbled.

"Go out you say?" The blonde fop that is named Guiche posed dramatically. "I hold no women in such regard! The rose blooms for the pleasure of many."

'Then he was probably wilted from overuse.' Krys thought. 'I mean, I was comparing that backpain to a prostitute, but him? He's like a manwhore.'

"Hmm?" He took a glance at Krys. "You there! You must be the familiar that Valliere has 'summoned', correct?"

"Unfortunately,..." Krystoff answered.

"I heard that she abducted you from the street to be her servant." Guiche said it in a pompous manner. "I pity you. Not even I would do something this desperate!"

"Where did you hear that?" Asked Krys.

"Word spreads fast." Smiled Guiche.

"Guess they took my exaggeration too seriously..." Krystoff shifted his eyes to the side. "But that's not completely untrue..." He looks down to see a bottle besides Guiche's feet, in which he set the tray onto the table and picked it up. "Is this yours?"

Guiche shot him the dirty look and looked away. "I don't think so. I've never seen it in my life."

"Really?" Krys looked at the bottle and shrugged. "Ok. Guess I'll keep it." He put it in one of his pockets in his parka. He picks up the tray and turned the other way. "See ya."

He went up to Siesta and handed her the empty tray. "I'm done. Anything else?"

"No, that's it." Siesta smiled. "Thank you."

"Glad to help." He nodded and walked off. He took out the bottle and gave it a sniff. Hmm. Perfume. Maybe he can spread the smell onto his clothes, since that he probably won't have them cleaned for a while.

"Hey!" Krys looked up to see a girl with curled hair. "Where did you get that?"

"Is this yours?" He held it up. "Sorry, I thought with was that blonde guy's. Was it, Geese, I think?"

"It's Guiche." Replied the blonde girl pointing at the bottle. "And yes, that is mine. I made it for him!"

"Really?" Krystoff raised an eyebrow. "I asked if that it was his, and he said he'd never seen it before."

"Then-" The blonde came to realization and then snatched the perfume bottle out of Krys' hand and marched off.

"Um. You're welcome?" Krystoff reacted from the rude action she made. He shrugged and went off to see Siesta again. Not noticing the 'argument' between the play-boy and two scorned women.

"So, what's your hometown was like?" Asked Siesta.

"Dull." Replied Krys. "And Cold. Very cold. Heck, it was very up North."

"That explains the jacket." Said the maid pointing at his parka.

"Well-" Krys chucked as was interrupted with a loud voice of rage.

"You!" Guiche stomped up to Krys. "This is your fault!"

"My fault?" Krys said confused.

"You made two women cry!" He huffed. "I won't forgive you for that!"

"I wasn't paying attention." Replied Krystoff. "Was it about that perfume bottle? You said it wasn't yours, but that girl said it was."

"That girl, was Montmorency!" Yelled Guiche. "How dare you forget the name of a noble!"

"To be fair, I did not ask." Shrugged Krys. "Besides, it was your problem. You're a man, you can deal with it yourself."

"I want you to apologies to those two women, whose hearts you've shattered!" The blonde crossed his arms. "Then, I'll forgive you and your master for your digression."

"How did I 'shatter' their hearts?" Krys raised an eyebrow. "I barely did anything. All I did is returning a bottle!"

"Hmph!" Guiche scoffed. "You refuse to admit your mistakes! Some man you are."

"… Huh?" Krystoff's face slowly turned into a scowl. "I, refuse to admit my mistakes? Look at you! You shifted the blame onto a bystander, and you say it's my fault? Ask those two girls 'whose hearts I've shattered'. Do they want my apology, or yours?" He looked at the blonde girl. "Hey! Montmorency, was it? Do you think I should apologize for his actions?"

"Leave her out of this!" Guiche growls. "This is between you and me!"

"I have no idea what just happened!" Replied Krystoff. "A lot of things were my fault, but whatever just happened? Wasn't mine."

"Know your place, commoner!" Shouted the blonde fop. "I am your better! And you will do as I say!"

Something snapped inside Kristoff. Know my place? Do whatever he says because he's a noble? Oh, fuck no. "Excuse me." He glares at him. "What was that? Come closer, I didn't quite catch that."

Guiche leans closer. "I said, I am your better, and you will do as I say-"

Krystoff swung a right hook into noble's face and fell to the ground. Guiche scrambled to get up, holding his face, then freaks out about seeing his own blood on his hand. "Y-y-you- You DARE lay a hand a noble!?"

"You made a mistake." Krystoff cracks his knuckles. "You just stepped into the 'Danjr' Zone, bitch."

"I-I-I-I- I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL!" He stammered pointing at him. "You will PAY for attacking me!"

"Want to take this outside?" Krystoff smirked. "Then let's go!"

"Vestri Court in a half an hour!" Guiche growled.

"One minute." Krystoff held up a finger.

"Are you eager for death?" Laughed Guiche. "Fine. Fifteen minutes!"

"One. Minute." Repeated Krystoff.



"Five then! No less!" Shouted Guiche.

"Deal!" Krystoff shouted back. "Five minutes! See you there." He walks off. Siesta ran up to him quivering, "You're going to get killed!"

"Siesta, that blonde little shit needs to be taught a lesson in life." Krystoff replied in a cold tone. "He thinks that he's a noble that he's untouchable. I'll prove them wrong."

"But, you can't use magic!" Protested Siesta. "If you truly angered a noble- and the fact you raised your fist against him..."

"I'll give him another one." Growled Krystoff. "Because all these punks are going to have a taste of reality."

He sees Louise running up to him, "What the hell are you thinking!?"

"Not now, Louise," He walks off. "I have business to take care of."

"Are you insane!?" She yelled. "Not you disrespected him, you punched him in the face!"

"He was asking for it." Krystoff replies.

"I don't care!" Louise shouted. "Apologize to him!"

Krystoff stops in his tracks and looks at her dead in the eye, with a glare so cold it sends shivers down her spine. "For what? For not respecting his, 'authority'? For not getting on my knees and feverously kissing his ass? Or for not letting him walk over me? Is that it!?"

"But he will kill you!" Argued Louise. "A death of a commoner won't matter to him!"

"More of a reason to kick his ass." Growled Krystoff as he turns around. "And besides, you just want me to stay living so you won't 'get expelled'. So, Shut. Your. Face!" He turned to Siesta. "So, where's is this Vestri Court?"

Krystoff came early leaning against a wall, waiting for his opponent. Surrounding him are the students who heard about the rumors. As Guiche went out of the crowd and into the field, Krystoff went out too.

"I commend you for not running away, commoner." Sneered Guiche as he twirled his rose.

"Krystoff." He scowled. "My name is Krystoff. Not commoner, nor familiar. Krystoff."

"Krystoff." Guiche repeated, "Nice name, sounds perfect on your grave. Unless you want to apologize."

"Ok," The half Native American said. "I'm sorry that you need an apology."

"Mmm." Guiche scowled as he flicked a petal off his rose, as it fell in the air, it morphed into a metallic armored woman.

"Not going at me face to face?" Asked Krystoff.

"I am a mage." The fop scoffed. "Therefore, I fight using magic, you have no complaints, no?"

"Fine." The Mainer growled. "That's not going to stop me from my fist going to your face."

"I suppose I can introduce myself." Smirked the blonde shit-stain. "My runic name is 'the Bronze'. Guiche the Bronze. And this bronze Valkyrie, shall be your opponent."

"Then call me, Krystoff." He snarked. "the Guy's-Who-Going-To-Shove-His-Foot-Up-Your-Ass."

The bronze golem rushed towards Krystoff, with its fist aiming for his torso, he sidesteps to evade the attack to strike his own fist into its torso, only to push it back slightly.

"Argh!" Krystoff cringed as he felt his fist struck the metallic woman as he looks at his already brusied knuckes.

"Heh. Fool." Chucked Guiche. "You think your attacks will affect my golem?"

'That fop is controlling that golem,' Krystoff thinks to himself. 'So, I'll be coming straight for him!' He charged forward straight to Guiche, running away from the golem with dodging its attacks. As he closes in, Guiche flicks his rose again to summon another golem in front of Krystoff.

Shit! He thought before the new golem kicks him in the stomach and send him flying back.

"GAH!" Krystoff coughs. "Son of a bitch!"

"Guiche!" A voice came out of the crowd, as it parted, it was revealed to be Louise. "Stop this right now!"

"Louise," Growled Krystoff. "Get out of my way! I won't let you interfere!"

"You heard him." Said Guiche. "Your familiar wants to fight, so why not let him?"

"Because duels are strictly forbidden!" Yelled Louise.

"But only between nobles," Retorted Guiche. "Not nobles and familiars."

Louise was at loss for words. "B-but, that's because this never happened before!"

"Do you like this familiar, Louise?" Asked Guiche condescendingly.

"No, she doesn't." Grunted Krystoff. "To her, I'm just a tool to make her look better. And I say fuck that."

Again, Louise can't find the words to say for a rebuttal.

"Besides," He gets up. "This is between you and me, correct?"

"Very well!" Smiled Guiche. "Let's continue, shall we?"

"No!" Shouted Louise.

Do it.

"Doing it!" Shouted Krystoff as spreads his arms wide. "Show me what you got, you blonde Casanova!"

The golems rushed at him with their fists aiming at him, reacting to it, Krystoff pulled out something that he wouldn't thought to protect him. As the golems' fists collided with the object in Krystoff's hand, a bright light shone in the court.

"I'm telling you!" Said Colbert to Osmond. "That boy is the legendary Gandalfr! There's no doubt about it!"

"The runes are similar." Agreed the Headmaster. "But that doesn't explain the object he has been carrying."

"Then take a look at this," Colbert handed another book titled; "The Artifacts of The Founder Brimir." As Osmond flipped through the pages, he comes across a passage that caught his eye. "It can't be. It was lost to time..."

A knock was heard from the door, "Old Osmond, it's me." It was Ms. Longueville's voice.

"Come on in." Said Osmond as she did so. "What is it?"

"There's a duel going on in the Vestri Court. The professors tried to stop it, but it was impeded by the sheer number of students." Explained Longueville. "It's becoming a problem."

Osmond sighed. "These children has too much free time on their hands. Tell me, who involved in this?"

"One of them is Guiche de Gramont." She replied

"Ah, Gramont's idiot son." He said casually. "His father was a womanizer back in the day, even more so. So, who's his opponent?"

"Valliere's familiar, sir." She replies hesitantly, to be met with silence in response. "The professors are request the Bell of Sleep, sir."

Osmond raised his hand. "No need for that, we can let this resolve this out by itself."

"Understood." Longueville nodded.

The headmaster stood up and walked up towards in front of a mirror and began scrying at the duel at the Vestri Court.

The golems were pushed back from the blinding light and everyone shielded their eyes. As the court became visible again, in Krystoff's hand was a strange device that is shaped like a belt buckle, it is black with a pulling mechanism at its left side, adorned with white lines coming out of the circle in the middle that has four small, different colored orbs in a position of a diagonal square, and a white orb in the middle. At the bottom, there is a green box, and in it, there are rune markings that are strikingly similar to Krystoff's runes.

"What is that!?" Guiche exclaimed, pointing at the buckle in Krystoff's hand.

"I have no idea!" He defended.

Now's your chance. Said the voice in his head. Place it upon your waist.

'What?' Krystoff said confused as he gazes at the buckle. 'Looks like I have no choice.' Doing as the voice in his head said, he placed the strange device upon his waist as it forms a belt around it.


Now, pull the handle at its side.

"Alright!" Krystoff did so as grabbed on the handle and pulled it hard.


The circle on the buckle spun like a wheel as a circle of green light formed around Krystoff. And then in midair at his left side, his familiar runes formed in light vertically, and they one by one the runes flew on to his arm as his body became engulfed in green light. As it dissipates, it revealed his newly adorned armor underneath.


Guiche was shaking in front of the armored Krystoff, as his green eyes of his helmet lit up.

-Next Time: On A Familiar Rider!-

Louise: W-w-what the heck is that!?

Guiche: E-even with that armor, you still have no chance at beating me!

Kirche: I can't stop thinking about you, Krystoff.

Louise: You can't say that to me! I am your master!


-Chapter 2: The Legendary Familiar-