Be My Cuddle Buddy

Pairing: Yuzu x Mei

Genre: Romance

Disclaimer: I do not own Citrus or any of its characters.

Author's Note: Hello, everyone! My name is Yuri! Alright, this is my first Citrus story and I really don't know if I got Yuzu and Mei's personalities right considering I don't have confidence in myself on doing them. So…please give the best criticism possible, no rude comments.


It's late at night. The moon shines from the window of Yuzu and Mei's room they share together. However, the blonde cannot sleep even though they are practically next to each other. Her heart is beating rapidly as she keeps on stealing glances at her step-sister. She's sleeping so peacefully it makes her want to poke her cheek. However, the blonde is afraid she'll wake up before she can make a move. She's been there before. But it's too tempting to go and touch her like this. Her heart can't take it. She decides to go in slowly, make sure that Mei doesn't hear her or anything. The blonde scoots closer and closer and reaches out a hand to poke her cheek when Mei's eyes shoot open, scaring the blonde.

"Gyaaah!" Yuzu squeaks.

"What…exactly are you doing?" Mei asks, sitting up.

"Ah…w-well, ummmm…." the blonde can't think of any excuses. She sits up as well as she fiddles with her fingers. Okay, this is awkward….

"You wanted to do something to me?" Mei says quietly.

"N-not exactly, but…"

"What is it?"

Yuzu's eyes look back and forth, trying to think of a good reason she's doing this in the first place. "L-listen, Mei! Wanna, ummm….try cuddling…with each other?"

Mei closes her eyes. "Why on earth would I want to do something so childish?"

"It's…it's not childish! I mean, it's like…what most couples do basically!" Since i AM Mei's girlfriend and all. she thinks.

"They do that with their significant other?"

"Y-yes!" Yuzu nods. She can literally feel sweat coming from her forehead and on her palms. "S-so please….be my cuddle buddy~?" She pleads with her hands clasped together.

Mei stares at her girlfriend, her head low under her arms, then looking at her clasped hands. From the looks of it, Yuzu's really desperate. Can she really say no to that look?

"Fine." Mei gets under the covers, pulling it up for her step-sister to get under it too. "Well….you coming?"

"Eh!? Y-you serious?"

"You're the one who wanted to do this in the first place."

"R-right! Sorry!" Yuzu quickly gets under the covers and snuggles against her step-sister, girlfriend.

There is silence for a moment when Yuzu decides to wrap her arms around the raven-haired girl, pulling her close. She's so warm. she thinks. I really didn't think she would feel this way, but…it's nice.

"Could you not hug me so tightly?" Mei says softly.

"Come on! That's what cuddling is~! Can't you at least try it out first?"

Mei blushes a moment as Yuzu pulls her a bit closer to her chest. Honestly, the blonde's body feels warm when she's like this. Though she doesn't want to admit it, but for her, it feels good. Letting out a soft exhale, she raises a hand to wrap an arm around her and closes her eyes. Yuzu gasps at this, but smiles.

"Are you…feeling comfortable now?" she whispers.

"Mm…as long as you feel the same way…I'm good…" Mei whispers back.

Yuzu nods and leans in to kiss her on the forehead. "I'm glad, Mei." She holds her tightly, stroking her sister's long black hair gently to make her feel more comfortable.

Shortly after, the two finally fall fast asleep with both of them having small smiles on their faces.

A/N: S-so ummmm…how did I do? I know I don't do much for first timers, but this is just an experiment. Constructive criticism is appreciated, no rude comments. Alright?

Have a nice day~!