Ty nervously checked his rearview mirror again. James' SUV came into sight. He swallowed hard as he undid his seat belt waiting for the other man to put his car in park. Ty waited for him to get out first before grabbing the backpack and exiting his truck. He tossed it at James who nodded. Ty let out a sigh of relief. James seemed to be happy and he'd be able to get back to Heartland safe and sound. But instead James cleared his throat before talking. "You know about the flash drive?"
Ty swallowed hard as he turned back around to face him. He was now only a few steps from his own truck. A few steps to safety. He watched as James examined the stitching of the hiding place. Guess he'd been just a little too persistent when sewing it back up. James grabbed his gun from his belt and started at Ty. He shoved him back into the truck door. "I don't know anything." Ty tried to reason.
"Come on. Get in the truck. I have to make sure you don't know what's on the flash drive." He grabbed at Ty's jacket and pulled him forward shoving him toward his SUV.
Ty wanted to object but he was guilty. He did know what was on the drive. In fact so did Georgie and Adam. He made sure he didn't make it easy in James as he walked slowly trying to buy himself some time. He needed to figure a way out of this. But he wasn't sure how he could. After all James had a gun and he didn't.
James shoved him a little harder annoyed at the slow pace. "Come on." He shouted.
"Okay. Okay." Ty held his arms up in defeat as he waited now at the back passenger door.
But instead James opened the drivers door. "You're gonna drive." He motioned for Ty to get in.
"Look, I won't say anything. I could care less about the files." Ty said just hoping he'd be set free. But instead James let out a small chuckle. "Please, you don't have to do this." Ty knew exactly what he was capable of and knew exactly what would happen if he got into James car. He had been lucky to get away from the poachers while in Mongolia and knew he wouldn't be that lucky this time. James had almost killed him once so what was stopping him this time. It scared him. He was usually fearless but not now.
"Get in!" He felt the gun poke into his right shoulder. Ty reluctantly got into the car but as James closed the door he forced it back open the impact knocking James to the ground. Ty took this opportunity to make his escape. He had to at least try. For Amy and Lyndy. James however recovered quicker then Ty would have liked. Next thing he knew he was throwing punches and trying to get the man to let him go but he fought harder. The gun slipped from his hand and Ty dove for it. James kicked Ty in the stomach sending him off his path. He grabbed the gun and then the back of Ty's leather jacket as he forced him up. "Think you can get away? Get in the car!" He snarled.
Ty wiped the blood off his cheek with the back of his hand before doing as he was asked. James kept the gun pointed at him as he got into the back seat. "Start the car." Ty grabbed his seatbelt and started the car. "Go straight."
"Where are we going?" Ty asked fearful as he pulled the SUV away from the bridge his truck disappearing from view. James never answered him. And he wasn't surprised. He sighed realizing he had kept this whole thing a secret. No one knew what was going on. Or that he was going to met James. Last he had talked to Amy he had lied about something coming up at the clinic and he'd be late. He mentally kicked himself for lying to her. They'd promised to tell each other everything. But this particular issue was one he was trying to keep to himself. Amy had been so worried about losing him. And once she found out he and Bata had been kidnapped she become even more alarmed. The last he needed her to know was that the same guy that almost had him shot was here in Hudson. He let a tear roll down his cheek as he thought about Lyndy. He hadn't even said goodbye or I love you to her when he last seen her. Instead he had picked her up and shoved her at Lou to take her to the house for her nap. He was only trying to keep her safe. And as much as it pained him the further and further he drove from Hudson he knew he was doing it to save her and Amy.