All AU rules from TbTK also apply to this fic, if there will be any additional AU rules, or if it'll splinter somewhere from the main plot, there will be warnings. Normally these chapters will be posted between corresponding chapters in TbTK or if it's not possible there will be additional warnings.

This chapter is during the Alabasta Arc, where Marco is the one chasing Teach, because Ace stayed on board with to keep the one who got stabbed safe..

√ -√v-√ -√v—

It was simple… Having him on her ship was a delight.

Even if the reason for him being with them wasn't something she really wanted to think about…

She might not love (or even truly like) her supposed 'brothers', but in some skewed sense of the word, they were family.

Some small, (really, really small) part of her insisted that her being so happy to have him here was wrong… but another, selfish part reminded her about their so called 'family meetings' and the boys behavior towards her… and that they're not dead…

She has Marco here and she wouldn't be a proper pirate if she'd let such occasion slip between her fingers. She couldn't let it to happen.

Absolutely happy with her reasoning, she focused back on those gathered in the ship's kitchen.

She didn't even try to fight down a smil at how relaxed her crew looked around Whitebeard's First Mate.

Even Chopper seemed to forgot about how strong the Phoenix was and was listening to Marco's story about Zou Island with rapt attention. She guessed that if one would cock their heads and squint a bit, Chopper situation would be similar to that of Mink tribe. They'd need to visit the island then… For Chopper.

In the corner of her eye, she caught Usopp gather his breath… No doubt to launch into another one of his stories, and while his stories were more often than not hilarious in the way their non-athletic sharpshooter would take up a sword and save the princesses or other such things… Marco actually lived in the New World. His stories, even though they were just as fantastic sounding, would actually be believed and would help them prepare for the crazy waters ahead of them.

Without further delay she sharply snapped her fingers, gathering the immediate attention of everyone in the kitchen. Her crew was excellent in sensing when she felt situation was serious, and when she would allow or even join in on fooling around. She leveled a serious look to her sniper, trying to convey that she would be absolutely disappointed if he'd irritate Yonko's First Mate when they needed strong allies, both at the moment and in the future for their bid. After a few seconds of their stares connecting, Usopp looked down and bowed his head slightly…


Now what were they talking about? Ah yes…

"How come Nekomamushi and Inuarashi are so bitter towards each other? Didn't they serve on Roger's ship together?" She asked the Whitebeard Pirate curiously, raising an eyebrow at him incredulously. She did remember that part of Roger Pirates history… Right?

"And how do you know where they served, yoi?" Marco raised his eyebrow right back at her, a ghost of a smile dancing on his lips. Her eyes were drawn towards them for a second before she snapped them back to the amused blue eyes. Damn it, of course he noticed…

"Shanks" She waved her hand around with forced carelessness. There's no need to let others notice exactly what distracted her…

Ugh… Chopper probably smelled pheromones anyway, and Vivi has been smiling knowingly at her for a while already. But all will be good. As long as Arlong didn't notice, or Sanji, or Zoro… Ugh.

"Redhair didn't tell you that they traveled with us for a while before joining Roger?" Did he really expect Shanks to give her thorough recounting of the history? He did know Shanks, right? "Kozuki, their 'master', so to speak, was a good man."

"So I've heard" she agreed with a smile. On those rare days were Shanks talked about the shogun, she would hear all about his honorable and gentle behavior.

"About their bitterness… I don't know. I'd say something happened when Kozuki-san died, that made them behave like that. But it's only speculation on my part."

"How sad… To lose such a beautiful friendship" Vivi murmured from where she was cuddling Carue.

"It happens when one party blames the other for their master's fall." Gin murmured with understanding. Luffy knew he still had flashes of the shocked expressions on Pearl's and the others former crewmates faces, from when he couldn't bring himself to listen to THAT order in his dreams. She often joined him on deck on those nights.

"Or if just one party insists on blaming when the other forgives" Arlong murmured making every single Strawhat to stiffen on his behalf. They knew the story. They still had to reassure their fishman that his opinion was important and no one will dismiss it right of the bat.

Fuckin Jinbe and his inability to actually listen.

"Everyone deals with their grief differently." Luffy cut in, her serious voice making both Gin and Arlong raise their heads and look straight at her. "Blaming someone for the past is wrong, but so is dismissing feelings of those that do so" Fuck the world for breaking her nakama… Seriously, fuck them all. "Sometimes we are to blame for our own misfortune. Giving idiotic orders for example." She leveled a stern look at Gin and moved it to Arlong only after receiving a nod of understanding from him "Sometimes we're betrayed by those we want to help, that is wrong. But there is always reason for such things and it's important to find it out before judging." After a while Arlong also nodded, showing he also understood what she was getting at.

Tiger Fisher's death was still a sore point for him. Sometimes he still fell back into his old mindset about it. He forgets what was waiting for runaway slaves and those that aid them. He forgets that every living being knows fear… But it's okay, Luffy's always there to remind him.

"I'm sooorry for bringing it up" Vivi apologized stifling her yawn, which only got few careless waves. Poor Vivi was still forgetting that she was Nakama.

"I'm getting tired too" Luffy backed her wordless plea up, before anyone could start another topic of conversation and turned to Gin "Who's the poor guy that has the night watch in that wind?" She asked, carelessly reminding everyone of the reason they were sitting packed in the kitchen and not on the deck - that awfully cold wind from the desert.

"Chopper" He answered promptly making said reindeer snap his head up and her to smile.

She was absolutely proud that he stopped trying to 'be fair' when arranging shifts and started using people abilities to the best. After all how accidental was it that the only person, other than her, to have proper fur would be assigned night watch when they were almost right next to the desert?

"We have no more hammocks though Captain" Zoro intervened before she gave voice to her suspicion "And I don't think letting anyone sleep on the floor in our cabin is a good idea." She agreed with that wholeheartedly, she always heard yelling when Sanji or Zoro slid off their hammocks and fell down (don't ask her how, it's a mystery).

The Strawhat captain pondered on logistics for a second before deciding to be selfish.

That's what Pirates do, right?

"There's place for a futon on my carpet and I don't have a habit of falling off my bed." She shrugged making a valiant effort to keep her voice disinterested.

Most of her crewmates just nodded, Vivi smiled knowingly again, and Chopper made a confused face, but she ignored them all.

Marco smirked directly at her.

Damn that smile.

√ -√v-√ -√v—

She wasn't stalling.

She wasn't!

She really needed to put that conditioner into her hair, and maybe she should use that body lotion?

Okay… So maybe she was stalling a little.

But she had good reason!

I mean yes, she did freeze and ogle a little when Marco got out of the bathroom in just a towel… and yes she did run straight to the bathroom when he started chuckling, that absolutely sexy throaty chuckle at her reaction… but could anyone blame her?

That body was fiiine.

Luffy forcibly turned her thoughts back to the lotion she was rubbing onto her skin (seriously, fuck the winds on the Ocean… It was so hard to keep the skin and hair in good condition… Even with cheating Devil Fruit powers) to stop herself from drooling.

The towel… that smirk… the still wet hair… that look should be forbidden…

No wonder he had such a big bounty.

She hesitated for a moment before reaching out for her 'pajamas'... Of course the day she had Marco sleeping in the same room, she just had to grab one of Lucas' shirts. Ugh… Well the only choice she had right now was to either go to her room in just a towel, (which would make him smirk at her again and this time she would blush which is a big no-no) or to go there in another man's shirt.


She felt herself blush at the thought of walking in Marco's shirt and quickly pulled on the shirt she swiped from Lucas' room one night, pulling it a little lower to make sure her thighs were at least half way covered. Then she squared her shoulders and marched straight to her bed.

In the corner of her eye she noticed that Marco was sitting on the futon halfway under the blanket, observing her. Her steps faltered only for a moment when she noticed his unreadable look.

Was it the shirt? Did she look bad in it?

She quickly slipped under her own blankets and turned her back to him. She… didn't think offering him his floor through, did she?

He was right there! It would took less than a second to dive under his blanket and get herself a hug… Maybe something more

Damn it… Thank the Seas, Marco shouldn't be able to see her face. She really didn't need to give him more ammunition for teasing.

Now how to… breathing exercise, yes, breathing exercise sounded good.




She was in 4th, maybe 5th loop when the rustle of blankets was heard.

"You're not pouting about me not taking you on that promised ride today, are you yoi?" There was a throaty chuckle near her ear and a smell of Sea and her soaps around her…

Marco was right next to her bed…

She hesitated for maybe another second before deciding to fuck it.

She's a Kitsune, there's no need to behave like this!

So she turned around and in the same movement slipped from her covers. Then she simply had to smile at the minuscule raise of his eyebrow. He didn't really think she'd keep behaving like good little girl his entire stay, did he?

"Well, you still can take me for a ride" Luffy purred, pushing his shoulders a bit to get him back on the fuuton. Oh there was no doubt that she succeeded only because he allowed it, but he allowed it. The second she had him sitting back there, she climbed into the place she wanted to land herself from the moment he jumped onto her ship and reminded her exactly how good looking her crush were, on top of his lap. She definitely enjoyed that flash of surprise and the challenging, predatory glint in his blue eyes. Marco's hands immediately moved towards her hips when she settled her body above his. Barely touching. Just close enough to tease but not enough to really touch. "You promised after all" She murmured bringing her face closer to him. Again, hovering just far enough to not make it into a kiss but still close enough for him to feel her movements.

"I did, didn't I?" He murmured right back and smiled roguishly before pulling her into searing kiss. Tearing a moan out of her throat.

Oh yeees…