Oh, hey, reviews that aren't flames! This is already going better than I expected!
DB-19: Well, no. If you couldn't already tell, this is going to take elements of the English dub. So, expect that, and a LOT of puns.
Maple-blind: Thank you! It means a lot to see that people are actually interested!
Curry-llama: It is cute, and, also, super hilarious. If you don't have any knowledge of the Kirby series, this may not make much sense. At the very least you should check out the anime, Kirby: Right Back at Ya!
Other than that, enjoy the new chapter! c(-^.^-)c
DISCLAIMER: I own nothing! I lose! Good day, sir!
Chapter 2: So Much for Secrecy
Danny was floating around the general are where he came in -invisibly, of course- figuring the best course of action. It was basically the ghost version of pacing. He would just stay here and wait for another portal, but that would be kind of pointless. Besides, Clockwork already made it known that he was meant to be here... probably. Making his way toward the town he saw earlier would definitely be a better idea, but, again, he had no idea what these people were like, or what their reaction towards a ghost would be. It didn't seem that technologically advanced, so he would be safe, but he didn't want to cause a mass panic.
The half-ghost hero decided to indeed go to the town, but invisibly to learn what it was like. If it looked promising, he would go in as a human and pass himself off as a traveler. Fifteen-year-olds did that, right?
Wait a minute, was that the sound of an engine? As in, a car was coming this way? Ok, maybe they were more advanced than he thought.
Danny flew a safe distance in the air and watched for whatever was coming.
"It must have been somewhere around here, your majesty..." a voice said.
Three guesses as to who "it" was. ...Wait, "your majesty"? The king knew he was here? Well, so much for staying hidden.
Soon, an expensive looking old-timey limousine with a gold trim pulled up. And, the people driving it... um...
Ok, so he came to expect a lot of strange and bizarre things from all the time he spent in the Ghost Zone, so he wasn't that "phased" by what he saw, but it was still pretty strange by his standards.
The driver was a giant purple snail with a green spiral shell, yet he had arms and strangely human features. The... um, "native" sitting next to him was a quite large blue penguin who was also oddly human looking despite his beak. He was wearing royal looking clothes, including a gold trimmed cap. He assumed the latter was the king mentioned earlier.
"'Dis here definitely looks like the place, but I don' see 'im anywhere." The apparent king said in a strangely southern accent as they got out of the car.
The driver spoke up. "Well, that's a shame. He looked like he really could've helped out with our little problem." Wait, this kingdom had a problem? So much so that they were eager to go to someone who literally came out of a dimensional portal for help? Huh. Maybe this was what he was meant to do? He may not know much about this place, but Danny was still a hero who jumped at the first sign of someone who needed him.
"Guess we'll just have to find someone else."
Danny decided to make himself known. Heck, they already saw him at one point.
King Dedede was mightily confuzzled by the current situation. He had a great many questions floating around his head. Just what kind of monster did he see earlier? Why was he floating around like Lolofo and La-dee-da? Where was he now?
The duo was about to leave when the answer to the third question came up and bit them.
"Um, hello." A voice called out behind them.
The king and his lackey screamed comically as the turned around. Behind them they saw the monster they were looking for. It looked strangely like the same species as Sir Ebrum, the king's cabinet minister, only with a lot darker skin tone, and pure white hair. Where his feet should have been was a waving, wispy tail instead.
"Well, I'd say 'take me to your leader,' but I think that would be pointless." The floating... person joked.
The king collected himself. "*ahem* Why hello there. 'Ah'm the ruler of 'dis here kingdom, King Dedede! This here's mah stand-by assistant, Escargoon." He said as he offered a handshake.
The ghostly visitor had to bite back the laughter from hearing their names and introduce himself. "Uh, greetings! You can call me Danny." He said as he shook the king's hand. Was that an okay thing to do? He should've studied more in history. "I couldn't help but overhear that your kingdom had a ...problem?"
The overweight penguin looked peeved at the mention of that. "Ah, yes. Why, it's that no good Kirby! You gotta stop him!"
Kirby? What the heck did he do? "Um... why?" Danny asked.
"Huh?" The dynamic duo was taken aback by the monster's statement. You could practically hear xylophones as they both blinked twice. They simply expected any monster to jump at the opportunity to attack a star warrior. They both excused themselves as they turned around and huddled together outside of the supposed monster's hearing range.
"Great, of all the monsters we just so happen to find, he had to be a goody-two-shoes," said Escargoon.
"Don' chu worreh' Ah got myself an idea. If he wants to be sum' sorta hero, then all we gotta do is make Kirby look like the bad guy!" The two laughed evilly as they turned back towards the ghostly teen.
"Turrebly' sorreh 'bout that, Ah must've gotten carried away. Here, why don' we make our way back to the castle, where we can discuss matters there?" The king kindly offered.
Well, if Danny wanted to help these people, he needed to know as much about this threat as possible. "Of course, thank you for the offer, ...your …majesty." he said, trying to sound formal.
And so, the duo rode the king-mobile all the way back to Castle Dedede, with Danny staying hidden by flying overhead, unaware of the contemplative, glowing, yellow eyes that were watching them all the whole time.
"Hmm. I wonder how this will play out."