Hi Everyone!

Here we are at the final chapter of Duty and Desire! I'm so glad you all enjoyed the proposal scene. From someone who has suffered more than her fair share of concussions, I think Jasper did rather well all things considered. :)

My thanks and a crazy, long-ass A/N are at the end for those who are interested.

xxx Elise


Chapter 30


The sun provided no great warmth but cast a pleasant glow on Alice's wedding day. Waiting until the spring to formalise their union had been onerous but necessary, as Jasper had needed time to take possession of his new home. Less than twenty minutes' drive from the village, the Whitlock Estate, as it was now known, had a grand but not overly ostentatious home. Situated on a sizeable acreage, it contained both farmland and a small tract of forest that boasted abundant wildlife. Its already pleasant outlook was further improved by a meandering stream that, at a point near the house, formed a pond. The servants' quarters took up the rear portion of the second floor and were more than adequate for Jasper's expanding retinue of staff, while the stables and adjoining carriage house were equally sufficient. The only drawback was the interior of the home, which had been in dire need of refurbishment.

Once Alice had accepted the seeming impossibility, she had been impatient to become Mrs Whitlock. She had tried to convince Jasper she wasn't the least concerned about such trivialities as outmoded styling or faded fabrics. But he had insisted the bulk of the work be done before he bring together both new wife and current family in the house they would make their home. It also gave him opportunity to train his successor.

Another of Edward's retired military comrades, Simon Galbraith, had returned home from France intent on finding a new place for himself in the world. Of good but not lofty family, he had jumped at the chance to work for his previous senior officer and appeared both eager and capable. He also seemed rather taken with Penelope, whose health was greatly improved. Although any assumption that the relationship would develop beyond a shyly expressed mutual admiration was premature. To Alice's frustration, Jasper had admitted to possessing reservations about the development, as Mr Galbraith was devoid of fortune or estate.

"As were you until recently," she had pointed out with a cool tone and raised brow.

"But she is my sister," he had said. Apparently recognising his error, he had been quick to add, "And lacking the skills you possess that would have complemented an estate manager's role. With Harold having abdicated his familial responsibilities, it is up to me to care for Penelope."

"I understand, but she is not a child. You must let her decide her future for herself," Alice had insisted. "Poor health has robbed her of her youthful opportunities, and she is approaching the age of spinsterhood. If she wishes to marry a lowly estate manager, then that is her right."

Jasper had admitted to being more concerned about how the couple would get by. Without the burden of supporting extra family members or never-ending payments to visiting physicians, the generous estate manager's salary would be close to sufficient. When Edward had mentioned bestowing a dowry on his new stepsister-in-law—the vicar and Jasper's mother having already made their way to the altar—Jasper had given up worrying about his family's happiness and decided to focus on Alice's and his instead. Unfortunately, that hadn't equated to a willingness on his part to move up the nuptials as she would have preferred.

The wait might have been easier if they had been able to continue with the clandestine element of their relationship, an option they had discussed in discreet whispers on the night of the betrothal dinner Edward and Isabella had hosted for them but had sadly discounted.

"I know we are already committed to one another, and I am not saying what we did was wrong." Jasper had rubbed the back of his neck while eyeing her warily. "It is just that it doesn't feel honourable to, er . . . meet secretly, now that we are just weeks—"

"Nine weeks," Alice had interjected, and they had sighed in unison.

"Yes, nine weeks away from being officially wed."

"Plus, it would be awfully risky now everyone is watching us like hawks," she had conceded.

His expression glum, Jasper hadn't argued. Their acquaintances, intimate and otherwise, were now attuned to the fact their relationship had swung from adversarial to affectionate. It made negligible the chances of their getting away with more than an occasional stolen kiss. With no choice but to exercise restraint, they had put the time to good use making plans for their future.

They had decided that providing a younger sibling for Peter was high on both their lists of priorities—a discussion that had engendered rather incongruous blushes and no little joy. The possibility of impending motherhood had motivated Alice to make some significant changes to her work practices. That she was as eager as Jasper to indulge in an actual honeymoon helped influence her decision-making. While her work would always be important to Alice, and she intended maintaining a hands-on approach where possible, delegation had become her byword.

"Ye're not to worry about a thing," Mrs Albert had insisted just the day before the wedding, though it was far from the first time the words had departed her lips. "Between the other ladies and meself, we've the midwifery, 'ome visits, and shop well-covered. Ye're to enjoy yer 'oneymoon, do ye 'ear me? I've 'eard Brighton is lovely this time of year, or are ye taking the waters at Bath? The Lake District is meant to be very beautiful, but it is probably a bit soon in the year to be travelling north, and it is a long way. Where exactly are ye 'eaded?"

Alice had laughed and kept her answer vague, namely because she didn't know the answer. Jasper was keeping it a secret, merely assuring her they would have a wonderful time during their three weeks away, and she was not to worry about a thing other than packing a trunk. Somewhat disgruntled, she had explained that a lady needed an indication of where she was headed and what might be required of her to know what to place in the blessed thing.

"Hmm." Jasper had stroked his beard before answering. "Day dresses and walking shoes, as there'll be ample sights to see; a fancy gown or two, as we shall dine in style of an evening before attending the theatre, opera, or whatever other entertainments are available; a ball gown for the dances we shall attend." Lowering his head so that his mouth was close to her ear and whispering so they couldn't possibly be overheard, he had added, "And nightwear that is easily removed, as I plan on spending as many hours as possible with you naked in my arms."

Walking down the aisle of the Forkton village church on Edward's arm, she forced aside thoughts of her soon-to-be marital bed and focused on the solemnity of the occasion.

Alice could have followed custom and kept her nuptials small and for family only. But while she had no desire to make herself the centre of attention, to exclude the villagers, amongst whom she had made her life these past years, hadn't sat right with her. To her relief, the crowd wasn't excessive, and seeing her friends and coworkers occupying the rearmost pews of the chapel, Alice returned their smiles with one only slightly less broad.

Upon reaching the benches where the more august members of the local society were seated, she tempered her response so as not to appear gauche. Cynthia and Reginald, her half-sister and half-brother, met her gaze with warmth in their eyes, but she chose not to dwell on her stepmother's cool demeanour. Disappointment blighted the older woman's features as she rued the fact her legitimate daughter had missed out on the opportunity to marry the son of a baron, stepbrother-in-law to a viscount, and newly enriched gentleman. That Jasper had never once shown interest in Cynthia, or any of the other single young ladies the district had to offer, did not factor into her pique, but Alice was unmoved.

Catching Rosalie's eye might have been disconcerting, but the lady so many had wrongly assumed held Jasper's affection did not avert her gaze when Alice passed by. A bright smile from Tanya and a more subdued but still evident one from her soon-to-be mother-in-law—the former Lady Whitlock and newlywed Mrs Swan—cheered Alice as she neared the front of the church. But it was Peter's beaming smile and the exuberant wave of his little hand that touched her the most. He had been overjoyed when, together with Jasper, she had told him that she had accepted his father's proposal and was to become his mother.

Drawing a steadying breath, Alice looked up to see Isabella standing to the left of the altar, waiting for her arrival. The vicar gave Alice a soft smile of greeting and assurance, then she turned her head the fraction required to meet Jasper's gaze.

Her step faltered, and she blinked back the tears of joy that welled in her eyes. He looked so handsome, his golden hair gleaming and well-muscled physique filling out his wedding attire in a manner that caused her heart to beat faster. But it was the love shining unabashedly from his eyes that gave her the confidence to make the final few steps to his side.

The ceremony itself passed in something of a blur, though on one level Alice knew she would recall every word, every phrase, and every look of adoration that passed between them.

For a woman who had been rejected by society and then made her life over completely, she had never expected to have the chance to reconcile the two aspects of her heritage. But here she was, marrying Jasper, a gentleman reborn, before God and man, their vows heartfelt and for all the world to hear.


"I thought we'd never get away." After a final wave, Jasper let the curtain fall across the carriage window and turned to face his wife.

His wife.

Oh, he liked the sound of that.

"I hope Peter will be all right while we are gone." Alice worried at her lower lip, and while Jasper appreciated her concern, all he could think was how much he wanted to draw the abused flesh into his mouth and sooth it with his tongue. He had not kissed her, well, not properly, in so long, he couldn't help wondering if the reality could possibly do the memory justice.

"Peter will be fine," he murmured, drawing Alice into the circle of his arms. "My mother has Penelope and both Isabella's sisters to assist her in caring for him, not to mention Mrs Carter and the Reverend Swan's—Charles'—staff."

Shaking his head, Jasper wondered how long it would take for him to become accustomed to having a stepfather, one who insisted they now address him by his Christian name.

"My only concern," he continued, smiling ruefully, "is that the lad will be spoiled beyond salvation by the time we return."

"Three weeks isn't terribly long." Alice patted Jasper's arm, offering reassurance to them both. "And a little extra coddling won't do him any harm."

"It is the ideas Tanya is sure to put in his head that have me worried. For a vicar's daughter, that girl has a desire for travel and excitement like none other."

"That she does." Alice's smile faded, and she reached up to softly stroke Jasper's bearded cheek. "Although I must say, I am looking forward to enjoying our own adventure, starting with where we shall spend our wedding night. Must we travel far?"

"No farther than the finest inn Thornlie has to offer," Jasper whispered against her lips. "So, we have less than an hour to wait."

"Whatever shall we do with the time?" Alice's breathless tone was almost girlish, which matched her giddy thoughts.

"Oh, I don't know." Jasper rested his forehead against Alice's while his hands caressed her upper arms. "I can recall an unforgettable carriage ride when you asked me for a kiss. Would you care to repeat the request?"

Alice thought back to that fateful night, recalling the courage it had taken to act in such a bold manner, albeit with a man she had come to care for a great deal. Despite Isabella's revelations about the joys of marital intimacy, Alice hadn't understood what she was missing. All she had wanted was one kiss, to store away its memory like a keepsake. She'd had no intention of pursuing anything further, and there were times when she found it hard to believe she had given herself to Jasper without their being legally wed. She supposed she should feel guilty, but rather than suffering under a load of condemnation over their unconventional beginning, she viewed it as a gift from above.

As for the opportunity to kiss Jasper, considering they had barely managed to steal the occasional peck throughout the weeks of their engagement, she was more than eager.

"I do believe I would like a kiss," Alice murmured, her arms encircling his neck. "It is your duty as my husband to oblige me, is it not?"

"My duty." Jasper brushed his lips softly over hers, a sweet remembrance of the first, tentative touch of their mouths all those months before. "My desire," he whispered, sharing her breath before capturing her lower lip and suckling it between his own. "And my delight."

With one hand cradling the back of her neck and the other pulling their bodies flush together, he deepened the kiss. His tongue slid along the seam of her lips, and she opened for him, welcoming his heat and the insistent strokes of his tongue. Considering his words, she found herself in complete agreement.

If past experience was anything to go by, she fully expected that sharing her life with him would, indeed, be an absolute delight.


So, there we have it. Fret not, we've definitely not seen the last of our lovely new family, as I will make sure to visit them in the coming tales and see how they are faring. :)

I would like to say thank you very, very much for your incredible support for this story. To those of you who normally only read Edward and Bella stories, thank you for stepping outside your comfort zones. To those who read the Twific version here and also purchased or borrowed the original version on Amazon, your generosity and support are truly humbling. And finally, to those who left reviews, either here or on Amazon...you guys are the best.

xx Elise



Aforementioned, crazy-ass long Author Note. Feel free to skip unless interested -

I am not a huge fan of plot lines where the main couple are kept apart for some convoluted reason or due to some easily resolved issue, and I'll readily agree that this story strayed well into that territory. I would like to give you some backstory as to why this occurred. Four years ago, when I wrote this story, I was very unwell. My neurological issues were causing me a world of trouble, and the doctors all told me recovery of any sort was unlikely. I have beaten the odds before, but things were looking bleak. Assuming this story would be the last I ever wrote, I wanted to finish it, but it was such a struggle, I had to simplify the plot to do so. To be honest, I was quite nervous about sharing it with you all, as despite it receiving some surprisingly positive reviews back when it was published, I was worried it might be rubbish. While there were definitely some frustrating patches, I am relieved to have discovered it wasn't half as bad as I'd expected, and I am quite proud of that proposal scene. :)

For those of you wondering how I have managed to return to writing again, on top of having Fibromyalgia, Functional Neurological Disorder (FND), and suspected progressive Neuro-degeneration, it turns out I suffer badly from EHS - Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity. This used to be called Microwave Sickness by the military, who have known about it for decades as it affected their radar operators. Basically, EHS is an allergy/sensitivity to hi frequency microwaves which are emitted by cell phones, tablets, laptops, any blue tooth device, and of course, wifi modems. I always knew these devices bothered me, as too much time near any of them caused me headaches, burning eyes, and blurred vision as well as aggravating my neurological symptoms, so I tried to keep my distance and my use of them to a minimum. Over the years, that has become more and more difficult, as the devices have become stronger. The newest generation of wifi modems, in particular, are incredibly powerful-hundreds of times stronger than the first generation of devices brought out only a decade ago-as their signals are designed to penetrate far beyond the walls of a single dwelling. Keeping my distance became impossible and their effects increasingly severe.

During a bout in hospital this time last year, the neurologists and neuro-psychiatrists warned me that my cognitive decline was accelerating, and I could expect to suffer worsening hallucinations, aphasia (inability to find words for speech) and memory loss. We weren't sure if the EHS had anything to do with it, but in a last ditch attempt to stave off what felt like the inevitable, my darling husband found a little rundown cottage for us to live in with some space between us and our neighbours. He then spent countless hours nailing expensive EMF (electro-magnetic field) shielding mesh to the insides of all the external walls and windows. We also purchased ridiculously expensive shielding material ($140 for a metre square!) and I used it to make a multi layered beanie type hat to wear to protect my head. Yep...just like one of those paranoid, conspiracy theory types they portray in the movies! After much debate with our internet provider, we were able to set up an ethernet only connection for my computer, which we also shielded, and we bought a low EMF TV screen to use as a monitor that I sit well back from. Our last purchase was some expensive prescription glasses with a 'blue light' shielding built in, plus we replaced all our eco-friendly globes with old fashioned halogen globes. Then, I did my best to stay away from high wifi environments-which is quite isolating, as you can imagine-wore my silly hat 24/7, and we waited to see if our efforts would make any difference.

They did!

It took months, but I slowly recovered beyond all expectations. I have gaps in my long-term memory, still struggle with my short-term memory, suffer from head tremors, have a partially paralysed face, and odd-sounding speech. When stressed, the aphasia returns, and I can't speak much at all. But, I no longer have constant headaches and burning eyes, my mind is much, much clearer, and this is the awesome part, the creative part of my brain is working again! I cannot begin to tell you how overjoyed I am to be writing and sharing my stories with you all. It has done wonders for my battered self-esteem, and I can't stop smiling. My hubby is so happy for me, though he does feel like he's 'lost' me a little, and I have to remind myself to take breaks and enjoy his wonderful company.

For those of you wondering how I manage to work, as I know I've mentioned it before in relation to when I hurt my knee, a few years back when it became obvious I would never be returning to my career as a school counsellor, we bought a little delivery business. I make up the orders and handle all the emails, and my hubby does the deliveries. It had gotten to the point, where I was making so many mistakes we thought we'd have to sell and rely on Disability Support alone (eek!), but I am doing much better in that regard also.

So that's my odd tale - well, the more recent part of it. I know I said I wouldn't use my A/Ns as a blog post, but I just wanted to explain where I've come from in relation to Duty and Desire in particular. I'd also like to say what a privilege it is for me to be back here again and how much your support and encouragement means to me. :)

xxx Elise