Marinette's alarm was probably the loudest thing she has ever experienced. Her hand lazily grasped for the button to stop the assault that continued on her ears, her eyes groggily opening as she failed several times. She turned and look at her alarm with a look of contempt before slamming her hand on the off button.

Signing, she looked up at her roof, her eyes finally starting to adjust to the light of the day. The hatch to her balcony was closed but gave her a view of the sunny Parisian weather. It was mid-October, but that didn't stop the heat as it was uncharacteristically warm the past couple days and seemed like it was going to persist into the rest of the week.

She groaned and sat up before sluggishly moving her legs to the side of her bed, stretching and yawning.

"Morning Marinette" she heard Tikki yawn out at her before floating up and flying over to her. Marinette smiled at her before getting nuzzled on the cheek by the small kwami.

"Morning Tikki. Ready for another day at school?" Tikki nodded before flying down to her desk. Marinette followed before grabbing her towel and moving to shower, watching as Tikki was grabbing a couple cookies and putting them into her small purse. Marinette smirked before going to shower.

As she showered she thought back to what happened yesterday. The Akuma that had attacked seemed a little stronger than usual and led to both Chat Noir and herself to run themselves a little more tired. She smirked remembering Chat trying to convince her that she was fine and could still totally fight another for her Bugaboo if she wanted, despite the exhausted look on her face.

Her crazy flirty partner, the Black cat of Paris who seemed to have boundless energy and a strange attraction to her. Now, Marinette wasn't surprised when her partner started to flirt with her, Marinette(and by extension Ladybug) was gay as well, although closeted. It was just strange for a superhero to be so open about her advances. Although cheesy, they made her feel a slight softness for the blonde girl. But sadly for her, Marinette's heart was stolen by another.

After showering she made her way over to get dressed before heading downstairs for breakfast. Tikki quickly slipping into her bag while she walked down the stairs into the bakery. The sweet and wholesome smell of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, lifting Marinette's spirits even higher then they were. Her mom turned around at the sound of her entering the room and greeted her good morning. Marinette hugged her mom quickly before sitting on the island and digging into to her breakfast.

"Hey, slow down will you?" Her mother teased as she watched her daughter demolish her breakfast. Marinette smiled, mouth full of cereal before swallowing and smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry mom." Sabine smiled and shook her head before looking at her watch.

"Marinette aren't you cutting it a little close? School starts in 10 minutes." She said looking at her daughter. Marinette shook her head. "Schools only a short walk away, I should be okay."

"Well don't be late again. You are cutting it close on absences" Marinette nodded quickly before getting up and kissing her mom on the cheek. "Well, I better leave now then. Love you!" She quickly waved to her father who just entered the room before walking out the front door.

As she walked, she soaked up the warm weather, the sun's warm rays were so nice after the past couple weeks of fall weather. When she was done staring dreamily at the sky, enjoying the heat on her face, and the small breeze on her cheeks, she saw the silver car of Adrienne Agreste pull up in front of the school.

Marinette sucked in a small amount of air as the blonde girl stepped out and started walking to the front of the school. Her back length golden hair somewhat blowing in the wind and Marinette gasped a little as she noticed what she was wearing. "Shiiiiitttttttttt." Instead of her usual black shirt, jeans and a designer blazer, Adrienne was wearing a pale green sundress with a small black polka dot design. Marinette felt her face heat up, and it wasn't from the weather this time. Adrienne's legs were smooth and long, her dress coming down to rest just below her knees and she walked with a happy little sway of her hips, her dress swaying with them. Tikki rustled in her bag and popped her head out.

"What's going on, I thought we had to go to school?" She looked at Marinette with a confused expression before following her gaze. She smiled and looked back up at the girl before shaking her little head. "You know you can just go up and talk to her?" Tikki whispered. Marinette tore her gaze away from the angel made flesh and quickly shushed her kwami.

"I can barely talk to her when she wears normal clothes. Let alone that!" She whispered back before glancing in Adrienne's direction again. This time Adrienne was looking at her with a slightly puzzled expression before giving her a small wave. Tikki giggled and disappeared back into her pouch as Marinette made a small squeal and felt her face flare up. She started walking up towards the girl, who seemed to have stopped and was waiting for Marinette to catch up. She reached her and Adrienne smiled down at her, the taller girl flashing her white teeth with a smile.

"Hey, Marinette! Umm were you just talking to your bag?" Adrienne asked, her voice like a soft breeze. Marinette blushed even harder and shook her head.

"N-No, I was just checking to make sure I didn't f-forget anything." Adrienne looked at her, clearly not believing her but shrugged and started walking inside. Marinette glance quickly, watching her hips sway slightly as she walked up the stairs, her bag swinging at her side before Adrienne stopped and turned back to Marinette, who was paused on the stairs.

"Aren't you coming?" She asked, her eyebrow raised and a small smirk on her lips. Marinette blinked several times before nodding and quickly jogging to catch up to her as they walked into the school together. As they walked Adrienne glanced at her a couple times and Marinette tried her best to look straight ahead but couldn't stop herself from glancing back up at her. When she did she found Adrienne's eyes on her and quickly averted her gaze as a blush crept up her neck. She heard Adrienne chuckle slightly before looking back towards the direction of their classroom. Marinette risked another glance up and saw Adrienne smiling and looking ahead. Seeing her smile made her slightly braver and she decided to speak up.

"W-what did you think of the Akuma attack yesterday?"Her voice was small but got more confident towards the end. Adrienne looked at her slightly surprised but smiled widely at her question.

"It was weird right? I'm glad Ladybug was there to help." She sounded excited once she mentioned Ladybug. Marinette's face pulled into a small smile but then she frowned and looked up at her.

"What about Chat Noir? I thought she was great. " Adrienne looked at her before her eyes went a little wider.

"Yeah! Yeah, I guess, I mean I didn't really focus on her, to be honest." As she said this she scratched the back of her neck and Marinette swore she saw a faint dusting of pink on her cheeks. Marinette raised her eyebrow slightly at her and Adrienne avoided her gaze as they reached the door to their classroom.

They entered one after the other, Adrienne holding the door open for her. Marinette's confidence dissipated so she quickly walked through, rushing out a thank you. When she reached her seat, Alya looked at her and watched her stare as Adrienne took her seat.

"Girl, you know you can just say hi to her right?" Alya's voice broke her out of her revere, Marinette turning to her to whisper.

"I did! We were talking earlier about the Akuma attack! I'm surprised I was able too when she's looking like that!" Her voice went slightly louder than usual at the end of her sentence and she clamped her hand over her mouth as Alya laughed. Adrienne thankfully either chose to ignore it or was too absorbed in what Nino was talking about that she didn't hear.

Nino. He was another story. Nice guy all around but he was Adrienne's best friend and also had the distinct advantage of being a guy. Adrienne seemed to like him a lot, laughing at his jokes and talking to him all the time. They spent so much time together, she was surprised they weren't dating at this point. But whenever they were asked about it, either by school friends or people trying to ask out Adrienne, Adrienne said they were just friends and then politely declined any date offers.

Even Chad, the other rich kid, and expert douche didn't make any headway with his friend. Every time Chad would try and ask her out or flirt with her, Adrienne just looked uncomfortable and more often than not just backed away. Sure they were friends but Marinette could tell that Adrienne preferred Nino and Alya.

The school day droned on slowly, the heat ensuring that the classroom was either breezy or stuffy, depending on the teacher. In the breezy classrooms, people tended to be at ease, but when they had to deal with a teacher that insisted on having the windows closed, lest the "chemicals of their experiments poison the outside", people tended to be a little more easily frustrated. It all culminated in two things happening.

Adrienne had her hair in a messy bun to let the heat off her shoulders, which led Marinette to start thinking about how nice it would be to kiss her neck

Chad being a spoiled brat who couldn't handle the heat.

"Ugh this is unbearable! It's too humid in here, my hair is getting all frizzy!" He tried to fix his hair in a mirror that he carries in his bag but to no avail. As he complained, his friend Sabrina desperately tried to help but they ended up just fighting over his hair. Everyone looked over as they fought to fix his hair and laughed at the pair, including Adrienne. As soon as Chad heard people chuckling, he turned around and rapidly looked at people, while Sabrina continued to try to fix his hair.

When his gaze landed on Marinette and Alya, he frowned and got up out of his chair to walk over to them. Marinette watched him walk over and put his hands on their desk before threateningly talking to the two of them.

"Do you think there's something funny? Because believe me, nothing is funny about this humidity. Although it couldn't make your hair worse than it already is." As he spoke his mouth curled up at the edges into his trademark douche smirk. Marinette scowled and was about to retort but Alya beat her to it.

"It wouldn't be affected by the heat so much if you didn't put a gallon of product in it. " Alya smirked at her comeback, and Chad's gasp prompted Adrienne and Nino to turn to listen to the banter. "And it wouldn't look as greasy either. " Chad's mouth dropped open slightly and he looked about ready to explode. Marinette chuckled, the sound prompting Chad to turn to her and look her up and down.

His smirk returned and he reached out and plucked one of her hair elastics from her pigtails before she could stop him and held it up. "Well, at least I don't think pig tails are still in fashion. I think I'll keep this, save you the humiliation."

"Give it back Chad!" She tried to grab it out of his grasp but instead accidentally knocked over their beaker filled with chemicals. Chad laughed as Marinette and Alya jumped back watching the chemicals flow across the table and onto their notes.

"Marinette! Alya! What happened?" Their teacher's voice boomed across the classroom, and Chad smirked again before dropping the hair elastic in the chemicals and rushing back to his seat.

"Chad stole my hair elastic and then when I tried to-" Marinette started but the teacher just put up her hand.

"Whatever happened, your beaker is on the table. I'm not in the mood today, just clean it up and start over." Marinette's mouth hung open and Alya started to protest but the teacher was not having any of it as she stood up. "Just clean it UP!" she barked before sitting back in her chair. Marinette groaned while Chad stared on triumphantly, and started to clean up the mess while Alya started the write up over. Marinette was just finished cleaning up the beaker and was about to start wiping up the chemicals on the desk when she saw a hand start helping her. She looked up and Adrienne was standing there with some paper towel and started to help her clean.

"Nino, would you help Alya with her notes?, Ours is basically done anyways." Adrienne said back to Nino, who smirked and got up, walking over to Alya and started helping her with their notes. Marinette blushed as Adrienne's gaze fell back onto her. They cleaned, although Adrienne seemed to be more efficient given her ability to think clearly without an angel standing in front of her.

"Sorry about your hair elastic." Adrienne said as she held up the socked hair elastic. Marinette smirked. "It's no big deal, I have like thirty of them at home." She didn't realize what she said until it was out. She silently barated herself for her weirdness and looked up at Adrienne to see her laughing. She frowned and Adrienne immediately stopped, although her smirk stayed.

"Hey I'm not judging, I only have a couple because I rarely have to put my hair up myself." As she said this she grimaced. "There's no way to say that without coming off like a dick is there?"

Marinettes giggled. "Not really" she replied softly. Adrienne scratched the back of her neck with her clean hand and chuckled slightly. They continued to clean in amicable silence. As they walked to the trash can near the teachers desk, Marinette turned around to glance at Nino and Alya who were getting pretty close, Nino leaning over her shoulder.

"They're pretty cute together aren't they?" Marinette said, a little louder than she meant to. Adrienne looked at her before followed her gaze. "It's about time he made a move. He's been pining after her for a couple months now" Marinette eyes widened and turned to see Adrienne with wide eyes, as if she hadn't realised what she said. She quickly looked around before grabbing her shoulders speaking softly to her, their faces inches apart. "You can't tell anyone I said that. Especially Nino and Alya. Okay?" Marinette nodded and Adrienne smiled and removed her hands from her shoulders but not from Marinette.

Her hands grazed down her arms to her elbows and they stayed like that for a couple more seconds. Adrienne stared at her eyes and seemed to get slightly lost, and Marinette swore she saw the emeralds glance down to her lips. Marinette kept staring but a small cough from the teacher broke their daze.

They broke apart quickly, Adrienne scratching the back of her head while Marinette folded her hands in front of her while her face flared up. They both turned towards the teacher to see her smirking slightly.

"Get back to your seats you two," she said, but this time no sharp tone in her voice. She almost sounded teasing.

Adrienne chuckled lightly and gestured for Marinette to go first before they walked back. Marinette's seat was taken by Nino and she paused before Adrienne took her seat. She looked up at Marinette.

"Ummm I guess you could take Nino's?" She was still clearly nervous from their moment earlier but so was Marinette so she just took Nino's seat and sat there, looking around the room. Luckily nobody noticed what happened except for the teacher who was smiling slightly in their direction as she watched the class.

She looked over at what Adrienne was doing and noticed that their experiment was already completed and written up. She was just drumming her fingers on the desk. Marinette didn't know what to say to start a conversation, her mind was still fuzzy from the staring and possible kiss? She sat there for a little longer before Adrienne spoke up.

"Sorry about earlier. I don't really know what happened there." Marinette looked over to her and saw that Adrienne Agreste was actually nervous and fidgeting. She smiled as Adrienne continued. "And umm you're should wear your hair out of your pigtails more. It looks good." Adrienne turned to her then and she couldn't stop the blush from covering her face and neck. Adrienne was also blushing a bit but less so and looked at her as she moved towards her. She gestured to her other pigtail and Marinette realized what she meant.

"Adrienne was going to touch my hair."

She nodded and Adrienne moved her hands and removed her other elastic. Her hair fell in waves across her the edge of her shoulders and as Adrienne moved her hand back, it lightly grazed her neck and Marinette froze slightly from the touch. Adrienne smiled at her and nodded. "There. I mean the pig tails are awesome but, you should mix it up a bit. You look good with your hair down like that." Marinette was basically vibrating from the close contact and compliments but before she could say anything, the bell chimed signaling the end of class. They all got ready to leave, Marinette returning to her seat to pack up.

"Well I'll see you around then?" Adrienne said as she turned to look at her. "I mean we're in the same class but you know what I meant." She just nodded and Adrienne smiled before Nino walked over to her, putting his arm around her shoulder and leading them out. She glanced back at her before letting Nino guide her out the door. Alya turned to her and with a side smirk, nodded towards the direction they left.

"Enjoy chemistry?" Marinette rolled her eyes before shooting back the same question. "Maybe. You seemed too." Alya rolled her eyes and they walked out the class.

The rest of the day went relatively well, although Marinette noticed the several glances Adrienne seemed to shoot her way throughout the day. They were pretty obvious given in most classes she sat in front Marinette, and every time she stole a glance, Alya would nudge her shoulder and wink.

When the bell rang for the end of day, she watched Adrienne talk to Nino for a bit and then get up to walk over to Marinette. Her heart sped up as she waited for her to be done packing up. Alya quickly sped out of the room, saying something about Nino wanting to talk to her, before meeting up with him outside the room, leaving the two of them in the room alone with the teacher. When she was done putting away her sketchpad, she looked up and Adrienne was a step down below her and looked like she wanted to ask her something.

"Hey, Nino and I were going to head out this Friday to a movie as a celebration for midterms being over, did you and Alya want to come with us?" Marinette couldn't believe her ears. "Adrienne wanted to go to a movie with her?" She opened her mouth to answer but before she could, an explosion went off outside the school.