Godless Sound

A Loud House Interactive Story

CHAPTER ONE: The Youngest Siblings

It has been three months since Lily's death. A little girl, just days before her seventh birthday, disappeared from school, just to be found lifeless, almost like she was just sleeping, tucked into bed. The family was still crushed, without any good explanation as to how this happened. Everyone at the house blamed the doctors, the school's teachers and principal, the neighbors, each other. But after Lucy's attempt at reuniting with her little sister, they learned that finding someone to blame wouldn't get her back. Whether they liked it or not, they needed to stay united, be strong, and find acceptance.

However, the family would not get a moment's respite.

Lisa has gone missing.

She refused to sleep in the same room she once shared with Lily, preferring to stay in the room that once belonged to the eldest sisters. But then she got strangely captivated by it. She started to move everything from her own room back to Lily's. She would stay all day and night long doing her studies, even skipping her job at college, scrapping the research she was previously doing with colleagues. She became a shut-in. She'd be barely seen by anyone, and the few times Lisa would step out the room, it was to feed. She looked weird at best and crazed at worst. She rambled about "readings" and "traces" of something beyond anyone else's comprehension. Her experiments were always on the weird side, but this time, it was too much. And now she was nowhere to be found.

It was a mystery, but it couldn't go unsolved.


You are now Lincoln Loud.

It was hard to everyone in the family to deal with death. But to you, it felt even more terrible. You were the big brother, the one who's supposed to protect your younger siblings. And you failed. You saw her dead, into her bed. And she looked so peaceful as well, still sleeping, as lying inside the casket...

But now you couldn't let it happen again. Lisa was missing, but this time, you wouldn't let the events unfold without getting into them.

It's Saturday morning. Pretty much the only reason you noticed she wasn't around was because of your childhood custom to watch cartoons, and ever since Lily's death, you started to check on your sisters every morning. You told the other sisters, and although they looked concerned, none of them seemed to know anything.

Of all your sisters, the only ones that still live in the house are Lynn, Lucy, Lola and Lana, and of course, the disappeared genius. The other older sisters went to live in their own lives, and after the funeral, you haven't seen any of them much. You doubt they'd know about Lisa at all. Lily's room was suspiciously empty, and Lisa's room didn't have a trace of her. Only filled to the brim with stacks of books, paper sheets, chalkboards with complicated equations and mad ramblings.

There were few options. It's either to delve into the many writings of Lisa's disturbed mind or trying to elaborate a narrative with whatever your sisters could say. Maybe you'll need to do both since you don't want to let your sisters alone.

Both mom and dad went to work, so they still don't know about it. It's better not to worry them without being sure of Lisa's disappearance. Calling the cops would lead to the same trouble: if you managed to find Lisa soon by yourself, then a call would be useless.


You decide to enter Lisa's room. The closest clues should be there.

It's weird to see so much stuff lying around. Lisa moved pretty much everything she had back to Lily's room, but now it's empty, and this one filled to the brim with scientific documents and gizmos. It's hard to walk around without kicking a book or an empty beaker. It's useless to try to decipher whatever is written on the chalkboards, and the same applies to the many papers and books. Some were even in French or German, and you are just enough literate in English to comprehend anything else. However, there is one thing you could read: Lisa's investigation diary. You find it at her computer's desk. A little notebook, many pages tore apart, except for three. You start to read the first one.

"October 26, 20XX, 15:24: There has been no further progress. The readings just vanished. I was so close to finding their origin. I really f-"

"Wow, Lisa, really?" You think to yourself at reading her swearing.

"-hate this. Maybe if it wasn't for the constant meddling of my family. They shouldn't be worried about me. But they do worry, and it annoys me to no end. Maybe it's my fault too. I trusted too much my own judgment. I should have been more cautious in taking those samples. Whatever I did there, it could have caused a retreat. I need to sleep".

A retreat? Samples? Whatever samples she was talking about there, they weren't in the room.

"October 27, 20XX, 22:19: I shouldn't have messed with those samples. I'm not sure what will happen now, but I need to keep it contained. I can't keep it here. I can't let my family get hurt. God, please, don't let them get hurt".

You don't know what to think about it. Nervously, you turn to the last page, only to see...


The whole page is filled with the same rambling, over and over. You notice it written on the desk itself, even, like she didn't stop until she ran out of space.

Although there's still no trace of her current whereabouts, at least you kind of know now why she isn't at home. However, this isn't making you feel any better. If anything, you are even more worried now and remaining calm is getting harder and harder.

Uneasy, you leave the room and don't look back.

There are still things unresolved.

Your sisters could probably lead you to any other clues.


After informing your sisters about Lisa's disappearance, you convinced them to go to their rooms and try to relax. You felt it was better if they were secure in their rooms. You wouldn't let them get hurt this time. You go to ask your sisters about Lisa. Anything they might know could help to piece something together to explain her disappearance.


You go into Lola's and Lana's room. They're the only ones that still share their room. Before Lily's demise, Lisa and Lily shared theirs, and the twins were in different ones. However, after the tragedy, they didn't feel well by being separate. They slept a lot better together, knowing their twin was just a few steps by, to hug and feel close, feel safe.

Each girl is lying over their beds. Lana is playing with Izzy the Second, while Lola checks her phone.

"Hey Linc," both said in unison when they see you enter the room.

"Hey. Girls, we need to talk" You say straight to them.

Lola takes a seat at the edge of her bed, putting the phone to the side. Lana puts Izzy back into her cage.

"What's up?" Lana asks, just after sitting on her own bed.

"I know you don't really know about wherever Lisa went, but I want you to remember what you two have seen of her in these past days. Anything can be useful to find her".

Both sighed, and Lola took the first word.

"The last time I even saw Lisa was three days ago, at night. We stumbled at the bathroom's door. I got scared when I was touching the door's handle when I felt her hand on my shoulder. She asked who I am. She couldn't recognize me, for some reason, even though I take so much care in looking well and unique, even half-asleep!"

"Lola, please"

"Sorry Linc..." She clears her throat and then continues her story. "Well, I told her it was me. She then... Hugged me".

"Hugged you?"

"It was like she was lost. She didn't look good, like she didn't sleep for many nights. After she hugged me, I let her go to the bathroom. She went, did her business and left without looking at me again like she was ashamed. I didn't put much attention on this incident... But now that I look back..."

She's looking a little down now. You pat her shoulder, trying to give her some comfort.

"How about you, Lana? Did you see her during the week or anything?"

"I did, now that I remember. When Lola and I came back from school before yesterday. I saw her walking from Lily's room to hers and back, and forth... She carried a lot of stuff to one side and the other. I asked her what was going on, and when she heard me, she squealed and dropped a little box. I was about to pick it up for her, but she just threw herself over it and grabbed it. She told me something like it wasn't my business, and then she apologized for being so rude. I didn't really mind, she has been acting strange for a few weeks anyways. I wasn't going to hold it against her at this point".

"Did you notice anything special in that box?"

"Not really. It was metallic, I guess? And it had some weird locks. She carried it from Lily's room to hers, and just after that, she locked herself in there".

"What else she carried around?"

"I dunno... Stuff? You know, those weird science thingies she has. A lot of gadgets and whatnot. Also, lots of books and stacks of paper, a metric ton".

You don't know what to make of this yet. Maybe it's better to inquiry further.

"Well, thanks for your help girls. Be safe".

"We'll be, Lincoln" You hear them say, as you leave the room.

Who's next?


No one in the family was sure to let Lucy still be by herself after her "incident". Lynn tried to convince her to sleep together at least for a while, like in old times, but she refused. Lucy said she wouldn't burden her sisters or brother with her troubles, which they were for her alone to endure.

You enter her room and see her reading a small book. The cover reads: "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward".

"Hey Lucy, are you OK?" You ask, carefully. Lately, everyone walks on eggshells when talking to her.

"As much as I can be" she stoically answers. "What do you need, brother?"

"Well, I wanted to talk about Lisa, if you don't mind".

"No reason not to. Come in". She puts a marker between the pages and sits at the edge of the bed. You go and sit beside her.

"So, have you seen her these days?".

"Not really. I believe I heard her while I was trying to sleep, two nights ago. I heard her talking to herself, walking around the hallway, but I couldn't make much of her incessant rigmarole. Something about traces, and Lily".

"She mentioned Lily?" You ask, surprised.

"Yes. She was rambling about tracing her, or something like that. Honestly, I don't want to know what she's up to. I sense she's delving too deep into things she shouldn't mess with... And that's saying something, knowing her experiments".

You stay silent for a while. This revelation sounded very heavy. If Lisa was still around, you might not have given it much thought, but given the circumstances, this didn't look good.

You hear Lucy sigh.

"What's wrong?" You ask, breaking out of your trance.

"I'm jealous of her".

"Of who?"

"Lisa. Although I do feel she's going into things we shouldn't trifle with... I can't help but feel jealous..."

"Why do you say so?"

"They were close, before... You know... In life. And now, even in death, they're the closest any of us were with her..."

You see a lone tear run down her cheek.

"I wish I got to know Lily better".

You go silent again, and only manage to hug your sister with one arm, while she puts her head over your shoulder. Both of you stay like that for a minute, but you have more to look for. Certainly, whatever Lisa was doing, it wasn't good. You stand up and walk outside Lucy's room, but not without talking to her once more.

"Be safe, Lucy".

"You too, dear brother".

Who's next?


Lynn was most of the days off. Between going to the gym, playing on the soccer team and practicing her martial arts, she didn't spend much time in the house. Because of this, she seemed to be the less affected by Lily's departure. She was sad, of course, and cried, like everyone else. However, she didn't show much more emotions other than apathy from then on. You guessed everyone dealt with it as they could.

You enter the room cautiously, looking out for flying tennis balls. However, Lynn was just playing with one while lying on the ground, staring at the ceiling.

"Sup" she stoically says, while pressing the ball with both of her hands.

"Hey" You answer back, entering the room. "So, listen, I want to talk about Lisa. I want to find her, and I know you are not at home much, but if you ever saw her anytime recently, it'd be a lot of help".

Lynn stays silent for a while, bouncing the ball up and down, throwing it to the ceiling but not quite reaching it. Her expression was plain.

"I did see her" She finally says, catching the ball. "I was coming back home late on Tuesday and went to the kitchen to get some water. I saw her doing the same. She looked dirty, mud stains over her clothes. I'm guessing she got caught in the slight rain outside. She didn't notice my presence until I said hi. She almost jumped out of the scare I gave her, and she turned around. She was relieved to see me. She sighed and raised her hand. She looked tired. I didn't really ask her what was going on. I'm not sure if I want to know what she's up to, so I let her be. She took a glass of water, drank it and left".

Mud? What could she be doing outside? That was a weird revelation. And happened just four days ago. Maybe inquiring further would help connect everything.

Lynn starts to play with the ball again, staring at the ceiling. You don't really know how to talk to her anymore. She has been so focused on her own stuff, it seems to you she shut down everyone else out of her life.

You decide to leave, but just as you get to the door's knob, you hear Lynn sighs.

"You know I DO care, right?"

You turn back. She was sitting now, looking at you. Her expression was kind of serious still, but she really looked concerned now.

"I know I don't talk that much and avoid you guys. I know, but..."

"It's OK, Lynn" You interrupt her, "We're all dealing the way we can".

"Just like you, sending us to our rooms, asking us questions and keeping us away from all of this, right?".

You don't really have anything to say back. She's right. It was your way to cope.

"I'm not mad at you or anything. I understand why you're doing it..." She stands up and gets closer to you, "I felt useless when Lily... I thought I could do the same you're trying now, now that I'm the oldest here. But I couldn't do anything, and if I was like Lori, maybe I could actually act on things, I don't..."

She goes silent, looking at the ground. You try to reach to her, she really seems to need a hug. She hugs you first, though, pressing her face on you. You pat her back, somewhat startled. She holds onto you hard. You feel your shoulder getting wet.

"Thanks, Linc".

She lets you go, covering her eyes with her forearm, and she walks back to her bed.

"Sorry," she mutters, as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"It's OK. Be safe, Lynn" you reply, as you take your leave.

"You too".


With all the info you got from your sisters, you can at least understand what has been going on with Lisa. She wasn't right in the head before, but now it actually seems like something bad. She might be going too far. It's even more necessary for you to find her now.

You feel a little stuck. This is a lot of info to process. And you pretty much exhausted all obvious possibilities. Lisa just wasn't home. You could ask for help now, or still, try to go as far as you could by yourself.


You decide to take a break and go back to your own room. You needed time to process all the new information. What could you do to piece these things? Are they connected in some way? Or maybe you need to investigate further?

Maybe there was something you could remember yourself, a final piece. What can you remember?


Vents were already checked. Everything that's inside the house has been searched to death. Attic, the hallways, the basement, even under the house itself.

However, the bunker was still a mystery.

Lisa's bunker was mostly dismantled. After Luan moved out to try her luck as a comedian, it kind of lost its purpose. Lisa still used it a couple of times to not blow up the house, or the room. However, by the time she started to need materials for other experiments, and the college would not lend her much more money, she started to break the bunker apart and use its parts. Right now, it was mostly just a tunnel that leads to a cave. You kind of remember Lisa going to that small cave a couple of times again, some weeks ago. Maybe she was keeping some other things there?


Using your phone as a flashlight, you go deep into the cave. It was pretty small, since it was made only to take refuge during Luan's "pranks", and it was made quite a long time ago. Lisa is around 10 years old now, so she didn't need too much space still, but you are already a grown teen, and you had to keep your head low to move. You look at the small cave. It was around half as big as your room, and your room was already small. You didn't see anything notable inside at first. Books that, for you, would be a waste of time to even try to read, beakers and scientific tools, rusty and broken...

But there's one thing that catches your attention.

Other pages from the torn diary.

They were busted and barely readable. You try to read all you can.

"October - 20XX: -Lana- – No. They can't know".

"- 19 20XX - OK, so there're the readings. She's here. She's with-"

"Oct – - - Samples have been secured. There was a very weird reaction, like – - Lynn saw me, but she has her mind- She prob- I hope not. I do- they can't know. They could ruin it".

"Oct- 23 20XX: I d—believe I could do that. People really need money sometimes, don't- - I could retrieve- I ho- Bring –- - Miss you".

"I need to go back. I did something very bad. I'm sorry, Lily".

There might be an order to these? You couldn't tell much about them, but maybe you could piece them together...



Your current endeavor is interrupted by your phone ringing. Seems like mom is calling from her job. It hits you then: You didn't call her, or dad. You got too immersed in your own thing. Well, at some point you were going to call them, right?

Will you answer the call?

YES, talk with mom

NO, continue your investigation.


"Hello? Lincoln! Thank God. Where are you? Lynn called me, she told me about Lisa. I asked about you too but she didn't know, she told me you went out or something".

PLAYER'S DIALOG: "I'm fine, mom. Jesus, what has you so worked up? I'm just out in the back."

"Well what do you think has me worked up?! Look, I don't know what are you doing in the backyard, but I want you at home when your dad and I come back. Nobody's leaving the house until we get there, got it?"

PLAYER'S DIALOG: "Uh, alright. I'll see you both when you get here."

You're tense right now and having your mom just as hysterical -if not more-, it wasn't helping you to feel any better.

You close the phone. There wasn't anything else remarkable beyond the notes. You take them with you. They're one more piece of this puzzle.


It's better to not be too far. Mom and Dad could come anytime soon. However, you still need to get something more. You know the police won't help. They didn't do anything about Lily. The doctors couldn't figure anything out. It was a case gone cold, with a lot of inconclusive information everywhere. That wouldn't happen again.

You go back to your room. It's better to think in your own space.

You consider you went as far as you could by yourself without going too far away from home. You had a new lead.

"October - 20XX: -Lana- – No. They can't know".

"- 19 20XX - OK, so there're the readings. She's here. She's with-"

"Oct – - - Samples have been secured. There was a very weird reaction, like – - Lynn saw me, but she has her mind- She prob- I hope not. I do- they can't know. They could ruin it".

"Oct- 23 20XX: I d—believe I could do that. People really need money sometimes, don't- - I could retriev- I ho- Bring –- - Miss you".

"I need to go back. I did something very bad. I'm sorry, Lily".

Most of the text was blurred due to the contact with mud and moistness. There were some other stains, between brown and red.

There are few options. You could examine them further by yourself with whatever you had at hand, or ask for help from a friend.

You could also disobey your mother and go outside, maybe search farther away. But you don't know when your parents will come back.


Two minds think better than one.

You look at your contacts in your phone. Pretty much everyone you still have there are either your close family or emergency numbers. Being so isolated as you have been lately, there were few people you could call a "friend".

Right now, you only have two options: Clyde or Ronnie Anne. You haven't talked much with them lately, ever since your youngest sister's death. But this time, you need someone.

Who will you call?


He seems to be busy. He isn't picking up. Although clearly, you wouldn't blame him if he didn't pick up at all. After Lily's tragedy, you became a shut-in for a couple of weeks, and even when you started going back to school, you avoided everyone, including Clyde. You knew he was your best friend from childhood, and never stopped being so until Lily's death. But after that, you felt worried about everything, like you shouldn't involve anyone else in your family, or your own life. You pushed him off your life. He didn't make any attempts to get back to you after two months. Maybe he figured out you didn't want to be his friend anymore. Maybe it was your fault.

Wait, he picked up.

"Linc? Is it you?"

"Crap" You think to yourself. "Yes, it's me. Did I interrupt anything?" You answer back, trying to get your talkative mood up.

"Don't worry man, I wasn't doing anything important. What's up? It's been a while!"

PLAYER'S ANSWER: "Clyde, I am sorry for shutting you out for all this time. And sorry if this sounds needy, but I need your help badly. Lisa is missing and I need help to find her. I found these Letters and I need help to decipher them, they might be important".

The line goes silent for a while.


It's all he manages to mutter at first. But soon he talks again.

"Look, Linc, I'm happy to help, and I'm glad you called me. It's been a while and all, but I'm still your friend...

PLAYER'S ANSWER: "Can you come over real quick?".

"But... I kind of have a problem. I had an accident at school, and I'm stuck at home with a broken leg. The cast is recent so I can't leave until a couple of days. If you need me to read something, you could send me pictures. Maybe I can do something on the computer".

PLAYER'S ACTION: Take the notes into the kitchen. Take pictures, send to Clyde.

Just as you go to the kitchen and prepare the notes to take pictures, you notice something in the last one.

Was that blood? Did Lisa get hurt?

You almost forget what you were doing, but take the pictures anyways and send them to Clyde.

PLAYER'S ANSWER: "I can't make heads or tails of this. Do you have any idea? And Clyde... thank you."

It takes a while before he answers back.

"Here they are. OK, wait a second while I put them into my laptop. Maybe if I change the contrast in the photo-editor I can make it more readable".

You hear some shuffling around.

"OK, I'll work on these pictures right now. So, anything you know about this whole ordeal, aside from these pictures?"

PLAYER ACTION: tell Clyde about what the sister´s told you but nothing related to lily

There's something in your head telling you to not let every detail out. Maybe it's better. Unloading all your burdens over your friend wasn't a great way to repair a broken friendship.

You leave out everything that's related to Lily. If anything, you can play fool if something about it is revealed in the messages.

"Hmm... I see... I'm sorry Linc. I wish I could do more to help you".

"OK, I'm done with the pictures. I'll send them back to you in an instant. They're a lot more readable now, but there's not much more I can do".

Just as he finishes that sentence, you hear a car parking. Maybe mom or dad got back.

You hear somebody coming up the stairs. Last time you checked, everyone was still in their rooms. Including you, of course.

"Hello, Linc? Are you still there?".

PLAYER'S ACTION: thank Clyde for help, tell him will hang out later.

You answer back and give your thanks to him. He's been a good friend, but there's a lot to deal with.

"Oh, OK. I guess this situation has your hands full. It's OK, I can understand. I hope I could be of help".

You hang up, just as you see Mom approaching your door.

PLAYER'S ACTION: fold notes, tuck into pocket.

PLAYER'S ACTION: roll sleight of hand, ensure notes are hidden.

PLAYER'S ACTION: greet parents as they enter.

Mom has a very sharp eye, because, even though you took good care of not being very visible, she saw you spying out. You tuck the notes in your pocket, and your phone as well. Probably she didn't notice anything.

You open the door to come greet her, but before you say anything, she hugs you, firmly. She was very, very tense, and you could tell by the way she held you. You hug her back, trying to comfort her. If you were nervous, you could barely imagine how much of a train wreck she's feeling right now.

"Thank god you're OK", she says, not letting you go. "Are all your other sisters here as well?".

"Yes, they're in their rooms. We decided to stay up here for now. Is dad coming soon?"

"Yeah, he went to the police station first. He was enraged. I'm hoping he doesn't punch anyone this time..."

You remember Dad doing so three months ago. It wasn't pretty. The judge was very understanding to the family's plight, so nothing really happened out of it, but both the cop and he looked like crap for a while.

Mom stops hugging you and tells you she'll check on your sisters before deciding on what to do next.


You feel your phone buzz. It was a notification. The pictures are here. Time to read the notes.

You look at the pictures Clyde sent you. They read a lot better this time. Maybe you can discover new clues.

"October 27 20XX: -Lana almost got her hands-fingers-. Nobody else can see these. Or touch them. It's not safe, I already did enough damage to myself- I need to go back, but they can't. - – No. They can't know".

"- 19 20XX -I could see weird- traces of- OK, so there're the readings. She's here. She's with us. Lily, I'm close now.-"

"October – 20XX - Samples have been secured. There was a very weird reaction, like one of the samples got warm with me touching it directly. I'm not sure what this means, except maybe, there's still -in this world- Lynn saw me, but she has her mind somewhere else- She probably didn't notice my han- I hope not. I don't want them to know-they can't know. They could ruin it".

"Oct- 23 20XX: I d—believe I could do that. People really need money sometimes, don't- - I could retrieve a sample from her. As long as...- – – gra-v-per will not talk. I hope my coworkers never learn how I used part of the funds-. I might need to go back at some point, but I-. I ho- Bring –- - Lily, I miss you".

"I need to go back. I did something very bad. I'm sorry, Lily".


"October 19 20XX -I could see weird- traces of- OK, so there're the readings. She's here. She's with us. Lily, I'm close now.-"

"October – 20XX - Samples have been secured. There was a very weird reaction, like one of the samples got warm with me touching it directly. I'm not sure what this means, except maybe, there's still purpose in this world- Lynn saw me, but she has her mind somewhere else- She probably didn't notice my hands I hope not. I don't want them to know-they can't know. They could ruin it".

"Oct- 23 20XX: I d—believe I could do that. People really need money sometimes, don't- - I could retrieve a sample from her. As long as...The gravekeeper will not talk. I hope my coworkers never learn how I used part of the funds-. I might need to go back at some point, but I-. I hope to Bring back Lily, I miss you".

"October 27 20XX: -Lana almost got her hands-fingers-. Nobody else can see these. Or touch them. It's not safe, I already did enough damage to myself- I need to go back, but they can't...- – No. They can't know".

"I need to go back. I did something very bad. I'm sorry, Lily".

There are many thoughts in your mind. None of them good. But maybe you could find Lisa with all you've got.


"Oh god, Lisa..." Goes through your mind. And at some point, you thought about it, and you just didn't want your thoughts to believe so. But the truth was unavoidable.

It's done. You know where Lisa should be.

The graveyard.

You need to get out of the house. Before anybody gets a trace about her. Whatever she was doing, was not only dangerous to herself. The police could get involved, at some point. And if you managed to find out that much, the police wouldn't take much longer.

You walk around and see mom talking on the phone. You hear her mention Lori and Leni. Maybe she's talking to your older sisters. You haven't talked with them in a long while. They've been on their own. Last time you knew, Lori was trying to have a child with Bobby. Leni was living with some of her friends as roommates, but you're not sure what she has been up to: if she's working, or studying, or anything. Both Luna and Luan were together, trying to break through as artists, each in their own field. You haven't known if that dream has come true. Maybe soon you could talk with them.

Mom's not looking at your direction. She's very concentrated on her conversation. You could take this as an opportunity to leave unnoticed, or try to ask for permission from her to leave.


"I'm sorry, mom" You whisper to yourself, as you sneak out.

PLAYER'S CHOICE: perhaps he can borrow Lynn's bike

You go to the garage and get Lynn's old bike. It's a little busted since Lynn has taken preference in running everywhere she needs to go, maybe to avoid being at home.


You're here at last. You're tired. Using your phone and asking some random people around, you got the directions.

You only have been to this place twice. First, the funeral. The second time just a family visit one month after. You don't know if it was only you or the whole family just didn't feel well by going there, so there wasn't another visit.

By now you already know Lisa should be around here, or at least her trace. She could be a genius, but she's out of her mind. She's been careless and scared. She needed help, and the only one who could give it is you.

"Don't worry, Lisa" You think to yourself "Your big brother won't fail this time".

Lily's tomb was the obvious way. You already knew Lisa has been tinkering with her. You're not sure what exactly is going on, or maybe you didn't want your thoughts to be real. You ask the personnel to know where to go. Either way seems like nobody knew what's happening. Either that or, going by the notes, they were playing dumb. It doesn't matter now. You need to find Lisa.

Walking around, you feel the cold of the place surrounding you. Like the world giving you the warning to go back. But you couldn't. You wouldn't let Lisa do more damage to herself.

This is it. Lily's tombstone.

The ground has been moved around since last time you were here. Your mind feels so clear now, and the image of your little sister's grave popped up in front of your eyes. There should be grass in front of her, and lilies planted over.

There are blood stains on the tombstone. Lisa was close.


The graveyard was a big place, and a lot of people has paid for big mausoleums, to hold many generations, to keep many loved ones resting in peace. Sometimes the thought crossed your head, which your family would all be in one. Thirteen coffins, each close to one another, like the big and loving family you were.

But Lily's death happened, and suddenly the family wasn't as happy as before. You wondered if it was not real, maybe you were never happy, everyone was keeping their anger bottled, and your little sister's departure made everyone burst. Your older sisters left, Lynn avoids you and everyone in the family; Lucy tried to kill herself and you had to stop her a few times again as well; Lola and Lana feel scared all the time, they fear to lose each other. Lisa was a mental wreck, and doing things beyond anyone's good judgment.

And you...

You couldn't have been more of a recluse. Your mind has been every day wondering; what did go wrong? What did break your family? How did Lily die? How did she end up in her own bed, laying like she was just sleeping a nap, and not for the rest of eternity?

There were too many questions you never managed to answer, and you needed them. Your family needed them.

You needed the happy family again.

You follow the blood marks all around until you get to a big mausoleum. You didn't check the name, you just entered. Something was going on here.

You hear someone crying. A constant wailing, somebody muttering "I'm sorry" over and over. A lisp in a little girl's voice.


You see a shadow on the wall. It was too dark. You pull out your phone and turn on the flashlight.

There she was...

And Lily.

You almost drop the phone, as you saw Lisa holding tightly Lily's corpse. She was missing a finger and bleeding profusely. "When the hell did that happen?" you whisper, not sure if Lisa could even hear you over her incessant crying.

And Lily's corpse... Is she a corpse? Is she dead? She looks like not one day has passed since you saw her descend six feet under. She's very pale, and unmoving, like a porcelain doll. Very delicate, very uncanny.

You couldn't believe your eyes. You don't know what even to say. There were too many questions, more than before.

You fall on your knees, dropping the phone.

It doesn't matter now. You found Lisa. She's OK now. You'll take her out of here. Her big brother would help her. You, Lincoln Loud, would keep her safe.

"I'm here, Lisa. I will protect you".

Lisa has been found.

There are still mysteries unresolved.

