"What do you want to do now?" Jin asked Ji Yeon as they finished their third movie of the day.

It was raining and there wasn't much else to do to keep a two year old entertained.

"Make a pizza." Ji Yeon answered as her stomach growled.

"We have to go to the store then." Jin told her getting up and putting his shoes on. Ji Yeon did the same and they went out into the pooring rain for pizza ingrediants.

"Whay kind of pizza do you want?" Jin asked grabbing a cart and putting Ji Yeon in the front seat.

"Those." Ji Yeon pointed to a red package that was near the pizza crust.

Jin put the package of pepperoni into the cart along with a jar of tomatoe basil pizza sauce.

They grabbed some cheese and fruit before finally leaving the store.

When they got home they went into the kitchen where Jin pulled up a recipe for pizza dough on his phone and they got to work.

Jin mixed the dough and placed it on the counter. He put Ji Yeon on a chair and let her pound on the dough to make it flat.

"Get all your frustration out on the dough." Jin told her.

Once the dough was flat enough Jin grabbed a ladel for the sauce.

"Not to much sauce." Ji Yeon reminded him as he poured half a ladel full of sauce onto the dough and spread it around.

He let Ji Yeon add a bunch of cheese and the whole package of pepperoni.

"We're going to make a dessert pizza now." Jin told Ji Yeon while they waited for the pizza to cook.

Jin placed a round watermellon slice onto the counter he helped Ji Yeon spread Greek yogurt on top, which happened to cover more of the watermellon then what was on the pizza in the oven.

"What do you want on top?" Jin asked placing several containers of fruit onto the counter.

Ji Yeon picked out some blue berries, marashino cherries, and kiwi for her slice.

They added strawberries and black berries along with the fruit that Ji Yeon had piacked out to the other half of the watermellong for the rest of the family since Ji Yeon didn't like those other berries. They put the dessert pizza into the fridge and got the savory one out of the oven to cool.

"What do you think?" Jin asked as they sat in the living room watching Little Mermaid."Did we make good pizza?"

Ji Yeon nodded as she took another bite."Can we have dessert pizza now?"

Jin took the plates away and came back with two slices of dessert pizza and they enjoyed the rest of the afternoon.

A/N The dessert pizza is actually a real thing. I've never made it though.