Since my dad came back into recently I was inspired to write some one shots. They will mostly feature my ocs but some of the Rugrats will make occasional appearances. I'm not sure how many of these I will write, but I have two planned out. So if you want to see something just let me know.

Ji Yeon is three in this one shot. She will be different ages depending on the situation.

Ji Yeon was excited to return to pre school. She had been out for a week recovering from her kidney transplant. Dil had come to visit her a few times, but she handn't seen him in a few days and she missed him. She threw her blanket aside and hopped out of bed. Normally she hated getting up early, but today was worth it if she got to see her best friend again. She was getting dressed when she suddenlly noticed some red spots on her arm. She didn't know what they were, but they itched alot. She also noticed her sudden burst of energy was gone and she was tired again and just wanted to get back in bed.

"Are you ready for school?' Jin asked coming into the room to make sure his daughter was awake.

"No." Ji Yeon answered hurriedly pulling her white shirt with the turquoise long sleeves over her head. She didn't feel good at all but didn't want to miss out on pre school. Dil had told her the last day he came to visit that on the day she was coming back they were going on their first field trip.

Ji Yeon was about to put her jeans on when she felt the itching coming back. She tried to ignore but she just couldn't. She dropped the pants on the floor and began scratching. She noticed the itching was spreading as were the red dots.

"Why are you so itchy?" Jin asked coming closer to get a better look at his daughter.

"I don't know, but It's ok. I can still go to school." Ji Yeon said still scratching.

"No. I don't think you can." Jin said kneeling next to his daughter.

"Why not?" Ji Yeon asked in a sad tone when she finally stopped scratching.

"I think you have chicken pox." Jin answered.

"What's that?" Ji Yeon asked.

"It's red spots all over your body that make you itch." Mi Sun answered examining her daughter to see if it was chicken pox and not some other rash. She then felt her forehead."Looks like you do have the chicken pox."

"Can I still go to school?" Ji Yeon asked."Today is a field trip day."

"Sorry sweetie, oyu have to stay home for a few days." Mi Sun answered leading her daughter to the bathroom and running a bath for her.

"What's that?" Ji Yeon asked as her mother poured some weird looking stuff into the bath water.

"It's oatmeal. It will help with the itching." Mi Sun answered.

After the bath Mi Sun put some pink lotion on Ji Yeon and dressed her in some pink fuzzy feetsie pajamas.

"I have to go to work. Be good for appa." Mi Sun said sitting Ji Yeon on the couch and giving her a hug.

"I want you to stay with me." Ji Yeon whined and was about to follow her mother to the door before Jin caught her.

"You need to rest so you can get better." Jin said setting his daughter back on the couch and covering her with her favorite soft pink blanket with owls on it.

"Watch tv. I'm going to go make you some breakfast." Jin said turning the tv to Disney Junior channel.

Ji Yeon sat watching the tv. She was suddely greatful she missed school today because they were airing a new episode of Elena of Avalor. Since it was new it helped distract her from the itching.

As she continued to watch the episode Jin appeared with a tray of soup and placed it in front of Ji Yeon on the couch.

"I get to eat and watch tv?" Ji Yeon asked amazed. They were never allowed to eat in the living room.

"Only because you're sick." Jin answered.

Ji Yeon ate some of the soup, but grew sleepy, almost falling face first into the bowl. She would catch herself, but came close the last time.

"Are you finished with your soup?" Jin asked as Ji Yeon rubbed her eyes and nodded. Jin took the tray into the kitchen and came back and sat down. he pulled Ji Yeon close and she made herself comfortable on his chest just like when she was a baby. She soon fell asleep.

Ji Yeon woke sometime later feeling sick to her stomach. She didn't want to throw up on her dad, who had also fallen alseep. She carefully slid down onto the floor and made her way to the bathroom. She didn't quite make it to the toilet and ended up throwing up all over the floor. She grabbed some toilet paper to try and clean up the mess, but it rolled to fast and soon the entire roll was on the floor. She pushed the pile over the throw up and left the bathroom feeling worse then before.

Jin had woken up by this time and noticed Ji Yeon slumped against the couch rubbing at an itchy spot. He put her back on the couch, as he did so he noticed she had a fever. He went and got a pop sickle out of the freezer.

"I don't like that kind." Ji Yeon whined pushing the purple pop sickle away.

Jin went and grabbed a yellow one. Ji Yeon shook her head no. He then came back with a blue one and a pink one. They sat on the couch watching Moana and enjoying two pop sickles each.

"I want to watch another movie." Ji Yeon said once the movie had finished for the second time. They spent the rest of the day watching every Disney Princess movie they owned once in English and then in Korean at Ji Yeon's insistance. She fell asleep halway through Aladdin. By then it was time for Min Jun to come home from school.

Right on time the door opened and in walked Min Jun and Phil who seemed to be having a burping contest judging by the sounds they made when they came into the house.

"Go to the plaroom if you're going to do that." Jin told them."Your sister is asleep."

"Come on Phil. We can continue our contest downstairs." Min Jun said leading Phil into the kitchen and grabbing two cans of soda from the fridge. The boys continued their fun in the playroom.

"Appa can i have another pop sickle?" Ji Yeon asked sleepily as she sat up.

"Why don't you try and eat some real food." Jin suggested.

Ji Yeon shook her head no."Food makes me sick."

Jin soon came back with some crakcers and ginger ail. He placed them in front of Ji Yeon and strted the next movie on the shelf.

"Try and eat alittle of that." Jin instructed as The Little Mermaid began to play.

Ji Yeon really didn't want to throw up again. So she took a small sip of the ginger ail. She noticed it helped her stomach. She grabbed a cracker and ate it. She noticed nothing happened and soon ate all the crackers in the package. she finished off the ginger ail since it seemed to help keep the food where it belonged.

"Can I have a pop sickle now?" Ji Yeon asked hopefully.

"What kind?" Jin asked not wanting a repeat of earlier when he kept bringing the wrong flavor.

"Pink." Ji Yeon answered not remembering the flavor.

Jin came back with the pop sickle and left Ji Yeon to watch her movie while he made the boys a snack.

"Whatcha watching?" Phil asked peaking into the living room.

"Mermaide." Ji Yeon answered.

"Ok. Enjoy your movie. I gotta go have a farting contest with your brother now." Phil said disappearing.

"Boys are gross." Ji Yeon muttered as she finshed her pop sickle.

The rest of the day consisted of more movies, pop sickles, and crackers.

"It's time for bed." Jin announced after he had cleaned up the dinner dishes and sent the boys to bed.

"I want to wait for eomma." Ji Yeo pouted as she watched Brave.

"She'll be home late." Jin said sitting beside his daughter.

Ji Yeon crossed her arms stubbornly and glared at her father.

"Ji Yeon." He warned. She then began to pout even more.

"Just one more movie?" Ji Yeon pleaded. She had just started Brave and she loved this movie no matter how many times she had watched it.

"I think you've watched enough movies for one day." Jin said reaching for the remote only for it not to be in its place. Ji Yeon held it tightly under the blanket so her father couldn't turn the tv off.

"Fine." Jin sighed sitting back in defeat.

Towards the end of Brave Ji Yeon fell asleep. Jin was about to put her in her bed when he heard the door open softly.

"Why isn't she in bed." Mi Sun whispered softly as she sat down.

"I tried." Jin said holding up his hands in defence."She's very stubborn."

"What did you two do all day?" Mi Su asked.

"Watched every princess movie we own." Jin answered.

"You wanted a girl." Mi Sun mused pulling Ji Yeon into her arms and carrying her to bed.

"Eomma." Ji Yeon said sleepily lifting her head from her mother's shoulder.

"It's late. Go back to sleep." Mi Sun said gently pushing her daughter's head back down.

"I had fun with appa today." Ji Yeon continued still with her head down. She fell back to sleep as soon as she was put into her bed.

She spent the next few days with Jin and soon she was wll enough to return to school.

"I got all better thanks to my daddy." She told the class upon her return.