Author's Notes:
LAST CHAPTER! Thank you everyone who has shown your support for this fic :). I do apologize for all the grammatical mistake, spelling errors, plot holes, or anything.


There was not a lot of people when Nico stepped into The Oracle. Will's beaming smile greeted him as Nico walked to the counter.

Once Nico stopped right in front of the counter, Will arched a brow. He tilted his head a bit to the left as he eyed Nico. Nico shifted awkwardly, unconsciously tugged the beanie that he was wearing.

"Is it already that cold out there, Neeks?"

"Huh?" Nico blinked. "A little?"

Will's lips twitched into a smirk as he folded his arms on the counter.

"Really? Is that why you're wearing a beanie today?"

Nico's hand flew to his beanie. "Yes?" He said, cringing at how his voice sounded so unsure. "Besides, the forecast said it's going to snow this evening," Nico added, fixing the gray scarf around his neck. And no, he wasn't lying. The forecast did say they would have their first snow of the year this evening,

A beat of silence passed between them, then Will suddenly leaned forward and grabbed Nico's beanie off his head.

"Hey!" Nico protested and tried to grab his beanie back. But Will already hid it behind his back, and he stared at Nico with a look that made Nico's brain freeze for a moment.

"You had a haircut," Will said with a mix of surprise and amusement in his voice.

"Yeah. Last night." Nico chewed his lower lip and ran a hand over his head. "It's…getting a little bit too long so… yeah. I decided that maybe it's time? To have a haircut?"

Will still stared at Nico and there was a hint of a smile on his lips, so vague that Nico was not sure that Will was smiling. Nico nervously hid his hands into the pocket of his jacket. He shifted his weight to the balls of his feet.

"What do you think?" He asked.

The vague smile got wider and Nico's heart skipped a beat to see the twinkle in Will's eyes.

"It's nice…." Will said. "I like it."

Nico let out a breath that he didn't know he's been holding. It surprised him to realize that this was the first time for him that someone's opinion mattered for him.

"Really?" He asked once again.

Will nodded. "Yeah. You look good," he said. "I mean… It… It looks good on you."

"So, you guys done flirting or any of you still have some lame pick-up lines to say?"

The two of them snapped their head to where the voice came from. Leo was standing by the door that led to the kitchen area of the coffee shop. Next to him, a tall guy with black hair and green eyes were grinning.

"So, is that your boyfriend material, Will? The one that Leo has been telling me about?"

Nico quickly ducked his head down as he felt his face was burning.

"Leo! Percy!" Will hissed as he stormed with wide steps to where the two boys were standing.

Leo and Percy quickly pulled the door and ran away from him, but Nico could still hear their laughter.

Boyfriend material, Nico thought to himself as an involuntary smile breaking in to his lips.

The sound of the door creaked open made Nico lifted his head up. Will walking out from the kitchen area, his face was blushing furiously.

"I'm sorry for those idiots," Will said and sighed. "I swear that they were just 5 year old trapped in the bodies of college students."

Nico chuckled and he smiled at Will. "Nah. It's fine," he said.

Because really, Nico didn't mind being a boyfriend material for Will.


Will grabbed the side of the counter as he suddenly needed to hold on something to steady himself. It was weird, almost ridiculous how Nico's smile could affect him like this. Like suddenly his heart was replaced with a thousand butterflies that flapped their wings inside his chest like crazy. And that new haircut?

Whoever it was that made Nico have the haircut, Will was grateful for them. Somehow the undercut made Nico's defined cheekbones look even more prominent. And there were still enough curls at the front, which looked so soft and Will started to think about how it would feel to run his fingers through those strands of dark hair.


Will blinked.

"Uh. Okay. Yeah. The usual?" Will asked, feeling rush of heat at the back of his neck.

Nico nodded. He paid for his order and took a seat at his usual table.

Will turned around, about to prepare Nico's order, and bumped to Leo.

"Whoa! Leo! What are you doing there?"

Leo grinned and shoved a cup to Will's hand.

"Medium peppermint mocha, his usual order," Leo said. "And take off your apron."

Will's brows furrowed down. He glanced at the clock on the wall. It's still another 20 minutes before his shift is over. Will looked back at Leo.

"But, Leo-"

"Don't worry, I'm sure Paul won't mind letting you go off earlier tonight."

Will's head jolted to where Percy was standing by the kitchen door. Percy was leaning against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest. He had a teasing smile on his lips.

"I'd talk to Paul. I can cover for you. It's not a hectic night and I don't have anything else to do for the rest of the night, anyway," Percy said and shrugged his shoulders.

"Are you sure?"

Percy laughed.

"Yes, Will. I'm sure," Percy said, the laugh remained as a teasing smirk on his lips.

"Now come on, Will," Leo said and clasped Will's shoulders. "Just take off that apron, get your stuff, put your coat on and go to wherever it is that you and that pretty boy over there are planning to go," he said as he pushed Will, steering him to the kitchen area.

Will tried to protest but maybe Leo was too strong, or maybe it was him that didn't really want to refuse the possibility of getting off work earlier.

As Leo steered him to walk past the door, he turned his head to the counter. Percy was calling Nico's name and placing his order on the counter. Percy turned his head to Will, and winked at him right before Leo shoved him into the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Will took a deep breath as he took off his apron. As he put it away in the hamper, he wondered how much longer he could deny his own feeling about Nico.

It was terrifying, to have this kind of strong feeling and desire towards someone. And from the way Nico stared at him with that soft look, was it wrong for Will to think, to hope, that Nico felt the same way?

What if it was just Will's imagination? What if it was just Will having an expectation too high, he has misread all the signs that he thought Nico has been giving?

And most of all, what if he said, or do something stupid that would just ruin everything?

Something that started as some small sparks inside of Will has grown into a flame of affection and desire. And it scared Will, that the flame would burn everything down.


Five minutes later, Will was already standing by the table where Nico was sitting.

"Hey," he said, fiddling with the strap of his backpack.

Nico looked up from his phone and smiled brightly at Will. He slid his phone into his pocket.

"Hey," he said. "Percy? Is that his name?" Nico gestured with his chin a little to the counter where Percy was talking to Leo.

"Uh huh. That's him," Will said as he slid down to the chair in front of Nico.

"He told me that you got off earlier tonight." Nico looked at Will, a half-smile gracing his lips. "What's the occasion?"

Will cleared his throat. He flashed a glance to Percy and Leo from the corner of his eyes.

"Uh, nothing," he said, almost cringing at how his voice was a note higher. "Just… Umm… Maybe he's just trying to be nice to me?"

Not the most convincing answer. And from the way Nico's brows shot up, along with an amused smile on his lips, Nico didn't seem to buy that answer.

"Anyway," Will said, quickly standing up. "Maybe we should go now."

"Sure," Nico said as he stood up, fixing the gray scarf around his neck.

"Hey, Will!" Leo called him as they walked away from the table.

"Huh?" Will stopped and turned on his heels.

"Don't forget this," Leo said, throwing Nico's beanie to Will.

Will caught it, and pretended he didn't see the way Leo wiggling his eyebrows.

"Come on," Will said. "Let's get out of here."

Will pushed the door and held it for Nico. The door closed back behind them, and they were about to walk when Will felt something wet fell on his face.

He stopped, and looked up. White snow flurries were falling from the night sky.

"It's snowing," Nico said softly.

"Well," Will said, tugging his lips into a smile. "Good thing you have this, huh?" Will lifted his hand that was holding Nico's beanie.

"Come here," Will said, slightly tugging the hem of Nico's black jacket. Nico made a 90-degree turn on his heels so now he was facing Will.

Will put the beanie on Nico's head, gently tugging it at the sides to fix its position on Nico's head. Nico's rebellious hair still sticking up at the front, the dark curls become a contrast over the gray beanie.

"There," Will said, sliding his hands into the pocket of his coat. "Don't want you to catch a cold, huh?"

Nico smiled at him in a way that made Will wanted to freeze the whole moment so he could keep it forever.

"How about you, Will? You don't want to catch a cold, do you?"

Will laughed lightly. "Naaahhh… I am good," he said. But Nico tugged the sleeve of his coat.

"Hey," Nico said as Will eyed him with a brow arched up. "Take this," he said as take off the gray scarf that was hanging around his neck. Before Will could say anything, Nico already tiptoed so he could put the scarf around Will's neck.

Will forgot how to breathe.

Nico took a small step backward and his cheeks were blushing and Will swore that if someone told him that Nico was an angel, he would believe it wholeheartedly without even thinking about it.

"There," Nico said. Will's throat suddenly felt dry but somehow he managed to whisper a quiet thank you. The familiar scent of cinnamon that he usually only vaguely smelt from Nico now become more prominent with Nico's scarf around his neck.

"Come on," Nico said. "We better go now."

Will nodded and started walking the pavement that was starting to be covered with a sheer layer of white snow.

They were only a few feet away from The Oracle when Will felt Nico's hand sneaking in to hold his. Without even thinking, Will shifted his hand, letting Nico's fingers slide in between his. Nico squeezed his hand lightly, and Will's heart stopped beating for a second. He stole a glance at Nico while keep on walking side by side, hand in hand. Nico kept his eyes straightforward, but Will could still see the slight curve of Nico's lips, painting a smile.

Will's chest constricted and despite the snow that kept falling down from the dark sky, Will felt so warm inside.

They were halfway to their apartment complex when Nico tugged Will's hand that he was holding. The two of them stopped on the quiet pavement, right under a street lamp.

"Just wait a second, I just want to finish my coffee," Nico said as he pulled his hand away from Will. He brought the carton cup to his lips, and finished the remaining drink in it in a few gulps. Nico then threw the cup to the trash bin near them.

This time, Will was quicker. He was the one grabbing Nico's hand. Will could barely hear a small gasp that escaped Nico's mouth. Nico looked up. His cheeks were rosy red and there was a small stain from his drink on the top of his lips.

Still holding Nico's hand, Will used his free hand to gently brush the stain away. His eyes never left Nico's as his finger touched Nico's skin, his heart beating like crazy as he rubbed it, trying to get rid of the dark stain.

Once the stain was gone, Will pulled his hand away, but didn't let go of Nico's hand that he was holding with his left hand.

Nico licked his lower lip but his eyes were still locked at Will's. Soft snow flurries kept on falling from the sky. Some snowflakes fall on Nico's curls, quickly melted away. And under the yellowish light from the lamp, Nico looked so beautiful. Dark curls sticking out from his gray beanie, his dark eyes that were staring at Will from beneath the long and thick eyelashes, the defined cheekbones and the dark pink lips.

"I'm scared," Will whispered.

Nico angled his neck just a bit. "Scared?" He asked. "Of what?"

"Of myself," Will said. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to calm himself. When he opened his eyes back, Nico still stared at him and Will fell just a little bit deeper into those eyes.


Will bit his lower lip before he answered. "Because I really, really, want to kiss you right now. And it makes me scared. Me wanting to kiss you."

Will's chest was moving up and down quickly as his breathing got more shallow. Nico lifted his free hand up and carefully cupped Will's cheek with it.

"Why it scared you?"

Will swallowed and he had no idea why he still had the self-control that was holding himself back from kissing Nico.

"What if I ruin everything by kissing you?" Will said, his voice low and slightly trembling.

Nico was smiling now, a curve of pink lips over his olive skin, slightly glowing under the street lamp. "I think that it's me that you should be scared of, Will," Nico said, gently stroking Will's cheekbone with his thumb.


"Because I want you to kiss me so badly, if you're not going to do it now, I might have to punch you."

Will snorted lightly. "Please don't."

"To be honest, I don't want to. You're too pretty to be punched."

Will didn't know whether it was him or it was Nico that was leaning closer or probably both of them. Not that it mattered, though. Not when Nico's face was so close. Not when something inside of Will was about to explode.

"So maybe I should just kiss you?" Will whispered, his heart was hammering in his chest.

"Just kiss me now, Will."

Will's brain automatically stopped working. He let go of Nico's hand so he could cradle Nico's face with both hands as he slowly pressed his lips to Nico's. Nico's hand that was on his cheek slid down to his neck as Nico was kissing him back.

Will could taste the trace of peppermint and dark chocolate left by Nico's drink as his lips gently slid along Nico's lips. Nico's lips were warm and the warmth quickly spread inside of Will, like electric sparks inside his vein. Will moved his lips, tracing and mapping Nico's lips with his own. Nico let out a content sigh which was the borderline of a moan. His lips moved along with Will's, slotting their lips together as his other hand flew to the side of Will's head, raking his fingers through Will's locks of hair.

The snow kept on falling, and they kept on kissing under the street lamp.

The snow kept on falling, and they let all the words that have been waiting to be said spoken through their kisses.

After the need of fresh air had become unbearable, Will pulled away, just a bit, and rested his forehead against Nico. He held Nico's waist and didn't even bother to erase the grin off his face as Nico wrapped his arms around Will's neck.

Will was half-panting and he felt a bit giddy inside. His face was starting to hurt from grinning but Nico was grinning too and Will just felt ridiculously so very happy, like everything became lighter and brighter.

"So," Will nuzzled the tip of his nose against Nico's nose. "Did I ruin anything?"

"No," Nico shook his head. He planted a quick chaste kiss on Will's jaw. "You just make things much, much better."

Will stroked Nico's sides gently. "So, what are we now? Boyfriends?"

Nico chuckled lightly and rested the side of his face against Will's chest. "Whatever you want to call us. As long as it means we're together. As long as it means that I'm with you, and you're with me."

Will had always thought that he had a good life. And he liked his life. But with Nico, he liked his life even better.
