"Where is Camilla?"

What? My brains short circuited, he can't be talking about my Cami. It's just the same name, it's not that uncommon. She's dead, she can't be here.

"She's sleeping, she didn't feel so good." Jordan looks sympathetic as if this is a recurring problem.


"And memories. Jake, do you like spaghetti?" She asks trying to change the topic.


"Tell me something about yourself, how old are you?"

"Nineteen." I answer with only a short hesitation. The conversation continues while Aryana and Jordan try to skirt around the topic of my kidnapping, which I'm totally fine with. After a while I politely excuse myself to go to toilet. They aren't suspicious of me now and I could try to find the others. As if reading my thoughts Aryana suggested that I go upstairs rather than downstairs, because the one next to the door doesn't work anymore.

Camilla pov

A blaring alarm, darkness. Where am I? How did I get here? Why can't I remember anything? I don't even seem to remember my name. Cautiously I move my hand, looking for any signs to get to know my surroundings. A cage, boxes with something in them. An animal? Okay, let's get this straight, I am in a moving cage with an animal and god knows what else...

Opening one of the boxes, I feel the contours of a knife. Perfect, at least I can defend myself if I get attacked. The cage rattles and stops moving. I hear voices, all male. Maybe hiding is better than fighting right now, if there are a lot of people I won't be able to fight them. I quickly hide the knife and conceal myself by sitting behind the boxes.

Vaguely I am aware that I'm dreaming, but it doesn't really register. Suddenly I'm running in the maze, grievers are chasing me. I manage to hide myself behind a few bushes. Wait a second, bushes? There are no bushes in the maze. Yet again, I am reminded that I'm only dreaming. Nothing here is real, but I'm still afraid that the griever can find me. I just have to think of a safe place and I'll get magically transported there. With Newt? Says a little voice in my head, who I completely ignore. The trick is to forget the griever or it will follow you everywhere.

Suddenly I'm lying in my bed. Thank God that that nightmare is over. I sit up, trying to shake the fear off that the dream-griever gave me.


My head whips around faster than you can say griever. Standing in the door opening is Newt. The light of the corridor, surrounding him like a halo, gives him an ethereal appearance.


An hysterical sob leaves my lips and I launch myself at him. His arm wrap around me and I cling tightly to him. My happiness at seeing him is slightly damped by knowing that I'm still dreaming. He looks like I remember, only a bit more rugged and aged.

"You're alive, you're alive." I mumble against his chest, letting a few tears fall on his shirt.

"So are you."

All the strength I had left leaves me and I completely sag against him. We both sink to the ground and I sit clumsily in his lap, not wanting to let him go. Afraid that he might disappear when I loosen my hold over him.

A single drop falls on my neck, a tear, and I know it isn't mine. My tears are currently staining Newt's shirt. My breathing becomes steadier and I fight against the emotional exhaustion.

Without warning I wake up in my bed, alone, no trace is left that suggest that

Newt was ever here.

"Camilla, are you awake?"

"I'm up." Putting my clothes on I go downstairs. Aryana has already put breakfast on the table.

"Was somebody here last night?" I can't resist to ask.

"Yes, Jordan and his brother. Sorry, I didn't wake you up, but you seemed so exhausted."

"I didn't know Jordan had a brother."

"It's a long story, that you have to ask Jordan."

Silently I eat the rest of my breakfast, thinking about the wonderful dream.

"C'mon Camilla, you'll be late for school."

I hop in the car and stare out of the window while my head rests against it, watching the landscape as we drive by.

"Did something happen? You're uncharacteristic quiet."

"Just a dream."

"A nightmare or a dream?"


"You wanna talk about it?"

I stay silent for a minute, mulling the over the offer. It normally does help if I talk about it.

"First it was a flashback, then I was running for my life." Aryana doesn't know all that I've been through and I'm keeping it that way. "Then I thought that I woke up."


"I dreamt that Newt was in my room." I've told her about a Newt before and she knows the basics. More importantly, she knows that he's dead. She looks sympathetically at me, I can't stand the look of pity on her face and stare out of the window.

For the rest of the ride I'm silent, I've got no desire to speak about the past. Arya knows it too and she doesn't try to begin a conversation.

When we arrive in the school, I'm only just in time for my first lesson. I've got history with Scott and Malia. They and their friends are a bit weird, but they are nice. Allison just survived a mugging, she spent a few days in the hospital recovering.

In my head I give them automatically positions. Scott, Liam, Allison and Malia would be runners, Lydia could be a trackhoe and Kira a doctor. Although Malia would certainly fit in with the baggers with that attitude. Apparently Stiles used to be really close to Scott, but since he has been kidnapped before I arrived I didn't know him. For a while I thought he might be kidnapped by WICKED, until the nogitsune showed up.

At the end of the lesson I bump into Scott, my books fall on the floor and he doesn't hesitate to pick them up. He's a nice guy like that.

"I'm sorry, Camilla, right?"

I give him a small smile. "Yeah, and you're Scott."

He raises one eyebrow in response to my answer.

"You're quite popular."

He chuckles. "Believe me, that wasn't always the case."

Honestly that surprises me, he seems like a really popular guy.

"Are you alright?" Scott asks concerned, as if he can feel that I'm sad.

"Yes," I lie through my teeth. "Everything is fine."

I can see in his eyes that he doesn't quite believe me. Fortunately for me, he decides to drop the matter.

"Do you want to sit with us for lunch?" He asks out of the blue. "It's just, I've seen you sitting all alone and you look like you could use a friend."

I'm angry that he interferes with my life, on the other hand he distraction is very welcome. Especially, today.

When the lunch bell rings I'm a tad hesitant to sit with the popular people, but when Scott sees me, he beckons me over. I see the others look at him, I'm not stupid I know they aren't bursting with happiness to see me. Nevertheless, they are amicably and for once in a long while I genuinely smile again.