Rewatched Hancock again over the weekend and this idea came to me, I know there aren't a lot of fics for it and idk if this will even get any hits but oh well I'm writing it anyway.

I own Nothing.

Mary smiled down at the three-year-old little boy in her arms, it was getting late and he had fallen asleep. Her husband had surprised her with movie tickets that night and they had left their son with a friend.

Now they were making their way home, she kissed the top of her little boy's head and smiled when her husband took her hand.

"You look radiant tonight my love." He kissed her hand.

"So you've told me." Mary smirked a little before leaning over to kiss his cheek.

"Well yes, but I like constantly reminding you how lucky I am that you're mine." He smiled and pulled her close.

Over the years she would typically separate from him whenever they started becoming too mortal. Her husband was a hero, he'd save people and stop the bad guys, and eventually as if by some cruel fate, the bad guys would always get to him through her. He'd always manage to save her, but at the same time he'd always receive some kind of mortal wound. She'd leave him for his own good, so that he could heal. But they'd always find their way back to each other. This particular reunion resulted in their son.

They were passing through an alleyway after leaving their friend's apartment when he stopped in his tracks. "Do you hear that?"

Mary tightened her arms around the toddler, pulling him closer to her chest nodding. "There are four-no, five of them approaching from behind..."

He instinctively turned and pushed her behind him. "Get little man out of here."

She watched wide eyed as a group of men with various weapons started to surround them, normally she wouldn't have been worried but mortality had already started setting in as of late.

"What is your business with me?" Her husband asked the group of men as she slowly backed away. They seemed to be a gang and she had an inkling as to why they were angry.

"You got our boss tossed in the slammer, ruined our whole operation. We don't take too kindly to guys like you." The biggest one barked out.

Mary had found a bunch of boxes and sat Theo down in one. "Mama…?" The toddler rubbed his eyes and looked around confused.

"Shh, it's OK baby. I need you to stay right here while I go help daddy OK?" She reassured him.

Theo was very young but he understood what was happening when he heard the sounds coming from the middle of the alley. He nodded his head and crawled to the back of the box to hide while Mary went to help.

She helped her husband take out the gang with little effort, but what happened next caught her off guard. She could hear whimpering coming from the end of the alleyway. "Teddy?" She turned and saw that one of the gang members was holding her child in the air by the collar of his shirt. "Teddy!"

The young boy was crying and squirming against the man's grasp. "Mama! Daddy!" He tried to reach for them.

"Don't worry I'll get him." Her husband promised before stepping forward.

What happened next seemed like it was taking place in slow motion as he walked towards where Theo was. Another man appeared from the shadows behind him with a large pipe in his hands.

"JAMES!" Mary screamed as the pipe connected with the back of his head with a sickening crunch. Mary ran forward and tossed the man against the wall, knocking him out before James even hit the ground.

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, she was furious, she wanted to check on her husband but her son was in danger. She made her way towards her son, but came to a screeching halt when she saw that the thug had a gun to the toddler's head.

"I wouldn't try anything if I were you..." The man started to back away using Theo as a shield.

Mary felt helpless, normally she'd be fast enough to get Theo away from him before the thug could even blink, but she was considerably weaker. She prayed to herself, hoping the man would drop her son as soon as he got away safely. She managed to turn her attention to her husband for a moment and realized there was blood gushing from his head.

"James…sweetie...? Please…they've got our son!" She pleaded for him to wake up, she could hear sirens, someone in one of the apartments above must've called for help.

There was a gun shot a few moments after and Mary could feel it in her bones, she had a deep connection to her son and her husband, she knew her baby was hurt. "TEDDY!"

She shot up in her bed breathing heavily, she could feel the tears running down her cheeks. It had been awhile since she'd had that particular nightmare. Ray was off on business in New York, she was actually glad he wasn't home. She brought her knees to her chest, buried her face in them and sobbed.

She didn't want to have to explain things to him that she herself wasn't even ready to talk about. It had been 81 years since that day, but it was still fresh in her mind. The day her life forever changed.

They never said what Hancock's real name was but James seemed like a good fit for me. Reviews are nice. Mistakes are mine, sorry if I missed any.