"I still can't believe you're dragging me to a bar!" shouted Blake, over the roar of Bumblebee's engine
"It's the only place I could think of that Ruby and Weiss wouldn't want to come to!" Yang yelled back, taking another sharp turn and grinning when she felt the faunus's arms tighten around her waist. "Plus, it's not a bar, it's a night club!"
"That doesn't mean I'm going to enjoy it anymore!" shouted Blake. "Why couldn't we have just told them that we were going to the library or someplace quieter!?"
"One, a library isn't a fun place for a first date; and two, it's almost eight at night. Who's going to believe that we were going to study that late!?" asked Yang.
"A bar isn't exactly romantic either Yang!" shouted Blake, before the bike pulled up to a nice restaurant and stopped.
"Again, it's a club, not just a bar, but you're right and that's why we're here" stated Yang, getting off the bike and removing her helmet to smooth out her hair.
"Figured you hadn't told me to dress nice just so you could take me clubbing" said Blake, taking off her own helmet; which had been killing her cat ears, and handed it to her partner. "We should really get a new helmet for me if I'm going to be riding across town with you on this thing."
Yang sighed. "I told you. If people saw you wearing a helmet that was designed for faunus ears, then people would get suspicious. You do still want to keep them hidden? Don't you?"
It was Blake's turn to sigh this time. "Yes, people can't be allowed to see who I really am before they learn to accept who I am on the inside."
A calloused hand lifted the black-haired girl's chin and her lips were met by another warm pair. Yang then pulled away to give her secret date an understanding smile. "The people who really matter already know and love the real you Blake and I swear to you that the rest of the world will too one day."
Blake smiled lovingly and went to close the distance between their lips once more before a subtle cough interrupted them. "May I park that for you ma'am?" asked the young valet, looking slightly uncomfortable at the intimate moment before him.
Yang smirked and turned towards the young man, tossing him her keys before walking past him with a pat on his shoulder. "Sure thing kid! Just don't scratch her if you don't want to leave work tonight in an ambulance, alright?"
Blake smiled slightly and giggled at the boy's gulp of fear and walked past him as well. "Don't worry, she's only joking. Though I would be extra careful with it."
"Y-yes ma'ams!" exclaimed the young man, after recovering his initial shock and both women had to contain their laughter at his reaction.
"Did you really have to threaten him Yang?" whispered Blake, once the boy was out of earshot.
"Well there are a lot of things I want to do tonight and being in the back of a cop car isn't one of them" replied the blonde, giving her date a playful grope that caused the cat faunus to jump slightly. Before the amber eyed woman could say anything about it the couple had entered the restaurant. Blake felt slightly underdressed at the establishment; not that everyone was wearing dresses and tuxes, but they weren't wearing nice black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with an open jacket over it either and wondered how much this was costing Yang.
"Hey there Pant!" said Yang suddenly to the nicely dressed and groomed man at the front stand.
"Hello Yang, it's nice to see you again" said the dark blue haired man, not looking up from his list on the stand. "I take it you're here for your eight o' clock?"
"Yup, even made sure to be on time this time" replied the woman, looking weirdly pleased with herself.
The man smiled slightly at the girl's attitude and grabbed two menus from beneath within his stand. "Very well then, follow me please your table is already for you." As the trio walked the Pant and Yang made small talk while Blake glanced around the place. "So how is your father doing now a days? I hear he's finally returned to his teaching job at Signal?"
"Wow, you have been out of the loop Pant" stated Yang. "He went back to teaching a few years ago and is still living in Patch; though he's by himself now that Ruby and I are at Beacon."
"Please call me Pantone when I'm working Yang" sighed the man. "And I did hear you were accepted into Beacon, but your sister is only fifteen, isn't she? That's awfully young to be at a huntsman academy already, isn't it?"
Yang shrugged. "Yeah, but she managed to impress the headmaster by stopping a robbery and he made an exception for her."
"Well remember to give her my congratulations then" said the waiter as he stopped at a table and allowed them to take their seats before handing them their menus.
"Couldn't you just congratulate her with a favor like you did for me?" asked Yang.
"If she happens to start dating anyone before her first year if up then I suppose so, but I know how socially awkward that girl is, so I think a simple congratulations might have to do" stated Pantone, before he regained his professional demeanor. "Now then, your server shall be with you shortly and I hope that the two of you enjoy your night." The finely dressed man gave a bow, leaning slightly towards Blake so he could whisper something to her. "And be sure to watch yourself around Yang. She's broken more hearts than I have fingers." He gave the faunus one last smile before heading back to his station at the front of the restaurant.
"He spreading gossip about me again?" asked Yang, with a smirk.
"No, just telling me to watch out for a heart breaker" replied Blake, causing Yang to laugh slightly. "So how do you two know each other?"
"He grew up on Patch with my dad and trained to be a huntsman along side him at Beacon, but after a few years out in the field he decided to become a business owner instead" explained Yang. "Opened this place up and has been doing pretty well so far. Sorry about blind siding you, but you honestly didn't need to dress up for this place. It might look really nice, and it is, but the reason this place is booked so much is because the food is amazing." Glancing at her date's own attire of blue jeans, a yellow shirt, and her own brown jacker, Blake could tell that Yang was either telling the truth or didn't care. Before Blake could say anything however their server arrived.
Almost an hour later, and Blake was stuffed with a delicious and perfectly cooked fish. 'Yang wasn't kidding about this place having amazing food' she thought in bliss, before a something touched her leg and she opened her eyes to look at her smirking date.
"Enjoy your fish there Blake" asked the blonde.
"It was incredible. We definitely need to come here again sometime" stated Blake the cat faunus.
Yang laughed. "Told ya it was good, but if we want to comeback soon then you'll have to pick up the bill next time."
"Small price to pay" whispered Blake, while the food was a bit pricey, it was certainly worth it.
"You already for desert?" asked Yang.
"I don't think I could eat another bite" groaned Blake.
"Don't worry, the desert I have planned should actually help you burn off that fish" stated Yang, causing the faunus to stare at her partner.
Suggestive lilac eyes shined back at Blake in the dimmed light of the restaurant. "I-I don't know Yang. That first time was kind of a lust fueled rush and I don't really want us to just be using each other to get off."
Yang leaned back, a frown replacing her smile and concern filling her eyes. "Neither do I Blake. I just kind of assumed that maybe you'd be up for it after the romantic part of our date was out of the way is all."
"I take it this is the first time that you've actually dated anyone?" asked Blake.
"Well, yeah, kind of" said Yang. "First time I'm really trying anyway. The others were party animals like me and the adrenaline of a club always managed to get us going you know." The blonde sighed and rubbed the back of her head in frustration. "I'm just, not sure how to do this whole dating thing properly, you know?"
Blake smiled and reached across the table to grab the other woman's hand. "It's alright Yang. I'm not exactly experienced in this kind of thing either. My first time with anyone was in the middle of a terrorist camp out in the woods. However we do this though, we can figure it out together." The two shared a tender glance before they leaned in a shared a soft kiss.
"Alright then, you ready to go home and sleep off that fish then?" asked Yang.
"Actually, maybe I could go for some dancing to help me work it off instead" said Blake, getting a surprised look from her date before an eager smirk graced the blonde's face.
Almost three hours later, the door to a nice hotel room was kicked open; after being normally unlocked via the keycard, and the yellow and black couple entered in a heated and desperate kiss. Blake's legs and arms were locked around her lover as the blonde squeezed and fondled the faunus's tight ass through her pants; while the other threw the room's key card onto the nearby mini-bar, and her one of her legs kicked the door shut.
Blake mewed as she was placed onto the room's table and purred when the hands that had been groping her found their way to the bottom of her t-shirt; her jacker already hanging haphazardly from one of her arms. A pleasurable chill ran through Blake's body as familiar calloused, and yet somehow still soft, hands glided their way up her sides along with her shirt. Pulling away briefly to discard the clothing before clinging to each other once more in heated bliss. Once Blake felt her black bra disappear however was when she really started to lose herself. Feeling those same hands handle her breasts so firmly, massaging her mounds and playing with her erect nipples caused the faunus to purr and shamelessly grind into her lover as much as she could. "Mmmm, Yang" moaned Blake breathlessly once their lips separated once more.
The blonde's mouth didn't take long to find a new target as it began licking and sucking along the topless woman's neck and all Blake could do was shutter and cling to the other woman desperately with every sweet spot that was found by the skilled tongue. Grinning at the pleasure she was giving her partner, Yang laid the faunus down onto the table and sucked on a particular point that had her lover convulsing in ecstasy. Her hands then left the firm breasts she'd been kneading to fiddle with the other woman's pants; managing to get them down to her knees before her shoes stopped that attempt. It didn't matter though as Yang gave Blake one more kiss, which the pleasured woman desperately tried to cling to, before she kneeled before her lover's dripping pussy and dug in.
"Yang!" screamed Blake in overwhelming pleasure as said woman sucked on her clit while driving her tongue in as deep as it could go. The first time her partner went down on her like this had been good, but Blake hadn't been nearly as turned on that time and she could swear that Yang's tongue was finding entirely new sweet spots and the faunus shook on the table. Yang absentmindedly removed her lover's shoes, socks, pants, and panties while she helped Blake to speed towards her first orgasm, and once the blonde had successfully removed the offending clothes and repositioned herself perfectly between the other woman's smooth and shapely legs before she thrusted two of her fingers into the faunus to join her tongue. "Oh gods, Yang! Fuck me!" cried out Blake as her first orgasm shook her so hard that she was seeing stars.
Yang smiled and enjoyed the taste of her lover's juices before resumed her work to bring the woman to her second orgasm as quickly as possible. For Blake, it was almost as if the blonde was making her cum non-stop and she desperately lifted her crotch off of the table and pushed it into Yang's mouth as much as she could. Her toes and legs seemingly locked straight as her cries of pleasure echoed in the room; no doubt arousing (in both ways) the neighbors. "Yes, Yang! Fuck me! Fuck me please! Make me come hard! Fuck!" shouted Blake as her second orgasm shook her to the core and she finally collapsed onto the table in bliss.
When she felt her partner finish drinking up the rest of her juices and withdraw herself from her snatch, Blake whined before she caught sight of her partner undressing. Gaining an immediate second wind, Blake sprang off of the table and practically slammed the other woman down over the tv stand. "Wha-Blak-ahhhhh!" cried out Yang as the faunus girl yanked down her pants and dove hungrily into her girlfriend's wet pussy. "Ahhhh-fuck! Your tongue is sooo-ahhh rough Blake! Mmmmm!" moaned Yang in ecstasy as her partner wasted no time exploring every inch of her love canal with her unique tongue.
As Blake drowned in the tastes and sounds of her partner's pleasure, she stuck three fingers into her own wet snatch and started to ride herself. Yang wanted desperately to play with her own breasts right now, but couldn't find any strength to even lift her upper half off of the wooden display and instead clung to it for dear life. "Fuck me please Blake! Fuck! Deeper! More! Fuck! Yes!" screamed Yang as her senses were flooded by her first orgasm. Blake greedily drank up her girlfriend's fluids before she allowed herself to fall backwards and began fingering herself faster and deeper than before, determined to bring herself to her third orgasm.
Yang caught her breath after some seconds and managed to shakily lift herself off of the furniture. Turning around, Yang almost immediately came again at the sight of her girlfriend's mindlessly fingering herself and was tempted to join her before she remembered the gift she'd brought in her purse and finished undressing before she left the faunus to get off on the floor.
Another cry shook the room as Blake finally erupted into her third orgasm, leaving breathless and blurry to the world around her. That is until she felt herself get picked up and carried over to the bed. Blake barely had time to register what was going on before a familiar mouth and tongue silenced her and she happily accepted it. Once Blake started to settle into; what Blake assumed was, their post-coital kiss, she suddenly felt something big drive into her and her scream was swallowed by her blonde lover.
Yang didn't even give the faunus time to recover or adjust before she started a fast and deep pace into the woman beneath her. The strap on she was wearing sending them both into heaven with each delicious thrust. Their mouths and breasts meshing together perfectly as they shamelessly ground into each other at full force. After a few minutes of this Yang decided to try something new and glided her finger delicately around her girlfriend's ass before inserting it slowly. This caused Blake to break their kiss and moan out deeply at the sudden, but not unwelcome, intrusion. "Fuuuuuuuck!" moaned Blake, before she found herself being dp-ed by the foreign objects and lost her voice.
Yang was having the time of her life. She was pounding into Blake from the front, surgically playing with her front the back, and had her mouth sucking hard on her love's perfect tits. The bed shaking and head board slamming into the wall with each delicious thrust, as Yang gripped the other girl's waist to increase her penetration.
Blake convulsed in orgasmic bliss as the dildo inside of her drowning snatch brushed against every single spot that could've possibly given the girl pleasure. The tip of the toy brushing against, but not slamming into, her womb. And the finger, knuckle deep in her ass stretching, poking, and prodding anything it could find. "Oh gods! Deeper Yang! Please for the love of gods! Fuck me harder! Yaaaaaang!" They kept up this frantic and desperate pace for nearly fifteen minutes before Blake was finally hit hard by her sweet release and she passed out from the sheer force of her orgasm as wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.
Yang passed a glance at the faunus once she'd gone quiet to find her lover deep in a blissful sleep and smiled before placing a loving kiss on her mouth. She then slowly, enjoying every feel of the woman's pussy, drew out the dildo and detached it from the harness she was wearing. She looked it over, glistening in the faunus's cum, before kissing the tip and placing the dildo back onto the harness. She then removed the device from herself and placed it down onto the floor facing straight up. The brawler gave her partner one last kiss on the lips, then neck, then right breast, before she positioned the toy to her own pussy and sank down onto it with a hiss of relief, feeling it fill her completely.
Yang wasted no time adjusting before she began riding the ridged phallic with everything that she was. She closed her eyes, desperate to feel every bump and ridge of the fake cock, just imagining her lover beneath her wearing the thing and thrusting up into her. As Yang startled to lose breath and gain sweat and speed, she opened her eyes to feast on the sight of her girlfriend's naked body. "Mmmmm, fuck Blake!" moaned Yang in bliss, using one hand to keep her balance while the other snaked down to play with her clit. She began rubbing the button of nerves and riding the delicious cock beneath her with renewed vigor as she felt herself nearing her own release. "Fuck me Blake! Fuck me with your big thick cock! Make me your bitch please!" Yang begged breathlessly, closing her eyes once more to really savor the feeling.
Only to be pushed down onto her hands and knees suddenly and when she turned her head to see what was going on her lips were met by her now very much awake lover's. "Anything for you love" whispered Blake, into Yang's ear after she broke of this kiss. Then cat faunus retreated momentarily to strap the harness on to herself, admiring the fake yellow dick coated in the blonde's juices before she gripped the girl's hips and drove herself into Yang.
"Fuuuuck!" moaned Yang in ecstasy as Blake began to drive into her wildly from behind. Now she didn't have to imagine the cat faunus fucking her like most guys at Beacon probably wanted to as the girl above her leaned down enough for her breasts to press against the blonde's back. Her smooth hands finding the girl's hips and using the leverage to send herself as deep as she could into the woman below her. "Mmmmm, you like it when I'm inside of you Yang?" asked Blake, trying to take on her dominant role. "Like when my big cock is driving deeper and deeper into your pussy with every delicious trust?"
"Yessss!" moaned Yang. "Fuck me deeper! Make me remember this for a week! Please!"
"Oh you'll remember it Yang. Don't you worry about that" purred Blake, pushing the blonde's upper half into the ground in order to drive deeper into the sweaty and desperate blonde. The sounds of their wet hips slapping into each other with each hard and fast thrust. Their moans echoing off of the walls as they lost themselves in pleasure. It wasn't just them anymore however as the room they were facing was filled with moans and squeaking springs from their neighbor's bed. This caused Blake to pound Yang as much as she could, desperate to beat their neighbors to orgasm. Their combined moans getting deeper and louder as time went on when Blake suddenly remembered what Yang had done to her and immediately thrust a finger into the blonde's ass. This final push sent Yang over the edge as her back arched and a loud cry ripped from her throat, momentarily tuning out their competitors before she collapsed in exhaustion.
Finally too exhausted to do anymore, Blake withdrew the dildo from her lover and licked the shining phallic clean. Yang sat up and turned herself towards Blake before they shared one last long and passionate kiss. The two girls then crawled back into bed and cuddled up under the cover, completely spent from their activities for the night. Falling asleep cuddled in each other's arms to the rhythmic headboard banging of their neighbors.
There ya go, chapter two. Now, one of my reviewers "Inuruto" asked me for a bit more romance, and honestly the first half of this chapter is all I can offer in that department. There will be some sweet moments throughout the fic, but it's mostly just Blake and Yang going wild and screwing each other in different places and scenarios. So, yeah, I wouldn't expect much of an actual story if that's what you're looking for. Now, I did decide that I'll include others if you guys/gals ask for them (and if I want to do what you suggest), but whatever you ask for will involve both Blake and Yang as they're still the main couple despite them deciding to be open and experimental. Anyways, that's all I've got for you guys/gals for now and I'll see ya next chapter!