Power Rangers Star Force
By: MissyKQueen (Kaitlynn)
Chapter 1 First Impressions
In the land of Cawdor, the 15th century to be exact a war is raging, a war that has consumed countless innocent lives and conquered most of the land as well. This war I introduce you to is led by an evil sorceress…a sorceress once said to have been good until she tasted the power of evil.
Now her only thoughts are of gaining more power to become an entity so strong that no one on the planet can dare challenge her. However, there are a few who challenges her as I speak to you now but I must say those who are opposing her at this time are losing with even greater losses..
As dark power is seen flying all across the land coming from nowhere it seems those who have survived so far are trying their best to get out of the way for if they don't the dark power will scorch them to death as soon as it lands a touch. Suddenly a woman's voice of a raspy tone is heard in the winds covering the land.
Old Woman's Voice-The amulet of power….give it to me…I must have it!
Another voice is heard in the winds but this one is one that of a man with an equally old sounding tone, he responds..
Old Man's Voice-You will never get your claws on the amulet, the stars of power will eradicate your evil!
Old Woman's Voice-I will rip this land to pieces and continue to spill innocent blood until you give me the amulet of power!
A whirlwind of energy appears and rips through the air, it quickly strikes the spot in the wind where the old man's voice is coming from, his screams are heard and then seconds later a huge blinding light emerges and covers the entire area as if a divine intervention took place and you know what? It did.
500 years later in the middle of nowhere, a blinding light appears and settles itself down right in the center of a very hot desert and when it disappears it reveals its traveler who's found lying on the hot desert's sand and barely able to breathe. Covered in a blue star sparkle robe, the traveler Myndor is a wizard, he has very bright white long hair covering his entire head, blue sparkling eyes and a long white beard, he isn't very tall and his body is quite old and shriveled looking. He was trying to fight off the sorceress Sinistar but unfortunately he is losing his magical powers but at a slow pace.
Myndor finally awakens as the sun beats down on his back, he stands up and materializes his magical power staff. Feeling there is a reason as to why he was sent to this area, he looks around and sees absolutely no sign of life so he decides this would be a perfect place to set up his base. Looking around and seeing absolutely no sign of life, he decides this would be a perfect place to set up his base. He uses his failing magic to materialize an invisible chamber, where he will stay for a while, and outside of the chamber, Stonehenge. Whoever walks close by as Myndor permits will enter his chamber, so on the outside his chamber appears to be Stonehenge but this is just an illusion to hide his new temporary home. As he enters, he quickly notices his cauldron filled with a mystical and powerful wave of energy, which he calls the Wizard's pool. He looks into it and asks.
Myndor-Wizard's Pool, where am I exactly?
The wizard's pool begins to glow and says in multi group tone.
Wizard's Pool-Five hundred years into the future. The stars of power intervened after Sinistar attacked you in the winds. They brought you here.
Myndor-Thank goodness for the stars of power.
Wizard's Pool-Yes, but do not look at them as a permanent safeguard from Sinistar's power, the stars have brought you to this specific time period for a reason.
Myndor-Yes I figured I was brought here for a reason, that is why I have made this place my temporary home for the time being.
Wizard's Pool-Open your hand to receive their gifts.
Myndor obeys and opens his right hand and very suddenly swirling magic from the wizard's pool emerges from it and makes its way to his hand where it lays and forms into three very beautiful looking star gems with the colors of pink, red and yellow.
Myndor exclaims with happiness.
Myndor-Wonderful. Most wonderful!
He becomes slightly confused and asks.
Myndor-But what of the blue and black star gems?
Wizard's Pool-They are not necessary at this time.
Myndor-How can that be?
Wizard's Pool-Time will reveal all.
Myndor-Very well.. You have never steered me wrong before so I trust in your wisdom.
Wizard's Pool-It is not the wisdom of us Myndor, it is the wisdom and will of the stars.
In the city of Terra Falls, lives many people, the city is beautiful but not very big, although it is growing still. We go to the local high school, where we meet a girl and a guy who go by the names of Nakia Lewis and Ryan Mitchell. Both, Nakia and Ryan have been friends for a very long time and both ended up going to the same high school even though they didn't think they were.
Nakia is 5'6, she has long dark hair, brown eyes, an athletic build and is of African American descent, she is found in the gym area putting up decorations for Friday's dance. She's wearing a pair of yellow shorts and a white t shirt. Her friends of the Caucasian descent Jessie and Linda come walking into the gym carrying lots of cd's and a stereo, they both are wearing jeans and t shirts. Nakia walks down from the ladder and notices her friends, she says.
Nakia-You know this will be the best dance ever given here.
They put down what they're carrying and respond.
Jessie-I know.
Linda-I think so. You do have a lovely sense of decoration Nakia.
Nakia-Why, thank you.
They both smile.
Jessie asks Nakia reluctantly and teasingly.
Jessie-So is Ryan going to take you to the dance?
Nakia says in choked up tone.
Jessie-Yes, Ryan.
Nakia-No, he's not, he's just my friend, he's not my boyfriend or anything like that.
Jessie-Oh come on, everyone knows he likes you, and you like him.
Nakia-Oh don't even go there.
Jessie-Just calling it as I see it.
Nakia-Ryan and I are friends, and that's it, the end.
Jessie-Ok ok, if you say so.
Nakia-I do. Now, are you guys going to help me tonight? I have to order some food and set up some more things around here.
Jessie-What do you need us to do?
Nakia-Help me set up.
Jessie-What about Ryan? Isn't he going to show up tonight?
Nakia-I don't know, he hasn't been showing up at night around here for a while and he won't tell me the reason.
Nakia-Weird I guess.
Linda-You know I don't understand why the principal doesn't assign a crew to decorate this place.
Nakia-Well that's quite simple Linda. I have fabulous decoration sense, so that's why. You said so yourself.
Linda-That's true, but you do need help.
Nakia-That's what friends are for, eh?
They all smile.
Linda-And if I do say so myself, you'd make an excellent leader.
Nakia chuckles.
Meanwhile, within a very dark temple of evil, arises Sinistar an evil sorceress and leader of the evil beings of her world. Her temple is filled with many statues of darkness, a very large cauldron located at the center of her temple and threads of spider webs hanging from every corner. From each side of the cauldron lies large totem poles with the power of harnessing evil from the past and creating monsters to serve Sinistar in her evil quest for power. Sinistar is not very tall, she has long white hair, long sharp nails almost claw like, and extremely sharp teeth, her face is very old and ugly which matches her attitude. She always wears her sorceress' robe and always holds her staff of dark power.
Inside of Sinistar's cauldron lies a green potion which gives her the chance to speak with her three advisers, Cerebrum, Cerebral and Cerebrus, the three essence' of mind. When she needs their advise she calls for them and they appear as smoky essence' floating above her potion within her cauldron.
Sinistar has been waiting to hear from her minions on the whereabouts of Myndor's existence, but they haven't returned. Once she has found him, she will transport her temple to the time in which he has escaped to.
Meanwhile, later on, Nakia meets up with her friend Ryan, who's been waiting for her outside of the high school. Ryan is 6 feet tall has short dark hair, blue eyes, a goatee a muscular build a handsome face and is Caucasian, he is wearing a red t shirt, and a pair of black jeans and tennis shoes, and as he see's his friend, he puts on a smile. Ryan says bye to his guy friends as Nakia walks up to him.
Nakia-Hey Ryan.
Ryan looks at Nakia and responds.
Ryan-Hey, what's up?
Nakia-Well I'm almost finished with decorating the gym for the dance on Friday.
Ryan-That's cool.
Nakia-Yeah, but I'd like to go do some shopping before the day is completely over.
Ryan-Want me to go with you?
Nakia-Sure, it might be fun.
Ryan-Shopping, fun?
Nakia smiles. As they leave the high school, Nakia reluctantly asks.
Nakia-Ryan, um just out of curiosity, why haven't you been around lately to help me with decorating the gym?
Ryan-I've been busy, I'm sorry though.
Nakia-I wouldn't of asked if you didn't promise me.
Ryan-I know.
Nakia-I had to ask Jessie and Linda to help.
Ryan-I'm sorry.
Nakia-Okay, I was just wondering.
Sinistar stands over her cauldron within her dark temple, and soon her generals return to her. Dragonlord, the strongest is a dragon beast warrior, Elephantytan the second general is an elephant beast warrior and finally Skylark is a lark beast bird warrior, all reappear and reassemble next to their leader. Sinistar says to them in a dark and raspy voice.
Sinistar-Have you found Myndor?
Dragonlord responds.
Dragonlord-No, we haven't, its been..
He is cut off due to Sinistar sending out a huge bolt of yellow lightning out of her eyes towards her minions, the yellow lightning surrounds them and holds them above her, they groan and moan out in pain as the lightning stings them.
Sinistar says in a very serious tone.
Sinistar-You know it is imperative that I must find that fool! He has the star gems! But most importantly, he has the amulet of power that I need to make my power supreme!
Dragonlord says weakly.
Dragonlord-Yes.. We're.. Sorry!
She releases them and they all fall onto the hard stone floor together. Sinistar looks at them as her eyes begin to flash slightly with yellow lightning.
Sinistar-I say once again find Myndor, immediately!
Dragonlord says in a frightened tone.
Dragonlord-As you command.
Sinistar-I cannot stress that order anymore than I already have! You do have a bit of an advantage since his magic is leaving him slowly therefore rendering him unable to hide forever!
Skylark says.
Skylark-We will do everything in our power to find him Empress.
Sinistar-See that you do. Now go!
The three bow and disappear very quickly.
Nakia and Ryan make it to the mall, as soon as they walk into the main entrance of the mall, Nakia walks right into a girl carrying a couple of bags, they both fall on opposite sides of each other. The girl's name is Zelda Stephens, she is very pretty and she has long blonde hair, blue eyes and she stands when she does stand at 5'4. She is wearing a pink tank top and a white jean skirt with tennis shoes. Ryan helps both of them up at the same time.
Zelda-Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going for a minute.
Ryan and Nakia notice the girls' accent.
Ryan-Hey, where are you from?
Zelda-I'm from Australia.
Ryan-Hey that's cool. I'm Ryan by the way.
Zelda-I'm Zelda.
Ryan-Nice to meet you.
They shake hands, and Nakia cuts through their handshake and says.
Nakia-And I'm Nakia.
She puts her arm around Ryan's waist and gives Zelda a "he's mine, so stay away" look. Zelda backs away and picks up her bags. Ryan looks at Nakia and whispers.
Ryan-What's this for?
Nakia-Oh, just a friendly gesture.
Ryan smiles.
Zelda walks back over to them and says.
Zelda-I moved here because of more opportunities, I don't have many friends, so I thought I'd get rid of my boredom by doing some shopping.
Ryan-Well hey since you don't have any friends, would you like to hang out with us sometime?
Zelda-Sure, if.
She looks at Nakia and timidly asks.
Zelda-That's okay?
Nakia puts on a fake smile and says.
Nakia-Sure, its perfectly fine.
Ryan says to Zelda.
Ryan-Nakia and I are going to do some shopping, then later on probably go out to the movies or something, wanna come with us?
Zelda-Oh sure! I'd love too.
Nakia sighs.
Sinistar once again sends her three generals out into the realm of time, where they continue to search for Myndor. Meanwhile, Myndor stays within his chamber trying to figure out how will he be able to find suitable humans to give the power of the universe to. He materializes the three star gems given to him earlier by the Wizard's Pool. The three star gems, Red Fire, Yellow Stunner and Pink Wind all begin to sparkle as they glow.
Myndor doesn't know this, but as the star gems glow, they automatically allow any being with power to detect them, and so Sinistar's evil minions have finally detected what time Myndor has settled in. They don't know his exact location but they do know he is existing in the year 2017 and within the city of Terra Falls.
The Wizard's Pool immediately warns Myndor of Sinistar's generals appearing within the downtown limits of the city, he looks into the pool and see's them.
Myndor-Oh no! It can't be now!
Dragonlord starts laughing as he and his comrades release band after bands of horrid energy blasts towards the screaming people, they all three walk together slowly and cause lots of trouble, destroying cars, buildings and streets with their evil power. Dragonlord yells out.
The three evil beings make it close to the mall, and inside, Ryan, Nakia and Zelda hear lots of screaming from the outside, they look at each other and rush outside, they find Dragonlord, Elephantytan and Skylark torturing the residents of the city. Zelda exclaims.
Zelda-What are those things?!
Ryan-I have no idea!
Nakia-Me either!
Zelda-Is this what this country has to offer?
Nakia-Of course not!
The screaming grows louder and the three rush over to confront the evil beings. Ryan steps up and yells out.
In the Wizard Pool, Myndor see's Ryan, Nakia and Zelda trying to stop the evil beings from hurting more people.
Myndor-Those three, they could be the chosen ones.
Dragonlord laughs at Ryan, Nakia and Zelda, he then looks at Skylark and says.
Dragonlord-Skylark, do your thing and get rid of these pests!
Skylark plucks two feathers from her wings, she hurls them close by Ryan and the others, soon the feathers explode, they cover their eyes, and as they uncover them they notice many bird like warriors ready to fight.
Nakia-Oh jeez, what.
She is cut off by Zelda's exclaiming question.
Zelda-What do we do?!
Ryan-We fight!
Nakia-Ryan's right, come on, lets roast those birds!
They rush over to the bird warriors, and the fight begins. Nakia does an awesome back flip, she then places both of her legs on the neck of one of the bird warriors, gets a firm grip and swings the bird warrior sideways, she immediately stands back up and starts doing front kicks, side kicks and back kicks. Zelda punches a couple of bird warriors at the same time, she then does an awesome floor sweep and causes a few of the bird warriors to fall onto their backs. Ryan does a tornado kick and then a back kick, he then jumps up and over a few more of the bird warriors and lands on his feet, he then does a floor sweep and causes them to fall. Soon all of the bird warriors are subdued due to Nakia, Ryan, and Zelda's awesome fighting skills, they screech as they are all kicked into a huge explosion. The three turn around as the huge explosion clears up into the sky.
Dragonlord looks shamefully at Skylark and says.
Dragonlord-Humans! Humans defeated your warriors!
Skylark-Doesn't matter! We have more important work to do!
Dragonlord-Of course, but I'm not going to leave without giving them a going away present!
Dragonlord laughs and takes one of his scales off, he then hurls it into the air, and as soon as it lands on the ground it explodes and transforms into a hideous slimy reptilian monster. The three generals disappear quickly. Ryan looks at Nakia and Zelda worriedly. The monster growls intensely and its eyes begin to glow.
Nakia-What are we going to do now?
Zelda-I was just about to ask that.
Ryan-We have to do something, to protect the people here.
Nakia-But what?
The monster fires its claw torpedoes towards them, they groan out as the torpedoes explode and send them flying onto the hard cement. Myndor continues to watch as the fight begins and Ryan and his friends begin to lose, he immediately says to the Wizards pool.
Myndor-Wizard's Pool, transport them here so I can help them gain more power!
The wizard's pool begins to glow, and soon it sends out a blast of glittering energy which makes its way to Ryan and his friends, the energy starts swirling all around them.
Zelda-What's this now?
Ryan-I don't know.
Nakia-I hope its nothing bad.
Ryan's body starts glowing red, Nakia's body starts glowing yellow and Zelda's body starts glowing pink. Soon they are transported away from the dangerous site and are taken right to Myndor's domain. The swirling energy drops them off and disappears.
They hear a voice.
Myndor-Walk into Stonehenge.
Zelda asks.
Zelda-Did you hear that?
Ryan-Me too.
Zelda-Do you think we should listen to it?
Nakia-Yeah, and afterwards I have a new house on the moon I'd like to sell you.
Zelda-But what are we going to do? We've got to fight that monster before it destroys everything.
Ryan-Zelda's right, come on, this might help us, or hurt us.
Nakia-And you really want to find out?
Ryan-Yeah. Something inside me says we have too.
Nakia sighs.
They all walk closer to Stonehenge.
Zelda-But what did the voice mean when it said walk into Stonehenge? There's nothing to walk into.
Nakia-Well obviously we walk till we find something.
The three walk around the area, when they walk into the middle, they see they have entered an invisible barrier, and inside they find a beautiful chamber.
Nakia-Oh gosh, this is cool.
They see pictures of beautiful beings, life from the stars. Pictures of a Red Firebird, a Yellow Hydra, a Pink Hawk, a Black Centaur, and a Blue Dolphin catch their eyes.
Nakia-Wow, beautiful pictures of these creatures.
Zelda-I'll say.
They hear the same voice they heard a few minutes ago.
Myndor-Thank you.
They turn around and notice a very old man in his blue star sparkle wizard's robe holding his staff, they notice his other hand holding something else which is making it glow with multicolors. Ryan asks.
Ryan-Who are you?
Myndor comes into complete view, he then says.
Myndor-I am Myndor, wizard of the past, I was brought here to find help against my and your enemies.
Myndor-I have witnessed your fighting abilities. And I have decided you must be the chosen ones.
Ryan-Chosen ones?
Myndor-Yes, you must takes these star gems.
Myndor shows them the three star gems. They look at them and gasp.
Nakia-They're beautiful.
Zelda-I love jewelry but this is all too much for me.
Myndor-I assure you these are much more than just plain jewelry. Please, you must do what you can to stop Sinistar's evil minions before they destroy this planet in search of the amulet of power.
Nakia-Amulet of Power?
Myndor-Yes, a very powerful amulet, forged by the ancient druids and powered by the stars themselves, it has untold energy within it and will give its power to anyone who holds it.
Ryan-What can we do?
Myndor-You have the chance to transform into powerful warriors capable of fighting Sinistar and her evil minions.
Ryan-All right, I'll do what it takes to stop that monster attacking our city now.
Nakia-Me too.
Zelda-Count me in, but I still think this is too much.
Myndor gives Ryan the red star gem, he then gives Nakia the yellow star gem and finally he gives Zelda the pink star gem. He steps back and says.
Myndor-Ryan, you have the power of the red fire star gem, the Firebird shall protect and guide you.
He looks at Nakia and says.
Myndor-Nakia, you have the power of the yellow stunner star gem, the Hydra shall protect and guard you.
He looks at Zelda and says.
Myndor-Zelda, you have the power of the pink wind star gem, the Hawk shall protect and guard you.
Ryan looks at his star gem, it starts to glow brightly red he then asks Myndor.
Ryan-How did you know our names? We didn't tell you.
Myndor-Magic has a way of letting me know what needs to be known.
Meanwhile, Sinistar is informed of where Myndor's whereabouts are in time, she immediately picks a spot underground within the city of Terra Falls, she teleports her temple there and says to herself as her eyes glow.
Sinistar-They had better be right! Soon I shall find that miserable wizard and destroy him, and enslave this planet! My power will be supreme!