Chapter 9: Bella

Nessie's POV

"Come with me," Bella said very eagerly. "You and I will be sharing a room,"

"Wow I've never seen someone so excited to give up their privacy and share their room with someone," I commented. Seriously she was way too hyper and excited about all of this.

"Well I'm different," she said so matter of factly.

"Wait what about my sister?"

"She'll be with Rosalie. Sorry we don't have anymore rooms available for you two,"

"You're awfully happy about this aren't you?" I asked. "About having a roommate I mean? Why?"

"Maybe its just because your my roommate,"

"Why does it matter that I'm your-"

"Because your my dau-never mind that's not important,"

She was rambling now and I got the feeling that she was hiding something from me. Changing sentences like that? A sure definite sign that she was hiding something.

"What were you going to say?"

She looked worried. "What no-nothing,"

I raised my eyebrows. "Really because it sounded like you changed your sentence mid-sentence,"

"No I didn't,"

"Bella I'm not stupid you know,"

"Nessie please just drop it," she begged. "It was nothing,"

"Okay," I said. I would do what she said even though I knew that I was right.

She led me to her room. The first thing I noticed was that there was only one bed.

"Bella I can't sleep in your bed-"

"Why not?" She asked, sounding hurt.

"It doesn't feel right forcing you to share your own bed like that," I admitted.

"Nessie you aren't forcing me to do anything. I'm willingly sharing my bed with you. Don't worry about that I don't mind one bit,"

"You sure?" I asked, unsure.

"I'm positive," she said. "Now let's unpack,"

"I got it from here thanks,"

"But I want to help you," she said.

I took a deep breath. Just because I was sick it didn't mean that I needed help with every single little thing.

"Just because I'm sick doesn't mean I always need help with every little thing," I snapped.

Bella looked worried now. I felt bad I didn't mean to upset her or anything.

"I'm sorry Nessie I didn't mean-"

"It's okay Bella. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I'm sorry. I just hate when people pity me all the time,"

"It's okay Nessie. I wasn't pitying you or anything I just wanted to help,"

I sighed. Now I really really felt bad.

"Actually maybe I could use some help figuring out where to put all of my stuff. Mainly my clothes,"

I opened one of my bags and started unpacking all of my clothes with Bella. I realized something was wrong when she suddenly froze with one of my favorite tops in her hands.

She looked angry. Beyond angry even. Her hands shook so badly that I was afraid she'd rip my top on accident.

"What's wrong?"

"Vampire Pixie," she said through gritted teeth. Now I was really confused. She was angry at type of clothes I wear?

"Excuse me?"

"You wear her line of clothing?"

"Um yes I don't understand why you're upset. Most of my clothes comes from Vampire Pixie's line of clothing. I love her clothes it's the best out there!"

"I never want to see you wearing her clothes again!"

"Excuse me I really don't know what my clothing choices have ever done to you but who are you to tell me what I can and cannot wear? Not to mention the fact that I'd be getting rid of like 95% of my clothes just to please you. Which I'm not doing by the way,"

I could tell she was getting angrier by the second and I really didn't understand why at all. How could clothes cause her so much anger so suddenly?

Just as she was about to say something I heard Esme call is down for dinner. Thank God as I really didn't feel like arguing with Bella over what I chose to wear.

God this family is getting weirder by the second!

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