Alex, Kara, Winn, J'onn, James are teleported into a room, shortly after Barry, Iris, Cisco,

Caitlyn, Wells, Joe, Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Thea, and Sara appear

"Barry?" said Kara

"What are we doing here?"

"I can answer that" a voice from the back said

"Who are you" said Barry

"I am Minaco"

"Ok... Minaco what are we doing here?" said Cisco

" Ahh Cisco, you are all here to see each others shows"

"Shows?" said Sara

"I don't have time to start explaining just look at the screen"

"Ok?" said Cisco

"Oh and by the way we're starting with Supergirl"

The tv turns on and we see a young girl and her parents

My name is Kara Zor-el, 24 years ago my planet Krypton was in serious Peril

We see a baby being put in a pod

my cousin Kal-el was sent to a planet called earth for his own safety and protection

you may know his story

The story you don't know is that I was sent to protect him

"But isn't Kal- I mean superman way older than you?" asked Barry

"Watch and you see why" said Kara

"Your pods coordinates are interlocked with Kal-el's you will follow him to earth" said Kara's father

"I'm not afraid father" said Kara

"The trip is long but you'll sleep most of the way and be with you in your dreams"

"You'll journey to earth to look after your baby cousin Kal-el because of the earth's

yellow sun you'll have great powers on this planet you will do extraordinary things" said Kara's mother

" I won't fail Kal-el or you" said Kara

Kara's mother kisses Kara on her forehead

"I love you Kara" said Kara's mom

A tear falls from Kara's eye

The planet starts to shake

"You must go now" said Kara's mom

Kara starts to walks to her pod but then goes back to hug her mother goodbye

"Go" said Kara's mom

Kara gets into her pod then flies away

This didn't exactly as my mother planned

We see Krypton explode

"No…" said almost everyone in the room

Krypton's explosion sent a shockwave that knocked my pod off course and into the

phantom zone a region in space where time doesn't pass

Kara's pod gets knocked off course by the shockwave and goes into the Phantom zone

I slept there for 24 years

"24 years!" said Cisco

Until somehow I got here

Kara's pod crashes on earth

When I arrived I was still a 13 year old girl but in that same time my cousin Kal-el and

revealed himself to your world as superman the most powerful man in the universe

We see superman putting his hand out to Kara

My cousin wanted me to have the same safe, human type childhood he did so he place

me with his adoptive family the Danvers scientist who once helped him understand his own super abilities

Kara walks up to the Danvers

"I know i'm not your mom sweetheart but you're safe here" said Kara's earth mom (Idk her name)

They had a daughter Alex

A girl is shown looking through the window

And Despite being born on different we both shared one thing we both knew our lives would never be the same again

My cousin he didn't need my protection

Superman flies away

I didn't have a mission anymore

But even though I had all the same powers he did

I decided the best thing I could do is fit in

We see the grown up Kara walking through the streets of National City with her phone and coffee in her hands

After all earth didn't need another hero

"So what made you want to be a hero now?" Asked Oliver

"Just wait and see!" said Minaco