Hey everybody sorry this took so long but between school, work, and my personal life this just got pushed back. But the next chapter is already underway and I can't wait to get into the next arc because the aftermath arc is done. Oh and I had som serious fun with Danzo.

Anyway I don't own Naruto

However the OCs are mine.

The Storm Passes

But the March Continues

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not what one would call a sadistic man but there was a certain joy he took from watching Danzo suffer a taste of his and every other kage's worst enemy, paperwork. Now ordinarily Hiruzen would have either a. thrown him in prison or b. had him executed. Circumstances however made that difficult, first he did not need the potential political power vacuum to throw the village into chaos in the process of recovering, second without Danzo there was a strong possibility of a Root uprising without the only source of direction they'd ever known, and third the threat of Nisshoku Kari was too dangerous to ignore.

So, he'd gotten creative in his punishment of his old friend which led to the hilariously evil punishment. Between his usual paperwork, the repairs, and the several hundred people who'd died, the paperwork pertaining to the Roots would be too much for him to handle. He had decided to push the responsibility onto Danzo under his and two ANBU agents' supervision. Watching his old rival breakdown in tears from a writing cramp brought on by several hours of paperwork warmed his heart. Danzo was horrible at paperwork and was incredibly unorganized often times leaving others to deal with it, which was the very reason Tobirama had looked over Danzo and favored Hiruzen.

"Danzo keep working," Hiruzen instructed his old friend. "We need those finished by the end of the day."

Danzo actually looked at Hiruzen in horror as said Hokage continued to breeze through his paperwork as though it were nothing, only taking small breaks to massage his hand and take a sip of water.

"Look on the bright side after you finish with the Root citizenship forms, you'll get a few days off as we're still waiting for all the medical tests to go through and can begin the paperwork for their integration, which will probably be five times more than what your doing there," Hiruzen explained.

Danzo's cry of despair could be heard quite far and brought a smile to many of the older Shinobis' faces.

Meanwhile at the hospital a certain busty blonde slug sage was angrily filling out another medical report. Tsunade Senju considered herself a reasonable person given what she'd been forced to go through the last few days. An ANBU team had approached her and her student with orders for all active medic-nins to return to Konoha. At first, she'd laughed off the order until she realized it was for Shizune and not her she'd been forced to return or risk Shizune being hunted as a Missing-nin. Yes, she had been upset about that however given the fact that the village needed healers and when all the work was done not only would they be free to leave but they'd be compensated for the work. So, she couldn't really complain about that. Hell, it wasn't even her perverted former teammate that she was angry at considering they'd only had one encounter and he hadn't even done anything wrong.

No, her rage was directed at Danzo, the Roots were in horrible shape especially the younger members. Many suffered from malnourishment, damaged muscle, broken and/or fractured bones, and illnesses. Honestly the list was so extensive that it boggled the mind how bad it was. Many of the younger members didn't even understand the importance of eating meals and hygiene.

Then there were the reunions, those had been the biggest emotional rollercoaster for her. Danzo had kidnapped several hundred children in the wake of the Kyubbi attack. Many of which still had family mourning them. The pained expressions of many parents when they'd meet the child, they'd thought they'd lost only to be replaced by what could be described as a human doll, broke Tsunade's heart.

Honestly the only thing that stopped her from hunting down Danzo and beating him to death with her super strength was the torture he'd be forced to endure from all the medical paperwork he'd be needing to fill out. As well as paying for all the treatment for his former subordinates out of his pocket.

Honestly the bastard had never really considered anything other than power when creating Root. Now he'd be facing the consequences of said actions. Yes the bastard would still be in power but had lost a large amount of trust from the people who still supported him before the attack. Hell, the current elders had been consequentially neutered of any real authority they'd have.

However, Tsunade wasn't an idiot war was definitely coming and Nisshoku Kari wasn't going to play fair. If they were prepared to kidnap a child inside the walls of Konoha what would the do to get her on their side. She'd been informed of Orochimaru's demise and knew if these people were capable of killing him while also defeating other S-rank shinobis then what would they do to her or worse Shizune.

It took her aback how inconsiderate she'd been to her own apprentice. She'd remembered the smile on her face as she had befriended a child who'd been brought in for a check up by Kakashi. The kid had been silent and shy but had become a ball of sunshine after a little coxing. She'd never seen Shizune laugh so freely before until that moment. Worse it made Tsunade question how her decisions affected her. Shizune didn't go hang out with friends or pursue a relationship, no she was taking care of her drunk master. It amazed her Shizune didn't hate her. Shizune had begun making friends and going out after her shifts with people for dinner. Which led Tsunade to ask herself one question 'could she really force Shizune choose between her and the people she'd befriended?'

The answer was no. Shizune was like a daughter to her and she just couldn't strip her of the happiness she'd found her. If her grandmother Mito was still alive, she'd probably be scolded for hours on how inconsiderate she was of the people around her. As well as how devastated that child would feel. The brat would come visit during her lunch break and they'd enjoy each other's company. The child had recently gone through a traumatic event and even she couldn't be selfish enough to take the child's new big sister away from him.

However, this led to more troubling thoughts, Sensei was getting old and it clearly showed, and while he was still a powerful shinobi he might not survive a fight against someone who could take Orochimaru. Meaning there'd need to be a new Hokage soon and there were only five people strong enough to fit that position that could be chosen. Fugaku Uchiha, Hiashi Hyuga, Kakashi Hatake, Jiraiya, and herself. Danzo wasn't a factor as no one in their right minds would support him. Fugaku could be taken out of the running immediately the man couldn't do his own paperwork no way could he be trusted with important village documents. Hiashi could also be eliminated on his image alone. He was a cold, apathetic, and ruthless man who was the head of a clan that branded and enslaved their own members. Many feared that the man may place caged bird seals on them in order to ensure loyalty. Kind of the same reason Orochimaru was overlooked, no one wanted to risk being the next lab specimen for the creepy scientist. Which left three that were strong enough, proficient at paperwork, and had a generally positive image. However, Kakashi was now a Guardian to a young child and wouldn't have the time and Konoha needed a spy master now more than ever. Leaving her as the last candidate.

Nisshoku Kari was not attacking them just yet as they were still engaged in conflict with Iwa and while Nisshoku Kari was their enemy no one was eager to help Iwa. Honestly their best option was to rebuild and fortify their defenses. Which gave her time to consider what she should do.

Rin was angry with herself, she'd had one job get in, get Naruto, and get out. However, she'd failed, she'd failed Kushina, she'd failed Minato, she'd failed Nisshoku Kari, and she'd failed herself. If she'd actually made an effort to find an effective counter against lightning Justus, Naruto would be with her. However, she'd procrastinated with her training she saw that now, and next time she wouldn't lose to Kakashi. She'd create the perfect counter against him through hours of training how she never considered this before inspired her to continue training and improve herself.

"Rin, hey," said a voice breaking her out of her thoughts.

Turning towards the voice she was greeted by a petit woman who was a head shorter than her. Her long blonde hair and red eyes were very distinctive. Making her something of an exotic beauty.

"Yui what's up?" Rin asked.

"It's close to lunch time and I was planning on spending it with Tatsuo and I decided you should join us," Yui explained with a mischievous look.

Rin rolled her eyes, Yui was a good friend and was very supportive of her but had this weird obsession with getting her and their friend Tatsuo together.

"Yui," Rin warned.

"Come on Rin its been days since we spent any time with you," Yui bemoaned. "You've basically shut us out to train. I get that the mission was important to you but you can't just waste your life obsessing over it."

Rin sighed before letting Yui drag her off to a tent in the camp they were currently in so they could get something to eat.

"Look who decided to join us," greeted a man with short black hair and a beard. His tight but revealing shirt doing nothing to hide his well-defined chest.

"Tatsuo," Rin acknowledged.

"Come on let's get some grub while its still there," Tatsuo informed.

The two ladies followed their male friend in line and received their meals before heading to an open table and sitting.

"So Yui, what are you doing back at camp?" Tatsuo asked inquiringly at their friend.

"Simple I finally got the information I needed to get from those moron Jonins," Yui answered with a mirthful smile.

"Wait so we finally have it?" Rin asked in surprise.

"Yep," Yui answered. "My sisters and I had to stay around some pretty cheap bars but eventually I found a target that could provide us with what we needed, and with a single kiss it was all over." The last part was insinuated with a quick kissing face.

"Damn," Tatsuo commented edging away from her.

"So Ishigakure is finally going to fall and the end of the Shinobi era is about to begin," Rin summarized with a determined smile on her face.

Man Iwa is in trouble

wonder what that information was about

and whats this about a kiss.

Also please review and offer suggestions if you have them.