A/N: Hey, here with chapter two. Here we get Kirsten's viewpoint. As usual, I don't own the O.C., belongs to Josh Schwartz and FOX. Just showing my appreciation for the show.

Chapter Two: Fears and Reassurances (Kirsten, Mother and Wife)

"I...guess I should go see if things are okay with Ryan, and if Taylor's done anything colossal.. Uh...I'll give you a signal Soph." Seth places a hand on Sophie's which is clutching me tightly. Seth then leaves going through the doors to the living room.

"Need anything?" Summer stays behind looking to me and Sandy. "I was going to make some chocolate milk, want some Soph?" Summer looks to her sister.

Sophie, for her part looks up briefly, pursing her lips together.

"It's okay Sweetie." I say. I think making an exception on the no sweets before dinner rule can be alright just this once.

"You'd better make good on that Kiddo before she comes to her senses." Sandy puts an extra bit of urgency in his voice. Normally I'd roll my eyes, but this school assignment, Ryan's response to it, Sophie's response to Ryan's response: disregarding the no sweets before dinner seems a minor transgression. "Sandy, honestly." I shake my head.

Sophie looks between Sandy and I, and then to Summer. She nods her head and walks over to Summer near the fridge. "I think this calls for extra chocolate don't you?"

As the girls are whispering and preparing their drinks, I take a look at my daughter's project. Of course, we'd decided to leave it up to Ryan whether or not he ever wanted to tell Sophie the whole story. There had never really been any need, at least we didn't think so. Seth and Ryan had always been close. They both referred to each other as brothers, and Sophie had always known Ryan as her brother. He may have signed papers differently, but that didn't matter. At least, we'd thought so.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" Sandy sits next to me squeezing my hand.

I look at Sandy. "Should we have explained it more?"

"Explained what?" Sandy takes a minute. "That Sophie has two brothers that love her?" He shakes his head. "When Ryan's ready to explain, he will."

I look back at Sophie, who has began the inevitable game when milk is involved, of blowing bubbles into it. "They're different Sandy."

"And he and Seth weren't night and day when I brought him in?" Sandy smiles. "If we had three interrogators, this family would've been on the news years ago. They'll work things out. They've handled dilemmas before."

"I know." I can't help but smile slightly at Sandy's assessment. "That day…"

Sandy raises his eyebrows.

"When I went with Seth to visit Ryan… I would've never thought, but then everything happened with Dawn, and now…"

"Now we've got three kids who are fantastic." Sandy says. " I don't think Sophie'll let Ryan hide out forever. She's your daughter. The Sophie's just as stubborn as the Kirsten-"

"Hey, watch it."

"And the Nana. She's got both of you working for her. I don't think it'll be an issue for much longer."

"You're right..of course."

"Well, if you say so." Sandy grins. I slap his arm and give him a kiss… just as we feel someone between us.

"Ew, mom and dad get a room you two!"

We're broken apart as Sophie clambers into Sandy's lap. Sandy, can barely grab the large glass of chocolate milk balancing and adjusting himself and it above Sophie's head, before drops of the liquid are on the floor as he places it on the table.

"Sorry, sorry, I tried to keep her busy." Summer places her own glass of chocolate milk on the table.

"Don't worry about it." I shrug. "We were just talking."

"Nuh-uh." Sophie shakes her head. "Dad was being too much of a gentleman for it to be just talking."

"Sophie Rose!" Sandy's trying to hold back his laughter.

"Well it's true." Sophie's voice goes softer as she leans back into her father's shirt. "Seth and Ryan said if you and Mom are being polite and hand holdy, it's not just talking."

"They did huh?"

Sophie nods.

"Well we might just have to have a talk with them." Sandy then proceeds to tickle Sophie, who's writhing.

"Stop, stop STOP it!" Sophie kicks Sandy hard in the cheek as she slides down. "I don't wanna!" She's seated on the kitchen floor with her knees pulled up to her chest.

"Sophie Rose…" I look at my daughter. "You don't hit your father."

Sandy removes his hand from the spot and crouches down. "Sophie, hey Kiddo…"

Sophie's crying softly. "M'sorry… Mommy, M'sorry Daddy. I just….I just…"

"Hey, what is it?" I join Sandy in a kneeling position. "Sweetheart…?"

"Does Ryan not like us?"

The question was a skecher to the jaw. "What gives you that idea Sophie?"

"All my other friends at school that have older brothers, they call their parents Mommy and Daddy even though they might be grown up and they got the same name. Even Mikey Maddox who's adopted and was Lenbrook before his parents adopted him."

"Oh…" I blink taken aback by Sophie's candor.

"Sophie," Sandy sighs. "It's a little bit more complicated than Mikey's...well,"

"Will you tell me? Please Daddy, please Mommy?"

"I wish we could Sweetie." I grab my daughter's hand. The truth of the matter is, like a few other details, the reason behind Ryan's choice is not something that he shared with us.


Sandy shook his head. "You have to ask Ryan yourself Sophie Rosie."

"Okay…" Sophie huffed. "But what if he doesn't tell me? Then will you?"

"Sophie, you don't have to be afraid to ask him you know." I reply. That was something that as Ryan's guardian, before I began seeing myself as his mother, it had taken me a while to learn. "He's honest with you right?"

Sophie nods. "Seth says it's cause he can't lie."

"Well, there you go." Sandy grins. "Can't lie, won't lie, either way I think you'll get your answers."

"I guess so." Sophie suddenly looks mischievous. "Can I have a cookie?"

I shake my head. "Just look through the menus and pick what you want for dinner Missy. Your night to choose."

Sandy looks at Sophie and shrugs at her pout as Summer adds. "You're lucky you got the milk."

A/N: So Kirsten talked to Sandy a bit about her concerns and Sophie alerted her parents to hers. Next chapter we hear from Seth as he and Taylor try to get information out of Ryan. And Ryan requests a moment alone with his brother that reveals a bit more to the situation.