A/N: Hey y'all, here with a new story. I kind of wanted to explore a bit of something new well not new persay, but from a new perspective. I wanted to explore the intersection, I guess you could call it, between Ryan being an Atwood and being a Cohen and also take a stab at the relationship between Sophie Rose and Ryan. I've explored it before in other stories, in a less direct way, but I really wanted to take a direct look at what the dynamic between them could look like and how she views the family situation and the name situation. This story will alternate viewpoints between all members of the family beginning with Sophie Rose. It will be slightly different than my other stories in that indication of the point of view will be in the chapter title, but there is a reason for that. So hopefully that won't be too confusing. We're kicking things off with Sophie Rose Cohen. I don't own the O.C., that belongs to Josh Schwartz and FOX.

Chapter One: Really Really Right? ( Sophie Rose, Daughter and Sister)

Today is Friday, and that means everyone is going to be home. That's good, because Ms. Wilman assigned us a huge project and I need to talk to everyone about it. The project is a family tree, and I'm actually really excited about it. Normally projects are boring or stupid, but everyone has interesting family stories and I think mine is the most interesting, not to brag or anything. I came along after my brothers were already basically grown up, but it turns out I was born in our house, not a hospital. And it was before my parents even bought the house. A nice couple lived there, and boy were they surprised! And then there was a wedding too...or almost, but Mrs. Cooper decided she didn't want to get married, so there was a lot of surprises that day. Dad says that poor couple basically gave them the house after that.

Ryan has an interesting story too at least that's what Seth says, but he doesn't like to talk about it too much. He just says that he became my and Seth's brother because our parents were really nice and helped him. I've never gotten much more out of him, but maybe he'll tell me since it's for school and he says school's important. I don't know why he gets this look on his face every time I ask him. He thinks I don't see it, and I pretend I don't. It's easier that way, because Mom and Dad have told me about asking too many questions and I guess that applies to my brothers too, but Seth asks a lot of questions like about my school and Ryan's work and Dad's classes. Maybe that's because he doesn't live in the house or as nearby like the rest of us (A whole two hours with Summer in an apartment), so that's why he can get away with it.

I'm waiting outside at pickup and today it's Dad.

"Hey Sophie Rosie," Dad grins. "How was school?"

"Ms. Wilman gave us weekend homework. I need your help with it." I get into the backseat and buckle my seatbelt.

"Oh?" Dad looks at me through the mirror. "What is this weekend homework?"

"A family tree."

"Well, that's fun." Dad says. "Of course we'll help."

"Daddy, what's the Nana's name?"

"I thought we told you." Mom says from her place at the island as she's searching through takeout menus.

"I wanna make sure I get it really really right. You said I was named after her, but is she Sophie Rose too?"

"She's just Sophie Cohen." Dad says. "My brother is Paul and my sister's Sarah."

"How come we've never met them?" I look at Dad. "Aunt Sarah and Uncle Paul?"

"You did once." Dad says. "But I think you were about 2. We...were never the closest."

"You mean they didn't come over to see you like Ryan and Seth come see me?"

Dad nods. "Basically."

"Oh." That was sad. I couldn't imagine not seeing Sethy and Ryan or not being close. "I'm sorry."

"You don't need to apologize Kiddo." Dad says. "It's a lot more complicated than I can explain."

I wanted to ask more, but Mom interrupted. "My parents are Caleb and Rose Nichol." She walked over with her tea in her hand and pointed to the spot where I'd write it down.

I did. " So that's why I'm Sophie Rose?"

Mom nods placing a hand in my hair. "Yes, both your Grandma and Nana."

"Am I a lot like Grandma and Nana?"

Mom nods, she looks kind of like she wants to laugh and cry both, and Dad has the same look.

"Is it bad? You look like it's bad."

"No Sweetie, it isn't." Mom kisses the top of my forehead. "You are the best parts."

I smile. "Okay, that's not bad." I turn my attention back to filling in the sheet. I'm just finishing writing in Grandpa Caleb's name with a frown of concentration as I hear the knock on the door.

I know without looking up that everyone else is here.

"Happy Friday all!" As usual Seth is loud, and Summer laughs. They are the first to say hi to me, and Summer kisses me in the hair like Mom does. Seth then roughs it all up. "What are you working on little sis?"

"A family tree." I grin. "Your middle name is Ezekiel right?"

Seth frowns nodding slowly as he then looks at the paper to see that I'd already written it down. "Hey! I didn't want that going public."

"Too late." I singsong.

"Looks like you're going to have to live with an entire class of fourth graders knowing your middle name Cohen." Summer smirks. "Oh the horror."

"Dude, dude, you have to help me destroy that." I turn around to see Ryan followed by Taylor. I stand from the chair and run over.


He picks me up as Seth, Dad and Mom follow. He then looks to Seth. "What am I helping destroy?"

"He's just mad I put his full name on the project. That's the rules."

"Can't break the rules Seth." Dad laughs clapping him on the shoulder.

"I love art projects, what kind is it?" Taylor looks at me as Ryan puts me down.

"A family tree." I reply. I then grab Ryan's hand pulling. "I just did your spot, come see!"

"Uh...Soph…" Ryan's voice gets funny as he looks to Mom and Dad. Taylor just puts a hand into his other one.

I bring them over to the table as I point to the spot where I wrote his name: Ryan Cohen.

"Oh Sophie…" Mom puts hand on my shoulder and she has that laughing crying look again. But I don't know why.

Ryan still hasn't said anything.

"Did I do it right Ryan? I know I should have waited to ask like I did with everyone else, but you don't really like-." I wince as I notice that he isn't looking at me. Did I do something wrong?

"Ryan!" Taylor slaps him on the arm. "Sophie's asking you something."

"I… " Ryan shakes his head.

"Come on man, that's not cool!" Seth says. He then looks from Taylor to me to Mom to Dad. "I don't see what's wrong with it. I mean it's the truth right?"

Ryan rubs his forehead hard, that spot right between his eyes before he turns on his heel and leaves the room.

"Seth…you know..." Dad glances back as Ryan leaves, his voice whisper soft, and then when he looks back to Seth has that look when we're saying something wrong. Then Seth is quiet. I hear his teeth clap as his mouth shuts. That never works on Seth ever.

"I should probably go see if he's okay, uh… sorry...I mean about this." Taylor is suddenly all jittery and apologizing, and she leaves. And then it's just Mom, Dad, Seth, Summer and me.

"Is Ryan mad at me Mommy?" I stand from my chair and walk over to Mom leaning against her.

"Oh no, no Sweetie." Mom says. "It's just complicated."

I look up at her, glare up at her. "You're lying. Ryan never leaves when I ask him something." I knew he was mad and no one could convince me otherwise. I did something really really wrong. I just wish I knew what.

A/N: So, that happened. And of course, Sophie's not sure what it is she did, but of course, she's little. And she just assumes that it's bad as most little kids do when things appear to go wrong. Next chapter we'll hear from Kirsten as she tries to comfort Sophie and discusses the matter with Sandy.