"We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open."- Jawaharlal Nehru
I do not own the Games of Thrones. Only OC.
The wind blows calmly and swiftly through the gaze of the grass, trees, and the waters. Yet the wind had stop and came to nothingness. The stars in the sky had disappeared in a pitch black of darkness. Not even a moon had shown itself brightly in the dead of night.
All seemed a quiet night for the realm. Not a sound of the birds or wind in the air. It was as if the whole world stood perfectly stilled. For the unexpected event that is coming. Until…
A bolt of thunder and lightning struck down from the heavens. The winds form into three twisters down to the waters.
It came from a storm. Some Bards had played a song that they called, "A Reborn dragon of storm" or the coming of a 'stormborn'.
The clouds had gathered around on the single location.
The place called, Dragonstone.
Location: Dragonstone
Outside of the walls came crashing down on them, hard blown winds that you can even hear them. Their castle walls shaking with their quakes, windows had been shut tight and waves crashing down on their currents shores.
Stannis Baratheon
Dragonstone current lord is Lord Stannis Baratheon, Masters of Ships and Brother to King Robert Baratheon. He is known a stone cold exterior and is known to be a very stern military man. He is pacing himself when he receives the news that his wife is in labor. He was shamefully dishonored by Robert Baratheon, King of the seven kingdoms and his older brother.
He had Stannis striped him from Storm Ends as its heir passed him to Renly Baratheon, and given him to Dragonstone. He made him married Selyse Florent for duty, but Robert soiled their wedding night by bedding her cousin named Delena Florent, whom she bore Robert, a bastard son Edric Storm.
However, on the bright side they have been conceived on their wedding night. It was odd that it was during a beautiful full moon and stars were bright that they even were reflecting on the sea vision.
Now Stannis is currently waiting for the arrival of his child whether it is a son or a daughter. He is not worry about having a first daughter being born because they are still young and will have sons soon after. If their daughter is healthy and strong, then there is hope for the next child will be a son.
However, her screams didn't make anything better because they are currently experiencing a powerful storm. Hearing his wife screams gave him few winces on her pain in each time.
'I hope everything's okay.' He thought
Selyse Baratheon
Selyse cries out in pain and her body is exhausted as it trembles through her pain. It is so much painful that she has to go through. She is sweating and gasping for air when she felt another hit on her lower back.
Cressen is the Maester of Dragonstone is doing everything he can to ease the pain. But all he can do is get the baby out.
"Lady Selyse, it's time to push now." She nodded her head as she push while she screams in agony.
She desperately prays to the Gods both old and new that her baby is not dead or deformed. No matter what she will keep her head up and face it.
"Milady you're doing fine." One midwife said. As she damps her forehead with her cloths and whispers encourage words. Many of the midwives including Maester Cressen are encouraging her.
They're right. I can't give up now. I am Selyse Baratheon. My husband family words, "Ours is Fury."
So, Selyse sits up a bit, square her shoulders and took a minute to breathe in order to push. So she did push.
She screams in agony, but didn't stop pushing her baby out.
"Oh milady, I can see its head coming!" Maester Cressen praised her. He continues his job to help Selyse bring her baby into the world. It was most unbearable pain she has to go through. She most likely blames her lord husband on giving her this child. She is cursing him on making her go through her pain alone. She remembers her old septa once said, "It is a sign for a strong, fierce and untamable warrior."
She always thought that it was 'excuse her language 'horseshit' and believe it was a saying on going through pregnancy….but now she believes it.
She continues pushing her baby, her tears mixed in her sweat while her body jolted at the sound of thunder outside. She felt that her baby is scared, but Selyse wants to assure her child that she is here.
Its' alight, my little one. I'm here. She thought to her baby.
She gives out a one final loud screams that was drowned by a final thunder that had struck down. Then the storm had suddenly stops.
No one single sound until wails of a baby cries. It sounded strong and healthy. Selyse felt relief from all that pain. She began to cry at that sound of her little warrior. They all fussed over her baby and gotten it cleans for her.
She couldn't contain her excitement. She needed to see her baby. She has to know if it's a boy or a girl. She must know.
"What is it? Is everything alight?" Selyse asked fervently fear for her baby.
"A girl. You have a girl." Cressen said joyfully. Selyse was shocked and admitted to herself that she was a bit disappointed at the fact that it was not a boy, but a girl.
She had hoped for a son, but never the less she wants to see her little girl. If she is more Baratheon looks or Florent looks?
"Give her to me. Please." She demands it. She reaches out for her baby girl. She wanted to see her first born daughter.
Maester Cressen smiling at her lightly has given her daughter and she had seen her baby girl. She gasped in excitement and brought an actual smile on her face. She could tell that her daughter is going to be a true beauty.
There is nothing Florent in her, but more Baratheon. She has a dark brunette hair is black as night, her skin is milky white, her lips is red as blood. Now she is curious about her eyes. Is it Florent or Baratheon's eyes?
Her child opens her eyes and is a grey storm in them. Selyse is truly pleased with the result.
She brought forth a perfect daughter from their union, from herself and her lord husband of Dragonstone. A daughter is more Baratheon in her than Florent. She is pleased with herself that her daughter is going to bring a good match by her husband. She guarantees it.
She softly cooed her daughter and gently rocky her smoothly. However, she noticed something on her daughter's body on her shoulders it's a Dragon, but not just any dragon. The Targaryen Three-Headed Dragon sigil. It is color black. A birthmark.
Selyse began to fear for her daughter's life.
'What if the King heard of her?' She thought about and her face began to pale at the thought of her little girl being executed. Everyone knows King Robert hated the Targaryen and refers Crown Prince Rheagar Targaryen children as Dragon spawn. No, she won't let that happened. Not without getting passed herself first. No one shall bring harm to her daughter.
"Bring my Lord husband." She had commanded Maester Cressen.
"I will inform Lord Baratheon now." Cressen said as he nodded to her then he left. All the midwives are cooing at the newborn baby.
One of the midwives opens the window, but she wasn't expecting this sight.
"Milady! The storm just stops!" she shouted.
Selyse looked at the window far bit. Her eyes widen bit that it is true. The storm itself has stop and the moon is big with its light had shown brightly and stars a fallen from the skies. She was awed at it. It was as if there has never been a storm. That if this whole world is reborn.
She heard her baby gurgles and trying to reach her hand outside. She is flaying her arms around to want to reach to the stars and grab it.
"Are you trying to grab few stars, sweetling?" she giggles a bit. A true wonder aren't you.
Stannis Baratheon enters her chambers and saw her buddle. He calmly walks towards them and Selyse nervously lifted up her daughter for him to hold. He grabs hold on his daughter and she saw something that surprises everyone, he actually smiles at his daughter. Her daughter simply giggles at him.
He looked at her with an over-protective father look as he glances at his new born daughter. His daughter eyes' revealed which it is a grey storm. Her eyes were full of curiosity when she looked around the room.
"I am sorry that it is not a son. I…" She apologizes, but Stannis won't let her.
"No, we are still young and our daughter proves that we will have healthy sons and other daughters soon." Stannis firmly, yet gently rebuked her about it. He continues looking adorably at his daughter while Selyse firmly nodded her head, whole heartily agreeing.
Stannis noted her daughters shoulder and he was shocked at the results. She bears the Targaryen sigil as a birthmark. Maester Cressen told him this.
"I believe that this could be from your grandmother who was also Targaryen. Perhaps this will calmly dissolve the Targaryen loyalist towards Baratheon's." Maester Cressen stated.
"I will not going to convince my brother Robert to name her Targaryen, so that he could kill her." Stannis anger voice to his displeasure of it. He will kill Robert for even thinking of killing his daughter, even if people will brand him as 'kinslayer'. So be it!
"No, milord. I mean to say name her on Valyrian name, but keep the Baratheon name. By convincing his grace that this is his niece by blood and no harm will come to her. With your daughter existence will bring the end of hostile." Measter Cressen reasoned with Stannis again.
Both Stannis and Selyse had thought about it. Maybe their daughter could bring the seven kingdoms more smoothing hostilities from other houses since they are still Targaryen loyalist out there.
"Very well." They both said together as they both looked down on their daughter together. So they thought of possibility name.
"Hmmm….Elysabeth Baratheon first of her name." Selyse said while nodding her head.
She like how the sounds of that.
Even Stannis agreed with it.
Little Elysabeth Baratheon.
Elysabeth Stormborn.
So many names she will be given and now it was up to the Gods to decide her fate.
Well that's all folks. Tell me what you think of it.