Danny's POV

I sighed as I pulled my books out of my locker and slammed it shut. I've been doing this a lot lately, and my best friends, Sam and Tucker, are beginning to notice.

"Hey man, you okay? You seem kinda down lately, does it have to do with the amount of ghosts coming through the portal lately?" Tucker asks me. I shrug at him instead of answering. I didn't want to tell my friends how I was truly feeling. as much as I'm glad that I can help out Amity Park with its constant barrage of ghosts that stream through the portal in my basement, I feel tired. As I mull through my thoughts I notice Sam narrow her lavender eyes at me.

"Danny spill. Something has been really bugging you for the past couple of weeks. Just talk to us Danny," she put a gentle, reassuring hand on my shoulder as I sigh.

"It's just… Ever since I accidentally turned on my parents ghost portal and became Danny Phantom I feel like that's all I ever do. I mean, there has to be more to me than just Danny Phantom the town hero or Danny Fenton Casper High's loser," I lower my eyes to the floor "There's gotta be more to me you know? But between school and ghost fighting, I can't ever figure out what that is."

"Danny I think you're just stressed out. Maybe you just need to relax? How about tonight, you just go home and chill while me and tucker take care of the ghosts okay?" Sam gives me a smile, but for once it doesn't make me feel better.

"Yeah man, you're Danny, you're our crime fighting, video game loving best friend who is a C-average student. What more is there to know? You're still Danny, you haven't changed man," Tucker adds just as the bell rings for 3rd period. My friends don't get it. They say I'm 'just Danny,' but how can I be Danny if I don't know who Danny is? My sister Jasmine is always talking about 'self growth,' and 'growing as a person to become a better you' maybe she'll understand.

The bell rang for lunch and I walked to the lunch room with Tucker and Sam on either side of me. If today was going to be like any other day, then I should be expecting Dash Baxter to call out some degrading name any second now.

"Hey Fenturd!" Dash calls out stalking over to us as I roll my eyes. 'Oh wow, how did I know that was gonna happen? It's like Dash does this every. Single. Day.' I thought to myself. I give the blonde bully a bored look.

"Yes Dash? What could you possibly want today?" I saw Sam and Tucker share a worried glance as Dash seemed to grow more irritated by the sarcasm dripping from my voice. I knew what was going to happen already, he did it everyday because he had nothing better to do.

"It sounds like I need to teach you some respect Fenton." Dash cracked his knuckles as I yet again rolled my eyes, the bored expression never leaving my face. I casually brush past him into the lunch room as I reply, not giving him enough effort to turn my head to look at him,

"Sure Dash, teach me some respect, you do that, tell me how that one goes." I feel Dash grip the back of my shirt and pull me back roughly. I'm lifted off the ground and turned to face him as he reels back his fist.

"Fenton! Baxter! You two better not be engaging in violence on school property!" Lancer shouts as he strides over. With a suspicious glare casted on the two of us he continues his lecture.

"Give me a good reason not to give you detention." Dash not-so-gently sets me down (aka he dropped me I came crashing down to the floor)

"Uhhhhh, I'm the quarterback?" I roll my eyes. Of course, the same excuse that gets him out of literally everything.

"Yes, of course. Fenton, detention."

"Are you serious?! I didn't even do anything! He was about to beat the crap outta me and I'm the one who gets the detention?!" I feel my insides start o burn and bubble as Lancer walks away. The pit in my stomach gets bigger as Dash smirks and says,

"Sucks to be a total loser doesn't it Fentonia? Have fun in Detention!" and with that, he shoves me hard into the wall. I growl and something inside me snaps, my eyes are probably glowing because I am utterly seething.

"Danny? Are you okay?" Sam asks as her and Tucker rush over.

"I can't believe Lancer gave you detention!" Tuckers adds.

"Danny your eyes are glowing." So I was right, thanks Sam. I ball my hands into tight fists and inhale sharply, trying to calm down.

'Don't do something you'll regret Danny. Just breathe…. Just…. Breathe….' I let out one deep, cleansing breathe and unball my fists. I could feel the little crescent moon marks my nails left on my palms. I look at my two friends, both of them appearing a little worried. I tried to soften my face because I was probably glaring at them. It wasn't their fault.

"Let's just go sit down. I'm fine." I shove my hands in my pockets.

"Are you sure Danny?" Sam asks me.

"Sam, really. It's fine." I turn and walk into the cafeteria expecting Sam and Tucker to follow. I think about all of the times Dash used me as his stupid punching bag. My hands curl back into fists in my pockets as I sit down. If only that idiot knew I was Danny Phantom, I bet he'd think twice before trying to beat me up.

All I am is 'Loser Danny Fenton.' I don't even know what made me a loser. It's not like I ever did anything. I think back through middle school and the year and a half I've spent in high school. My grades are average, I'm not in any extracurricular activities, and I certainly don't join the group that pot boxes the abandoned closet at the back of the school. I should've just been invisible, slipping by unnoticed. With nothing to really label me I should've been ignored, yet here I am, Dash Baxter's favorite punching bag. God, why do I put up with this? Why do I put up with any of them? I've got other-wordly abilities yet I let the popular people treat me like garbage? Is this really all I'm gonna be? underachieving Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom who saves the town but is still hunted because he's a ghost. I watch Sam and Tucker talk adamantly during lunch, yet I have no heart to listen or care.

"Remember Danny, me and Sam are gonna take care of the ghosts tonight while you stay home and relax." Tucker said as he fervently typed god knows what into his beloved PDA.

"You'll call me if any bigger enemies show up though right? Don't even think about trying to take on someone like Skulker." I gave tucker a sideways glance.

"Of course we won't Danny, but I doubt we'll run into any trouble. Your job tonight is to catch up on schoolwork and some much need rest, okay?" Sam responded and sent me a gentle smile as I turned to look at her.

"Alright, alright. I'll relax." I sighed. Maybe this would be good for me. Maybe I was just wound up too tight, and all I needed to get out of this funk was an evening to myself. Then I could get rid of some of the insane ideas swirling around in my head..

I waved goodbye to Sam and Tucker and entered my house. As soon as I walked in the door something came and smacked me straight in face. I cry out in pain as the unknown object hits me and sends me flying into the door, promptly smacking the back of my head against it hard.

"Oh Danny! Sweetie are you alright?" My mother cooes apologetically as I groan in pain.

"Yeah, I'm alright, what the heck was that?"

"Oh, just the Fenton Boooo-merang. It still doesn't work properly, what a shame." my mom looks down at the device disappointed.

'Oh, trust me, it works perfectly mom.' I think to myself.

"I'm gonna head upstairs, I've got some homework to do."

"Alright honey, dinner will be at five." she smiles at me as I head towards the stairs. Before I make my ascent I send my mom a small but genuine smile. She may be a ghost nut, but she has a way of making me feel a little better without even trying.

"Maddie! I've improved the Fenton Peeler! Maybe this time we'll catch that blasted ghost kid." my father calls out as he excitedly enters the room. I freeze halfway up the steps and look at them, trying to mask my utter terror.

"You're still trying to catch Danny Phantom?"

"Why of course. Out of the hundreds of ghosts, he's the only one who bothers to appear good. Plus, he's a ghost!" my dad says.

"He'd be a perfect specimen to dissect. Especially since he seems to never go back to his own realm." My mom chims in. I shudder in horror. My own parents want to dissect me. What other kid could say that?! Granted, they don't exactly know that I'm the famous ghost hero, but it's not like I'd be willing to tell them when they talk like that. My parents are ghost hunters, and I'm their half-ghost son. It's so unfortunately ironic that I sometimes wonder how my life isn't a movie.

I make my way to my room and shut the door. Dropping my backpack to the floor, I make my way to my bed and collapse onto it gratefully. As I lay there looking up at my ceiling I feel a heavy weight in my chest start to settle. Why was it me? Why was I the one with ghost powers? Because I was dumb enough to press the on button that my dad installed inside the portal. I made the mistake, and now I'm hunted down by the Guys In White and my own parents. The other ghosts hate me because I'm constantly sending them back to the ghost zone and I have to deal with jerks like Dash on a regular basis. I don't fit in with normal humans and I don't fit in with ghosts. Where the heck am I supposed to go? Where do I belong? Why do I stay here? I can fly! I could travel anywhere I wanted for free and I'm still here in Amity Park. If I left, where would I go? Anywhere I suppose. I could go see the entire country if I really wanted to. I sit up in my bed and run a hand down my tired face.

"Even if you could leave, where would you get the money to feed yourself huh? And where'd would you even sleep?!" great, now I'm talking to myself. I need to shake this funk off. I'm only fourteen, I can't run away! I have to protect my family and friends…. Right? It's not like mom couldn't handle the ghosts. I'd be worried if it was just dad, but mom is an awesome shot. I shake my head. I can't really be thinking this through. I lay back down with a yawn. I feel sleep overcome my body 'I'll just sleep, maybe that will clear my head….. Yeah, sleep sounds real nice.' and before I knew it, I was out.

I wake up to my phone and it's high pitched, irritating ring. I groan and reach over to my nightstand to grab the bothersome device. Flipping my phone open and accepting the call i let you a yawn and grumble into the speaker,


"Danny! You gotta come quick!" It was Sam. Sam, of all people.

I look at my alarm clock and look at the time. I narrow my eyes and growl lowly before replying.

"It's 2:00 AM! What could you possibly want Sam?!"

"It's Youngblood! His ship is flying right over Amity Park! You've gotta come to the park and quick! Please Danny." I let out a sigh and hang up without replying to her.

I make my way out of my especially comfy bed and quickly transform into Danny Phantom. I turn intangible and phase through the ceiling, looking around for any sign of the pirate ghost boy.

"You know it really would've been nice to have slept through the entire night…" I rub the remaining sleep from my eyes and yawn as I start to fly towards the park.

When I reach the park I see Sam and Tucker waiting at the entrance. I look at them both disapprovingly as I land next to them. Tucker gives me a sheepish smile while Sam immediately jumps into an explanation and I can see the gears in her head working on a game plan.

"Youngblood is up in his ship, now if we can manage to get up there without being seen, I bet we can get this done quickly by sucking up most of his crew in the thermos before they realize we're there."

Another yawn falls from my mouth, "I'll take care of this Sam. You and Tucker just stay here."

"Danny! We can help you, you don't-"

"Sam I'll be fine! I'm the one with the ghosts powers, I'm the one who always has to take care of these guys. I think I can manage some punk little kid okay?" I snap at her. Sam glares at me and I cross my arms, in no mood to be screwing around with ghosts at this time of night. Have I mentioned it's past two O'Clock in the morning on a school night?

"What the heck is wrong with you today? You've been moody, distant, and apparently you have a death wish! I mean why would you intentionally provoke Dash like that?!"

"Guys? Is this really the time to be arguing about this?" Tucker asks looking between the two of us with a worried expression.

"Maybe it's because I'm sick of getting shoved around! Maybe I am sick of people wanting me dead even though all I do is save this stupid town! Maybe I am sick of playing a hero that nobody wants and then going to school and being the favorite loser of the football team! Do either of you bother to think about the fact that I never wanted anything to do with ghost hunting?! Or that I wanted to be an astronaut?!" Sam and Tucker's faces fall into frowns as they look at me. I felt something bubble up from the pit of my stomach. Something icy hot and ready burst.

"I want to get out of this place! I hate it here! My parent want to dissect me, my friends only see me as the halfa who is enemies with ghosts and humans. Literally, when is the last time we just hung out without getting interrupted by my ghost sense going off?! I'm am so sick of being pushed around back and forth and not really having any control of my life! I'm constantly having to watch my back because one minute it may be Skulker after my head and the next it might be Vlad trying to come up with some ridiculous scheme to kill my dad and marry my mom and have me as his precious little pet! What if I wanted something else?!"

My breath comes out in short pants after I finish ranting. My friends are silent, and it's a painful couple of minutes before Sam decides to speak again.

"Danny, remember when we first fought the lunch lady? You said your powers were meant for fighting evil. You decided to become a hero." My anger flares and the brewing in my abdomen burst.

"Well I'm sure stupid then! Why would anybody go through all of this shit if they're just going to end up going through fucking hell?! THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT AND I'M DONE!" I felt my powers go out of control and I accidentally sent an ecto-blast out of my hand, hitting a tree.

"What are you saying man?" I look at my friends. Their faces show their fear, I've never lashed out like this, especially not at them. I've never even sworn before, yet here I am.

"I'm saying maybe it's time for me to take a vacation," I reply much more calmly then my previous outburst.

"What about school? What about your family? Aren't you worried people will notice that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom both went missing at the same time?" Sam looks nearly ready to cry, yet instead of feeling bad or going to comfort her I give her a dry laugh and turn towards the flying ghost ship.

"No one but you two and my family will notice that Danny Fenton is gone. No one else will bother to give a damn," I look back at my friends and I can tell something in me has made up my mind for me, "After I get rid of youngblood I'm leaving. Pretend you didn't know about my decision. Don't try and convince me to stay, it won't work." I transform into Danny Fenton and walkover to them.

"What will you do? Where will you go? Danny you have no money, nowhere to sleep," Sam protests.

"I'll figure it out, that's the whole point." Tucker launches himself at me and we hug each other tightly (in a manly way, of course).

"I'm gonna miss you, Dude."

"I'll miss you too Tuck. Don't forget about me okay?" Sam runs over and joins our hug. I feel her tears wet my shirt.

"We'd never forget about you Danny. Please come back okay?" Sam begs.

"I'll come back, I promise." I pull away and transform again. I look at my best friends one more time before flying off towards Youngbloods ship. I sneak up onto the ship and pull out my Fenton Thermos. I turn invisible and start taking out Youngblood's pirate crew until I feel something smack me in the back and I crash to the ground, still gripping the thermos. I turn my head and gasp seeing something I've never encountered before.

It look to be a giant bird, but it wasn't ghostly looking. What shocked me most was that it saw me when I was invisible, which isn't something a human or a ghost can do. I get up and sling the Fenton Thermos across my chest so I can free up my hands to fight… whatever this thing is. The creature starts to morph and a tall, foreboding man now stands before me. What the hell is this thing? It takes a swing and I manage to dodge, this things is fast.

"Alright Creep, I don't know what you are, but that doesn't mean I can't kick your butt!" I smirk and send a out one of my beams, the thing disappears before my beam lands a hit on it. I slowly put my arms down, thinking it's gone until I'm grabbed from behind. I see the man and struggle to break free.

"Let go of me!" I writhe in the thing's arms as it drags me off to the front of the ship where Youngblood floats, a grin on his pale face.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Danny Phantom. Good thing I have my pet Rakshasa to capture you for me." I narrow my eyes at Youngblood as curiosity sweeps over me.

"Your what?"

"My Rakshasa. It's a creature that sometimes eats humans. I have it working with me, because if it doesn't I'll use this," He pulls out a knife, "A brass knife. It's it's only weakness." I roll my eyes. This kid really doesn't think things through.

I glance around at my surroundings and see a loose rope hanging from one of the masts. Grinning and stomp on the Rakshasa's foot and whip around blasting it backwards.

"No! Phantom's getting away!" Youngblood shouts orders at his pet and I grip onto the rope and swing kicking the knife out of the boy's hand. I drop onto the deck and grab the knife, brandishing it out in front of me. The Rakshasa lets out an intelligible noise and starts towards me. Smirking I aim the knife, saying a quick prayer this works, and I throw it at the creature. The knife spins through the air and pierces the thing through the chest. It screams and collapses as I pull out my thermos, taking Youngblood out while he's distracted by the Rakshasa.

I walk over and pull out the knife, stabbing it a few more times, all that's left is a dead body belonging to a creature I never would have thought existed. I breathe deeply and try to calm my racing heart. I've never killed anything before in my life, yet here lays the proof that i'm capable of it. I try to think of my next move. What do I do next? I have to leave, leave town before the sun rises and my family starts waking up. I shoot up into the air and fly as fast as I can to my house as I make a mental list of everything I need to pack.

Phasing through my ceiling into my bedroom I grab a duffle bag and shove clothes and toiletries into it. Scanning my room I grab some pens and an empty notebook, incase more of those creatures come; it'd be best for me to start writing down what I know about them so I can defeat them later on.

"What else do I need to bring?" I mutter aloud as I frantically dump all the money I can scrounge up from my bedroom into my bag. Then, still in ghost form, I sneak into my sister Jazz's room and take whatever money I can find.

'Sorry Jazz, I'll pay you back later.' I think to myself, feeling a little guilty about taking her money. Grabbing my bag, I phase through the floor into the living room and quickly make my way to the kitchen, grabbing as many snacks and drinks as I can fit. I also cram the wad of cash from the cookie jar into my pocket. Lastly, I head down to the basement and walk over to the ghost portal. Taking out my thermos, I empty whatever ghosts I've caught back into the ghost zone and pack my thermos and the bronze knife into my bag. Finally relaxing i take one more look around me. I'm leaving, I'm actually going to do this. I slowly walk up the steps and stop in the living room. I look around and feel my confidence start to waver. I pick up a picture of my family, all of us smiling happily, before my life turned upside down. I quietly take the picture out of the frame and pocket it as I make my way to the door. The sun's already starting to come up as I walk out of my home for what will be the last time, at least for awhile.

I turn and look up and my home and smile as I make my ascent into the air.

"Goodbye mom, dad, Jazz. I won't be seeing you for awhile. I love you, and I promise you'll see me again one day." and with that, I turn my back and zoom off and away from Amity Park, and I refused to look back.