Marcus: Hey Katie. You got a sec?

Katie: Uhh, sure. What's up?

Marcus: Just a few questions.

Katie: WHAT?! They'd better not be from DragonbladeB5 like that large amount last time!

Marcus: Relax. They're not from that reader. Besides that, there's only two.

Katie: Oh good. And uhh, where's Nate? Doesn't he discuss these questions with us?

Marcus: He does usually, but I didn't call him this time. These questions I should not let him know about right now.

Katie: Oh. Ok then. Let's look at them.

Marcus: Ok. First question is from hallooo. How often are you posting? Well Since I have been on YouTube for over three years, my work between there and Fanfiction is practically a balancing act. So what I try to aim for is post a new story or chapter at least once every other week. Hopefully.

Katie: Wow. You sure do a lot.

Marcus: Yeah, but I love what I do. Both here AND there. Therefore, my mom believes there's a chance I could do my videos for a living.

Katie: That sounds awesome.

Marcus: Yeah, if I can make that a reality. Ok, next question is….oh my. TWO people asked the same question.

Katie: That's something you don't see every day.

Marcus: And it's for YOU, Katie.

Katie: Really?

Marcus: Yep. That's why I called for ya. But the question itself is why I DIDN'T call Nate.

Katie: Well, what's the question?

Marcus: …would you ever consider having sex with Nate just for fun?

Katie: (face turns bright red) Are you serious?!

Marcus: That's what the question says.

Katie: Isn't it a bit early for me to think about that right now?

Marcus: Not necessarily. I learned about human reproduction when I was in 5th grade. Besides, you're almost about to start your teen years anyway. That's about the time you start learning about it and how it works.

Katie: …You do make a good point.

Marcus: So, can you answer the question?

Katie: Well, now that it's come to mind, and now that I know that Nate and I have children 30 years from now…wait, is that how children are created?

Marcus: That's right.

Katie: Well then, here's my answer. When I get into my teen years, I'm gonna live life to the fullest, and feel free when I do it. So yes, I would consider having sex with Nate for fun. In fact, I'd go and have sex with him for any reason! Because I wouldn't want to have sex with anyone else.

Marcus: Girl, you and Nate just got yourselves an M rated one-shot in my list of stories!

Katie: AWESOME! I can't wait for it!

Marcus: I'll look forward to writing it. Well, that's all the questions I have. Thanks for your time, Katie.

Katie: No problem. See ya when you write that story.

(Later on…)

Nate: Oh, hey Katie.

Katie: Oh, hi Nate.

Nate: What's up?

Katie: Oh, not much. Just got done discussing a few questions with Marcus.

Nate: Oh? What kind of questions were they?

Katie: *smiles* You'll find out when we're a bit older.

Nate: Huh?

(back with Marcus)

Marcus: Ok then. Before THAT story happens, I got other business to deal with. First, let's start this story's final chapter!

"We found him!" Jibanyan cried happily as the group was looking at Nate, who looked so miserable all curled up like that.

He's been here all this time? Katie thought. Hiding out here all alone? Oh Nate, you poor guy. The group then entered the alley to talk to Nate. Whisper and Jibanyan were so overjoyed to see him that they rushed over to him, with Lord Enma and Katie close behind.

"NYATE!" Jibanyan cried out.

"Oh thank goodness you're alright!" Whisper sighed in relief. Nate overheard them and looked up.

"Oh, it's you two." Nate responded. "What are you two doing here?"

"We came here to find you!" Whisper replied in an irritated tone.

"We want you to come home!" Jibanyan sobbed. But Nate just scoffed in response.

"Come on," Lord Enma said. "You don't belong here. Not in this dirty alley of the Yo-Kai world. You belong in your own home. In Springdale."

"I'm not going back." Nate snapped. "Not after what happened. I don't deserve to suffer like that. So I'm staying here." The Yo-Kai looked at him in sadness and disappointment.

"NATE!" A female voice cried out. Nate stiffened a bit. He recognized that voice. But that couldn't be who she thought it was. That was impossible. But when he looked back up, he could not believe his eyes. There, standing in front of him and between the yo-kai, was his childhood friend and long-time crush Katie Forester. She was relieved that Nate was alright, but she had sadness and worry in her eyes.

"K-K-KATIE?!" Nate cried out in shock. "W-W-W-What are YOU doing here? How did you get here?!"

"Your yo-kai friends brought me here with them." Katie explained. "They brought me along to help bring you home." But despite his feelings for her, Nate just buried his face in his knees once again.

"Sorry." Nate replied. "But I'm staying here." The yo-kai groaned.

"Please, Nate." Katie pleaded. "I'm not just doing this for them. I'm doing it for your family, your friends, all of Springdale,…..for me. I want you to come home. Nate, PLEASE!"

"I'm sorry, Katie. I can't go back." Nate replied sadly.

"WHY NOT?!" Katie cried. "Do you have any idea how crushed I was when I heard you ran away?! Nate, I missed you so much! Why can't you come back for me?!"

"Y-You don't know what I've been through!" Nate wailed.

At this point, Katie was fuming with anger inside. She couldn't believe that Nate, the boy she loved, wouldn't budge, even to HER! She wanted to lash out her anger at him so badly. But then, her inner anger suddenly subsided inside her. She was about to lash it out when she remembered what Nate just said. So she thought for a moment. She thought back to all the strange and random things that happened between them. She remembered when Nate suddenly started dancing when she was about to start a serious conversation with her, the time he refused her invite to her barbecue, the time when Nate started pranking everyone, including her, and faking an apology, the couple times when his gate was open and she saw it, and the memory that stung her the most, was the time she treated Nate like an enemy and told him not to speak to her again, and BOY did she hate herself for THAT. To think that yo-kai could cause all THOSE problems, she thought. Within seconds, all Katie's anger was gone. In its place, was just shame and sorrow, with her head hanging down to show it.

"Maybe I didn't know back then," she said sadly, "but I do now." She then got to her knees in front of Nate. "Nate, I'm so sorry." Nate heard this and looked up at her.

"I'm sorry," Katie repeated. "for all that's happened between us. Every weird and crazy thing that happened was never your fault, and I should've caught onto that a long time ago. If I'd known the truth sooner, this wouldn't have happened." Tears started trickling down her face.

"Nothing's your fault, Katie." Nate reassured her, still with his sad expression.

"I don't care if its any person or yo-kai's fault!" Katie replied. She took Nate's hands in hers, much to Nate's surprise. "I don't want any problems to happen between us ever again!"

"I don't want that either." Nate complied. "But no one's gonna believe my claims of innocence."

"I will!" Katie reassured him. "Look! Here I am in a yo-kai world and I am now able to see yo-kai just like you! So I believe you. I'll ALWAYS believe you!" Nate becomes moved by her words.

"Nate, please." Katie pleaded, the tears continuing to fall. "Nate, I don't know what I'll do with myself without you. I LOVE YOU! Please….come home to me!" Nate gasped. The one girl he loved so much, loves him. Nate's eyes started to well up in tears, not of sadness, but of pure joy. As the tears fell, a smile came across his face.

"And don't worry about what crazy things happen in the future." Katie coaxed, also smiling. "Everything will be okay from now on. I promise." Nate, still in tears, nods happily.

"Oh Katie," Nate managed to say. "I love you too. I always have ever since we met. And I always will." Katie's smile grew. "Ok." Nate declared. "I will come home!" The yo-kai all cheered happily. Katie squealed in joy and lunged into Nate, giving him the biggest hug she ever gave to anyone, which Nate happily returned. The two then raised their heads to face each other, each put a hand to each other's face, and inched closer until their lips met. Their embrace tightened as they were lost in a long and passionate kiss, which triggered heartfelt reactions within all the yo-kai, especially Whisper and Jibanyan. And after Nate and Katie broke the kiss for air….

"Come on, Nate." Katie said. "Let's go home."

"Ok." Nate agreed. So they helped each other to stand up, and they along with Whisper and Jibanyan, all headed back for Springdale. And Nate and Katie's hands intertwined with each other, confirming they are now a couple.

Back at Katie's house, Katie's mom Rebecca was still talking with Nate's mom Lily and his dad Aaron, who just arrived shortly after work. Both Lily and Aaron still had sad expressions on their faces worrying about their son. But then suddenly, the front door opened. And in stepped Katie, much to everyone's surprise, Rebecca's especially.

"Katie?!" Rebecca stammered. "How did you get there?

"I just went out." Katie replied happily.

"I didn't even see you come down." Her mom replied, still shocked. "Where did you go?"

"To find him!" Katie replied happily. "And I succeeded!" At that moment, Nate Adams stepped in through the door and stood beside her. Katie's mom gasped. Both of Nate's parents were shocked and so happy to see their son has returned. They immediately rushed over to the doorway and embraced him. Both of them were crying.

"Oh Nate!" His mom sobbed. "Thank goodness you're alright! We're so glad you've returned!"

"We're sorry we didn't believe you." His dad cried. "That's a mistake we'll never make again!"

"Oh mom, dad," Nate cried happily. "I forgive you. I know that everything will be okay from now on." Nate's parents let go of him and Nate turned to Kate, who then walked up to him and they embraced each other in a hug. And Katie even kissed him on the cheek, making Nate blush. Nate and Katie's parents realized what was going on and smiled happily. They could tell that they will be happy together.

At school the next day, everyone in class 5-2 was shocked to see Nate and Katie walking in together. They all crowded them happy to see Nate back and Katie alright. And when Mr. Johnson came into the classroom and told the kids to take their seats, he noticed Nate and Katie together and walked up to them.

"Well Nate," Mr. Johnson said. "Welcome back. None of us thought we'd ever see you again. But you have returned. You doing alright now?"

"Yeah. Just fine, Mr. Johnson." Nate replied happily. "And I have someone special in my life to thank for that." He turned to Katie, who hugged him lovingly. The class could not believe what they were seeing. Were Nate and Katie….an ITEM?!

"Whoa!" Alex spoke out. "Nate and Katie a couple?!"

"Didn't see THAT one coming!" Sarah added. "Who'd have guessed?" All the girls were amused by the two, but the boys were still shocked.

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Nate's friends Bear and Eddie shouted.

After school that day, Nate and Katie walked home together. They were both pretty happy, and both Whisper and Jibanyan could tell. But then Katie spoke up.

"Hey Nate, can I ask you something?" Katie asked.

"Sure, Katie." Nate replied. "Ask away."

"I was kinda thinking." Katie started. "You're able to see yo-kai with that watch you have, right?" She pointed to the yo-kai watch on Nate's wrist.

"My yo-kai watch?" Nate replied. "Yeah, that's right."

"I was wondering." Katie continued. "I think I should help out with these yo-kai problems too. You know, to understand you a little bit better. You think I could have a yo-kai watch of my own?" Nate glanced at her stunned by Katie's request.

"Are you sure?" Nate warned. "Your life will never be the same again after you put it on. Believe me, I know."

"I'm sure." Katie declared. "I want a better relationship with you, and I think this is the best way possible."

"I see." Nate said understandingly. "Come on. I know someone that can help with that." Katie smiled happily. She couldn't wait to get her own yo-kai watch. Nate took Katie to his house. Nate's mom welcomed him home as soon as he entered the house. But she was surprised to see Katie.

"I'm going to show her something." Nate explained to her. Nate's mom nodded and told them to carry on. Then Nate took Katie upstairs and brought her to his room. Katie could tell the room was average. Just like Nate, until she knew his secret abilities of course. Nate opened one of the doors of his closet, but only far enough to not let a lot of light in.

"Hey Hidabat." Nate greeted. "Can I get a favor?" Hidabat, a yo-kai of the shady tribe, was a bat with wings with a pattern on them kinda like that on a blanket.

"Sure Nate. What do you need?" Hidabat replied. At that moment, Nate asked Katie to come to the closet and peer in.

"This is Katie. My girlfriend." Nate introduced as Katie looked and saw the bat yo-kai. "She wants a yo-kai watch of her own too. Think you can help us with that?"

"Oooh, what a cutie." Hidabat cooed, making Katie blush. "No problem, Nate." He immediately started typing on his computer keyboard, pulling up the Yomazon website. "So what kind of watch would you like, Katie?" Katie looked at the computer screen as Hidabat slowly scrolled down the webpage for her to look thoroughly at the items. Suddenly she spotted a yo-kai watch that was bigger than Nate's. It was pink with heart designs on it. And it had a strap on it that could fit around the neck. Katie really liked that one.

"Ooh, that one." Katie said pointing to the watch.

"This the one you want?" Hidabat asked.

"Yes." Katie replied. "That's the one I want."

"Ok then." Hidabat said. He went and ordered the watch for her. "Alright, the order is complete. All you gotta do now is pick it up at the watch store in Yo-Kailifornia."

"Great!" Katie replied excitedly. "Thank you so much, Hidabat."

"Y-You're welcome." Hidabat said happily. Katie then turned to Nate, who already summoned Mirapo into the room.

"Ok Katie." Nate said happily. "Let's go get your yo-kai watch."

"Yes, let's." Katie replied. "I can't wait!" Then Nate took Katie's hand in his and the two walked into Mirapo's mirror and were transported to Yo-Kailifornia, with Whisper and Jibanyan right behind them. The couple were on their way to get Katie's yo-kai watch.

"Ahhh," Hidabat sighed as he went back to his work on his computer. "Young love."

Author's Note:

Well, that's a wrap! Hope you enjoyed the story. Because I really enjoyed writing it. My next story will be a Yu-Gi-Oh! fanfic, but M rated. I'll be looking forward to writing more stories in the future. And DragonbladeB5, any questions you have now will be answered in a straight message.

Oh, and if anyone wants, feel free to check me out on YouTube. My channel's name is just straight forward: Marcus Clure. See you all when I write my next story!