Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Crystalline is property of PixelFade and SWTOR is property of BioWare and EA.

The wind bristles through my hair as I sit cross-legged on the grass. The flames of the candles I placed around me in a circle are dancing with the breeze. This is calming. So calming, in fact, that I have trouble keeping my eyes open and focusing on my meditation. I almost got it, I can feel it! I steel my resolve, but my body betrays me, like so many times before, as I am left with no choice but to surrender and close my eyes for a bit.

Something jerks me awake and my eyes blink open. A bright light illuminates the wilderness, blinding me until all I can see is a stark whiteness. I throw my arm over my eyes to shield them from the light. After a few seconds pass, the light seems to dim, but it doesn't feel like the same fluorescent glow of the candles. Carefully, I unwind and bring my arm down, squinting at a pale blue sky. A mild breeze tousles my hair, blades of grass tickle my ear as they wave in the wind. Strange, that is not the same sky I had above me just a moment ago. Where am I?

I'm about to push me off the ground when something pops into view. A round, blue blob with two dark eyes blinks at me.

The strange creature seems confused, or curious. Maybe even both, like me.

It bobbles slightly, like gumbah Pudding.

When it notices my stare, it opens it's small mouth and takes a dainty bite of my nose.


The creatures bite doesn't sting, but feels like a cool splash of water. Furthermore it feels like it bit out some Force energy. Intriguing. Before it can take another, I scramble to my feet.
The creature tumbles off my head and falls to the ground. Once it lands, it shakes itself off with a gelatinous tremble, clearly unfazed.

"Poi!", it acclaims happily as it hops onto my foot and opens its mouth again, but I quickly shake it off. It rolls off my foot and into the dirt, then rights itself again.

"Poi poi!", it pouts and continues to watch me but doesn't attempt another bite. Good, otherwise I would have grilled it.

Still, what is that thing?

"Poi?", it exclaims as it cocks it's head as if wondering just the same about me.
That's unsettling...
I've seen plenty of wild beasts and all kinds of creatures, but I never saw something like that. And it appears to be intelligent, to an extend, even though it does not have the ability to speak. Well, speak in whole scentences, or words, for that matter. But then again, the ability to speak does not make one intelligent. Anyway...

I take in the scattering of trees around me. Their tall branches kiss the sky. There's a winding dirt trail whitch weaves through the trees. As I follow it with my gaze, I see smoke billowing out of thatched roofs of a village in the far distance.

Where am I? The last thing I remember is meditating in the wilderness of Odessen...

That's it! I must've fallen asleep and now I'm dreaming. Altough it is different from the visions I usually get through the Force. And not only because it's a lot calmer.

"Poi?", it asks curious, I think.

I glance down at the blue creature.

"What?", I ask somewhat curious, too. What? I'm an explorer at heart.

At my response, it leaps up.
"Poi poi!"

I take a few fast steps away from it, and it lands back on the ground with a soft thud. That thing can jump pretty high, I need to be careful.

"What's your deal?"

"Poi!", it exclaims happily as it leaps again, and I again retreat.

"Stop that!", I command.
It clearly doesn't care.

I dodge as it jumps. Then I begin to run. I don't want to find out if that thing can literally eat Force energy the hard way.
To my suprise, the blob keeps pace with a series of nimble bounces.

"Poi poi!"
It seems to enjoy itself.

"Seriously, stay back!"
I need my powers, thank you very much.

It musters up one long leap, and I turn around the corner of a sturdy tree to avoid it. I don't notice the other person until too late!
We painfully collide, and I loose my balance before toppling over.

"Ah!", a female voice exclaimes, with which's owner I collided.

Fortunately, my hands catch myself, protecting my fall. When I open my eyes, I see a woman.
Her eyes are shut and her mouth is twisted in a grimace. Her long blonde hair is splayed out around her. She wears something resembling a brown leather corset and a light blue skirt. Silver-white armor is covering her chest and stomach with sheets of armor hanging off her hips, resembling a mandalorian kama. To say it in other words, she is easily one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. And I've met plenty of people.
As she lets out a small groan, she blinks open her eyes and fixes her gaze on me.

Anyway, manners are in order, even tough I have pressing questions at hand.
As I meet her gaze, I notice her saphire blue eyes and I push myself to my feet.

"I am very sorry. Are you hurt?"
I extend a hand. She hesitantly accepts it, and I help her up.

"Just a little sore, but otherwise I'm fine. Are you hurt?"
Her voice is soft and smooth, and her question carries genuine concern. At this moment I notice the vibroblade hanging on her hip. Is she a Jedi?

"No, I'm fine.", I say as I dust off my trusty royal robes.
"I am sorry again. I should have paid more attention to where I was going."
I usually do, but these are extreme circumstances. Even more extreme than my 'dicovery' of Iokath.

"It was partially my fault. I was distracted."


The creature is right by my foot again.

"Are you serious? You're still here?"
I am a bit annoyed by now.

The woman looks suprised.
"A Pango!", she exclaims happily and a smile graces her face.

I've never heard of a creature named like that. I don't know what to do with it.

"Poooooiiiii poi?"
This seems to go vice versa.
The pango bobs up and down by my foot and nudges me with its head.

"Aw, he's a cute one!"

At least one of us enjoys his company. Wait, 'he'?

"Yeah, you can tell by the shape of his eyes."
She seems to like this one, if her happy tone is anything to go by.


"I think he wants you to hold him."
Her attention is back on me now.

I shoot a cautious glare to the blue blob. It- no, he- is kind of cute though...

"How can you tell?"
I'm curious now, and I don't exactly have much expirience with tame animals.

"He's not being subtle about it."

The pango hops onto my foot and looks up at me.


He seems harmless enough. And I could still blast him to oblivion if he tries anything.
I bend down and he bounces into my palm. He feels cool to the touch and suprisingly solid for being kind of gelatinous.

"Poi poi!"
He chirps happily as he rolls over in my palm.

This feels suprisingly good. I could get used to fauna not bend on devouring me.

The woman leans in and uses a finger to gently tickle the pango. He chirrups again and shivers.

"Aww, his laugh is so adorable!"
It seems the woman has a tender spot for this little blob. Altough I am inclined to agree.

She continues to tickle him and he rolls over from laughing.

"Hehe, oops!"
She giggles happily, and it is one of the cutest sounds I have ever heard. Well, you don't hear happy laughter like that often in a war torn galaxy, but still, I like it.

She stops tickling him and pats him on the head instead. He snuggles against her hand and sighs contently.

Using her other hand, she raises her gauntlet and seems to offer it to the pango. The pango stares at it, then turns his head away and hops onto my shoulder before nestling against it.

"A pango who refuses magic energy...?"
Wait, magic? Is she speaking of the Force?

"Wait a minute! Are you a mage?"

"Mmm, I would rather call myself a sorcerer, but I guess you wouldn't be wrong, depending on ones perspective."

She seems confused.

"A sorcerer? You say some strange things."
She holds up her gauntlet and a faint, pale light glows. It pulses rhythmically. As she holds it closer to me, it quickens until the pulses almost look like one long pulse.
She blinks in suprise.
"Wait... this heightened energy activity... it's you?"

Given my current power level, I'd say 'probably'. But I think I'm better off keeping that to myself for now.
She analyzes the magic swirly thing on her gauntlet, probably a sensor interface of some sort. If only I could read it.

"I don't see a discharger on you..."
Discharger? Like a disruptor, or a blaster?

"So then, how is it possible for you to have such a high magical energy reading?"
Well, I'm the most powerful being in the galaxy, as far as I am aware. But does she really have a device that is able to scan for the actual power level of the Force in a person? Again, I keep that though to myself, for now. I need to play my cards close to the chest right now. Although she seems harmless enough...

"Are you carrying crystals?"
Is she referring to the crystals in my lightsaber? I can't be sure, though.

"Not that I know of."

She looks me over again.

"Nevermind, it doesn't seem like you're carrying crystals... or anything, for that matter..."
So she doesn't have noticed my lightsaber. It quite blends in with my belt, though.

Anyway, I can't detect even the slightest hint of ill intent on her. I guess it should be safe to tell her the truth of my situation, at least.
"I don't know what's going on right now. I was in... the gardens of... my institution meditating to learn... a new spell and somehow I woke up here."
That's not a lie. It's just differently phrased.

"So are you from the Mage Academy?"
I somehow doubt she means the Sith Academy. Call it a hunch.

This situation is so strange. I've expirienced many strange things before, but this tops everything.
"Okay, I think I've dozed off long enough. Time to wake up now."
I probably ate something bad and have this dream right now. Come to think of it, I still don't know what exactly Koth cooked up this evening.

She blinks in confusion.
"You are awake."

"No... this is a dream."

She frowns.
"I can assure you this is not a dream."
She is not amused. And I am inclined to agree. It was worth a shot, though.

But if this is in fact not a dream, it means I am at odds here. I need allies, so it's in my best interest to show her my charming side.
"But only a dream could have a woman as beautiful as you."
Hmm, it feels... weird to flirt like that. I've never done this before.

A devilish grin spreads across her face. So, did it work?

She pulls her hand back and strikes me soundly on the arm. That means no, I guess.
Her punch is nothing compared to what I already had to endure, but the strengh behind it takes me by suprise nonetheless.

I mutter a soft "Ow".

"Still think this is a dream?"
She sounds sure of herself.

I rub at the sore spot on my arm. The fact that I felt it under my nano-fabric robe is a testament to her strengh.
"Okay, it's not a dream."
It was a weak arguement, anyway.

"So, if this place isn't a dream, then where are we?"

"We're in Meadowhill."
That's not going to help.

"...Meadowhill? Where's that?"

"It's a part of the kingdom of Havengarde, of course."
She sounds like that's common knowledge. It probably is around here. I'm not from here, though.


She looks at me like I'm crazy. Well, she's not the first one, but I do try hard to keep my sanity. It's not easy when you've been through so much like me, though.
"...It's the largest of the three kingdoms..."
She sounds... cautious now, I'd say. Great.

She seems to get the gist of it.

"Where are you from."
Well, that's a tricky question. I don't remember exactly where I was born, so I'll settle with Odessen.

"I'm from Odessen."

"...Oh... Dessen?"
She clearly doesn't know what I'm speaking of. Figured as much.

"Almost. Odessen. It's the capital of the Eternal Alliance."

"Eternal Alliance? Alliance of what?"
She is clearly confused. I don't hold it against her, I'm just as confused. But then again, probably less.

"Nevermind that for now."
Good idea.

"If you don't have any crystals and you don't have a discharger..."
One can almost see the gears running. She's on to something.

"Have you casted recently?"

I was trying to figure out one of Valkorions rituals during my meditating, but that was a bust. Other than that, no, so I shake my head.

"Then the amount of energy reading doesn't add up."

She rests her chin in her hand as she thinks.

A shiver runs through me as reality begins to set in. This really isn't a dream. Other options could be that the ritual of traveling between planets was actually a success and I wound up on a pre-FTL populated planet somewhere in the galaxy, at best, or something went terribly wrong and I am in a different galaxy altogether. Heck, even a different dimension would be possible. And that's only based on the thought of me being the cause.

"Any ideas?"

She shakes her head.

"Maybe the Mage Academy can provide answers."

Mage Academy? That's a start.
"Sounds good to me. How do I get there?"

"Oh, it's in the center of Illumia."
She probably doesn't mean Ilum.

"Uh, where?"

"Illumia. You follow the path going north until you arrive at the crossroads. Then you head..."
Her voice trails off as she notices my expression.
"I'm actually heading back there now. You can come along if you want."

As I contemplate her offer, I look her over again. Can I trust her?
Her posture is naturally straight and gives her an air of authority, just like mine. She did mention she was out here on some sort of official investigation. Plus, she seems friendly enough. She resembles a Jedi knight very much. Maybe this magic is just their way of describing the Force. That would make the Mage Academy something like the Jedi Academy.
Besides, if I don't go with her, then I'll be wandering around on my own. And I'm not that fond of solitude. That would be poison to my mind, especially in my current predicament. And I definately don't want to end like Spindrall. I need to find a way back home! I mean, my council can hold the galaxy together without me for a while, probably, but still. If word got around that I'm no longer there... That would be Saresh all over again.

And so I nod.
She does alot for me, already did. She does have my sincere gratittude.
"My name is Xerath Kallig, by the way."
Introductions were somehow lost on us, it seems. I don't deem it necessary to introduce me with my full title. 'Darth Xerath 'Imperius' Kallig, Emperor of the Eternal Alliance' is quite a mouthful, most of which she probably wouldn't even understand.

"I'm Leanna. Leanna Dawn."
Dawn? How fitting.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance."
I make a formal bow to that and smile at her. It truly is a pleasure.

She's a bit startled, but follows with a small curtsy of her own. When our gazes meet, she matches my smile.
"It's nice to meet you too."

"Shall we get going then?"

"Ready when you are."

Leanna nods and brings us back onto the path. Then she walks in the direction of the village. The pango following us, staying a step behind.
We travel for quite some time together.

It's been pretty silent. I wonder if I should say something...
"So, not that I'm complaining, but what exactly were you doing out in the field?"

"The field?"

"Where you found me."

"Oh! There have been rumors about high energy readings around Meadowhill so I was sent to investigate. I had already checked out the surrounding area and there'd been no clear source for all that excess energy... until today."

"When you met me?"

She nods.

"I hadn't been in the field for very long before you found me though."

"Hmm, you might be a byproduct of whatever created the energy spike in the first place."

If this high energy is persistent for days already, it rules out that my attempt at the ritual was the source.
"What do you think that was?"

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen energy readings of that level before. The Mage Academy should be able to help explain."

I wonder what I could learn there...
"So, besides magic, what does the Mage Academy teach?"

"Oh, all the basics: how to use a manipulator, how to control your energy, the many usages and differences between crystals and spheres..."

"What exactly are these crystals you keep mentioning?"
I want to know if she means lightsaber crystals or a different kind.

"You mean the difference between crystals and crystal spheres? Well, when we refer to crystals we mean the raw crystals whereas crystal spheres are the usable, refined state."

"That's helpful, but I meant crystals in general."

She stares at me and narrows her eyes as if trying to judge if I'm serious.
"It's the power source for... well, everything!"

I look blankly at her. Not. Helpful.

"You don't use crystals where you come from?"

"Uh, not in the same way. Not as a general power source."

Her mouth falls open and she looks at me in bewilderment.
"With no crystals, what else do you use to power things?"

"Lots of stuff, actually."
I count off my fingers.
"The sun, water, wind, nuclear fusion, fossile fuels like coal or oil..."

Her eyes widen with each item I list. She's about to speak, but I'm not finished.

"...geothermal, waves, tidal, hydrogen-"

"Okay, okay!"
She shakes her head incredulously.
"I get it. You have your own methods of energy... many, many methods.

Leanna's eyes sparkle as she falls into a pensive silence. A small smile plays at her lips while she considers what I've said.
I might have overwhelmed her a little, but she actually seemed interested in all our methods of harnessing energy.

Without seeming too suspicious, I try to get a better look at her gauntlet. What was that thing she was doing with it earlier?
Leanna notices me staring and shifts uncomfortable.

"Are... you okay?"

"Yes, I was just curious about your gauntlet."

"Oh, my manipulator?"

"Uhh... sure."

"All mages have a manipulator. It's how we use energy to interact with the elements around us."

"The elements? Wait, you mean you can interact directly with the elements?"
The sheer imagination of that concept unhinges everything I ever learned about the Force. But then again, there is only the Force. Intriguing.

"I suppose that's one way to phrase it."

"Can you show me an example?"

"Um, like what?"

"I don't know. Do anything."

Leanna pauses as she thinks. Then her face brightens. She lifts up her gauntlet and points toward the pango. He levitates in the air, much to the pango's suprise.
As he hovers in the air, he looks in awe around him and opens the mouth, trying to eat the air. Leanna giggles and gently places him back down.
While the feat in itself was nothing special in itself, I could feel that she didn't use the Force to directly levitate the pango and instead controlled the flow of air around him. Most intriguing.
"Whoa. That was amazing!"

Leanna smiles shyly as she brushes a stray lock of hair behind her ear.
"It was nothing."

"What else can you do?"

"There's a lot more my manipulator can do, but I think it's best if I conserve the energy for now."

I nod. That makes sense.

I glance behind us again. Just as expected, the pango hops along.
"So, the pango's still following us..."

Leanna glances back and grins.
"That's not too suprising."

"Why not?"

"Pangos are attracted to magical energy. That's why it was so strange that it showed no interest in my manipulator."

"It is still following us though..."

"It's following you. My readings showed that you are full of magical energy. As far as the pango is concerned, you're a buffet."

As I think over what Leanna said, I look at the pango one more time. This time he looks right back at me and his eyes crinkle as he splits into a huge grin.
"Poi poi!"


He leaps up into the air and reaches the height of my waist.



He jumps high again. Leanna giggles.

"I think he's tired of hopping."

"I guess it can be kind of hard to keep up when you're so much smaller than us."
I hold out my hands and the pango hops right into my palm. But he doesn't stop there! Before I can react, he hops onto my shoulder and jumps again to land on top of my head.

I feel a cool wiggle in my hair. Leanna giggles again.

"What's he doing?"

"Nothing, he's just so happy!"
She reaches out a finger to stroke the pango, who chirrups contentedly. Leanna's smile broadens. Then she clears her throat as she tries to take on a more serious expression. Her steps quicken as she resumes walking.

I listen to the sounds of wildlife as we continue walking. I can hear the usual song of birds and the faint whoosh of wings flapping in the air.
Occationally, there's a rustle amid the the trees, and I even swat at the bugs buzzing around my eyes. It all feels very familiar, reminding me of home. Minus the annoying shade stalkers.

Leanna clears her throat.
"So, you're from 'Oh Dessen'?"

"Odessen, but yes."

"Which kingdom is that in?"


How should I phrase this...

"In the kingdom of the Eternal Alliance."

She frowns and scretches her neck.

"I'm a little ashamed to say I'm not familiar with that place... where is it?"

I'm not suprised. But how should I explain this...

"Let me see if I can explain... Alright, tell me, where are we right now?"

"In Meadowhill."

"And where is that?"

"In the kingdom of Havengarde."

"And where is Havengarde?"

"In the land of Esaria."

"And what is that a part of?"

"Terra, of course."
Terra? I never heard of a planet with that name...

"Okay, so Terra is my Odessen."

She pauses as my words sink in. Then she gasps.
"Wait. Are you not from Terra?"

I thought that was obvious by now.
"From what I've heard so far, I'm not."

She looks concerned.
"How did you get here?"

"That's what I'm hoping the Mage Academy can tell me."

"Right, but I mean, how did you come to Meadowhill specifically. Do you remember anything before you were in the field?"

I think back. I was meditating in the wilderness of Odessen to learn a new power or two that are locked to Valkorion's powers and memories. Since I've defeated him I absorbed his power and wisdom. I know all of his secrets and rituals, I just need to learn to understand them. I was extra tired because I was battling Tyth just yesterday, and I had to use quite a large amount of my power to defeat him. And I still remember everything about me and my past.


"Hm, well, at least we know you don't have amnesia."

I nod. She lapses back into silence, looking thoughtful. I have a lot to think of myself. Altough there are some similarities between this world and my own, I've only scratched the surface on all the differences. I really hope the Mage Academy can help explain what is going on... and more importantly, how I can get back home. Galactic peace is at stake.

The pango flips in front of my eyes and I carefully scoop him back onto the place on my head.
"Whoa! What happened there? Did you slip?"

Is it my imagination or did that 'poipoi' sound a little sheepish?

Leanna looks over and grins.
"You were trying to get a good look at our friend here, weren't you?"
Hold on a moment! Did she just call me her friend? That's... touching.

I feel movement on my head as I assume the pango nods.

"Looks like someone got a litte adventurous and lost his footing!"


I let out a chuckle as Leanna giggles. Once the pango is secured, we continue walking.

The sun dips in the sky and bathes the tips of the trees in a soft glow.
Finally, we come upon the perimeter of the village. Leanna grins as she leads me through the gates.

"Here we are! Meadowhill Village."

Leanna hardly seems affected by the long trek. Figured. This world doesn't seem to be that technically advanced for everyone to have a swoop bike. Or a personal scout walker. I feel the strain on my muscles, but I'm more or less used to long treks, too.

"I thought you said this place was close..."

"It is! It's only a half a days walk."

I guess the term is relative to one's speed of travel.

"Let's continue. We can rest at the inn tonight."
She resumes walking and I follow her.

The village is still bustling with people even at this time of day. I suppose they're getting in their last errands before nightfall. For the most part, everyone seems to focus on their own tasks. They barely glance at Leanna, but when their gazes are drawn to me they don't look away. In fact, their steps slow and they crane their necks as we pass.

"I guess some things never change."

Leanna overhears my muttering and watches the people around us.

"It's your clothes. They're very peculiar."

"Well, I'm just wearing my normal robe."

Even though the stares are directed at me, Leanna seems uncomfortable.
"Okay, new plan, let's stop by the shops before they close. We don't need to draw attention to ourselves."

I instinctively pat my pocket as I narrow my eyes. I somehow doubt they accept credits here, but that's not the point.
"Hell no!"

Leanna seems startled by my outburst, so I clear my throat.
"I wear my royal robes, or nothing. Besides, I doubt anything your world can offer lives up to my standards."
Even though I meant no hostility with that statement, I still sound like a snob. Granted, I am a little vain, but still.

At first she appears to be taken aback, but then a devilish smile spreads across her face. I won't let me be hit again, though.
"Royality...? This sounds like a challenge!"

I heave a sigh.
"I suppose it doesn't hurt to take a look. I don't have any money, though..."

"That's okay. I'll take care of it."

"Thank you. I appreciate it."
I doubt even any of my close friends would have done that for me on the first day we met. Heh, A'den probably would've halved me.

"It's understandable given your circumstances."

However, I don't like to be in debt with someone.
"I'll pay you back once I can."

Leanna smiles and nods. She changes direction and leads me towards an adjacent street. There are rows of quaint shops lining both sides of the road.
I read the signs as we walk by: 'Edward's Apothecary', 'Blackstone Forge', 'Dragonscale Armory'...


"What is it?"

"I was just thinking how convenient it is that everything's in Basic here."

"Basic? You mean Common?"

"Common? I guess we have different names for the same concept, then."

"Seems like it."

Leanna pauses in front of a shop and peers inside. Satisfied, she motions for me to follow.
"Come on in, we're here."

I step into the shop and the first thing I notice is the overwhelmingly musty smell of leather. It's not suprising considering the walls are lined with different types of leatherwear.
A small, elderly man emerges from the back. A pair of round glasses sits on his nose as an apron hangs around his neck.
"Welcome! Please, take a look around."
His smile falters when he notices me.
Leanna clears her throat.
"We're looking for a new wardrobe for my friend here."

"Yes, yes, of course..."
The shopkeeper blinks back to reality and resumes his pitch.
"Well, you've come to the right place! We tan our hides and stitch the pieces ourselves. You won't find any finer quality than here!"

"Oh? A bold statement. You are lucky that I don't settle for anything less than the best, then."

Leanna just smiles politely and strolls towards the selections.
I check out two seemingly identical leather vests, both of which are marked at different prices. I really can't see a difference between the two.

"Hey Leanna."

She turns around.

"Where's the difference between these two?"

"One of them is processed specially to increase it's durability."

"Ah, I see. Thanks."

She smiles as we continue perusing.

One by one, we pick out my new outfit. Once all the pieces have been chosen, she goes to haggle with the shopkeeper. I tune out of their conversation and watch the people passing by. Their clothing are simple in design, meant to be more functional then aesthetic, being in a stark contrast to my people of Zakuul. To my suprise everybody walks around armed. This village doesn't seem dangerous, but looks can be decieving...

"Why don't you get changed now? There's a space in the back to give you some privacy."

I nod and take the clothes from her. Once I've ensured privacy, I quickly get changed. Luckily, these clothes have pockets, so I can just transfer everything over. I palm my wallet and deck of sabacc cards. Next is my holocom. I try to turn it on just to see if it will work, but all I get is static. I must be too far away from anything to get no signal through...
Shrugging it off, I put my holocom into my pocket too.

When I emerge, Leanna gives me a onceover.

"How do I look?"

She grins and nods in satisfaction.

"Wow, look at you! Just like a native. This look suits you!"

I match her grin. We found something that keeps the dark blue and black colour scheme of my noble robes whilst looking more like an andventurer's clothes. It still offers protection through the leather armor.
"Thank you."

"Let's go find the inn now."
She heads out of the shop and I follow her.

"Actually... Maybe we can stop by the armoury?"

She pauses and looks curiously at me.

"Armoury? You want to get a weapon?"
Her question is careful, cautious. Let's ignore the fact I already have the probably single most deadly weapon on this planet for now. I'm still annoyed I had to change out of my trusty royal robes. I still have them with me, of course, alongside my Emperor's Mantle.

"The goal is to blend in, right? It's weird that a person wearing leather armor is traveling unarmed... I look like a hostage or something."

"Hm, you do have a point. Plus, it could come in handy."

Well, everywhere's still the same, eh?

"Do you know how to use a weapon?"
Again, altough her voice holds no hostality, I can sense her caution.

"Yes, I am highly trained in Niman as well as practiced in Makashi."

She blinks.

"They're types of sword fighting where I come from."
I'm nowhere close to be as skilled as A'den Taurus, the Eternal Wrath, or Legonir Liberia and Destra Shan, the battlemasters of the Jedi Order when it comes to lightsaber fighting. But they taught me some tricks...

"I see."
Leanna falls silent as she gazes out into the street. After an extended pause, she nods.
We head to the forge where rows of vibroblades ranging from longswords to short daggers hang from the wall.
All of the blades look fairly plain, but the steel edges glint dangerously amidst the warm glow of the forge.
Unlike the previous shopkeeper, the metalsmith ignores us as he pounds out a red-hot blade.
Sparks jump from the clanging metal, reminding me of fireflies.
Leanna lets me browse the swords. I reach for one that catches my attention.
As I gently remove it from the shelf, I miscalculate it's weight and drop it!
The steel scratches the ground with a sharp screech.
The metalsmith pauses in his work to glower a warning. Leanna looks on in shock.


I quickly right the sword back up and grip it tightly. Leanna now watches me with intrigue.

"Is this the first time you've held a sword?"

Shaking my head, I take a practice swing with the sword and it glides gracefully in the air. Leanna looks impressed.

"Was that a move from your... Makashi?"

I shake my head.
"Niman, actually."

"Not bad."

I swing again and the movement flows naturally.
As the sword cuts through the air with a sharp thwing!, I can't help but admire how smoothly it slices. This is high quality craftsmanship.

"Let's go with this one."

As before, Leanna discusses with the shopkeeper. When she returns, I strap the sword to my belt.

We make one more stop to gather supplies for our travel. By the time we're finished, the sun has set and darkness blankets the sky.
The town is aglow with soft lights glint from within houses and the lampposts on the streets.
As we pass by a lamppost, I peek inside and see a small crystal shining brilliantly. It looks just like an Ilum crystal.
Using the light to guide us, we find the inn.
I take a seat at one of the crude tables while Leanna talks to the innkeper behind the bar.
There are scattering of other patrons, mostly men who sit alone, nursing a tankard of what I assume to be ale.
I stifle a yawn. Now that I had the chance to sit down, I feel the full weight of my fatigue. Come to think of it, I'm up a whole day straight.
Luckily, Leanna returns and hands me a key.

"This is your room for the night. It's right next to mine."

"Thank you."

She nods.
"They should be coming out with our dinner soon. Then we should get to sleep. We have an early start tomorrow."

My stomach grumbles in anticipation.

Leanna smiles as she sits in the empty stool next to mine.
Our meals arrive and I stare at the bowl before me. It's a goopy, thick stew and looks about as appetizing as the chemical wastes of Quesh. But due to the Colicoid within me, it really is appetizing. Plus it smells pretty good.

"Uh, what is this?"

"It's stew."

Captain Obvious strikes again.
"...What kind of stew?"


I shrug. Figured I wouldn't know their fauna.
I take a tentive bite of my stew.

"How is it?"

It's definitely better than ration bars.
"This is even better than I expected!"

Leanna grins as she digs in.
I finish eating and Leanna cleans her bowl. Then the two of us head upstairs.

She pauses in front of her room and I stop in front of mine.



I'm about to enter my room, when I hear a small voice.

Looking down, I see the pango back at my feet. Now that I think about it, ever since we entered the village he's been awfully silent.

"Have you been following us this whole time or did you lose us and find us again?"

The pango blinks twice and bounces.
"Poi poi!"

"Pangos aren't exactly welcomed everywhere."

"Why's that?"

"Well, they absorb the energy around them, including crystals which are used to light lampposts and other similar items."

"Ah, I can see how that would be bad."

"I think this guy knew to stay out of sight once we came in here."

"What if someone sees him here?"

"As long as he doesn't stray too close to a crystal, he'll be fine. People only make a fuss when it looks like their crystal might be drained."

"Got it."

She reaches towards the pango.
"Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"
I know I do.
...Wait, what? Where did that thought come from?

The pango snuggles agains my leg. Leanna sighs.

"I thought as much."

She opens her door and flashes me one last smile.

"Sleep well."
She disappears into her room.
...It has been awhile since someone said that to me. No, scratch that. No one ever wished for me to sleep well. Great, now I'm smiling like an idiot.

I open my door and step through. The pango perks up.
"Poi poi!"

I grow awfully fast awfully fond of that little guy, but I can't help it. I step away from the door, and the pango hops in.
As I close the door behind him, he continues to hop around the room, as if inspecting it.
Yawning widely, I collapse onto the bed. The pango continues to circle the room.

"Are you looking for a good place to sleep?"

He sounds tired, too.

He suddenly leaps up and lands on my bed. Then he bounces to the foot of the bed and wiggles himself a cozy nest by creating a small crater on top of the blanket. I cant help but grin at that little guy.

"Goodnight, pango."


I roll over in bed, and it's not long before I'm fast asleep.