Author's Note: So, as I've said in the summary, I'm rewriting this. Along with most of my stories. I'm not sure how long the process will take, but I intend to go through with it.

I want to apologize to all the readers of this story, especially the ones who have favorite it and followed it. I want to make it up to you, but it'll take time before I can start updating any of my stories again. I hope you all can forgive me.

Please, read and review. I might take a suggestion if I feel that it'll work with what I have planned for the whole plot.

Also, could you all please check out the different movies, TV shows, and that one anime that I write stories for. It isn't fair that amazing anime such as the Ginga series, or movies such as Cats and Dogs and Red Dawn don't have that many stories. The Ginga series has less than 200, Red Dawn has less than 60, and I think Cats and Dogs barely has 40. I know I haven't been doing my part in adding stories to these amazing things that I enjoy, but I'm trying. But adding stories to them is not something I can do alone. Please, to those of you who are willing, help me give them the number of stories they deserve.

This is now officially the first rewritten chapter of this story.

Now that I've said that, let the story begin.

For centuries, dragons and Vikings have been at war with each other, each side often fighting for the same reason, survival. On the Isle of Berk, the Hairy Hooligan Tribe have mainly encountered the four most common species of dragons every time there was a raid. Every time there was one of those nighttime battles, the Vikings would find themselves fighting against Gronckles, Deadly Nadders, Zipplebacks, and the most dangerous dragon so far, the one only the strongest of Vikings can go after, the Monstrous Nightmare.

Still, as strong and powerful as these four types of dragons were capable of being, there were still other dragons out there across the world. The Vikings don't encounter any of the other species very often, but there were times where they had to deal with certain species of dragons that proved to be more dangerous than the ones they were used to. But there was one species of dragon, one that's so dangerous and so powerful it is feared by virtually every Viking on Earth.

The Night Fury. Perhaps the fastest dragon of all, so fast that no one has even seen what it looks like. Berk has encountered a Night Fury a few times before during raids, but one thing that makes it unique and troublesome is that this dragon never steals food, never kills, and never misses. No human has ever even come close to these creatures, and if any Viking dared to go after one, they would simply perish. Certain tribes feared Night Furies to such an extent that many chiefs decided that if such a dragon is ever to be seen on their islands, it is to be left alone as they fear that if one is provoked, their tribe will suffer wrath surpassed only by that of the gods.

Hiccup was the first person on Berk to come close to one without dying, as he had shot one down just last night with his latest invention, a weapon meant to fire bolas to incapacitate dragons. He was filled with excitement as he stared down at the fallen dragon, unable to believe that he, a scrawny teenage boy, a nuisance to his tribe, and a disappointment to his father, was actually standing over a Night Fury.

"I... I did it. Oh, yes! This changes everything. I have brought down this mighty beast!" As he had placed his boot down on the dragon's side in triumph, it was immediately pushed away by the creature. Startled, Hiccup quickly backed up as he stared down at it fearfully, realizing it was not dead.

The way the Night Fury looked at him was strange. Those green eyes showed what could only be described as intelligence. But while Hiccup knew that all dragons and other animals had some form of intellect, this was something else entirely, something no one would expect a dragon, Night Fury or not. It was almost as though he was looking into the eyes of another human. And he could see it in those eyes, that one emotion one wouldn't expect from a doomed being; boredom. This Night Fury did not fear him.

Still afraid, Hiccup turned the knife to where it was facing down at the Night Fury. "I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna kill you, dragon. I'm... I'm gonna cut out your heart and take it to my father. I am a Viking. I'm a Viking!"

The Night Fury, who seemed to grow tired of Hiccup's rant, immediately stood up. The bolas couldn't handle the resistance and the ropes quickly snapped as the dragon stood on his hind legs, and he bent down until his face was only a few mere inches from Hiccup's.

"Blah, blah, blah." Every time the words were heard, the dragon's mouth opened and closed, and with no one else around, it was clear that the Night Fury had spoken. It couldn't be possible, it shouldn't be possible! The Night Fury... had spoken. It's... his voice was rather unsettling. Very deep and gruff, but most of all, it sounded so powerful. Like a voice one would expect the voice of a god to sound like. It also sounded like the Night Fury was also very old, but what was truly eerie was how it also sounded like the voice of a madman, of a psychopath. "Have you any idea just how tired I am of Vikings like you, ranting the same damn bullshit of how they're gonna kill me? Do you know how irritating that is? Do you?!"

Hiccup fell onto his back and crawled away as the Night Fury got onto all-fours and approached him in a slow, menacing way. The boy stopped as soon as his back was against a boulder, so all he could do was stare up at the terrifying creature.


"What's the matter, boy?" The Night Fury managed to say that last word with greater fury in his tone. "Having seconds thoughts? Now? Why's that? Are you afraid of me, child?" The dragon looked down at the knife, which Hiccup was still holding in his hand. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

"W-W-What?" Hiccup asked, not understanding what he meant.

"Are you going to kill me now?" Suddenly, the Night Fury grabbed the hand that was holding the knife and immediately pulled it towards him until the tip of the blade pressed against his large, muscular chest. When Hiccup saw it, he thought the blade would never penetrate those obviously dense muscles.

"Go ahead, child." The Night Fury said, sounding angry and unusually soothing at the same time. "Cut out my heart. If you can."


The Night Fury pulled the blade onto his chest, but it did not go through his flesh. No, the knife broke in half, and his chest showed no signs of injury. Hiccup stared at where the blade would've impaled him, looking shocked and somewhat amazed.

"Feel grateful, boy. My father wouldn't have been so merciful."

"You're letting me go?" Hiccup asked in surprise, most certainly not expecting to be spared.

The Night Fury, who had turned to leave, looked over his shoulder, and Hiccup trembled as he saw the dragon's intimidating gaze. After a short moment of silence, he spoke.

"I don't kill children. It goes against my moral code." And with that, the Night Fury extended his wings and flew off so fast that Hiccup barely saw him after he took off. Hiccup stood up to go back the way he came, only to faint from the shock of it all.

Later that day, after waking up in the forest, Hiccup got back up and went home. He slowly opened the door to remain quiet, and like he expected, his father was inside. Stoick was crouching by the fire, so Hiccup took the chance to sneak up the stairs. Unfortunately, that didn't work.

"Hiccup." Stoick spoke up and looked over at his son.

Hiccup sighed. "Dad, uh... I need to talk to you."

"I need to speak with you too, son." His father replied.

"I don't want to fight dragons."

"I think it's time you learn to fight dragons."

Both these things had been said at the same time, so they didn't really hear what the other said.

"You go first." Stoick said.

"No, you go." Hiccup insisted.

Stoick sighed. "Alright. You got your wish. Dragon training. You start tomorrow morning."

"Oh, man. I should've gone first." Hiccup said, realizing his mistake. "Actually, Dad, I've decided I don't want to fight dragons. I mean, we already have a surplus of Dragon-fighting Vikings. Maybe we could use some bread-making Vikings, or home repair Vikings."

Stoick didn't seem to pay any attention as he handed Hiccup his axe. "You'll need this."

Hiccup reluctantly took the axe, then repeated the same thing. "I don't want to fight dragons."

"Come on, yes you do."

"Rephrase. Dad, I can't kill dragons."

"But you will kill dragons."

"No, I'm really, very, extra sure that I won't."

"It's time, son." Stoick said sternly.

"Can you not hear me?"

"This is serious, son!" Stoick exclaimed. "When you carry this axe, you carry us with you. Which means you walk like us. You talk like us. You think like us. No more of..." Stoick pointed at him. "...this."

"You just gestured to all of me."


"This conversation is feeling very one-sided."


Hiccup sighed. "Deal."

"Good. Train hard. I'll be back. Probably." Stoick said as he headed out the door.

"And I'll be here, maybe." Hiccup said as his father left.

Somewhere in the woods, Hiccup was out searching for the Night Fury after that deadly encounter with the Gronckle. Dragon Training went about as well as he had expected, only he had thought he was going to die, up until Gobber saved his life. But something the Blacksmith said got him thinking.

"A dragon will always, always go for the kill."

"So why didn't you?" Hiccup asked loudly, practically calling out to the Night Fury, assuming he was still on the island. So far, Hiccup's been searching, but there were no signs of where the Night Fury was. Eventually, his wandering brought him to this cove. It was a beautiful place with a pond at the center of it all.

Out of curiosity, Hiccup couldn't stop himself from venturing into it. There was nothing in sight, no dragons or animals of any kind. Although, that made him suspicious, because it was quiet. Too quiet.

"Oh, you truly are not the brightest, are you, child?"

Hiccup turned around, only to see that there was no one there. Then he jumped when he saw the Night Fury appear out of nowhere. It was obviously camouflage, like that of a Changewing, but Hiccup had not expected a Night Fury to possess such a unique ability. It made him curious as to what else this dragon was capable of.

Despite their previous encounter, Hiccup couldn't stop himself from smiling. "You're here."

The Night Fury raised a brow. "Tell me something I don't know." He let out a yawn before walking over to a spot and lying down, clearly tired. "Why've you come here? It's unwise to go after something as dangerous as me, especially when you have no way of defending yourself."

"But you said you wouldn't kill me, and I assume you won't hurt me. Right?" Hiccup asked, a little nervous if the dragon had changed his mind about that.

Fortunately, the Night Fury shrugged, remembering that he had said that. "Admittedly, I did say that, but it's a surprise that you'd go searching for a beast such as me. Many would call you insane for even thinking of doing it, and besides, when you encounter a beast, it's often best to just leave it be. After all, that's what some of the Viking tribes do."

"Well, we aren't any of those tribes." Hiccup pointed out.

The Night Fury shrugged once more. "That's true as well. Still, I'm surprised you didn't go run off when you saw me. You wouldn't be the first, although it is actually impressive. Vikings larger and obviously stronger than you have trembled before my gaze alone, and yet here you are, standing a mere few feet away, looking at me with such curiosity. I suppose that's also part of the reason you came to me, because you're curious. You want to know more about dragons, specifically my kind."

"You could say that."

"Well, anything in particular you want to know, or are you just going to stare at me like that?"

"Well, I don't even know what to say. I mean, it's not every day you meet a Night Fury, much less one that can talk."

"And that's true. But seriously, is there anything you want to know?"

Hiccup gave it some thought, considering all the questions he had. The first known person to meet a Night Fury and live, and now he gets to ask it, or him, questions about his kind and what they're capable of, when no one else even knew for sure. The only things Vikings knew about the species were that Night Furies were fast and powerful, able to destroy entire catapult towers, possibly even small ships. Hiccup now knew that Night Furies were highly intelligent and capable of speech, which would be a major breakthrough in their knowledge of dragons. Still, what should he ask.

"What's your name?"

The Night Fury's eyes widened, and Hiccup could tell that the dragon had not been expecting a question like that.

"My name? You could ask anything of me, what I can do, where I come from, yet you ask to know my name?"

Hiccup shrugged. "I... guess? I just thought we should know who we both are. Won't that make it easier for us to talk?"

The Night Fury seemed to consider this, and it wasn't long before he shrugged. "My name is Toothless." Hiccup's eyes widened in surprise. "Yeah, a great name, I know. It's not the worse. Some people believe that a hideous name would frighten off gnomes and trolls. Like that fact we're dragons wouldn't do that."

Hiccup chuckled. "No way."

The Night Fury, Toothless, raised a brow. "What?"

"Oh, um, you sound just like me." Hiccup saw the confusion on the Night Fury's face. "My name's Hiccup. I thought the same thing, like our whole Viking demeanor wouldn't frighten off gnomes and trolls."

"'Hiccup'?" Toothless thought about the name, and realized how much it reminded him of his own. "Yeah. We have something in common alright. Ain't that a surprise."

"Were you a 'Hiccup' where you come from, too?" Hiccup asked curiously.

"You could say that. I wasn't exactly a complete nuisance to my clan, but I guess to some of them, I was close enough. Your dad the chief?"

"Yep. Your dad the alpha or something?"

"Dragon lord, actually."

"So, both our fathers are leaders, and we're both 'Hiccups'." Hiccup said interestedly. "Huh. How 'bout that?"

"It's something, alright. But do you have any other questions?"

For a moment, it sounded like Toothless just wanted to change the topic, but Hiccup didn't pay much attention to it.

"What are you doing here? Are there any other Night Furies around?"

"I doubt it. Last time I saw Night Furies, they were far from here. It'd take a lifetime for any who lives in this archipelago to ever find one. And many have wasted their lives doing just that. And to answer that other question, I was planning to just keep going after I was done with this island, until you provided me with quite the inconvenience."

"Oh." Hiccup had almost forgotten about that. "Sorry about that."

Toothless shrugged, not even caring about that. "Relax, it didn't harm me in any way. If anything, it was just annoying."

"I can imagine. I mean, you're very strong. I've never heard of a dragon that could break free of a bola."

"Well, we Night Furies are most certainly not normal dragons. We're stronger, faster, and much more powerful. I could destroy entire ships and large structures, like those catapult towers."

"Why do you do that?" Hiccup asked curiously. "I mean, you never steal food, never show yourself, and you definitely never miss. What's the point of just taking out a few towers?"

Toothless smirked in a way that seemed cruel, despite his friendliness towards Hiccup. "I find it amusing. I have powers and abilities Vikings like you couldn't possibly imagine. The vast amount of capabilities I have make me godlike. Hell, it doesn't take much to be godlike. All you need is to find an inferior race, but there's a difference between being godlike and being a genuine, supernatural godly being. Either way, it's fun to just destroy things every now and then. When I destroy something, whether it's a ship, a catapult tower, or a building of some kind, it's make me feel powerful, like I can control the battle, manipulate the outcome, decide who wins and who falls. Makes me feel like Ares, the Greek God of War."

Hiccup nodded, despite having no knowledge of Greek mythology. But that didn't mean that he didn't understand the "God of War" part. "Wow. So you're saying that if you wanted, Vikings could lose any battle because you're interfering?"

"Yes." Toothless answered. "You see, boy, by destroying the right structure at the right time, I could easily turn the tide in favor of the raiding dragons. But that doesn't mean I couldn't turn it in favor of the tribe being raided. I just have to be smart about what I do, how I do it, and the timing of it all. That tends to require intellect that primitive barbarians such as Vikings are typically incapable of possessing, but we Night Furies have immense mental strength comparable to our physical strength."

"No way. I mean, it's obvious that you're smart, but if you're as smart as you are strong..." Hiccup trailed off as he began thinking of all of things this Night Fury was capable of doing with his intelligence. It made the young boy wonder just what he could do with it. He could potentially perfect each and every one of his failed inventions, or maybe figure out the best way to get the tribe to actually like him. No, even intelligence couldn't help him accomplish such, but if it could...?

"You're certainly smarter than I took you for if you understand those words. Plenty of Vikings, or other humans, wouldn't even comprehend the first few. It reminds me of how often things that are scientific are mistaken for the supernatural, but even mortals things can baffle primitive men." Toothless stated as if he was quoting something.

Hiccup chuckled. "I'm not that smart. None of my inventions ever worked before. The fact that one managed to take you down like it was supposed to was just luck."

"Must've been a lot of luck for you to have succeeded, then." Toothless remarked. "Look, Hiccup, we all make our mistakes from time to time. The problem isn't you, it's that you're trying to create something new. Making a sword or other known weapon is easy for you because you were taught how to make such things. And let's be honest, a normal sword tends to have a rather simple design, not too hard to get it right. What I'm saying is just keep on trying, and you'll succeed."

"Do you really believe that, Toothless?" Hiccup asked, surprise not by the fact that a dragon was saying such things to him, but by the fact that anyone was saying these things to him at all.

"Of course I do. Powers or no powers, I can see a lot of untapped potential in you. You may not be physically strong or fast, but you have a creativity and intellect that I have seen in very few Vikings. And that weapon you made last night worked without a flaw when you used it against me."

Hiccup smiled as a few tears formed in his eyes, which did not go unnoticed by Toothless.

"What's wrong, Hiccup?" The Night Fury asked with a hint of concern. He hardly knew the boy, but he was starting to like him. Although, he wasn't sure he could admit what really got his attention.

Hiccup wiped the tears away with his sleeve. "Yeah. I'm fine, Toothless. It's just... no one's ever believed in me before. Well, Gobber kinda does, but it's all just a little encouragement here and there. With you, it just feels real." When he realized what he had said, his eyes widened as he started stuttering. "I-I mean -"

"Save it, Hiccup. I know what you meant." Toothless reassured with a chuckle. "Look, you're worth believing in. There's no need for you to doubt yourself so much, or listen to what anyone else says. They're nothing but distractions at best, nothing important about the likes of them. So listen to me when I say that you shouldn't give up on your inventions, or whatever it is that you want to do. If you want to invent, then invent. If you want to fight, then fight. That's your choice, because it's your life. Do you understand?"

Hiccup nodded. "I understand."

Toothless smiled slightly. "Good. Now go home. You can't stay gone for too long, not without anyone getting suspicious."

"Okay. Do you mind if I come back tomorrow?"

Toothless considered this for a moment, debating whether or not he even wanted Hiccup to come back. Honestly, he didn't want to grow close to the boy, not when he knew he would leave, anyway. But at the same time, it felt nice to have someone to talk to. It's been lonely for him, being on the road for so many years.

"Not at all. You can come if you want."

Hiccup smiled. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow afternoon." Then he left.

Toothless let out a sigh. "I couldn't even manage sarcasm. Oh well. He's not bad company."