The Fairy King's Library
Don't own Bleach or anything else that comes up- except Mokules! He is mine.
Summary: Upon her death, Loly wakes up in a strange place and meets a stranger being that grants her a new life. Lives, actually, across different worlds as various different versions of herself. What purpose, she can only guess as she lives one book at a time. Various crossovers and a few OCs. Written in joint with an anonymous friend.
AN Okay, quick explanation time. This started and was done as a CYOA type story between me and a friend where I posted something, gave him options for what happened next, I wrote the next piece based on his pick, and so on. He actually put a lot into this and did all the betaing He wants to remain unassociated with this for personal reasons, but we'll just call him Grendal. Grendal is a fan of Loly and NOT a fan of Orihime, for the record. While originally done for fun, we actually have a lot of this done and will be sending updates fairly frequently for a while.
PS Mokules's spelling and grammar mistakes are intentional on his part.
Loly blinked as she awoke. Or, to be more precise, she regained awareness of herself. The last thing she remembered was an explosion of pain and splintering bone piercing her senses. Looking down at her hands however, they looked normal as ever, same with her legs…one of which she distinctly remembered having been ripped off.
"I'm…not a fucked up mess? But the whore didn't heal me…"
Pushing that aside she took in her surroundings as another distinct realization began to swell within her belly.
She was standing in some kind of grand hall that reminded her of Las Noches, yet at the same time the differences outweighed the similarities. The walls were white yes, but there was more color in this one room than the entire realm of Hollows: a rug that was made from freshly fallen autumn leaves stitched together, strange flowering plants of a purple and twisting nature that looked like they were from a children's storybook lined the walls, and rows of skeletal statues stood at attention on either side of the hall. They vaguely resembled those from some kind of primate but to sizes and porportions that were simply monstrous.
Even more unusual was the snow gently falling, indoors no less, without a cloud in sight. Idly she noticed the snowflakes seeminged to vanish before ever reaching the ground. Letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, the white plume spread out as it would on a cold winter morning…only, the room was warm, sunny even despite the lack of any apparent windows or lights. Nothing about this place made any sense, though even she had to admit there was something almost…beautiful about it.
"Loly Aivirrne."
On instinct she reached for her Zanpaktuo and pivoted into a low stance, only to find the familiar blade, that had been at her side since becoming an Arrancar, was now absent as she turned to see…something?
It was humanoid, but not. Feline yet with hints of reptilian. The eyes were slit, colored like sapphires dotted with shimmering dark orbs that almost seemed to moved. Brilliant azure fur marked by royal blue coated the body, with great antlers resting upon the head of a cheshire cat. The smile was wide, far too wide to not show a single tooth. This would stand out the most to other, but with first hand familiarity with bizarre creatures, Loly knew where to direct her gaze. Sure enough, large curved claws were present upon the end of the limbs. Almost human hands danced deadly digits against each other while lazy swaying brought her gaze to the the ground off to the side where a tail laid. The rear appendage was as long as the owner's backside, thicker than a grown man's arm, and covered in lustrous black scales. Scales that were pocketed over the rest of the entity along the elbows of the front limbs, cruzed along the sides of the torso, and just above the rear feet. These were all but camouflaged at first glance by the darker hairs of the pelt.
It sat upon a throne, but slouched would have been a far more accurate term as its legs appeared as if unnaturally bent and stretched for the padded feet to reach the ground. The throne itself was made of the same bone like material as everything else, but seemed…fresher, more recent in someway. Rather ornate as thrones went in her limited experience, it was masterfully sculpted the impressions of forestry with many little mythical beings hiding in its designs.
Unfortunately, it suffered from a rather poor paint scheme of purples and browns for unknown reasons.
As confused as Loly was, there were no traces of panic coursing through her. She attributed this to something she could percieve less visually and more a tangible feeling on her brain. There was a...glow, a radiance the creature had about it. It was soft, gentle, and almost impossible to notice until she realized she was being far, far calmer about this situation than she had been for anything else in her existence. A forced tranquility was being pushed to her psyche, preventing extreme emotions like rage or terror from overtaking her.
"Lo-li. Lol-y. L-oly." The distinctly masculine voice mused in a playful, almost random manner as long claws scratched at the chin. "Loly is Lol-vily, but Aivirrne is tricky. Ai-Vi, Ivy? Do centipedes get poison Ivy? And R-ne? What ever happened to your knee?"
"…What?" Loly asked, even more confused now than before at the line of nonsense rattling in her mind.
"Who, actually, but What is good too," the creature corrected as he leaned forward to rise from his throne. Yet instead of standing, his lower limbless seemlessly shifted and morphed as he descended onto all fours and took to a proper feline waltz. With all the implied predatory grace, he approached.
Loly knew she should have tensed, but she couldn't. And she didn't like that she could only feel at ease in this situation.
As the strange entity moved forward, smile ever wide and ever tight as the speckled eyes danced with mischief, he began to encircle her and allowed her too take in his unearthly majesty. And one thing stood out to the arrancar: He was…big. Much bigger than he appeared to be while upon his throne, with herself only being a head taller than his hunches. And his tail was neither limp nor idle, matching his movements perfectly. "Mokules. Mock-you-less. But only if I like you. Which I do."
The introduction, if it could be called that, gave Loly the briefest shows of his teeth.
"I'm…sorry, where am I? How did I get here?" Loly asked, biting her lipas she trid to keep as much of his mass in eye sight at all times. She wanted to be annoyed with this babbling feline, but whatever aura he was generating literally prevented it, leaving her more confused as she rose from her half crouched position.
"And, How, the adopted brother of the W's. If only he had been born backwards, he would have slipped right in as Who's twin Woh," Mokules mused randomly as he ceased strolling around her. "The How is simple. Your book is closed," he answered, holding out his opposable paw. Inexplicably, it grasped a hardback book with a rather plane blue cover.
A book that happened to have her name on it, she noted in bewilderment as she took it in handa and began to look it over. There was nothing else to it, just her name. As she attempted to open it, the admittedly small tome floated out of her hands. It came rest upon a podium that grew from the white stone beneath them. Propped up so it was just high enough for her to read with ease, the book opened of its own accord. The pages flipped by rapidly until it reached the final page, showing a single line that while simple held all the meaning in the world.
Loly Aivirrne was crushed to death like a bug by Yammy Llargo.
She stared at that simple, blunt, harsh yet truthful line for what could have been a year. As the words finally registered, Loly discovered a very important comforting fact.
The aura wasn't omnipotent, apparently,
"I…died?" she nearly fell to her knees, stunned as the nagging thought in the back of her mind was confirmed. She was dead. She had been killed.
"By a dummy named Yammy," Mokules confirmed, leaning his head over her shoulder.
The maw of grinning fangs didn't phase her as the situation set in and numbness faded to rage. Gritting her teeth, she slammed her fists on the book, "Dammit! Damn that fucking piece of shit! This is that monster whore's fault!" Loly cursed, fingers clinging to the pages trying to rip it apart in her rage! To make those false and erase them!
Her efforts caused mirthful chuckle from the scaled cat as he strode behind the podium. "Sorry, but life is life, even the afterlife. You cannot destroy what Was," Mokules explained as she futilely tried to destroy the object of her wrath.
Hearing his voice again, she sighed in defeat and dropped the book, every ounce of her being seething with fury at once again having been powerless to prevent her own demise. Not once, not twice, but THREE times now her life had been taken from her, stolen, and even more insulting to her embittered mind was how easily she could have killed any human with her powers. No matter how strong she became, she was still powerless in the end!
"Then, what? Is this some part of Hell?" her harsh and bitter tone didn't show it, but it was easy to sense the fear her question carried. Even this aura of false-peace was not enough to subdue the dread that prospect conjured. She was no fool; she knew exactly what kind of person she was and exactly the kind of life she had lived.
"No, but they are in the neighborhood," Mokules answered whimsically, scratching his chin with his dagger-like claws. "This is a 'Other Place'."
"The...Other Place?" Loly repeated with a scrunched brow. While no stranger to loopholes or mistakes, there was no way he could be saying what it sounded like he was implying. No chance she caught the elevator going up rather than down.
""A" 'Other Place'," he corrected, knowing the small hope she was nursing in her confusion. "There are many different 'Other Place'. This Other Place is the Place of Fairies." he explained in a grand tone.
"…You're a fairy?" A lone eyebrow rose above her hairline skeptically at his claim.
"I am King of Fairies," Mokules answered proudly, hand over his chest. Loly eyed him skeptically. Fairies, to her knowledge, were known to be playful regardless of their natures being malevolent or beignvolent. But she never expect one to be a large cat-like creature, let alone the king of them.
"Now, onto the next W?" He asked in a patient yet prompting tone as he sat on his haunches.
"…Why am I here?" Loly asked suspiciously, knowing there must have been a reason even if she had no clue what it could be. This Mokules only seemed random on the surface, when in reality she was starting to see that it was all very much calculated. One didn't spend as much time as she had avoiding the squinty eyed former Captain, or chasing after the affections of Lord Aizen without learning how to pick up on this kind of thing.
"I plucked you out of the reincarnation cycle," Mokules answered with blunt sincerity.
"You can do that!?" Loly asked in surprise and with more than a hint of fear. Not even Lord Aizen himself could do something like that! The amount of power someone would have to wield to perform such a feat was, in a word, terrifying. If the princess had been a monster, then Mokules would have to be…
"Of course! It's like riding a bicycle for cars and nations!" was his enthusiastic reply, claping his paws together.
"What?" Loly asked in bewilderment, her mind starting to fracture under the intense strain this was putting on her. One minute the godlike being was casually telling her how he plucked her soul from the reincarnation cycle, then the next it was back to his inane gibberish again.
"Hm, if I hold my breath, will I turn bluer?" Mokules wondered as he looked upward, seemingly having forgotten about the young Arrancar completely.
"…Okay, why did you bring me here?" Loly asked after a moment, chosing her wording carefully. Her poor mind no longer able to handle the constant shifting and sifting. In situations like these she usually responded with violence, but Mokules calming aura denied her that familiar, reflexive reaction.
She felt oddly naked without it.
"I haven't mocked you, have I?" Mokules inquried as if to remind her.
"I…don't think so?" Loly answered uncertainly. Honestly, if he had, it would have been hard to tell.
"Mock-you-less. I like you. I like centipedes and I like you, that Pede I Cent. So would you like to have some fun now that your book is done?" Mokules offered.
'I like you? Have some fun now that my book is done? What is he…wait a minute…he, can't be…'
"…Are you hitting on me?" Loly asked in both confusion and slight revulsion of the idea.
"If I was, I'd do so in human form," Mokules assured in a moment of seriousness, his smile turning to a normal size for a few fleeting seconds before returning to it chesire lenght. "I like your book, the Pede I Cent, but I think I'd like another. Better, I want to help with this other."
"What do you mean? I'm dead, what am I suppose to do?" Loly asked, grasping for straws at this point. She just wanted a straight answer from him, but without her anger she was left with confusion, something she didn't handle well or like, at all.
"You live! Not relive though. No timey wimy, only spacey wacy," Mokules explained with a wave of his tail, knocking the book off the podium and revealing another in its place.
The cover read Loly Aivirrne II: in large bold letters.
"You're…giving me a new life? Wait, you can do that?" Loly asked while trying not to let the sudden surge of hope she was feeling get the better of her. This was too good to be true, and she knew it.
"I am giving you many lives. Hopefully fun Won's, but some might not be fun."
"What's the catch?" She didn't miss that last little remark, and if there was one thing she remembered from all those old stories and legends it was that there was always a price that outweighed the reward when it came to anything even remotely resembling a wish. Even more so when the one granting the wish was some kind of magical and whimsical creature.
"The catch is the Princess that played at Goddess," Mokules answered with a smirk.
"…Orihime Inoue?" the name rolled off her tongue the way one might describe the flavor of their own vomit.
"Inoue. I Know A Way. But she doesn't know a way. And yes, her. Not your her, but a her all the same."
"What about her, exactly?" the young Arrancar's tone had turned acidly at hearing that name. The orange haired whore had healed her sister, and for that she had…been, in her debt to a small degree. Not that she would overlook how she used those fat tits and huge ass to try and steal Lord Aizen's affections and attentions, all the while playing innocent when her guilt was exposed. Her sister was important to her however, so for that reason, and that reason alone she had stepped in to protect her. And how did the bitch repay that? By getting her killed.
"She will be in your stories too, each book, every time. Sometimes a friend, sometimes a foe, often times nothing to you at all. What you do with her is up to you. Kill her, maim her, slave her, adore her. Even whore her if you get bored with her," Mokules answered with a smirk.
"…you're giving me new lives, as in plural, and in every life I'm guaranteed to have a chance at that bitch?" Loly asked slowly, smirking wider than the king of fairies himself at the thought. A new world, a new life, free from any semblance of debt, and finally able to give the Princess the punishment she deserved for trying to take Lord Aizen from her.
"And Menoly. Or a Menoly. You might have to find her as well, or not, but I'll grant you the boon that she'll be inclined to you should you meet," Mokules explained. "So, shall we right a new look for your next book Pede I Cent?"
"…At your leisure, King Mokules," Loly answered with a predatory smile of her own. Her sister, the only thing that was hers, the only thing she had ever possessed in life or unlife would be returned to her, along with a chance to give the Princess exactly what she deserved? She couldn't have asked for a better deal.
"Splendid! Spleen Did. Did what, I am not sure? But to the first of worlds, you have a choice of two, and then another. To be A nice, a world where you are a duchess, and trusted friend of a queen. Not the Princess, I promise. To the other, Be a savage world where you are a monster, one not unless your release. A pede girl, you will be, that hungers for flesh in more than one manner. You may become a monster queen or simply enjoy your life on your victims. And the last Choice…"
"Hold it right there," Loly said, holding up her hand and cutting him off before he could continue. "Unless the third option is making me a goddess, or outright being that bitch's slave master, I'm going to go with the second one, the duchess."
"Apologies, you are very goddessless right now," Mokules apologized while managing to sound anything but sorry with his Cheshire grin. "Muchess fun we are to have still, Duchess. Just keep wariness. Your Queeness will not be contestless, and your sideness will determine your amount of headlessness," Mokules warned as he circled her.
"So be careful of whose side I'm on. I'll remember that," Loly answered warily as she eyed the fairy king. Right from the start she was getting a bad feeling about this. Why warn her about something that important up front? Aizen loved to play games like this as well, but she had the distinct feeling Mokules preferred some form of three-dimensional chess to her former masters game of choice.
"Remember. Rem-Ember. Remem-ber. Re-member. Reing a member is quite hard, but luckily your memberlessness will help you in this book of yours, Pede I Cent," Mokules mused in his rambling. "Now for a door. Adore. You'll adore being adored through the door, I'm assured," he mused as his tail waved up and curled about, producing a doorknob. He handed, or tailed it, to her as he moved behind her, picking up the discarded book.
"…And how do I use this?" Loly asked cautiously.
"How indeed. But not in need," Mokules replied looking at the title. Loly was about to ask what he meant when he blew on it, as if to clear dust from the cover.
And it did. Below her name was a subtitle: The Arrancar. And below it was a symbol that looked like a hollow circle with a perfectly smooth outer edge but ridges on the insides that looked a bit mechanical in nat-
Loly went wide eyed as she turned to the new book on the podium, Loly Aivirrne II:. Mokules's eyes alit in amusement as Loly pressed the knob against the center of the book. With a flash of light, the subtitle "The Duchess" appeared on the cover, before growing brighter until she could see nothing.
"Merry Duching, Pede I Cent," Mokules called before she vanished, leaving the podium and book where they stood. "This should be fun much, but now for my hun needs me to munch and hunch," he mused with a hum and a wide, too wide grin as he stalked out of his throne room, his glow fading, but not until after he himself.
End of Chapter
Well, there you go. Loly is about to get into her life as a Duchess. For the record, while Mokules is my character, I made him via the Fairy King CYOA. That aside, I hope you all enjoyed this if Mokules didn't scramble your brains, lol.