Hello everyone!

I hope you don't mind me uploading a new story!

I have updated a new chapter for Witches of Luna, but more will be coming soon.

Monster- I keep re-writing chapters and nothing is sticking to how I'd like the story to go. But I haven't stopped.

Paper Dolls- I actually had to delete the last two chapters, as I have decided an entirely new route for that story. I have placed it on hiatus until I get something more solid written down. But I will continue.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this story! I've been working on this idea for a few months now and have finally figured out what to do with it.


This story may deal with themes that some may not like, especially regarding how women are treated. I ask that you read this story WITHOUT placing modern thoughts and practices into it. This story is obviously fiction. I don't always feel the need to write about a strong female lead who doesn't take anything from anyone. Sometimes strength can be found in the smaller things. I actually enjoy writing or reading about characters that can develop and change. That become stronger as a story progresses. I also like stories that allow different characters; not everyone is strong and independent. That's part of life. I like to keep that in my stories too.

Characters do not belong to be. I'm poor. Don't sue. Story is entirely mine.

So...Here is The kings.

"Sire, you might want to come see this."

Lord Jeddidah looked up as one of his trusted lieutenants stood at the mouth of his tent. Their latest victory against his cousin, Mad King Arius, was still being celebrated outside. The sound of blazing fires and chalices clanking together was music to his ears.

"What is it, Genry?"

Genry straightened, as his lord bent over the strategy table, marking areas off for the next battle.

"When we took the eastern forces, the Senators were transferred to the camp for interrogation. Senator Hino is among them, one of Mad King Arius's most trusted advisors. He uh,"

Jeddidah turned as Genry paused for a moment, his lips pulled into a thin line.

"Well, sire, he brought with him a woman, that was tied up and pulled along behind his horse. He had her walking like that for two days time. Bound about the wrist, clothes tattered. Her shoes are broken. She doesn't look well. I thought I should bring it to your attention. She's old enough to be my sister's age."

Jeddidah nodded and stood to his full height. Genry always discussed his younger sister. Their parents had died during the first war, and he resumed all responsibility for her. His care towards women was a rarity among his men, and so Jeddidah had made it a point to place Genry within his circle.

Turning his head to one side and then the other, he felt the muscles loosen as he walked outside. He could really use a wash-house right now. The cool brisk air of the evening hit him and sent the chill to his bones; he had removed his battle armor hours ago and for the first time since the moon had risen, stepped camp was littered with soldiers sitting around various blazing fires; pigs or ducks roasting on spikes. Soups boiled over on the smaller fires, as women, scantly clad, especially for the chiller night air, walked around filling chalices with wine.

Jeddidah smiled. His men deserved this. Half of his army was currently keeping watch, while others could celebrate. They would soon rotate and the others would be able to rest soon. He himself decided on the second shift, still weary from the battle they had just won. It had been bloody, but well planned and with that knowledge, Jeddidah did his best to focus on the victory. The Second War had been taxing on not only the armies, but the entire Kingdom of Earth. They were so close to a final victory. Of watching his High King crowned at the Scepter, he could almost taste it. Shaking his thoughts, he turned towards Genry who waited patiently.

"Lead me to Senator Hino and this woman."

Genry nodded and he turned towards the right and began moving at a fast pace.

Guards surrounded the four senators from the Eastern Lands, their families huddled together as whimpers from the wives and children echoed in the more quiet area of the camp. He eyed the deep burgundy of their winter coats that was a standard color for the lords of the land.

"Over here, my lord."

Jeddidah nodded to his men as they stepped aside for him to see what brought him here; what concerned Genry.

His sky blue eyes widened at the scene placed before him. Senator Hino stood next to his horse, a magnificent beast of a startling white. The red sashes and reigns looked unnatural against it. But the most startling was the petite woman in black rags that barely covered her to her knees. Her onyx hair, black as the night sky, was tangled but laid around her like a curtain, traveling to almost her thighs. He could see the smear of blood seeping out from thick rope around dainty, pale wrists. His eyes traveled down to the scrapes and bruises that littered her bare legs and finally to her feet. The sandals were torn and barely hanging on. He could tell from the way she whimpered and rotated her left ankle, that something wasn't right. No woman should be treated in such a manner.

He finally brought his eyes up to her face and his breath stopped. Startling violet eyes stared back at him. Even through the pain, her eyes held a certain strength that he couldn't help but feel a ripple of respect for. Even with the dirt and grim, he could see she was a beauty. No, he thought. Beauty couldn't fully describe her. She had to be a goddess. His eyes dropped to lips that were full and plump. Even though chapped from lack of hydration, he couldn't stop the strong sense of desire that flared through his body.

He moved forward without a thought, pulling his dagger from his hip. He didn't miss her eyes widening or the small step back she took. Her wince of pain wasn't missed either.

"I'm Lord Jeddidah of the House of Callidus. High Lord of the Eastern Lands. I'm going to remove the bounds from your wrists."

He watched her eyes drop to the dagger and before he could move within the space that would place him directly in front of her, she lifted her arms. He could tell it was a struggle as she shook with effort and so, without waiting, he slid the dagger against the ropes and watched them fall to the ground.

Her wrists were bruised and without thinking, he grabbed her forearms gently and rotated them. Her hiss was his only answer.

"Jeddidah, cousin to our King Arius. I am Senator Hino of the Eastern Lands."

The sound of the man to his left brought a level of anger from Jeddidah he didn't realize he could possess.

"The Mad king is just that, mad. I pray I can remove his head myself, Senator Hino."

Jeddidah turned fully now towards the smaller, plump man.

"Why was this woman treated like this?"

Senator Hino's dark eyes roamed over the woman; a look of pure disgust transferred upon his fuller face. "My daughter needed to learn a lesson. A lesson in obedience. This has nothing to do with you and you had no right to interfere."

Golden brows lifted. His daughter? What kind of man treated his own flesh and blood in such a way? Especially his daughter?

The growl couldn't be stopped as it emitted from the back of his throat. Placing his dagger back against his hip, concerned he'd slit the Senator's throat here and now, he spoke, "You treat your own flesh and blood this way?"

Senator Hino chuckled, his dark eyes barely glancing at her before he looked back at him.

"Women are of little consequence. They are good for two things, my lord; Bedding and bearing children."

The snort from the woman beside him had Jeddidah holding back a grin as the disgusting Senator ignored her and continued.

"She has been disobedient since the day her mother brought her into this world and as her lord and master, I have every right to discipline her in any way I see fit, as per the law of our land. You have no right to intervene."

Jeddidah had to look away. The overall arrogance of the man before him had him itching for his bastard sword. The thought of removing Senator Hino's head was becoming more and more appealing. It was only his thought of his King, Endymion, that stopped him.

"Then I have a solution to your problems, Hino. You are no longer her lord and master. In fact, you are no longer a lord."

The gasps of the people around him, including the woman beside him, was enough to make him step back.

Dark eyes widened as his bushy brows lifted higher than they should be able to go.

"You can't do this! You have no right!"

"Oh, I have every right, Hino. And for future reference, I AM The Law." Jeddidah turned away from the abomination before him and towards his men, "Guards, take the senators to the holding tent. Gather about ten men and take the wives and children to the local village. They will stay there until our Army has moved along. Once we decide the fate of the Senators, we will decide their family's fate."

He turned fully back to the woman beside him, her violet eyes wide as she watched the children and wives crying, reaching for their husbands and fathers.

She opened her mouth, but her throat was so dry from lack of water, that it hurt to even attempt to say anything. Instead, she grabbed his hand, her own aching from the quick movement. Her violet eyes shifted quickly to the families and then back up at the man before her.

He seemed to understand what her eyes were begging without words being spoken.

Senator Hino struggled against the grip of the much stronger and younger man,"You can't do this, Jeddidah! You are not king! You can't remove our titles or lock us up!"

Keeping eye contacting with the enchanting woman, his lips turned up into a satisfying smirk.

"I already have, Hino." He turned his head slightly, "And I will now be your daughter's lord and master."

He left her stepping away and without much thought, he took hold, albeit gently. His head turned towards Hino one last time, "The next time we meet, Hino, your head will become acquainted with my sword."

With a nod, his guards dragged Hino and the other three senators away. Their families screaming as guards picked up the smaller children and forced the older ones and wives to move. The commotion seemed all to much for the petite woman before him.


Her voice was thick from lack of use and lack of water, but Jeddidah heard it nonetheless. His brows knitted together as his eyes roamed her face once again. How could she still be so beautiful with so much dirt and grime and scratches? He knew it must be difficult to talk but he had to know.

"What's your name?"

Her violet eyes looked worriedly towards the wives and children being led away, her body slowly sagging against his in an attempt to keep standing.

It was barely a whisper before she collapsed; due to everything she had to endure up until this point, but he heard it loud and clear.


Thoughts? Opinions? Reviews? I'm so nervous about this story!
