
Summary—You don't own me.

A/N-Lovin' it! ~K&K




Mission completed, Sakura made her way back to the village, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being followed. Every so often, she caught the glimpse of a shadow out of the corner of her eye—a shadow that was a little too long, or hadn't been there a moment before.

'It's just your imagination,' her Inner groused. 'Too many sleepless nights are making you paranoid.'

"Better paranoid and alive than relaxed and dead," she mumbled to herself.

She checked over her shoulder again when she heard a small animal startled from its hiding place in the brush. She turned and threw a kunai with an exploding tag tied to it. The loud blast gave her enough cover to make a clone and leave it to fight.

'Come out and fight, coward," she heard her doppelganger challenge as she ran on ahead. It received no reply.

After a while, she released the clone and learned there really had been no one there. Maybe her Inner was right. Maybe she was just tired and paranoid. Maybe. Sakura decided to test that theory. She held a hand to her head as if sick, and went to her knees.

Sasuke appeared out of nowhere. "Sakura, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," she replied angrily, getting back to her feet.

He frowned at her ruse.

"Why are you shadowing me, Sasuke-kun?"

"You're pregnant."

"So? That doesn't make me helpless. And who gave you permission to leave the village?"

"Tch," he scoffed. "I don't need permission. Why didn't you tell the Hokage that you're pregnant before you took on this mission?"

"It wasn't dangerous. And I'm only a few weeks along. I'm not ready to be taken off the mission roster. I like my work."

He crossed his arms and glared at her.

"You can't boss me around, Sasuke-kun."

He continued staring until she sighed, turned, and continued home. He followed her all the way, neither of them saying a word until they stood in front of the Hokage.

Tsunade looked back and forth between the two obviously angry ninjas, raising one golden eyebrow. "What's up?"

Sakura crossed her arms and tapped her foot, looking vexed.


"She's pregnant."

Tsunade felt the oppressive atmosphere in the room. "Really? Ah, congratulations? Are we…happy about this?"

"Of course," Sakura replied tersely.


"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't want Sakura going on missions."

"Shut up, Sasuke. You can't—"

The Hokage's hand rose, demanding silence. "Hold on, Sakura. You knew this before you left?"

She stiffened at the tone in her shishou's voice and nodded silently.

"You left the safety of your village on a C-class, solo mission with the heir of an extremely prominent and practically extinct clan bloodline without speaking with me? Do you know that, as the head of his clan, Sasuke could have pressed endangerment charges against you?"

"He wouldn't!" Sakura gasped.

"I didn't," Sasuke growled. "I followed her instead, to make sure there wasn't any trouble."

"You're suspended from fieldwork, Haruno."


"You can still work at the hospital, or here, in the Tower."

"You're kidding! I'm plenty strong enough to—"

"It has nothing to do with strength!" The Hokage slammed her palm on her desk, cracking it. "I never would've let you go alone if I knew! If word got out that you were pregnant, how many spies do you think would've followed you on your mission? How many attempts would've been made to kidnap you for a prized clan bloodline? Did you even think about that?"

Sakura looked down at her feet as unexpected tears stung her eyes. Everything had happened too fast. She'd only found out she was pregnant a few days before and they were both so happy about it, but it was still a little scary. She just wanted time away to think over Sasuke's proposal. She never thought there would be any real danger.

"Sakura," Sasuke said, moving closer. "I wasn't trying to get you in trouble." He took her hand. "I only wanted to keep you both safe."

Tsunade stood up. "You're suspended, too, Uchiha."


"One month—for leaving the village without notice. Be glad I don't throw your ass in jail," she warned the former missing nin. "There's a reason we have rules." Tsunade crossed her arms over her ample bosom. "Now, go take Sakura home for some rest. And remember—that baby isn't officially part of your clan unless you're married to his or her mother."

A smirk pulled at the corner of his mouth. "Perhaps we can take care of that while we're here?"

The Hokage chuckled and put her hands on her hips. "You hear that, Sakura-chan? Do you want to marry this brat?"

Sakura wiped a tear from her eye and smiled. "Hai, Hokage-sama."

~The End~