Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or Boruto or any of the characters in this story.

Mitsuki rarely sighed, but when he did, there was a pretty good chance that it would be due to his two team mates.

Learning about people always intrigued him. He's observed these natural born humans for so long that he thinks nothing could surprise him anymore, and yet these same humans seemed to have the ability to show him choices he never would have even considered in situations he never imagined could exist. Their predictable unpredictability made his everyday life much more colourful than he ever thought possible.

Romantic relationships were particularly fascinating to learn about. Not that he had that many to observe. He saw his team mates' parents often enough, but they weren't exactly research material. Boruto and Sarada on the other hand, were perfect specimens. What better way to learn about love than from start to finish and from the two people he could observe to his heart's content?

They fascinated him to no end.

After years of being part of the new Team 7, Mitsuki learned that you couldn't observe Boruto without observing Sarada, especially ever since the Uzumaki started to acknowledge his feelings for the Uchiha. The same goes with observing Sarada, and he was willing to bet his left arm that she felt the same way about him without actually realizing it.

It wasn't that hard to notice, if you were purposefully observing them. They didn't have big bring-you-flowers or buy-you-chocolates gestures. They had small moments that could mean anything to anyone who wasn't paying attention.

It was a wonder to Mitsuki why people didn't immediately confess to the person they loved. It would be a lot more convenient if they did. If it took you years to even realize your feelings for someone, then shouldn't you just tell them and see what happens? Mitsuki has lost count of the amount of times he's told Boruto and Sarada that they'd make a great couple, but all they ever did was look at him funny, glare or yell. The latter two being the most usual response, much to his chagrin.

When he asked Konohamaru-sensei about Boruto and Sarada, the older shinobi just laughed and told him that love was probably the last things on his teammates' minds at the moment even though their actions showed otherwise. He just had to wait it out.

When he asked Sakura during one of their training sessions, the kunoichi just laughed as well. Uzumakis were known for being quite dense, and Uchihas were known for being aloof and stubborn she said. However, Hyugas and Haruno's weren't, so something was bound to happen eventually. He just had to be patient.

When he asked his parent, Orochimaru just smiled at him, saying he was happy that Mitsuki was curious about these things but ultimately not answering the question.

When he asked Shikadai, he said that love was a drag and he'd rather take a nap. He did.

When he asked Cho-cho, the girl sighed and actually put down her bag of potato chips to talk to him properly. The gist of her long-winded explanation was that those two had dancing around each other's feelings down to an art that it would probably take them more than a while to get their act together and it frustrated the Akimichi to no end as well, apparently.

During the one training session that Sakura was unavailable, Mitsuki asked for Tsunade's opinion. The greatest love stories take time and are very rarely simple. And knowing Boruto and Sarada, anything that involved them would be far from simple, she simply told him with a pat on the back. He was grateful for the answer; it actually made sense, he just wasn't too happy about the bruise from the legendary sanin's pat.

Mitsuki sighed. If Lady Tsunade was right about great love stories taking time, then Boruto and Sarada's better be pretty-freakin-tastic.

Also, he was rather curious what eye colour their children's eyes would be. Sakura promised him that she'd teach him about eye colour genetics for their next medical lesson. He couldn't wait.

A/N: Hi! I'm sorry this is really short. I promise to make it up to you with the next update. I've just been so swamped with school lately that it was easier to write for Limerence (random borusara au fics I do) than it is for Realizations which is set in canon. Anyway, I really like Mitsuki and just had to right for his POV. Hahaha please feel free to point out any errors and such. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter please feel free to pm me or leave a review! Even I'm not sure what the next chapter is yet. Lol. Thanks for reading! God speed!