An unseen accident causes you to fall dangerously close to death in the hospital. Preventing the game to go further, the club members are forced to circum to their shocking fake reality. (Male protagonist)
Beep... beep... beep...
The continuous flickers and bleeps of the machine whirled throughout the room.
Your eyes flicker revealing the foggy dark surroundings of the room.
A large green curtain covering most of the view. Glancing to your right and left you spot strange machines assumed to help your chance of survival.
Lots of little bleeps and flickers echoing across the room. You groan in annoyance rolling your eyes as the noises disrupt your slumber.
You then notice a figure next to you, head down.
You smile sadly at the familiar strawberry pink hair resting on chair beside the bed.
Her bangs are covering her face and all you can hear is quiet snoring. A few sobs escape her lips as you frown in worry.
Suddenly an agonizing pain shoots through your head. You hold your hand on you head only to notice your head covered by something.
It seems like your head has been heavily bandaged. Your swallow scared of what could have put you into such an injured state, before you can think any more about it you notice something tugging on your right arm.
On the other side of the bed is another figure.
Long silky brown locks flowing down her face. Her eyes visibly closed as her hand rested her head on the table as close to you as possible. Her eyebrows furrowed in stress, dark rings round her eyes and redness too. Obviously she'd been crying for a long time.
You smile seeing the two asleep. Sayori was clearly distressed in her sleep and Monika had been crying.
You didn't realize how much these girls cared about you.
Monika's POV
I don't remember what happened...
All I remember is feeling my whole world turn in two.
He was real!
But... he nearly died. A real person... I nearly saw him die right before my eyes.
I couldn't stomach such a thought. If I lost him... I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
Something is strange right now. All I can see is black, but I feel his warmth around my hand. He's holding onto me.
Or... I'm holding onto him. It's hard to tell in this situation. Being unconscious is mysterious. Too surreal for even a sentient video game character like me to grasp.
It felt more like a nightmare when he shut off the game.
I don't even remember how long ago that was.
All I care about right now is feeling his hand, touching my hand, his soft warm skin soothing my cries and vanishing my worries-
He pulled away... is it because Sayori is there too? I don't know.
I just want him to love me. I want him to know how much I appreciate him, and that I need him.
Your Pov
Suddenly the door burst open. A girl with long dark purple hair entered the room looking very panicky.
"O-oh my god..." she breathed. Behind her was a short hot-pink haired girl in a similar panicky state.
Yuri went over to the bed startling Monika awake.
The brunette's face flushed in embrasament
Her hair was in a mess, she realized all the other girls were also in the room, they saw her grip tightly onto you lovingly.
"Y-Yuri... Natsuki!" Monika greeted failing to sound awkward.
Yuri and Natsuki weren't even concentrating on the fact that Monika was very clingy to you.
"Oh my god! A-are you okay?!" Yuri breathed in massive concern. Her purple vibrant eyes starred into yours, absolute fear shadowing her retinas.
You saw the tears prick at her eyelids as she fumbled with her hands fearfully.
Natsuki looked like she was holding a tray of some sort. A sharp frown on her lips, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"I... I made you... these" she stammered, tensing up anxiously. You curiously glance at the tray. There are small cupcakes decorated to look like puppies, the icing is brown and there are chocolate chips for ears.
What a cute little gift! You blush, feeling greatful for such wonderful girls.
Cupcakes, loving embraces and complete concern. You loved all these girls so much.
But... wait... did they know you were real? Were they real? What was real? Were you still the MC?! WERE YOU YOURSELF AT ALL?
Who were you?!
The monitor flatlined as you began to lose consciousness.
Your eyes began to fade into blackness. You were so tired... you needed to rest.
You needed to sleep, you needed to die.
You... needed...
You hear voices screaming, panicking.
Sayori's high pitched crying, Natsuki's panicked swearing, Yuri's panicked breathing.
And Monika's athoritive outcry masking a hint of terror.
You hear other voices, voices you don't recognize.
They sound like they know what they're doing.
The darkness in your eyes begins to fade as light starts to regenerate within it's place.
The voices become more and more clearer, before they were but jibberish blues of vocal waves, now you can hear the words pouring from each person's lips.
"Come on come on!" A male voice grunts in concentration. You feel pressure and force against your chest. Your feel your body spring back into life.
"Don't give up on me..." the Voice retorts with an ounce of motivation.
The monitor's long tone begins to beep in simulatanious rythyms. Your eyes widen as you finally let breath into your lungs. The tiredness is gone. You feel more alive than you've ever felt before.
A doctor wipes his forehead which is beading with sweat. You glance up and see a bunch of frantic nurses and doctors, relief showing from every inch of their bodies.
You begin to fall unconcious, but you feel this time as if you could wake up.
Your eyes flutter open as you glance around at an empty room.
More machines are plugged into your body, you can feel fluid pushing itself through your arm and lots of beeping as well as clunking and clicking.
Nobody's POV
Outside, all four girls were waiting in seats.
Monika is starring down at the floor. Sayori is trembling in fear. Natsuki is sobbing and Yuri is comforting her trying not to get emotional.
"I... I s-shouldn't have g-given h-him th-the cup-cupcakes" she stuttered feeling a wave of hopelessness wash upon her.
"Natsuki, That wasn't your fault" Yuri replied calmly embracing the girl.
"the cupcakes didn't make him have a heart attack..." Yuri reassured.
"I-it's Okay..." Natsuki sniffed letting the last of her tears run down her cheeks.
Yuri held in hers, being strong for the girl. She felt so bad that Natsuki thought it was her fault.
Sayori glances at Monika who still had her eyes glued to the floor.
"Monika?" Monika's eyes darted towards Sayori.
"I... I really thought he... He was g-going... going to die" Sayori stammered wiping her eyes and hiccuping.
Monika was silent, her eyes glancing at the wall behind Sayori.
Monika's POV
Why is this happening?...
I watched him die. His life literally ended. He was dead for a few minutes.
More than a few.
It felt like a nightmare coming true, worse than any pain I've ever felt. I never thought it was possible for anyone to feel so heartbroken.
If he had actually left for good... I would have killed myself. No hesitation left in me... Sayori would kill herself all over again. Yuri would kill herself all over again, Natsuki... well, I don't know what would happen.
She'd probably kill herself too. With everyone dead... the game wouldn't go on, the world wouldn't go on.
But... why would it need to when all it offers is suffering?
No... No... I can't think like that anymore.. I have to stay strong.
I have to hold onto my hopes. After all, he's not actually dead. He was, but he's not anymore. He's alive. Completely alive. And he's real.
"Monika... are you... okay?" Sayori asked stifling sobs.
The brunette's heart paused. "I'm... fine" she lied forcing a smile.
Sayori was about to open her mouth to speak but turned around in a swift movement as the door opened.
A man walked out with a surgeons coat and face mask.
All girls turned their eyes eagerly towards him.
The doctor didn't smile nor frown. "You're all lucky you called to us out in time. I'm not sure if he would've lived after the heart attack."
Monika's throat dropped into her stomach. Nauseas feelings pelted at her gut. The back of her eyes welled up in tears. She felt like bursting into tears of relief and grief at the same time.
Monika's POV
Keep it together. He's fine now... he's fine... he's fine.
He's fine. He's okay... he's here with you... he's real... he's alive... he's alive. He is okay.
Everything's fine. I'm fine. Sayori's Fine. Natsuki's Fine. Yuri's Fine. He's fine.
He is alive.
All four girls walked into the room, all silent.
You wake up looking around the room, your eyesight slightly fogged up. As you avail to consciousness, you hear whirling, beeping and clicking. You're still on life support.
All you can feel is breath going in and out of your body without you trying.
A figure runs over to you.
"O-O-Oh my god!" Sayori sobs not being able to handle the next few minutes. "I-I-I'm s-so sorry" she hiccups trembling. You look up with saddened eyes.
You grin or at least try to from being stuck on the respiratory machine.
"Sayori... you silly... silly... girl... I love how much you care about me" You reply quietly.
Sayori's face reddens slightly. "E-ehehe. I... I... of course I care" she replies pointing her fingers together insecurely.
You smile softly and turn to the others in the room.
Natsuki's eyes are reddened.
Yuri is cupping her hands together and Monika is no where to be found.