Disclaimer: I, in no way, own Thomas Sander or his sides.


"Joan and Talyn are five minutes away to help me with editing the newest video." He whispered, too shocked to do anything else. They all paled.

"Well, I guess we'll find out if we're real or not soon enough..?" Roman joked weakly.

Roman was met with a deadpanned stare from Logan.

"Not the time for jokes, Roman," Logan said, rolling his eyes.

They all heard multiple thuds, all in succession of each other. They looked over to see Virgil banging his head up against the wall, muttering something none of them could hear.

Patton walked over to him and placed his hand on Virgil's shoulder.

"Kiddo... you... shouldn't do that," he finished lamely. Virgil rested his head against the wall and sighed. It was long and drawn out, and it sounded a bit shakey.

"What are we going to do?" He asked miserably.

"Probably clean up first," Logan suggested. They looked around, his room was pretty messy. There was no telling what downstairs looked like.

"Then let's go clean up, if Joan and Talyn aren't here by the end of cleaning, we should probably think of what we're going to say and do," Roman declared.

"Off we go!!" He yelled. The others all rolled their eyes at his dramatics and followed after him. They each started cleaning a corner of Thomas' room.

They thought it would at least take a bit, but with five people, it only took around two minutes to finish.

"Downstairs it is then," Roman suggested. They all nodded and trailed off downstairs to see Thomas had already cleaned up from last night.

"Gosh dang it Thomas, did you have to clean up last night," Virgil complained. He flopped down on the couches and the others followed.

"Well sooorrryyy for trying to to be clean for once!" Thomas exclaimed, exasperated. The one time he tries and actually cleans up, he shouldn't have.

Virgil sighed.

"It's not your fault...I just don't want to think about the confrontation that is sure to come when Joan and Talyn arrive," he explained, his voice slightly muffled by the couch.

"I don't think any of us want to, kiddo." Patton admitted. They all nodded in agreement. There was a beat of silence, only to be broken by Roman.

"So.. what are we going to say to them when they get here?" He hesitantly asked. Logan was the one to speak up.

"Maybe they might have some ideas or theories as to what has happened," Logan suggested. Thomas smiled.

"I think you and Joan will get along really well. You and them are alike in a lot of ways," Thomas said. Logan's eyes lit up.

"It certainly would be fun to have another person to have an intellectual conversation with. No offense to you guys, of course." Roman rolled his eyes.

"We know, we know. You're smarter than us," he teased. Logan frowned and Roman noticed. He smiled lightly and said, "It was a joke, Logan."

"Oh, yes, I knew that." Logan amended. None of the others believed him, but pretended that they did. He straightened his tie.

"Anyway, as to what to do, and how to explain. I suggest we just be blunt and let them see us, then explain." He proposed.

"That probably won't work," Virgil said. He turned over and sat up to lean against the couch like the rest of them.

"Why wouldn't it, kiddo?" Patton asked him. Virgil huffed quietly.

"Because they might freak out and run away. We might not get a chance to explain if they just walked into Thomas' apartment and see us." he explained.

"You do have a point. Perhaps being blunt is not the best way to handle this situation, then," Logan agreed.

"Then how do we approach them then?" Roman asked. "We could lie-"

He never got to finish his statement.

"WE ARE NOT LYING," Virgil countered loudly, his voice on the edge of being distorted. Patton and Logan looked around warily while Roman shut his mouth.

"Right, sorry. Forgot about that.." Roman apologized.

"Forgot about what?" Thomas asked, confused.

The others exchanged glances.

"Nothing, it's nothing," Patton said. Thomas stared at all of them. They were obviously keeping something from him.

"It's obviously something. Why are you keeping secrets from me? Just tell me," he said firmly. Logan opened his mouth and started.

"It's just that-" Logan was interrupted by his own hand lifting up and slapping against his mouth loudly. His muffled words stopped when he realized he wasn't getting anywhere and looked at the others. They looked back at him sadly, knowing what was happening while Thomas just sat there, getting more and more confused every second.

"Guys? Hellloooo? Are any of you going to tell me what's happening?" He questioned. They shook their heads. Logan was finally able to put his hand down and he took a deep breath.

"No. We... can't. You're not ready. We are sorry though, it's just not the right time," Roman answered for them. They all nodded their heads in agreement.

"Though I don't understand, and I'm a little hurt as to why you are keeping things from me, I guess that's not really our priority right now." He sighed disappointedly.

Just then, they heard a flurry of knocks from what they presumed to be both Joan and Talyn.

In that moment, four things happened. One, Virgil screamed. Two, they all jumped up from the couch and ran to the closet under the stair to hide. Three, there was a click of the door lock opening as Joan opened the door with their key to Thomas' apartment. And four, Thomas slammed the closet door shut after the four of his sides crammed into it.

"Thomas?" Joan called out worriedly. They heard the scream and vaguely thought it sounded not too unlike from Thomas.'

"Joan! Talyn! Hey.. what's up?" Thomas called out 'casually,' leaning up against the closet door.

Joan and Talyn thought they heard a snicker inside and an 'ow! Roman!!' But they weren't too sure. They must be hearing things. They ignored his question.

"What was that scream? Was it you?" Talyn asked.

"Uh... yeah! That was me. You just startled me, didn't expect to hear you so soon," he responded. Technically, it wasn't a lie. It was him, ( Virgil is a part of him), and he really didn't expect to see them both yet.

"Okay..." they responded. They looked at each other. Thomas was telling the truth, but there was something he wasn't telling them.

"Here, Uh, lets go to the couch," he gestured for them to go first. They complied, albeit a bit hesitantly. Thomas was acting really suspicious.

Thomas followed, after cracking the door open and whispering, "Don't you dare make a noise until it's time!" Quickly, then shutting the door. He didn't thing Joan and Talyn heard, but they did. They were getting more and more worried and confused every second.

They all sat down on the couch and the room was filled with an awkward silence. Thomas wasn't looking either of them in the eye while they were trying to catch his.

"Okay Thomas, just be honest with us on this," Joan started. Thomas looked up and finally nodded after a couple more seconds of silence.

"Did you kill someone and you're hiding them in the closet?" They asked hesitantly. There was a very loud succession of bangs that came from the closet after they asked that. Thomas glanced at the closet before responding.

"What? No! Of course not!" he said loudly. Talyn and Joan peered over at the closet that just made a lot of noise and looked back to Thomas.

"Then you wouldn't mind us taking a look?" They stood up as they were speaking and started taking steps as they asked. Thomas jumped up and ran over to the closet. HE slammed his back to the door and tried to explain.

"Nonononono!!! You can't look! But I didn't kill anyone, I promise! Do you really think I'm capable of killing?" He attempted to steer the conversation a different way. They ignored his question.

"Well what else are we supposed to think? We come in here after hearing a scream and a loud door slam. We see you, standing up against the closet and acting very suspicious. Now you're saying that you can't show us the door after we just heard what sounded like multiple people slam against the door you are now guarding us from! Not to mention you're a great actor, which we all know from experience. " Joan ranted.

Thomas opened his mouth but then shut it audibly. He stood there gaping for a bit until he finally gathered his wits enough to say something.

"Well, I, uh, didn't think of it like that. That's not what's happening here, though. Just let me explain, okay?" He finally answered.

"Fine then. Explain please," Talyn spoke up. As soon as Thomas opened his mouth again, he felt a sharp pain his head, not unlike the one he felt last night. It was less painful, but it still hurt. He hissed, and grabbed his head.

A loud thud sounded from the kitchen.

All of their heads looked toward the kitchen, including Thomas' whose pain had dulled to a minute throb.

"Ughhh... that did not hurt at all," They heard a drawling voice say in pain. As a group, they all collectively and slowly walked towards the kitchen.

They walked in and saw a man who looked exactly like Thomas, but half of his face was covered in scales and his eye looked strange. They all gaped at him as he sat up and rubbed his head. When he looked up, his face showed surprise before it smoothed out and he smirked.

"Well this was expected," he said. They continued to stare at him blankly, trying to understand what just happened.

"Deceit Sanders is not my name. I don't already know yours, isn't this going to be boring?"

Hey, so this is going to be more than just two parts. I honestly didn't expect it to be, but I swear it feels like a story writes itself. I just had this random idea and I was like 'YES! I am going to do that!' Then, my mind was like, 'why not be evil and make it a cliffhanger?' and yeah, that's where we are now. I hope you enjoyed it, any comments or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you for reading and I'll see you the next time i decide to write!


1,768 Words