A/N: Hello. I just recently watched a really good anime. It was called My Hero Academia and as you may have guessed, this fanfiction is based on that anime. What will also say unless it isn't obvious is that this series will contain spoilers! Therefore, if you don't wish to be spoiled, watch the anime, and come back later. With that said, wish me luck!
Chapter 1 - From Killer to Hero
Izuku Midoriya: nerdy, unconfident, powerful, killer.
It happened when he was eleven. For seven whole years, he'd been bullied for being both quirk and useless - most quirks appear at the age of four. He'd been cornered in the park by the bullies again, their leader being Izuku's childhood friend, Kacchan.
It was spring after school and it was warm and sunny outside, the sun backlighting Kacchan, making him appear even more threatening.
"How does it feel to be a quirkless looser, Deku!?" Kacchan shouted in his face, igniting the nitroglycerin in his hand making a small explosion go off with a boom, startling poor Izuku.
"As sad as you are you'll never be a hero! Why don't you just give up already?" His shouts were definitely getting louder making Izuku shy away even more as the bullies closed onto him, like lions circling their prey.
"I- I won't k- know until I t- try, r- right?" Izuku replied, his voice weak, tears threatening to flow.
"Why don't you understand, Deku?! I'M ABOVE YOU, YOU HEAR ME?!" Kacchan was now screaming with full force, pulling back his right fist, preparing to strike. Before he had the time to, however, Izuku raised both his hands to shield him from the blow. However, the moment his pointer fingers and thumbs met each other, forming a triangle, a ray of green light shot from his hands, hitting Kacchan in the chest.
The force of the blast launched Kacchan through the air and across the park, where he hit a tree with full force, effectively snapping his neck.
Izuku started amazed at his hands for a moment, astonished. The feeling was quickly replaced by regret though as his eyes fell upon the result of his handiwork. The other bullies looked from him to Kacchan and back again until they ran away screaming "killer!". Then he realized what he had done; he rushed over to Kacchan's lifeless body shaking it, hoping for it to spring back to life.
There was nothing he could do as people around started at the scene, looking at it - looking at him - in disgust. Silently he started to sob, hugging his former bully.
"No... Kacchan…"
When a police officer led him away, he wished that he had never gotten a quirk…
He and his mother moved three weeks later.
-End of Flashback-
Here he was now, 13 years of age, still regretting his actions, still regretting his powers. He still wanted to be a hero but thought it wouldn't be possible. A killer can't be a hero, he thought and therefore had never used his quirk since that day two years ago.
He was on his way home from school. He was still being bullied for being "quirkless" but just because he'd rather be bullied for that than to use his powers. It was a beautiful day, it really was, but Izuku didn't notice it. He was still depressed about it all. He didn't even notice when the sun was blocked as he passed under a bridge, nor did he notice the slime creeping up from the sewer behind him.
Suddenly his mouth and face were covered with a dark, gooey substance, not quite solid but not quite liquid either. He tried to scratch it away but his hands just went through it.
"You'll be a suitable victim. Don't worry boy, I'm just going to possess you!" Izuku heard the villain whisper in his ear.
He had to hold on for just a little longer… Then he'd be saved by a hero.
"Just… a little… longer," he gasped.
The seconds passed and Izuku was running out of oxygen quickly. He had to do that. No. No, he couldn't…. But he'd die otherwise… But if he did use it the villain might die, he didn't know…
The boy started to panic as his vision became blurry. It was over… Izuku suddenly felt a stingy sensation in his body. So this is how it feels to die…
The feeling got stronger and stronger and it now felt like he got zapped repeatedly by something until… ZAP! His whole body glowed green as small bolts of lightning shocked the villain who released its hold of Izuku.
The villain's despair grew larger as a familiar voice echoed in the tunnel.
"It's fine now. Why? Because I am here!" the voice said heroically. Izuku turned around just to see his idol, All Might stand before him, hands on his hips. And so Izuku fainted from both shock and lack of oxygen.
"Hey! Hey! He- Oh! You're awake!" The manly voice belonged to the world's number one hero, All Might who was leaning over Izuku, who slowly opened his eyes only to see the heroes face inches from his own. He almost fainted again.
"A- A- All Might!?" the boy exclaimed.
"Indeed!" All Might replied, flashing one of his signature smiles. "What's your name, young man?"
He asked, offering the boy a hand up.
"M- Midoriya Izuku," Izuku answered accepting the hand and rising to his feet.
"Well young Midoriya, that was some hefty display of power before. What's your quirk?"
"Well… I- I am not too s- sure. T- That was only t- the second time I u- used it. I- I think I c- can manipulate e- electromagnetic waves t- though." Izuku replied nervously.
"Not sure huh? Well practice it and you'd be fit for becoming a hero. Anyways I must go now, take care of yourself, young Midoriya." All Might got ready to jump into the air but as he did so he felt something wrap around his legs. Looking down at them he bewildered saw the green haired boy he just saved.
"WAIT!" the boy screamed, desperate.
"LET GO!" All Might shouted back.
Realizing his mistake he told the boy: "Oh, right. Wait, I'll land."
And so he did, at a nearby rooftop.
"Thanks…" the boy told him, slightly nauseous.
"I really must go." All Might said, slightly annoyed. He turned to jump away again.
"WAIT! I have a question!" All Might sighed and got ready to jump anyway. "Is it possible for me to become a hero even though I'm a killer?!" The green-eyed boy suddenly exclaimed.
"What do you mean, killer? If you mean the villain just now I took care of him and he wasn't dead."
"No… not the villain. It happened two years ago. On the day I got my quirk." The boy sighed. It was a rather sad sight All Might thought as his muscles began to deflate, exposing his boney, true self to the boy. The boy, momentarily shocked said nothing, which surprised All Might - he thought the boy would freak out. It was clear whatever it was that was on the boy's mind it had weighed him down for a long time. He decided to listen.
"What happened?" All Might asked Izuku, receiving another sigh from the boy. He then listened as the boy recounted the spring day, almost exactly two years ago.
"...and then I and my Mother had to move because of the anger people directed towards us. My whole life I had dreamt of getting a quirk and becoming a hero, but I'm forever a killer." the boy said in between quiet sobs. All Might was shocked that the little boy before him held so much power, but kept a straight face.
"I see. So that's why you've refused to use your quirk?"
"It was not your fault." All Might said finally.
The boy looked up, a confused look on his face as he stared All Might in the eyes. "Not my… fault?
"No. You didn't know did you?" The boy shook his head. "Then all you did was to try to protect yourself from his punch."
"I guess."
"I'm not going to lie and say you didn't kill him, but what I can say, however, young Midoriya, is that it wasn't your fault it ended like that, but that Kacchan kid's." All Might said with a serious face.
"So I can be a hero?" The boy asked All Might with hopeful eyes.
"I don't know. Can you young Midoriya?" The scrawny All Might stood up from his sitting position, the wind tugging his hair.
"Yes… yes, I can!" Izuku said with tears of happiness running down his cheeks.
"Then you have nothing to worry about, young Midoriya," All Might started when he was interrupted by police sirens and an explosion in the distance. A pillar of smoke was reaching for the sky. "...except that." He searched his pockets but didn't find anything. "Damn, it's gone."
"Wh- What is? Izuku asked.
"The Villain."
The two of them rushed to the stairs on the roof leading down to the ground.
"W- Why are you t- taking the st- stairs?" Izuku wondered.
All Might lifted his shirt to reveal a nasty scar. "I got this in a fight five years ago. Ever since I've only been able to transform for three hours a day. I need to rest." He gave Izuku a serious glance and said "I think you should head home. You'll be safe from the villain there."
Izuku looked like he considered it until he asked "C- can you run quicker in that form?"
"This is the fastest I can go... " All Might admitted.
"I see… Sorry, All Might!" Izuku said as he took off in a full sprint towards the ever taller pillar of smoke.
"That kid…" All Might muttered to himself as he stopped. His face lit up when he saw a pair of bikes leaning against a building. Swiftly he grabbed it and started pedaling after the boy.
-A Few Minutes Of Running Later-
Izuku finally arrived at the scene and what he saw terrified him: A boy, about his age, was being restrained by a sludge monster. The same monster that had tried to possess Izuku. A couple of pro heroes - Death Arms, Kamui Woods, Backdraft and Mt. Lady (who couldn't get into the small alleyway due to her enormous size) - fight the blob of slime in vain. If nothing was done the boy would die.
He had to do something. He made his way through the crowd watching. He heard the boy's mother scream somewhere. After clearing the crowd he saw the whole scene. The explosion seemed to have been caused by a car forcefully thrown into the ground and fires were being fought by Backdraft who waited for assistance from the fire department.
Kamui Woods was doing his best rescuing people and Death Arms made attempts at rescuing the boy.
"He's trying to possess him," Izuku muttered to himself as he realized. "I could save him... " he whispered, very conflicted. Last time he's used his power on another person he had gotten them killed.
It was not your fault…
It was not his fault… It was an accident. He could be a hero!
With a loud warcry, Izuku jumped over the barrier the police had set up. He didn't know how to use his power, but he didn't need to. All he knew was that the boy looked like he was asking for help and that was all Izuku needed to know.
All Might was panting as he came riding on his newly stolen bicycle. Stealing bicycles, huh? So much for being a hero…
He arrived at the scene just in time to see Midoriya hop over the blockade and rush the sludge. He also saw that the villain was choking a boy. Risking his life to rescue another…
What truly made his jaw drop was when the boy jumped five meters into the air…
...by using magnetism on the manhole cover below him. Izuku then lifted the solid piece of metal and swung it at the slime before him. I hit! The villain was only just now starting to realize somebody else joined the battle.
"YOU!" the villain cried out as the manhole hit the ground behind it.
Izuku ignored the villain and instead he focused, imagining a stream of energy run from his gut to his fingertips. ZAP! He released the energy that had built up in his arm and a green bolt of lightning struck the villain in its face. Now's my chance!
He reached for the manhole cover he knew was somewhere behind the villain, searching with his mind. Finally, he found it! The villain was just about to recover from the shock but it wasn't fast enough. Izuku concentrated on the manhole cover - it was harder to control when he couldn't see it - and pulled it towards him. On its way to its caller, the manhole cover went through the Sludge Villain, pushing the boy out of its grasp. When the boy was free Kamui Woods extended his branches and grabbed hold of him, placing him down next to some medical staff.
Now I finish it…
Izuku grabbed various metallic items from the wrecked street - the manhole cover, a fallen lamppost, a broken café sign - and launched them all at the slime, that was now prepared. The blob of slime didn't even bother dodging them but simply sucked them into its body.
It sniggered at the boy. "Haha! Is that all you have, kid!? If so you can't do anything to me!" it stated triumphantly.
"We'll see about that!" Izuku shot back angrily, letting the energy flow down both his arms, making his arms tingle from the charge. After letting the pressure build he fired an impressive bolt of green lightning towards the slime. The villain, being unable to dodge efficiently with all the debris in it, didn't move away in time.
The bolt of pure electricity hit the slime and as soon as it did, the metal conducted it throughout the rest of its gooey body, electrocuting it. The slime started shaking violently until it collapsed into a puddle on the ground.
He'd done it.
I saved somebody…
All Might couldn't believe what his eyes told him he saw. The scrawny, freckled boy that was so afraid of using his quirk just defeated a villain not even a group of pro heroes could defeat. He didn't gain anything in saving the boy. Risking his life to rescue another. I have decided - it's got to be him, All Might thought to himself.
The instant the Sludge Villain was scooped up and put into secure containers by the police Izuku received a big scolding by Kamui Woods and Death Arms, not telling him anything he didn't know already. He only half listened, the only thing he cared about was the fact that he had used his powers to save somebody, not kill them.
I can be a hero…
"Anyways, be more careful next time! You don't even have a license, boy. Go home now." said Death Arms to Izuku who just nodded and turned around to walk away… just to almost walk right into a microphone.
"Whoa!" He jumped back after being startled by the reporter - no - reporters. And cameramen. Seemed like every big news channel was there waiting for him. He felt his face turn deep red as he panicked. He had not realized just how many just watched him fight. He saw no way out of the reporter sea and while he tried he was constantly bombarded with questions like: "What's your name?" and "Can you stop for an interview?"
After a while, he couldn't take it anymore and he launched himself away by pulling on the arm of a crane. Since the crane was much heavier than Izuku, he ended up being
pulled towards the crane instead. The reporters surprised and disappointed looks disappeared fairly quickly though as they just then seemed to notice the pro heroes.
As Izuku landed in a nearby alley he was left trying to process what had just happened. He decided he'd have time for that later, so instead, he turned to walk home.
A/N: Hello. Hopefully, the first chapter was enjoyable for you! In the next one, Izuku's training to get into U.A. will start. I will also explain his quirk a little more in depth. Reviews and constructive criticism are always appreciated! See you next time.